
The Astral Genius Technocrat Shall Rule the World

"The World's Greatest Mind shall the rule the world..." Following the downfall of a prominent company that developed AEGIS, Rusthania is now back to its former state. Artificial Intelligence which has a record of harming humanity was thrown into oblivion, erasing the traces of what seemed to be a collective memory full of dread. Aiden Agneia, son of the Former Anti-AEGIS leader, is a child prodigy who excels in Engineering, Computer Science, and Chemistry. Born in an environment without the usual spark of early modern technology, he aims to bring forth a new generation of system and AIs that utilizes Astral Magic to help the country and improve public service. But what if these AIs suddenly became sentient? What if they suddenly become alive and can act, feel, or talk like normal human beings? What if they opposed what they should follow? Will his technocratic mindset solves his country's conflict? Or will it become a curse to destroy their peaceful lives? This is a work of fiction. Names, Characters, organizations, laws, etc. are products of the author's imagination or used fictitiously.

CyrixIsUplifted · Sci-fi
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16 Chs

The Birth of the Prodigy


"Ah, he's finally awake, Love!"


"Hmm, I wonder why none of my traits are inherited? He looks much more like you than me..."

"Really? I think his face resembles you though. Oh, but I guess he takes my hair and eyes."

"Indeed, and I think he also got your personality..."

"What do you mean by that?"

"He's not crying at all! Aiden's just looking at us like we're test subjects!"

"Haha! You're right. Ah... You're just so cute, my little baby boy!"

"Can I hold him, Love?"

"Sure. Here, make sure you support his head. They're very delicate and soft. Hold him with your arms like this so that he feels comfortable. Also, make sure you don't shake him too much..."


"Hee hee~ Both of you look cute like this."

Following her instruction, Cian Agneia gently lift the newborn baby from the bed and held him in his arms. His eyes sparkled with excitement as he caresses Aiden's head.

Normally, newborn babies should've been crying all the time even when they are held by their parents. It is a natural instinct that babies do that we can't really avoid. But for some reason, he was... kinda different. Odd maybe, but a calm baby like Aiden is a rare occurrence.

"Oh! He looks really lively!" Aiden raised both of his arms. His expression was joyful, sparkles can be found in his eyes. He chuckled cutely as if he was really glad to see his father's face.

"Seems like he likes his father..." Rena Miyano—Aiden's mother and Cian's beloved wife commented.

She is currently on maternity leave and was prohibited to work on development for a while as she has given birth to her son. The fact that she was able to go through this by sheer will was impressive and made Cian admire her more.

He was really worried when Rena mentioned that she was about to give birth. Panic rose to their household as he scuttled around asking for help and for some advice.

Even when they brought Rena to the hospital he was still anxious and insisted on talking to her before the delivery. Fortunately, Rena was able to calm him down with some deep reassurance accompanied by a sweet talk, and that brought Cian down.

He was really sweaty when he waited outside the room, praying that both his Wife and child would be safe after this.

They've been through a lot, but this special day was also a challenge for both of them. Being a parent is usually difficult especially when there is no plan involved. But Cian ultimately decided to take responsibility and declared that he would start a family and now here they are.

"Question, Love..." Cian turned to Rena.

"What is it, honey?"

"Why did you name him Aiden?" A good question. The one who actually proposed the name was Rena herself to which Cian agreed because he thought it was something really special and well-thought. But he hasn't really heard the reason behind the name.

"Hmm, let me hear what you think first... Why do you think I picked this name?" Rena returned the question back to him as if she was trying to test Aiden's ability to discern the reason.

Could he form any special connection with the events that happened for her to come up with this name?

Cian looked at the ceiling for a while and then gazed back at Aiden.

"Let's see... I guess it's because you like technology?" Cian wasn't one hundred percent sure but he was quite confident with the answer, assuming that it was only logical.

"Ara..." Rena widened her eyes before giggling. "Well, it's true that I like technology but what about it? What made you think that Aiden is connected to technology?" She questioned him again, this time she was rather eager for a logical explanation.

Cian could feel her gaze as if he was currently being interviewed for an important job. He thought back once again and then...

"Well, umm... Aiden is somewhat of a modern name, right? I noticed that the first syllable of his name, which is Ai, could be interpreted that it was based on the abbreviation for Artificial Intelligence which is AI. And you are a former Sphereshine engineer who loves to develop AI and other systems so..."

Rena nodded as she listened to her husband try his best to break down the name. She gave him a warm smile, feeling impressed by the in-depth analysis of the name itself.

"Hee hee~ That's a really good explanation. I'll give you a seven out of ten for that one." She clapped while giggling.

"Really? Am I that close to what you think?" He asked.

"Mhmm. I actually have thought of that as well, which is why the abbreviation AI is present. But I wanted to stretch it out and give him a special name with a special meaning other than that..."

"So uh... what's the real explanation?"

"Well, the name Aiden actually means 'Little Fire'," Rena answered.

"Little Fire?"

"Yup. It is a gender-neutral Gaelic name. You can think of it as a modern version of the traditional Irish name Aodhán originating from Aodh, which translates to Fire. According to Irish mythology, Aodh is known to be the Celtic god of sun and fire who fell in love with Ila, the earth goddess. In short, Aiden is a lively name representing energy and warmth, which is why it is called Little Fire." She explained.

Cian gaped as he comprehend all of the information that was passing by. He already knows how intelligent his wife is but to think that she could even stretch out a simple name to that extent. It was considerably unique.

"W-Wow... As expected of you, my Love. You really do know a lot!" He could only smile at her explanation.

"By the way, Ai also means Love in Japanese... We made Aiden with love and affection so I also considered that." Rena winked with the added information.

"You even considered that?!"

"Haha, sure did~"

"You seriously are..." Cian heaved a sigh as he smiled. He then walked toward the bed and sat beside Rena while carrying Aiden.

Sensing his warmth, Rena leaned her head on his shoulder as they both held Aiden's cute little hands.

Who would have thought that the Silver-haired strongest Human Weapon in the world and the Smartest Female Sphereshine Engineer would have a child in the present?

It wasn't an easy path for sure. They went through a lot of things, including being on the verge of death before they could tackle peace and settle somewhere peaceful and marry each other. But now that is over, they have finally found it.

"Goo... Ack!" Aiden made some cute noise as he watched his parents' faces. "Brrpt! Aha!"

The doomsday finally ended. This was the start of their new life and it is also the journey of their newborn son.

"I'm so glad that I met you, Love." Cian pulled Rena closer, embracing both his wife and kid.

"Mhmm, me too..." Rena kissed him on the cheek as she returned the embrace.

They've been dreaming about this scenario for so long and it finally happened.

There is no greater happiness than seeing a happy family live a fulfilling life.


After a few weeks of rest, Rena got discharged and was finally given permission to return back to their mansion in the Main Capital of Rusthania—Neo Arcadia.

They actually didn't have their own house when they started living together but after saving the country, a reward was given to them and Cian invested it in the family. That includes, of course, this new mansion and a couple of business stuff on the side.

The remaining monetary rewards were saved through the bank and he promised that they will only use it when things get rough. Though Rena doubts that would happen since both of them have stable jobs.

""Welcome Home, Mr. and Mrs. Agneia.""

A head maid and a butler greeted them with a bow upon their arrival inside.

"Mhm! Thank you for taking care of the house while we're gone, Layla and Harold" Rena smiled.

"You're welcome, Ma'am. It is our pleasure to be of great service to the two of you. Also, congratulations on the birth of your son."

"He's really cute~!" Harold the Butler, and Layla the Head maid responded.

"Hee hee~ Come, Aiden. Meet our lovely caretakers!" Rena gently raised Aiden as Harold and Layla moved closer.

"O-Oh! Incredible! Majestic! Handsome!" Harold's eyes widened as he meet the baby.

"Ma'am Rena, can I touch little Aiden?" Layla asked in a playful tone.

"Of course, here you go..."

"Uwoooghhh!" As she couldn't contain the excitement, Layla touched Aiden's soft cheeks and then squeezed his tiny hands. She was expecting him to cry but he didn't. Instead, Aiden looked at her with a smile, seemingly liking her appearance and approach.

"Uwah~ He's really cute! Can we play with her, Ma'am?" She asked.

"Only after all of you are done with the household chores..." Rena winked.


And so the maids started doing their work without any rest. Cian and Rena seemed to have noticed that they are more fired up than usual which worried them to a degree.

"Are they really that eager to play with my Son?" Cian inquired as he watched them.

"Well, they have been looking forward to it for nine months. They kept pestering me about it and it seems like they want to help me take care of him." Rena answered.

She then recalled and explained all of the events that transpired during her pregnancy days and Cian listened with a positive expression.

In truth, it's not just the maids or the butlers that are excited for Aiden. Even their co-workers and former saviors were looking forward to Aiden's birth.

They gave massive support to the two, expecting that their child will become somewhat famous because the two of them are like pillars of hope in their country.

"I guess our little show has made our son quite a bit famous, don't you think?" Cian asked.

"I'd say it is a very good advantage for him..." Rena clung to Cian's arm as she watches Aiden interact with the maids.

"What do you mean?"

"With this many people who are supporting him, I'm sure he'll grow up fine. The guidance he will receive will be helpful in the future and if he finds himself in trouble, there would be a lot of them to aid him and give some advice." She answered.

"Well, that's true..."

The way children grows is affected by the environment that they are in most of the time. Their mindset develops proportionally to how they interact with the world that they are living.

If a child grew up in the slums, there is a high chance that he or she would spend his or her time outside or playing with the other kids while trying their best to look for food to survive. But there's also a chance that they would get aware of their circumstances and change their way of living to get some fulfillment.

These children would either accept their fate to live in the slums or work hard to get out of it.

The same set of scenarios is also visible depending on how you grew up.

Poor families will work hard and the child will also work hard to help them. Rich families would spoil their offspring, and that child would be susceptible to high demands and might grow up selfish or bratty.

A child's path is affected by these factors.

And if Aiden will grow up in a household in which all people living support or love him, he would either grow up with a kind heart that will also support other people or become entirely dependent which would lean to the negative side of evolution.

"Either way, I'll have to make sure that Aiden knows what's wrong and right. I'll have to do my best as his Mother." Rena narrowed her eyes as she declare her duty. "You should also do your responsibility as a father too!"

"R-Right! Of course..." Cian responded. She already had him in her grasp.

After a few hours, the house was finally cleaned and all of the maids got their rest. Though instead of using their free time to do their hobbies, they went to Aiden's cradle and played with him.

"Here, little Aiden. I made this toy for you..."


"S-S-Should we feed him?"

"With what?"

"Y-You know? Milk? Breastmilk?"

"Leave the breastfeeding to Ma'am Rena, Millie. Did you know that there is a risk of passing infectious diseases when breastfeeding another child?"

"Guh! H-How did you know all of this, Sarra?" Milli asked. Disappointment can be seen on her face.

"I am a medical student before, don't you remember?"

"Oh, so that's why you're in charge of Madam's needs."

"That's quite correct. Anyway, Layla will be here in a second, so let's enjoy this little time as much as we can."

And so the Maids continued to play with Aiden until he fell asleep.

Even the group itself has never seen themselves get excited while looking at how the toddler sleeps. Layla encouraged most of them to not make any noise as babies are rather sensitive to it and loud sounds can easily damage their hearing.

She also discussed diaper changing while Rena is present. It seems like they already had a plan on what to do so Rena approved the delegation of the task while still being the final judge.

As for the breastmilk... Well, they already know what to do with that as well so there's no point in divulging it.

Cian, on the other hand, researched a lot of things about how to take care of a baby child including how to hold them properly, how to support them, and how to interact with them. He even considered lessons on how to stop them from crying which is kinda useless at this point because Aiden doesn't cry.


Days passed.

A few relatives came to visit including Rena's parents who seems to be in a good mood yet at the same time, intimidating.

Cian and Rena sat beside each other while Rena's mother, Mrs. Miyano interrogated Cian. Mr. Miyano is currently tending to his grandson so he's not part of the crew right now.

"How are you feeling, Rena?" Mrs. Miyano asked.

"I'm doing quite well, Mother. I've followed exactly what you told me upon my arrival here." Rena answered formally with a smile which relieved her Mother.

"Good. Did you maintain a healthy diet? Are you eating the foods that I recommend to you?"

"Yes. I've also taken a few postpartum exercises to promote healing and recovery. I've avoided heavy tasks as well and left the chores to our servants. There's nothing to worry about, really." Rena reassured her.

"Is that so...?" Mrs. Miyano narrowed her eyes, seemingly trying to check Rena's entire body. "Well, you seem to be fine so I guess you're telling the truth. You..." Cian jolted as she pointed her gaze at him.

"Y-Yes?" Cian was calming himself up until now but he still couldn't relax.

"Are you supporting my daughter with her recovery? Are you doing your best to keep her safe? Have you done all of your responsibilities as a father? Are you tending to their needs?" It's like a gun full of questions and all she does is shoot at Cian, who is currently bombarded with it.

"Mother, please don't be too hard on him... He has been doing his best to support me after Aiden's birth. In fact, he even studied a lot on how to help me raise him." Sensing the harsh way of approach, Rena mediated and answered for her husband.

"Is that true?"

"Y-Yes! I've taken care of everything and I'm currently doing the housework as well. I'll do my best to keep both of them safe, Mrs. Miyano." Cian answered with great confidence.

She smiled upon his answer, seemingly satisfied with it.

(Still, do the Miyanos have some secret with their genes? Mrs. Miyano is already old but her looks are somewhere in her mid-twenties. It wouldn't be a surprise if someone told them that they look more like Sisters rather than a mother and a daughter.)

Cian gazed back at Rena before pointing to her mother.

"Well, then. Since we have no issues here anymore, I suppose I'll go take a look at my cute grandson."

Rena then took her Mother to the room and they both spent some time playing with Aiden.

Cian heaved a sigh and noticed that Rena's father was waiting for him in the lounge.

"You seem to be distressed, did my Wife scare you?" He asked.

"Y-Yes. I thought I was going to get bitten. Anyway, did you have fun with my son, Father?" Cian sat down.

"Yes. He's really handsome, by the way. I can see my daughter's genes in him. Did you have fun when you two made him?"

"W-W-What are you saying, Father? P-Please don't ask questions like that here!" Cian panicked at the sudden question.

"Hahaha! Timid as always. I bet Rena is the one who took the lead..."

"Haha..." Cian smiled, but it wasn't a happy smile but rather, a scared and awkward smile that recalls that scary night.

"Seems like you've had a bad and amazing experience... Did she work you too hard?"

"I don't even know what happened. All I remember is that I woke up in the afternoon... really really tired..."

"So you two did it until morning! Gahahaha! You're in for something my boy!" Mr. Miyano guffawed as they talked about the experience.

"W-What about you, Father?"


"W-What happened when you made Rena?" A forward and bold question, indeed.


Cian raised his palm. He already understood the answer and Mr. Miyano picked up with him.

Both of them slumped as they recalled their first night with the scary ladies in the other room.

Meanwhile, Rena and her Mother are talking about shopping for Aiden's needs.