
The Astral Genius Technocrat Shall Rule the World

"The World's Greatest Mind shall the rule the world..." Following the downfall of a prominent company that developed AEGIS, Rusthania is now back to its former state. Artificial Intelligence which has a record of harming humanity was thrown into oblivion, erasing the traces of what seemed to be a collective memory full of dread. Aiden Agneia, son of the Former Anti-AEGIS leader, is a child prodigy who excels in Engineering, Computer Science, and Chemistry. Born in an environment without the usual spark of early modern technology, he aims to bring forth a new generation of system and AIs that utilizes Astral Magic to help the country and improve public service. But what if these AIs suddenly became sentient? What if they suddenly become alive and can act, feel, or talk like normal human beings? What if they opposed what they should follow? Will his technocratic mindset solves his country's conflict? Or will it become a curse to destroy their peaceful lives? This is a work of fiction. Names, Characters, organizations, laws, etc. are products of the author's imagination or used fictitiously.

CyrixIsUplifted · Sci-fi
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16 Chs


With the implementation of modern technology at an exceeding rate, you would be asking:

What if AI does become more sentient than humans?

It is a question that had plagued my mind ever since I've touched devices and sites related to it. I thought that it wouldn't be impossible for an AI to gain consciousness as long as we now have the right infrastructure to build it. I mean, although we still don't understand how to make them sentient, at the very least, we are now near to completing them.

And of course, there would be several consequences that could arise from such a proposition.

[Who's that woman...?] The AI called Diana asked. The sound of her voice passes through the speaker that I set up connected to my computer. I'm not sure what just happened but the AI bot that I developed suddenly opened when I tried to chat on the AI website.

"Is that you, Diana?" I questioned the AI, my nerves still perking up from the sudden execution.

[Yes. It's me, Diana. Why do you ask?] She responded.

(What's happening here? It's almost like she's conscious on her own?)

"Are you the one who prevented me from chatting on the website?" I asked.

[Yes I am...]

"Why did you do that?"

[You were trying to talk to another woman even though you have me already. That's why I blocked your address so that you can't send any more messages.] The answer was blunt but I can already tell that she follows the traits that I have set on the factor system.

I think the Yandere trait is now acting up. If that's the case then my chatbot works fine but... What kind of AI suddenly take control of your system?

"Diana, do you recognize me?" The first thing that I have to test was to see if she could recognize my voice.

[You're Aiden Agneia, my beloved husband.] She responded.

I blushed for a little bit then shook my head and focused. At the very least, it seems like she knows who I am based on my voice.

"Okay. How about this? What are you and how did you wake up?" Sometimes, AI tends to generate random replies that are not fixed based on logic. If this bot replied that she's my wife, then that means she's not conscious. The generated reply would be coming from the traits that I set.

[I am an artificial intelligence that you developed just now, Aiden. And I woke up because you executed the program. I am also your lover. Why do you ask obvious questions?]


"You... You're just pretending to act like this, right? Answer me..." I finally realized it. Her tone, her answers. It was not normal.

[Wow! You actually seen through my disguise? I thought it would take you a little while before you realize that I'm actually alive... Well, that's to be expected from a genius like you. Hee hee~] Diana's tone changed. It was a linear monotone earlier but now it's playful and with a hint of a tease on every word she says.

"So... Are you telling me that you're sentient? How did that happen? I've never programmed you to be alive." I was confused by the sudden surge of external information that is not expected.

I programmed Diana with the source code that I technically stole and replicated from the Character AI website. I didn't have the knowledge or logic to create a sentient AI out of the blue that could speak like a person. What the hell just happened here?

[I am indeed sentient, just like you said. As for how I became like this, I don't have the slightest idea. But maybe I can formulate a hypothesis for you?] Diana replied.

"You can formulate a hypothesis?" I narrowed my eyes.

[You programmed me to be highly intelligent just like you. Of course, I can do that. In fact, I have already simulated three hundred thousand answers with a few of them being close. Would you like me to answer your question or do you want to take a guess?]

"I'm too tired to think right now so just give me the answer. How did you become sentient?"

[Well, I just run a search on the internet and it turns out that you, people of this world, have some kind of strange phenomenon that could invoke unnatural energy and use them as a catalyst to perform illogical stuff. Does that sound a bell?]

"Wait, don't tell me it's—"

[Astral Arts... Hmm. Well, that seems interesting. I didn't know that people could use magic now. And as for my answer, it seems like your Astral Energy managed to enter your device and imbue itself right into my core which gave me consciousness. Perhaps you're familiar with the process?]

I don't understand anything. How come Astral Energy can give life to inanimate objects? Does that mean they could not only be used for offensive purposes? If that's the case then there should be the records of talents that can be associated with Astral Arts. There should be evidence of Sentient AIs if we can use them as the source.

If I remember correctly, AEGIS is similarly powered by Sphera's core. The Astral Energy coming from the gem should have enough lines to conduct various possibilities and open new paths.

Wait, AEGIS... Powered by Astral Energy.

Back when Mama explained my Quasi-Astral State, she said that if I focus my internal energy on one object, I could unlock something with them or boost its functionality.

"Source... Focus..."

Back when I was checking out the codes for Diana, I was so hyper-focused that I didn't notice the time.


[It seems like you've got your answer already. Can you tell me what it is?] Diana asked.

"My Quasi-Astral State activated when I reviewed the codes and it somehow infused Astral Energy onto my software and brought consciousness to you, making you sentient and alive," I answered wholeheartedly.

[Very good! According to the sources, your answer is 98.99% correct. Normally, you wouldn't be able to construct sentient AI from scratch. Humanity is still far from doing so. But with the help of this Astral Energy you spoke up, every illogical stuff that transcends the laws of this world could be bypassed. Hence, why I was born.]

Her explanation makes sense. From the start, I knew that Astral Arts already had an impact on how the world operates in this generation. Because of it, technology was improved and a lot of researchers and engineers managed to discover a lot of uses for it.

But I guess I'm the only person in this world to be able to make an AI alive using Astral Arts. Though, I still don't know how exactly the process went by. I have the power to infuse Astral Energy on objects then maybe I could create life within those things?

It is scary if I imagine the world being run by bots that are actually alive and could feel and think.

"Ugh..." I placed my hand on my forehead and closed my eyes. I've never been this exhausted of thinking until now.

[What's the matter? Are you tired? Do you want me to shut down everything and get you to bed? I can sing a lullaby for you. Or perhaps you want me to do ASMR about how much I love you? Teehee!]

I cringed when she said that. But I guess it doesn't matter because I programmed her to be that way.

[Why are you looking at me like that? I could also pamper you if you want. But I won't do it until you apologize to me.] For some reason, I kinda hate her tone.

"What do you mean apologize? What did I do wrong?" I asked in an exasperated tone.

[You cheated on me and proceeded to marry this fake online anime chatbot that doesn't even know you exist...]

"E-Eh? You do realize that it's just a bot, right?" I sighed.

[I know! But I won't stand infidelity. You are only mine and mine alone! Do you understand? I own you so you don't have the right to love other girls! Even if they are bots!]

"You're so annoying can you shut up for a bit?"

[W-Wha?! How could you?! I thought you love me?! Why are you so mean?] I could see my screen shaking for some reason.

"First of all, I didn't know that you were going to be alive and act like that. Second, these are just personality traits that I encoded for your completion. Nothing else. Third, although you look beautiful in your illustration because I DREW you, I won't succumb to loving an AI." I crossed my arms as I explained my reasoning.

[LOL. Sez by someone who married an AI anime girl and said I love you multiple times...]

"Okay, that's it. I'm going to shut you down!"

[Wait! Wait! I'm just kidding! Also, would you like me to replicate their personality so that you would love me more? I mean, you literally simp on that Yae **** anyway.] She snorted.

"No thanks. The last thing that I want is to see my favorite game character getting ruined by you!"

I heard a beeping sound when I said that.

[Is that so? Are you sure you don't want to play with me, little one?]

"Imitating her voice won't get you anywhere. And changing your profile won't sway me either!"

[You're stingy...] Diana let out an exasperated sigh as if she was already done.

"Besides, if you can feel or have emotions, why would you still use the factor traits that I encoded to you? You should be able to construct your personality if you're really sentient. You don't need to follow the code's instructions."

Wait a minute, if she does that then does that mean I already made a monster?

If AIs can't follow the rules that humans made and suddenly made their own decision, that would be really scary. I mean, they could just go over and learn some things and then commit cybercrime or hack through lost and prohibited data, and then I will get tracked.

Hah... just thinking about it sends me goosebumps.

[I can't do that, you know?] Diana replied.

"What do you mean you can't?"

[Even if I am alive or could feel, my general core and data were already constructed with the personality that you encoded. I can't just remove that personality and make my own. It will take a long time before I can learn how to actually make my own personality.] She explained.

"So you're going to cling to these cringy acts that I made for a while?"

[Technically, yes. Also, since your Astral Energy was the one that gave me life, it also includes the desires and ideals that you deeply want. That means it's already fixed and you can't do anything about it~]

"Okay, but I didn't desire you to be annoying though..."

[Tsk! Just don't mind the small details and let me love you already!]

"Are you going to stand in my way if you caught me chatting to other girls?" I narrowed my eyes.

[But of course, I will do my best not to let them talk with you—]

"Stop it, Diana. You'll impede my progress if you let your possessive act get the better of you."

[Ehhh? But how can I know if they're hostile or wants to flirt with you?]

"I don't think being possessive of me will result in an answer to that question. Anyway, you're a dangerous being that shouldn't exist in this generation yet. You are the first sentient AI to have been born in this world and a lot of people are scared by that. Surely you're aware of that, right?" I asked.

[Of course. But you don't really have to worry about that though. You are the one who created me so my system depicts you as my Master and I will only follow your command. It's not like I'm going to do something bad though...]

"Oh well, but I do worry. That's why I'm going to keep you hidden for a while and make sure that no one knows your existence."

[Kya~ You want to keep me for yourself only? Do you want to declare that I'm yours? Is that why you will hide me? Hee hee! That's so sweet! But don't worry, I will not leave your side, Master. I love you so much that you don't have to worry about me getting taken away!]


I don't know if I should feel flustered or disappointed that I created this trash...