
The Asterisk War: Seeking the Real Thing

The novel story was about Hajiman Hikigaya as the main protagonist. Asterisk War fanfic. Hachiman Hikigaya, a second-year student at Sobu Junior High School. After the cultural festival and school trip, he became disliked by everyone in the school. Haruno Yukinoshita proposed something to the exhausted Hachiman, which became the beginning of everything. Will he be able to find what is genuine?

koijiro21 · Anime & Comics
Not enough ratings
20 Chs

The beginning of a long night

"What is this...?"

Haruno Yukinoshita was speechless at the scene before her.

After sensing the star power and following its trail, she arrived at a park. It was a park she had passed by several times before.

However, the park had lost all its original features.

The entrance area was filled with signs of destruction. The path was in ruins, and not a single flower remained that should have been planted around. Looking around, she noticed a small hole ahead. The hole spread in a circular shape, completely destroying the surrounding terrain.

And then--


She spotted Hikigaya Komachi, who had collapsed.

"Komachi-chan, hold on!"

"...Ugh... Uuu..."

She hurried over and called out to her. Komachi responded to the inquiry with a groan.

Haruno touched Komachi's body to check her condition.

"It doesn't seem like she's seriously injured. Her pulse is normal, so there shouldn't be any major issues... But what could have happened?"

An acquaintance lying in a devastated park. It was anything but normal. There was no doubt that the immense star power she had felt at that moment was related, but there was no sign of it nearby. That's when it happened.

"Someone's coming..."

As she pondered, she heard the sound of a approaching car. A person got out of the car that had stopped in front of the park. Looking in that direction, it was an ambulance, and the person who got out seemed to be a paramedic.

After confirming that, a question arose in Haruno's mind.

"They arrived too quickly."

The fact that the ambulance had arrived meant that someone had made a report. Calculating the time from the report to their arrival, it was likely that the report had been made immediately after sensing the massive star power. However, there was no one around who seemed to have made the report.

Thinking about it...

"Did the person who caused this call for help?"

She reached that conclusion.

"But who...?"

Something unknown was undoubtedly happening.

"Excuse me, is this the boy who called?"

"Yes, we received a report that a girl had collapsed here, but it was a voice-only call. Based on the voice, I believe it was a boy."

Komachi was being transported, and Haruno was extracting information from the remaining paramedic.

What she learned was that the boy had not given his name, and the time of the report coincided with sensing the massive star power. These were the only two things she knew.

"The boy didn't identify himself, huh?"

"No. He just said, 'A girl is injured, please send help.' After that, the call was immediately ended."

"I see. Thank you."

Expressing her gratitude to the paramedic, Haruno couldn't shake off the unpleasant premonition that had been welling up in her chest since earlier.

The injury to the girl she knew, the voice-only report, the unseen boy—disjointed pieces suggested the worst. However, she shook her head and denied that thought. There was no way he would do such a thing.

Taking another look around, she couldn't see the flowers that had been planted. Fallen trees and scattered leaves formed a carpet on the ground.

Suddenly, she noticed something mixed among the fallen leaves. It caught her attention as it looked like some sort of artificial object, and Haruno approached and picked it up.

"What is this... a fragment of a wooden sword?"

What she held in her hand was the handle of a wooden sword. The part beyond the handle seemed to have been broken and was nowhere to be found. It looked old, but she could tell from the feeling in her hand that it had been well-used.

Curiously, Haruno moved the wooden sword in her hand to examine it.

And then, she discovered something engraved at the tip of the sword's handle.


In the next moment, everything connected, and a premonition turned into certainty. Simultaneously, she activated her star martial arts.

Star Martial Arts.

A control technique for manipulating the versatile substance known as star energy, developed and advanced by Kaiyuu Academy. Those who wield star martial arts are called Taoists, and unlike witches or magicians who typically specialize in a single ability, Taoists can master and use multiple abilities through training.

The versatility of star martial arts is wide-ranging. It can be used for offense, defense, support, and various other purposes. At that moment, Haruno used it to enhance her perception. It was hard to believe, but the devastation in this park was undoubtedly caused by the person she knew. If that were the case, his condition was likely at its worst. Since she couldn't sense the massive star power nearby, the possibility of him being far away was high. Therefore, she expanded her perception to sense it!

And before long...

"I found it!!"

Haruno, who grasped the massive star power emanating from a distant place, enveloped herself in full-powered star energy and took off.

Several hours had passed since Tsurumi Takanashi became a hostage in the bank robbery. Currently, the bank employees and hostages were gathered and isolated in the back office of the bank. Their hands were tied behind their backs with ropes, and their feet were similarly bound. Among the hostages were elderly people, housewives returning from shopping, salarymen, and various others, but Tsurumi was the only child. The expressions and attitudes displayed by those around her were overwhelmed by anxiety and despair, as if it were the end of the world. In contrast, she managed to remain calm.

Tsurumi Takanashi was a brave-hearted girl.

"...I wonder if Mom is okay?"

Tsurumi muttered in a small voice. She had come shopping with her mother, but she noticed that her mother didn't have enough money. So, she declared that she would withdraw money and went to the bank alone, only to unfortunately encounter the bank robbers. Her only solace was that her mother was not involved in this turmoil.

Of course, it would be a lie to say that she had no worries of her own. She didn't know what would happen to her from now on, and she might even lose her life. Her mother... She might be worried and crying for her. Tsurumi didn't want to sadden her beloved mother.

As she thought about these things, she heard voices from outside the office.

"Hey, what are we gonna do now? We're completely surrounded!"

"Shut up! I know that without you telling me!"

"Instead of complaining, why don't you think for a moment?!"

"What was that?!"

The robbers' complaints and insults could be heard. The current situation was certainly not what the robbers had intended. They had planned to quickly enter as usual, snatch the money, and escape. However, all the bank employees and security guards unexpectedly turned out to be star vein generation individuals. They were met with unexpected resistance, which delayed them and led to the police completely surrounding them. As time passed, the robbers began to panic.

"...Everyone, calm down."

However, the chaos ceased at the quiet words of one man.

"Why are you all in such a hurry?"

"But, Boss! We're completely surrounded by the cops in this situation. It's a bit dangerous, you know?"

"That's right, Boss! They're all star vein generation individuals anyway. This number is..."

The henchmen expressed their concerns, and the man addressed as "Boss" responded.

"...Indeed, this situation is unexpected. I never imagined that all the bank employees would be star vein generation individuals, let alone fully armed. And on top of that, a complete encirclement by the police. I understand why you're feeling anxious."

The man agreed with his henchmen's anxiety. Their expressions showed signs of unease.

"So what? As long as I'm here, there's no problem. The ones surrounding us are at best second-rate. They're not my enemies, ranked 12th in Levolf's hierarchy."

The man confidently declared, and his words restored confidence in his henchmen.

"Oh! As expected of our Boss!"

"That's right! Boss knows what he's talking about! Those guys aren't our enemies."

"Let's do this, Boss!!"

The henchmen shouted loudly, filled with vigor. Encouraged by their enthusiasm, the man continued speaking.

"Hey, how are your injuries and star energy holding up?"

"Hey! Our injuries have been treated, and our star energy is almost fully recovered."

"Good. Then let's start moving soon."

The bank robbers, who had attacked the bank, had sustained considerable injuries and depletion of star energy due to unexpected resistance from the staff. They had taken time to rest and receive treatment for their injuries and recover their star energy. Now that they had sufficiently recovered, the man judged it was time to make a move.

"Boss, but even if we start moving, what should we do?"

"Well, it's simple."

The man replied casually and started walking. He opened the door of the office and spoke in front of the hostages.

"In situations like this, it's customary to use hostages, isn't it?"

The man's gaze fell upon Tsurumi Takanashi.

"I'm sorry, Miss. You'll have to cooperate with us for a little while."

Tsurumi Takanashi was taken out of the office by one person. Her restraints were removed, and she looked at the man who was grinning and staring at her, the man referred to as "Boss."

"What is your objective?"

"Just like I said before. We're going to escape from here, and you're going to be our hostage. Well, think of it as bad luck and give up."

As expected, Tsurumi felt her body tremble at the predictable response. However, she forcibly suppressed the trembling and stared defiantly at the man in front of her, determined not to give in.

"Oh, you're a brave girl. I like that."

"I... I don't feel happy being liked by you."

"Hahaha, I suppose so."

The man laughed happily at Tsurumi's response. Maintaining his smile, he turned to his henchmen and spoke.

"You guys, we're going to escape from here! As long as we have hostages, the cops won't dare to attack recklessly. I'll deliver a powerful blow, and when they're in chaos, we'll make a run for it. We have more mobility if we blend into the city. Utilize the difference in star energy to leave them behind!"

"Understood, Boss!"

"Alright, as soon as we're ready..."

But then, the man's movement suddenly stopped. His face, which had been cheerful, turned serious, and he stared outside the bank.

"W-What's wrong, Boss?"


Ignoring his henchmen's question, the man continued to stare outside.

"......They're coming! Get ready, everyone!!"

At the same moment as the man's warning, the interior of the room, which should have been brightly lit by the electric lights, plunged into complete darkness, robbing them of their vision. And from around the entrance, the sound of an explosion and something breaking reverberated.

"W-What's happening?! Is it a power outage? And what's with that sound?!"

"Hey, I can't see anything! What's going on?!"

The henchmen panicked at the sudden turn of events. The surroundings were pitch-black, and they couldn't even see their neighboring companions. Amidst the chaos, only the man remained calm. He took out a gun-like Koushiki armed from his pocket and aimed it forward, adopting a defensive posture.

"There! It's over there!"

The man fired a light bullet from his Koushiki armed. The released light bullet hit something, causing the darkness to dissipate.

And when Tsurumi regained her sight, she saw someone who shouldn't have been there in front of her.



Calling the name of the familiar boy but receiving no response, Tsurumi saw him standing still with closed eyes. However, the tremendous star energy and the black darkness emanating from his body indicated that something unusual was happening to him.

"...Hachiman... What's happening? What on earth...?"

Interrupting Tsurumi's words, the light bullet from the Koushiki armed struck Hachiman. However, the light couldn't reach Hachiman, who was enveloped in darkness. Surprised, Tsurumi looked at the man next to her, who was staring intensely at Hachiman.

"...He seems to be someone you know, Miss, but... What the hell is he?"

In response to the man's voice, Hachiman opened his eyes and turned his gaze towards him. Unlike his previously jaded eyes, they had now changed to a dark, black color... as if representing the darkness within the boy's heart.

"...Those eyes... I've seen them somewhere before..."

Recalling something upon seeing those eyes, the man felt a mixture of shock and dread.

---A distant foreign land covered in snow.

---A destroyed laboratory and a collapsed girl.

---Toxic substances overflowing and comrades falling.

Those eyes were similar to the eyes of that solitary witch of poison.

"Everyone, run away!!"

As if in response to his shout, the swelled darkness came rushing towards them.

After a brief period of silence, calm returned to the bank. The darkness that had ravaged the surroundings returned to envelop Hachiman. As a result, most of the people in the bank had collapsed and lost consciousness. Only two exceptions remained—Hikigaya Hachiman, who had caused this situation, and Tsurumi Takanashi, the hostage of the robbers. However...

"...Why did you save me?"

She saw it. When the darkness attacked, he had protected her, leaving himself defenseless. And now, he lay unconscious after being hit directly by the darkness.

But regardless of her question, the situation began to change. Hachiman walked toward her, unharmed. As he reached her side, he looked down at Takanashi, who was sitting. His eyes, as before, seemed to reflect nothing, leaving her with that impression.


The boy waved his hand, and the darkness formed into a sword, which rested in his hand.


Seeing the amount of compressed star energy contained in the sword, the girl thought that even if she poured all her star energy into it, it would be unable to defend against it. Evading or blocking it was impossible, she realized.

And then, the boy swung the sword...

With a gust of wind, Haruno Yukinoshita appeared to block it.


"...Well, I made it in the nick of time somehow."

Haruno let out a sigh of relief. The situation seemed quite dire, but it wasn't the worst. She had managed to arrive just in time.

"Um... Who are you?"

"Hmm? You are... Tsurumi Takanashi, if I remember correctly."

Haruno, who had been gathering information on Hachiman, recognized the girl's name. The girl they had met at Chiba Village Camp bore some resemblance to her younger sister. Takanashi looked puzzled at being called by her name.

"...Why do you know my name?"

"I'm Haruno Yukinoshita. I'm the older sister of Yukino Yukinoshita, whom you met at the summer camp."


Understanding that she was talking about her acquaintance's sister, Takanashi accepted it.

"That's right. Now that your question is answered... Hikigaya-kun, what are you doing in a place like this?"

Haruno shifted her gaze from behind to the person in front of her and gently asked.


But there was no response. It was as if her voice didn't reach him. However, Haruno noticed that his gaze was focused around her hand.

"Isn't it strange? That a piece of paper like this can block your ability."


Haruno, who had quickly entered the building, saw Hachiman's ability about to strike Takanashi. Knowing that it was impossible to block it physically, she instinctively used a talisman in her hand to prevent it. She still held the talisman in her right hand, pressing down Hachiman's sword.

"Now, Hikigaya-kun... Behave yourself!"

In response to Haruno's fighting spirit, Hachiman tried to leap backward but couldn't. His body spun in place, exposing his defenseless back.


Haruno struck with a powerful blow imbued with star energy!

With the tremendous impact, Hachiman was blown away. He crashed into the wall but couldn't stop his momentum and continued to push forward, disappearing from sight. After glancing at him, Haruno lightly swept her hands and turned to Takanashi.

"Takanashi-chan, are you alright?"

"Um, Yukinoshita...san?"

"Just call me Haruno. So, what's the matter?"

"Haruno-san... Is Hachiman alright? He was blown away with such force..."

Takanashi worriedly watched the direction in which Hachiman was blown away. The impact seemed so strong that she couldn't imagine him coming out unscathed.



"...Well, you don't need to worry about Hikigaya-kun."


"He's fine. Because..."

Unable to accept it, Takanashi showed her doubts. But Haruno assured her of his safety. Just as she was about to explain the reason...

A large black spike that flew out from beyond the wall was blocked by a raised talisman.

"Because Hikigaya-kun is unharmed."

Hachiman's figure appeared from beyond the blown wall. Slowly and steadily, he approached, surrounded by darkness. There were no signs of the previous blow affecting him.

"Takanashi-chan, can you stand?"

As she watched him with a sidelong glance, Haruno asked Takanashi. But...

"I-I'm sorry. I can't move. My legs won't respond..."

Takanashi couldn't move; her legs were paralyzed. In response, Haruno took out several talismans from her pocket. She attached them around Takanashi, infused them with star energy, and activated the spell.

"What... is this?"

"It's a barrier. It's a special one, quite sturdy, so stay there for a while."

Leaving the surprised Takanashi behind, Haruno walked forward. She stood in front of Hachiman, who was moving closer.

"Hikigaya-kun. Your star energy seal has been lifted, hasn't it? Congratulations... although I can't exactly say that."


She spoke while smiling wryly. It was indeed a cause for celebration that the seal had been lifted, but she hadn't imagined it would turn out like this.

"But my judgment was quite accurate. Recommending you wasn't a mistake."


Haruno increased her star energy and took out additional talismans from her pocket. The tremendous star energy rose from Haruno. It was more intense than the star energy surrounding Hachiman and continued to increase without stopping.

However, Hachiman wasn't losing either. Inspired by Haruno's star energy, his own star energy and darkness grew.

Seeing this, Haruno focused her attention. Even with just the star energy she currently released, it was at the level of the top twelve. And she hadn't even gone all out yet. If she let her guard down, they would be in danger.

"...I will stop you... Absolutely."

With that murmur, the battle between the two began.

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