
The Asterisk War: Seeking the Real Thing

The novel story was about Hajiman Hikigaya as the main protagonist. Asterisk War fanfic. Hachiman Hikigaya, a second-year student at Sobu Junior High School. After the cultural festival and school trip, he became disliked by everyone in the school. Haruno Yukinoshita proposed something to the exhausted Hachiman, which became the beginning of everything. Will he be able to find what is genuine?

koijiro21 · Anime & Comics
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20 Chs

Fierce battle

Yukinoshita Haruno, a first-year student at Kairyu Seventh Institute High School.

She transferred to Kairyu Seventh Institute Junior High in her second year of middle school.

She has a friendly personality, is attentive to others, and is well-liked by the students at the school due to her good looks.

On her first day of school, she challenged Ayato Amagiri to a duel but was defeated. Afterward, she became Ayato's disciple.

With exceptional talent and abundant star energy, she helped Ayato develop his latent abilities under the guidance of Ayato.

She excels in close-quarters combat that combines Aikido and Kairyu martial arts, medium-range combat using witch abilities, and long-range combat using celestial arts. In all aspects, she is a formidable fighter and one of the top talents in Asterisk.

With determined gazes, Yukinoshita Haruno releases her star energy and fighting spirit, while Hikigaya Hachiman remains expressionless, emitting star energy and killing intent.

Both of them face each other, releasing immense amounts of star energy. The clash of their star energy creates a mixture of fighting spirit and killing intent, transforming the air into a pressure-filled atmosphere. Even Tsurumi Takanashi, who was just watching, felt as though she was being crushed.

In this extreme situation, Yukinoshita Haruno makes her move.

"...Here I go."

As she murmurs, Haruno disappears. Takanashi, who was watching nearby, saw it that way. In an instant, Haruno leaped into Hachiman's bosom and launched a preemptive strike.


Hachiman couldn't react to the attack. Defenseless, he took the blow head-on.


But it didn't reach Hachiman. The darkness surrounding him acted as a barrier, intercepting the fist.

The fist rejected the intrusion as if repelling the darkness.

"In that case!"

As if saying that one strike wasn't enough, Haruno intensifies her offensive. She adds kicks to her punches and continuously unleashes a flowing barrage of strikes.

However, the barrier of darkness blocks them all. The darkness concentrates on the points of attack, denying any intrusion.

"Not done yet!"

But Haruno's attacks don't stop. The speed of her consecutive strikes gradually increases, and at the same time, Hachiman is gradually pushed backward. Yet, it still doesn't reach Hachiman. Haruno pushes, but she can't break through the darkness's ability and land an effective hit.


With Haruno's spirited shout, her star energy rises further. She directs her increased star energy into both arms and charges at Hachiman. Another powerful blow strikes Hachiman. It's an even stronger strike concentrated with more star energy than before.

Sensing the danger instinctively, Hachiman takes a step back. He creates distance from Haruno. In response, Haruno refrains from pursuing him. She stands still and wears an aggressive smile.

"I see... Let's go all out at once!"

From the previous reaction, she is confident that she can break through his defense. If so, all that remains is to attack.

Once again, as Haruno starts to launch her attack, multiple black spikes attack from the front.

The opponent in front of her increases their star energy and tries to approach rapidly.

Considering the current level of star energy insufficient, Haruno also increases her star energy.

At the same time, she activates her ability. Using darkness as a medium, she generates ten spikes. She locates the target in front.

Swinging her arm, she shoots out the spikes of darkness.

The first five spikes pierce straight ahead and hit the ground just short of the target. They obstruct the direct path towards here. The target's movement abruptly stops. Then, to avoid the spikes, the target changes its course to the side.

In response to its movement, four spikes of darkness attack from the left and right.

However, they miss. Whether the target anticipated her movements or not, it evades the spikes while running towards her. But the target loses its balance and slows down.

Without wasting the opportunity, Haruno launches a final spike from above with tremendous speed.

But the target narrowly evades it while keeping its gaze fixed on her.

The target judges the movements of her star energy. These numbers are not enough to capture it.


The target says something, but she can't hear the words. Even if she could, she wouldn't feel anything.

She generates twenty spikes of darkness, twice as many as before. She simultaneously shoots them all. They head towards the target from every direction: up, down, left, and right.

However, the target is much faster than before, making it impossible to capture. Especially the amount of star energy contained in its fist is extraordinary. With every swing of its arm, it deflects the spikes of darkness, never allowing a direct hit.

She locks onto the target with her gaze, which is moving swiftly. It feels like the second strongest opponent she has encountered so far. In that moment, she suddenly wonders who the first one was.

But she quickly dismisses the thought. It doesn't matter who the first one was, or who the person in front of her is, or why they are fighting. None of it matters.

Right now, all she wants to do is destroy everything, annihilate everything on impulse alone!


As the target shouts something while running towards her, she intercepts it. She releases even more spikes of darkness, attacking relentlessly.

However, the target's star energy rises further. At the same time, its speed increases. It shoots out spikes of darkness, but it rapidly approaches her, leaving its abilities behind. It invades the close-combat range, allowing it to attack once again. In response, she concentrates the darkness in her right hand, forming a barrier.

She receives an intense impact and staggers back about a meter. Attempting to retreat even further, but the target doesn't allow it. It sticks to her as if clinging to her, maintaining the distance between them.

If things continue like this, she will be overwhelmed.

What should she do then?

A voice whispers, and she immediately knows who it is. It was a blunt voice.

―――It's simple.

She answers the question. The answer is incredibly simple.

―――If she strengthens her star energy and abilities.

That's what she thought in that instant. The scenery in front of her changes.

The surrounding landscape transforms into complete darkness, and a slightly open door stands before her. Unlike before, the door is slightly ajar. She thought it was a shame. If she opens it, she can gain even greater power. She touches the door with her hand. The moment she touches it, she immediately realizes. This door opens easily.

―――Are you sure about this?

At that moment, she hears the voice again. It was a warning, a final notice. If she goes beyond this point, there's no turning back.

―――It doesn't matter.

She responds according to her heart's desire. Yes, it doesn't matter. It doesn't matter who she is or what her current situation is. It doesn't matter who the person in front of her is or why they are fighting. None of it matters.

―――That's right, then go wild as you please!

The door creaks open, making a sound.

Behind the door lies complete darkness.

Slowly, slowly, the door continues to open...

In the middle of its movement, the door suddenly stops.

Looking closely at the door, a few black chains remain. They seem to be barely holding the door in place, but the chains are worn and could break at any moment.

Currently, the door is only about sixty percent open...

―――It's enough.

Intense darkness bursts forth from beyond the door!

From Hachiman's body, a star energy much stronger than before is released. And as if provoked by the star energy, the darkness also begins to move. It is darker, blacker, overflowing and engulfing everything. It spreads uncontrollably, even beyond Hachiman's own ability to contain it.

Yukinoshita Haruno stops her movements and watches the scene. The opponent in front of her is strengthening their star energy and abilities, but they are exposing themselves in a defenseless state. It's a perfect opportunity to attack. However, she can't bring herself to launch an attack.

"...Hikigaya-kun... Did it... become so difficult for you?"

Magicians and witches use star energy to activate their abilities. However, these abilities vary greatly. That's because abilities are personalized by the user. Abilities can be seen as a manifestation of the user's imagination and a representation of their own heart.


The darkness seems to reject, deny, and repel everything.

It appears to be filled with lamentation, screams, and a sense of anguish.

She is aware that she herself is partly the cause.

And that awareness stops her movements...

Resulting in her being directly hit by the darkness.


Tsurumi Takanashi screams in despair. Thorn-like darkness descends one after another, trampling over Yukinoshita Haruno.

"Hachiman... stop..."

Ignoring that voice, more darkness continues to pour down. Ten, twenty, a hundred... Their number and intensity do not diminish. Hachiman clenches his fist. Then, the descending darkness compresses and transforms into a dome shape. Eventually, the darkness covers and completely encloses Haruno.


She senses an immense amount of star energy. When Takanashi directs her gaze at Hachiman, she can see the darkness shrinking in his hand. The amount of star energy surpasses that of the darkness thorns by far.

The darkness changes its form, taking the shape of a massive spear. Hachiman grabs the spear and raises it high.

What will he do with that spear? It's obvious at a glance.


As if responding to her scream, the released spear pierces through the dome of darkness.

"A... ah... Haru...no...san..."

In a state of shock and loss, Takanashi calls out Haruno's name. The giant spear pierces into the dome of darkness, and Takanashi doesn't even want to imagine what's happening inside.

Hikigaya Hachiman silently gazes at the dome of darkness. However, after a short moment, Hachiman moves to pursue. Once again, he gathers darkness in his right hand. Darkness and star energy combine to form a spear. It seems like this will be the finishing blow. It is clear at first glance that it is even larger than before.

And Takanashi realizes it.

"No! No, Hachiman!"

Takanashi pounds on the barrier in front of her. However, it is the barrier that Haruno created and said was sturdy. It doesn't budge. Nevertheless, Takanashi continues to pound on it without giving up.

"No! No! No, please stop!!"

While crying out, she keeps striking the barrier. She knows it's meaningless, even though she understands it in her mind. Hachiman holds the spear again and raises it high.


As Takanashi screams in anguish, the spear is released. The spear follows the will of its wielder, creating a thunderous sound as it thrusts forward.

It's already hopeless, Takanashi thought... But

"It's alright."

A voice is heard from the front, and at the same time, all the spears that were embedded in the dome of darkness are blown away from the inside.

Emerging from within is, of course, Yukinoshita Haruno. She takes a stance of aikido with her bare hands against the approaching giant spear, shifting its direction upwards and redirecting it.


And the massive spear changes its trajectory, piercing through the ceiling of the building and disappearing into the darkness above.


Confirming Haruno's presence, Takanashi lets out a voice of joy.

"I'm glad... I thought it was over..."

"Sorry for worrying you. But I'm fine. As you can see, I'm perfectly fine."

Haruno answers while keeping her gaze on Hachiman. There are no visible injuries on her.

"Rumi-chan, just hold on a little longer."

"Huh? What do you mean?"

Takanashi asks, not understanding the meaning of Haruno's words. In response, Haruno answers lightly.

"I'll finish this."

And once again, she faces Hikigaya Hachiman.

"Hikigaya-kun, that was good. Restraining the opponent and then delivering a powerful blow. It's a basic technique, but it's difficult to dodge precisely because of that. It was a good attack."

Haruno praises Hachiman without reservation. Even within Asterisk, it's rare to see such a powerful blow.

"...This won't do as it is."

Haruno looks around and checks something, then takes out a talisman from her pocket. She throws it with both hands and speaks a word.

"Hurry like the law, decree!"

The barrier is activated by those words. It deploys at the spot where the talisman was thrown, guarding the fainted robbers and the door leading to the office. It protects them.

Now the preparations are complete.

"Well then, with this... Hikigaya-kun, I acknowledge it. You are strong now. The amount of star energy and the strength of your abilities are already on par with the twelve at the beginning."

And Haruno is aware. Hachiman's star energy is still rising even at this moment. If time passes like this, there's no telling how strong he will become.

"That's why..."

Haruno looks at Hachiman and says,

"I'm going all out."

In the next instant, Haruno's star energy dramatically increases. Vast star energy swirls around her, drifting around her vicinity as the wind turns into shockwaves and spreads around. And Haruno's fighting spirit also rises significantly, becoming a heavy pressure that assaults Hachiman.

Feeling that pressure instinctively, Hachiman moves away from Haruno. At the same time, he activates his ability. Darkness thorns approach Haruno. There are approximately fifty of them.



With Haruno's words, a wall of crimson flames appears between them. The darkness thorns collide with the wall but cannot break through. They vanish as if melting away in the flames.

"It's futile. That's not enough to break through."

She says calmly. At this moment, Haruno's star energy is far superior. No matter how strong Hachiman's abilities are, as long as there is a difference in star energy, it won't be easy to overcome.

She cancels the wall of flames and starts walking slowly towards Hachiman. Darkness thorns once again approach her. Multiple layers of them try to capture Haruno.

In response, Haruno stops in place, clenches her fist, and envelops it in flames.

And in a flash...

With a single swing of her fist, all the darkness thorns are blown away.

"Your control over your abilities is still lacking. It's understandable since you're a beginner... but when you come to Kairyu, I'll train you."

Haruno further releases her abilities. Crimson flames emitted from her hand envelop her body, increasing their intensity. It has already reached a temperature that even non-Starpulse Generation individuals cannot approach, but it doesn't stop there. It becomes even hotter, higher, and fiercer. With such an image in mind, Haruno continues to enhance her abilities.

And Takanashi Tsurumi witnesses a certain change and lets the words spill from her mouth.

"...Black... flames?"

In the Asterisk, there are individuals who are referred to by their nicknames.

It is mainly given to students who are ranked among the 72 Shrine Festivals of each academy, and it often represents their individual characteristics. This is especially prominent among magicians and witches.

The world's songstress who can manipulate various phenomena by changing her image through singing, the Divine Diva of Quinveil.

Battle Witch (Sigurdryva) Sylvia Lyyneheym.

The girl who controls seemingly infinite star energy and miasma and won the previous Phoenix Festa with overwhelming strength, also known as the strongest witch in Asterisk's history.

Poison Witch (Ellensh-Kigal) Ophelia Landlufen.

The young knight who wields the White Filtration Magic Sword (Ray=Glems) that cuts only specific targets and achieved consecutive victories in the Gryps.

Holy Knight (Pendragon) Ernest Faircroft.

Various martial artists and ability users are called by their respective nicknames. The nicknames serve as proof of being a strong individual, a kind of status. Of course, there are also unknown powerhouses who don't have nicknames.


When she gets serious, her crimson flames turn into jet-black.

It is said that anyone who witnesses those black flames will be burned to ashes, and they will never be unscathed.

With her overwhelming strength and abilities, she was given this name.

Yukinoshita Haruno, Seidoukan Academy Rank 3.

"Black Flame Demon King."

"Now, this is where the real battle begins."

Enveloped in the jet-black flames, Yukinoshita Haruno dashes forward once again.

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