
The Asterisk War: Seeking the Real Thing

The novel story was about Hajiman Hikigaya as the main protagonist. Asterisk War fanfic. Hachiman Hikigaya, a second-year student at Sobu Junior High School. After the cultural festival and school trip, he became disliked by everyone in the school. Haruno Yukinoshita proposed something to the exhausted Hachiman, which became the beginning of everything. Will he be able to find what is genuine?

koijiro21 · Anime & Comics
Not enough ratings
20 Chs

The Asterisk War City

I looked up at the towering dome-shaped building ahead.

According to the information, it can accommodate approximately 100,000 people. It's surprising to think that this place will be filled with spectators during the Star Festival.

Even the obstructed general seats are being traded at auction for prices more than twenty times their original value. It's truly a waste of money. But it also proves how captivated the world is by the Star Festival.

"...Well, starting today, I'm also one of them."

In the past, I would never have imagined coming to Asterisk. I thought it was troublesome to become a spectacle for the world to see.

But maybe it's some kind of causality. Or perhaps it can be called fate.

Now, Hachiman Hikigaya has become Ban Hachiman and is here.

This is the main stage area of Asterisk Central District for the Star Festival. It's a little past noon. Even though it's not during the festival period, the surroundings are filled with tourists, as expected of the main stadium for the Star Festival. You can see people taking commemorative photos everywhere.

"Come to think of it, my terminal is still broken."

The terminal I originally had broke during the battle with Haruno. Since then, I've been training in the mountains, so I didn't really need it. When Hoshimori was around, I would use her terminal if needed, and my mentor didn't own a terminal.

I'd like to get a new terminal if possible, though.

"...I'll go see it when I have free time. For now, I'll wait for the guide to arrive!"

Interrupting my soliloquy, I leaped forward. The next moment, there was a sound of kicking the air from where I was before.

I adjusted my posture, landed, and turned around. But my opponent had already invaded my personal space, and their fist was approaching me. I placed my hand against the fist and redirected it backwards. However, the opponent was not an ordinary person. While evading their flow, I delivered a low kick. But they continued their attack without stopping. I intercepted, redirected, and evaded their attacks. It may have seemed like a martial arts demonstration to some observers. Eventually, the opponent took hold of Hachiman's arm...


They suddenly stopped their movements.

"...Well, Haruno-san, that was sudden."

Hachiman spoke the name of the person in front of him. The assailant was Haruno Yukinoshita. Being here means she is the guide, I suppose.

"Hmm, I didn't expect to be turned down. You've improved, Hachiman-kun."

"Well, I've trained quite a bit. But I don't recall being attacked out of the blue?"

"It was a test, a test. It's normal to be caught off guard or ambushed here. Especially with the Levolf bunch involved."

"...It's dangerous here, isn't it? So, how did I do on the test?"

After hearing Hachiman's words, Haruno extended her right hand.

"Of course, you passed. Welcome to Asterisk! I'm glad to have you here!"

"Thank you for having me."

Hachiman also extended his right hand, and the two shook hands.

"So, you've mainly been training in swordsmanship since then?"

"Yes, that's right. I had a long hiatus, so I had to start from the basics again. I spent half a day sparring and also practiced physical techniques and honed my control of stellar energy."

"Oh, that's how you managed to counter my Aikido."

"...I learned that the hard way before."

After celebrating their reunion, the two immediately left the scene. Haruno's attack had drawn attention to them.

It was just past noon, so they moved to a nearby hamburger shop to have lunch.

"It's been three months since then. It took quite a while. Hoshimori was getting tired of waiting and hasn't been in high spirits lately."

"...Is that so? I did my best to hurry, though."

The last time Hachiman and Haruno met was three months ago. According to the calendar, it's late May, and the daytime sun feels a bit hot.

"Well, the path of the sword is not achieved in a day. Hoshimori understands that too."

"By the way, what happened to Hoshimori? I heard that she was supposed to come to pick me up today, so I thought she would be here."

"Ah, well, that was the plan."

Haruno chuckled.

"What's wrong? Did something happen?"

"No, it's not something like that. Hoshimori got a little too excited when she found out you were coming."


Haruno began to tell Hachiman about the events that happened in the morning.

"Hey, Toramine."

"No, it's not allowed."

"...You haven't said anything yet."

"Until I finish sorting these documents, you can't go anywhere."

Hoshimori looked at the pile of documents in front of her... and averted her gaze from them.

"...You may have gone a little too far."

"...You involved all the disciples in matches labeled as training, and knocked them all out without question. And on top of that, you blew up the dojo. Is that all true?"

Under the cold gaze of Toramine, her eyes wandered, unable to endure it.

"...Haruno did the same thing, so why can't I?"

"The situation is different. She only dealt with those who volunteered and didn't destroy the dojo... Or am I mistaken?"

"Well... um... not exactly."

"Besides, the Six Flower Gardens meeting is tomorrow. There are documents related to the meeting among these papers, so I need you to go through them today. Understand?"

Unable to argue against such an indisputable argument, Hoshimori sighed and gave up.

"Well, well. I guess there's no helping it."

"Anyway, what's Hoshimori doing?"

Hachiman couldn't help but feel exasperated by the trivial reasons. But Haruno's smile softened, and she spoke the following words.

"That's because she was really looking forward to your arrival."

"...Is that so?"

"Yeah, yeah. Ever since she found out you were coming, Hoshimori has been in such a good mood. She got so excited that she went a little overboard. That's all."

Haruno remembered the appearance of Hoshimori.

Two months had passed since Hachiman and Hoshimori parted ways, and Hoshimori's behavior had become strange. She seemed absent-minded and lost her usual energy. Even during battles, she lacked her usual intensity and didn't seem to be enjoying it at all. It was Hoshimori, who everyone recognized as a battle maniac.

However, three days ago, when Hachiman received a message that he was heading to Asterisk, Hoshimori's transformation was remarkable. She instantly became energetic and her spirits soared. As a result, the dojo was blown away.

"...I'm relieved, I am."

"What do you mean?"

Haruno said with a relieved smile.

"When that person said you would become her family, I honestly had my doubts. That person who has lived for over a thousand years welcoming you as her family. I couldn't believe it when I first heard it... but seeing Hoshimori and you now, maybe my doubts were unnecessary?"

"Well... she saved my life, after all."

Hachiman turned his face away, but his cheeks were flushed, clearly showing his embarrassment.

Seeing Hachiman like that, Haruno chuckled.

"Alright. After we finish eating, I'll show you around."

"Please do. By the way, where are we going?"

In response to Hachiman's question, Haruno opened a spatial window on her handheld device. She pointed to it and explained.

"We're currently in the main stage area of the Central District. Let's start by casually exploring the commercial area and administrative area, then head to the Outer Rim Residential District. We'll take the monorail there and make a round trip around Asterisk while heading towards Kairyu. Even from the monorail, you can get a distant view of each academy."


By the way, the primary means of transportation in the Central District is the subway. This was done to ensure that duels among students do not affect regular transportation.

"Well then, shall we go?"


And the two finished their meal and set out into the city.

They first headed to the commercial area. They walked through various stores, from large department stores to small individual shops, mainly popular ones among students and some recommended by Haruno.

Next, they headed to the administrative area. This area was filled with government offices and buildings belonging to integrated corporate bodies.

And there was an important facility for students affiliated with Asterisk in this area. It was the medical clinic.

Healing-type ability users were extremely rare. To ensure that all students from every academy have equal access to medical treatment, an agreement was made to gather them in a medical clinic directly under the jurisdiction of Asterisk.

After finishing the tour, they realized it was already a little before evening. They headed to the Outer Rim Residential District and boarded the monorail. The monorail was a circular line, so by staying on it, they could make a complete round trip around Asterisk.

"Well, how was Asterisk today, after a brief tour?"

"Well, it's as futuristic as I imagined, even though I've seen it on TV. It's so different from the outside."

"Well, infrastructure is heavily invested in by the integrated corporate bodies. Top-class engineers from around the world are gathered here too."

Haruno nodded in response to Hachiman's impressions.

"And maybe it's the number of tourists as well. I didn't expect there to be so many people even outside of the Star Festival."

"Well, it's a holiday today. During the Star Festival, it's even more incredible. The area near the main stadium is overflowing with people, and tourists can hardly move."

"That's impressive."

As they chatted, the monorail continued its journey. They could see a distant view of the lake spreading in blue and the hexagonal-shaped academies.

While talking, they leisurely observed them and passed through the redevelopment area—when it happened.

They felt a strong astral energy coming from a distance.


"Yeah, I know."

They nodded to each other.

"Which direction is it?"

"Yeah. It's about 2 to 3 kilometers away. How did you feel about it, Hachiman-kun?"

"I felt about the same, I guess. But this astral energy... "

Hachiman's words stopped midway. Haruno quickly understood the reason.

"Should we go and see? I think it would be better to have a look if my prediction is correct."

"If Haruno-san insists... then let's go."

Hachiman nodded to Haruno's suggestion. He was curious about the identity of the astral energy they had sensed.

They hurried towards their destination as they flew through the sky. From above, the redevelopment area was mostly filled with abandoned ruins. Most of the buildings were old and dilapidated, and some had turned into slums. In those areas, expelled students from various academies and criminals from outside the city gathered, creating a kind of underworld.

However, not all of the redevelopment area was a breeding ground for criminals. The entertainment district located on the outer edge had relatively stable security, so it wasn't as dangerous as the parts that had turned into slums.

"We're almost there."

"Yes, we're getting close to the destination. Let's land on the ground for now. We might get noticed if we continue like this."


The two landed on the ground and immediately concealed their presence. They briskly moved towards the center of the astral energy manifestation. Of course, without making any noise.

At this point, it was easy to sense the astral energy. They felt two types of astral energy. One was the huge astral energy they had sensed earlier, and the other was a considerably significant astral energy.

And what they saw when they arrived at their destination was...

"...They're still not giving up, Yulis? No matter how many times you try, the outcome won't change."

Yulis was a girl with pure white hair, crimson eyes, and overwhelming astral energy.

"I'm not done yet! It's not over!"

She faced her opponent, Ophelia Landlufen, who had azure eyes and vibrant rosy hair.

Haruno and Hachiman concealed themselves in a position where they couldn't be seen by the two and observed the scene from a distance.

Then, Haruno whispered to Hachiman.

"...Looks like they're in the middle of a duel."

"A duel? Is it something they do when students have a disagreement?"

"Yes, that's right. But one of them was as I expected, but I wonder who the other one is. I don't think she's one of the Twelve Stars mentioned at the beginning, but I feel like I've seen her somewhere."

Haruno opened a spatial window and started searching. The school they belonged to could be easily determined by looking at the school emblem on their chest. She began the search from the top, targeting the higher-ranked ones, and quickly found the answer.

"Ah, there it is. Yulis Alexia von Reuenthal, ranked 17th at Seidoukan Academy. Ah, I see. She's that princess who caused a stir for a while."


"Yes, that's right. She's the first princess of the Kingdom of Lieseltania in Europe."

"Why would such an important person be at Asterisk?"

"It's not particularly rare. Gallardworth and Quinveil have plenty of sons and daughters of nobles, and I'm pretty sure there are other royal members too."

"I see."

After that, they turned their attention to Yulis's opponent.

"You already know who she is, right?"

"Yes. Ophelia Landlufen, the reigning champion of the previous Gryps. The strongest witch known as the Poison Witch. She's one of the strongest in Asterisk, along with Hoshimori."

"...Which one is stronger?"

Hachiman asked out of curiosity. Haruno pondered deeply.

"...I wonder? Personally, I'd like to say Hoshimori is stronger, but it's hard to say. At least, I don't know which one is stronger."

"I see..."

They continued their conversation while the duel between the two girls continued. However, it was clear which one had the upper hand.

"Bloom in full glory―――Dance of the Nine Flames!"

As Yulis shouted, nine flames appeared, each attacking the opponent from a different trajectory.


"Oh my, this is impressive."

"She's not even showing any defensive signs. Moreover, she's unharmed... just like Hoshimori."

"Oh? Does that mean you've experienced something similar, Hachiman-kun?"

"Yes, I had a similar experience during training. It's a great mental blow."

"I agree. It gives you a tremendous sense of defeat."

Ophelia stood there without doing anything in particular, but her astral energy and toxins completely blocked Yulis's attacks.

"...It's futile, Yulis. You can't change my fate. Let's put an end to this."

As Ophelia spoke with a somewhat sad tone, a tremendous stellar energy swelled up. The expanding stellar energy seemed to rise endlessly, as if it were bubbling up infinitely.

And amidst the chaotic manifestation of mana, countless arms emerged from Ophelia's feet. These arms, with their toxic dark-brown color, swayed like a heat haze.

Upon seeing them, Yulis flinched for a moment. However, she remained composed and shouted,

"I won't give up! Until you come back!"

Her cry carried a strength of unwavering determination. Hachiman and Haruno couldn't help but be impressed.

"She's strong, isn't she?"

"Yes, even though she's well aware of the difference in power. Her spirit remains unyielding. Impressive mental strength."


"Well, this is the end."

The conclusion came shortly after.

"Bloom in full glory―――Turn to dust!"

Before Yulis could activate her ability, Ophelia's ability was triggered, and the dark-brown arms attacked Yulis.

And Yulis had no means to defend against it.

"How is she, Haruno-san?"

"Well, her complexion looks bad, but it seems to be a depletion of stellar energy. We'll need to take her to the medical facility."

After the duel ended, Haruno checked Yulis's condition. They couldn't just leave her alone in that state. After confirming her condition, Haruno picked up Yulis and stood up.

"Well then, let's head to the medical facility."


Just as they had come, the two flew through the sky and headed towards the medical facility. During the journey, they discussed the recent events.

"However, is that Ophelia Landlufen? She's truly strong."

"Well, yes. She's the top candidate for the upcoming Gryps. I'm also planning to participate, but if things continue as they are, I won't be able to fight properly. The difference in stellar energy is just too great... Hachiman-kun, your ability could handle it, right?"

Haruno asked Hachiman, recalling the ability he had experienced himself. The ability to restrain the opponent and nullify their abilities by absorbing stellar energy. Hachiman's ability should have a significant advantage in that regard.


"...It's impossible. I didn't tell you, Haruno-san, but my own ability has weakened considerably compared to back then."

"Eh! Is that so?"

"Yes. Currently, I can only use darkness to block the opponent's abilities. Even if I can use it, I probably won't be able to win. My ability is not invincible. I would be overwhelmed by the difference in stellar energy."

"I see. In the end, it comes down to that, huh? No matter how strong your ability is, it's meaningless if there's a difference in stellar energy."

As they continued their conversation while moving, they arrived at the medical facility after a while. They handed Yulis over, and when asked about the situation, they immediately understood when they mentioned Ophelia Landlufen as the cause. They said that her victims always ended up like this.

It seemed that Yulis's treatment would take more than a day. Having nothing else to do there, the two left the medical facility. As they left, a window opened in front of Haruno.

"Oh, a call. The recipient is... from the Water faction, huh. Hachiman-kun, wait for a moment."


Haruno stepped aside and opened the window to start the call.

"Hello? What's up?... I see, I understand. I'll head there immediately."

Haruno closed the window and turned to Hachiman.

"Phew, it seems like there's some trouble."

"What happened?"

"Well, it seems like my kids got into a dispute with the Levolf group."

"Are they okay?"

"For now, we have the upper hand. However, the problem is that the trouble is happening in the pleasure district. It's like Levolf's stronghold, so their reinforcements are arriving one after another. It could be a bit troublesome if we leave it be."

Haruno expressed a slightly troubled expression.

"Then, let's go there quickly."

"Are you sure? Hachiman-kun, you can go to Kairyo Shrine first if you want."

"Well, since I'm already here, I'll accompany you."

"I see. Thanks. Well then, let's go."


The two, with Haruno in the lead, rushed towards the pleasure district.

"Okay, I'll be going now. Hachiman-kun, you can explore around here while you wait."

"Can I stay behind?"

"It's fine, it's fine. From what I sensed, there don't seem to be any strong opponents, so I'll be enough. Oh, right. Hachiman-kun, I'll give you this."

Haruno took something out of her pocket and handed it to Hachiman.

"Is this a mobile device?"

"Yes. It's a gift from me. If anything happens, contact me. My contact information is already registered."

"Thank you."

"Yeah. Well then, I'll finish up quickly."

Saying that, Haruno dashed off to the scene of the conflict.

Left alone, Hachiman looked around the area.

Although it was a pleasure district, it had the atmosphere of a nighttime city. The sun had set, but the lights from the buildings and shops illuminated the surroundings as if it were the main event about to begin. Casinos and bars lined the area, and their staff members were calling out to attract customers.

As he surveyed the surroundings, Hachiman noticed a certain shop.

"A convenience store... Oh, I feel like having a canned drink. Let's check it out."

He suddenly craved his favorite drink that he hadn't had in the past few months.

He wasn't sure if they had it here, but it wouldn't hurt to take a look and kill some time.

With that decision in mind, Hachiman walked towards the convenience store. It didn't take long to reach the place within his line of sight. As he stood at the entrance, the automatic doors opened, and just as he was about to enter―――

He sensed a familiar stellar energy surging from a location not far away.

"...You seem energetic, Haruno-san."

Hachiman entered the convenience store without paying much attention.

He looked around the beverage section at the back of the store.

"...Not here."

They had coffee, but there was not a single can of MAX Coffee.

However, once the craving started, it wouldn't stop. He left the convenience store and headed to the next shop.

"...Still not here."

But he couldn't find it. Not in the stores, nor in the vending machines he passed by.

"Hey, seriously? Can't find it anywhere. There can't be none at all, right?"

Not having a MAX Coffee was a matter of life and death. Ordering it online was an option, but it took time due to customs and shipping. He wanted to find a place to purchase it within Asterisk if possible.

"...Wait, where am I?"

Due to wandering around aimlessly, he had lost track of his current location. As the number of shops decreased, he continued searching for vending machines and ended up deviating from the main street, entering a back alley.

"For now, let's go back. It should be fine once I reach the main street."

He walked toward the brightly lit main street.

As he passed through the narrow back alley and emerged onto the brightly lit main street...

A girl jumped in from ahead.


He quickly caught her as they were about to collide.

"Sorry. Are you okay?"

"Y-Yes. I'm really sorry."

The girl in front of him bowed her head. She appeared to be a foreigner, with distinctive golden hair and a youthful face that seemed younger than Hachiman.

However, what impressed him the most was something else.


She seemed extremely flustered. After apologizing to him, she immediately ran back into the alley from which Hachiman had just emerged.

Observing the girl's behavior, Hachiman felt puzzled.

—It was because he felt that the girl was fleeing from something.

"That school emblem... Quinveil? She seemed like a well-behaved young lady."

He couldn't imagine that she came from an ordinary household based on her behavior. Even with just a quick glance, he could sense a certain elegance about her.

But what caught his attention even more was the fact that such a young lady was in this kind of place. While the pleasure district was considered relatively safe within the redeveloped area, there were limits to that. It was like the Quinveil young lady was inviting trouble by being in a place like this.

"Hey! Did you see her?"

"I didn't! Where did she go?"

"Keep searching!"

People started gathering around. They appeared to be Levolf students or slightly older troublemakers. One could even call them a group of thugs. They were running around, shouting at each other.

Hachiman overheard their conversation and muttered to himself.

"...Are they after that girl?"

He surmised that the girl from earlier was their target. He didn't know the reason, but there was no doubt that she was fleeing from them.

However, that girl was also a stargazer generation. Based on her movements, he didn't think she would be captured so easily by those people in front of him.

"Hey, buddy."

Suddenly, someone called out to him.

"...What is it?"

He turned around and observed the man who had called out to him.

"Did you see a girl like this around here?"

The man held out a photo in front of Hachiman. It showed a young girl with a youthful face and golden hair. Without a doubt, it was the same girl as earlier.

"...Yes, I saw her."

"Hey, which way did she go?"

Hachiman knew various things from his martial arts training. By observing someone's behavior, he could determine whether they were amateurs or had a certain level of skill.

The man in front of him was a formidable opponent. At least, he was stronger than that young girl.

That's why...

"She ran toward that main street over there. She seemed to be in a hurry."

He casually lied.

The girl was running while regretting the events of the day.

She had come to the central district with her sister for a change of pace. That much wasn't a problem.

However, after a while, they were approached by members of the Levolf group. At first, she thought it was just a pick-up attempt, but she quickly realized it was something different.

Their target was the two of them, the sisters.

Understanding that, they ran away together. However, as they were relentlessly pursued, they were forced into the pleasure district, and she ended up separating from her sister. And now, she herself was being cornered.

"...Haa, haa, haa..."

The pleasure district was the stronghold of Levolf and the Mafia. Hachiman had no idea how many pursuers were after him, and he had also lost his way.

"...Dead end, huh?"

At the end of the intricate passage, there was a plaza surrounded by abandoned buildings. Moreover, there was no road leading further, only a dead-end. Multiple footsteps were approaching from behind.

He was about to prepare for a fight when suddenly...

He was startled as his mouth was covered from behind.


"Stay quiet."

A small voice of a man echoed in his ear. At the same time, he sensed something being placed around him.

"...Stay still."


The voice made it clear that he should not argue, and instinctively, the girl nodded.

Then, several men appeared from behind.


"Hey! She's not here. Did you really see her?"

"No mistake! I saw her running this way!"

"But she's not here! You're just spouting nonsense!"

The men were talking in front of him, but they didn't notice him. Even though he wasn't hiding his presence, it was as if he had disappeared to them.

"Hey, another group already caught one of the targets."

"Seriously!? We should hurry and find her too!"

"Yeah! It's a million-dollar job for each of us!"

And then, the men ran off to somewhere else.

"...They're gone. Sorry for suddenly grabbing you like that."

"...No, thank you for helping me."

The man released his grip on the girl and spoke to her. She turned around and looked at his face.

"You're the person from earlier..."

The man was the one he nearly collided with on the main street.

"...Why did you help me?"

The girl remained cautious. She understood that the man in front of her was different from those men. But she couldn't fully trust him.

"I know you're not a bad person, but I can't trust a stranger either."

Right now, the surroundings were filled with enemies. She wanted to believe in the man in front of her, but fully trusting him was dangerous.

Because she couldn't completely dismiss the possibility that he was an ally of those men.

In response, the man's answer was...

"...It was a whim."


It was a casual response.

"Just a whim, a pushy act of kindness. You seemed troubled, and I couldn't just ignore it. Choose whatever reason you like."

"I see..."

The girl was puzzled. She didn't expect to be asked about the reason she was helped.

"I just helped on my own accord. I don't intend to ask for any gratitude, and you don't have to worry about it. Besides..."


The man paused for a moment and then asserted.

"When it comes to not being trusted by people, there's no one better at it than me. So you don't have to trust me."

It was a strangely twisted conclusion.

"What do you mean?"

Unable to trust him and assert that he didn't need trust, the girl couldn't help but smile wryly. But she understood.

The man in front of her was awkward, but he was a very kind person. He genuinely helped her out of goodwill.

"...You're a kind person."

"Is that so? I've never been told that before."

The girl decided to trust him. She could tell that his words were sincere.

"Thank you again for helping me. I'm Glue El Noir von Reisfeldt. Please call me Glue El."

She bowed and introduced herself to the man.

"I'm Hachiman. Call me whatever you like, Reisfeldt."

Hachiman, the man, also greeted the girl.

"Glue El."

"...Understood. But please don't push me so much, Glue El."


Overwhelmed by Glue El's insistence, Hachiman agreed to call her by her name.

"Now, what should we do from here? They said they caught one person, but do you know who it is?"

...It's my sister."

"...I see. Then we definitely have to help her."

Hachiman's tone became firm. As someone with a sister himself, he couldn't overlook this situation in many ways.

"But I don't know where my sister is. What should we do...?"

"Well, for now, let's go to a different location and then..."

"What's the matter?"

Hachiman turned his head toward the passage as he fell silent. Soon, two people entered.


"Step back."

Hiding Glue El behind him, Hachiman stepped forward.

"We found you, miss. And there's the brother we met earlier. How dare you deceive us."

"To run all the way here... You should put yourself in our shoes and understand the pursuer's perspective."

Two men appeared. Both seemed to be around thirty years old.

One was a blond man in a black suit, the same man Hachiman had encountered earlier. His tone was polite, but he seemed quite angry.

The other had a dark complexion and a stubble. He wore cargo pants and a casual T-shirt. He lazily stared at them.

Both of them moved with the grace of trained individuals, suggesting that they were skilled combatants.


Hachiman's sleeve was grabbed, and the girl looked up at him with worried eyes.

"It's okay. We'll figure something out."

Gently patting Glue El's head, Hachiman stepped forward.

"Only one brother, huh? I'll make you pay for deceiving us."

"Two against one... Can't say I'm excited."

The men sensed Hachiman's resistance and activated their Spectral Armaments. One had a Western-style one-handed sword, while the other wielded a large knife.

As the two prepared for combat...

That's when it happened.

"Looks like you're in trouble. Need a hand?"

A girl's voice came from behind the intruders.



The men turned their surprised faces to the rear. It was no wonder. They hadn't noticed them while they were preparing for battle. If this were a real fight, they would have been completely helpless. It was only natural to be cautious. Just because the opponent was a girl didn't mean they could let their guard down.

And the same goes for Hachiman.

"...No need."

"Huh? I think you're being a bit too cautious. I did come to help, you know?"

"...My parents taught me to be careful of honey traps."

"Well, that's troublesome."

The girl wore a large hat, covering her head deeply. She tied her chestnut-colored hair carelessly and had a somewhat plain impression with her loose jeans and blouse.

However, Hachiman remained cautious. After all, he hadn't even noticed her presence until she spoke to him. He wasn't a child to believe in the convenient arrival of someone more powerful than himself to help.

But then, Glue El spoke up to Hachiman.

"Hachiman-sama. That person is on our side."

"Do you know them?"

"...Yes. If my prediction is correct..."

"...I see. Understood."

Although Hachiman still had doubts about Glue El's words, he decided to trust her for now.

"Sorry, but can I leave it to you?"

"Oh, you finally believe me. That's great~"

"...I'm counting on you."

Anxiety still lingered, but honestly, he was relieved. He had confidence that he wouldn't lose even against two opponents at once, but his goal was to protect Glue El. It would be better to have more fighting power.

"...Looks like we've reached an agreement."

Just as Hachiman and the others finished their conversation, the blond man spoke up.

"Which one should I take?"

"I'll take the girl. It gets me more motivated."

"Then I'll go with the brother."

Hachiman's opponent was the blond man in a suit, while the girl with chestnut hair was matched with the man with a tanned complexion.

"...So the participants of the Ouryusei Martial Festival have stooped to being errand boys for the Mafia."

"Well... miss, do you know who we are? It's delightful to hear that. You're aware that we are Guen, former semifinalist of the Ouryusei Martial Festival and former 7th-ranked student of the Kairyo Academy's Rank Dragon Seven, and Line, also a former Best 8 of the Ouryusei Martial Festival and former 9th-ranked student of Levolf's Black Academy, right? I didn't expect to meet you in a place like this."

The girl sighed.

"Oh well, that's a story from the past."

"It's a nostalgic story."

As the two spoke, the tension in the air grew.

Each faced their respective opponents—and then the men attacked.

The battle began.

Guen threw his knives as a diversionary tactic. He didn't expect them to hit head-on. It was to create an opening by evading and exploiting the opponent's vulnerability.

As expected, the girl gracefully dodged the thrown knives. But during that opening, Guen closed the distance between them. He brandished two other knives in his hands, shining brightly, and attacked the girl.


A burst of determination. Fierce attacks came at the girl from both sides.


"Hmm, is that all?"

The girl effortlessly parried the fierce onslaught with just one hand.


Guen's face contorted in astonishment.

"Well, I guess you haven't seen him, have you?"

While parrying Guen's attacks, the girl glanced at Hachiman.

Guen's anger exploded at the girl's attitude.

"Who are you ignoring?!"

Driven by anger, Guen attacked the girl again.


"You're definitely not an ordinary person. Judging from your movements, you're quite skilled. At the very least, you're on par with the top twelve at the beginning."

While evading his attacks, the girl continued to observe Hachiman. She had the composure to spare, even in such a situation.

For Guen, it was an overwhelming humiliation.

"Hahaha! You're something, miss! Then I'll get serious too!"

"Uh-uh, that's enough."

Guen, dominated by anger, lacked composure. While the girl had been focused on evasion, she suddenly turned the tables and launched an attack, catching him off guard.

In an instant, she circled around him, delivering a kick to his back.


Without even a chance to scream, Guen was sent flying and crashed into the wall of the abandoned building, leaving countless cracks. He lost consciousness without understanding his own condition.

"...If you were in your prime, it wouldn't have been so easy, I suppose."

The girl murmured with a hint of regret. But she quickly turned her attention back to Hachiman.

"Now, let me observe you closely."

The girl's interest was focused on Hachiman.

Line, the blond man, swung down his raised sword. The trajectory was straight, but the speed was slow. Hachiman saw through the trajectory completely. He tried to evade it with ease...


Suddenly, he felt a bad premonition and reflexively moved his body accordingly. And his premonition was correct.

"Oh? You dodged it well, brother."

Hachiman narrowly avoided Line's sword. Line had accelerated in the middle of his swing. It was a clearly unnatural phenomenon that couldn't occur with a normal swing. There was undoubtedly some trick to it.

"...Shunkan. I see."

The girl recalled Line's nickname. A sword that instantaneously accelerated to defeat the opponent. That was likely the origin of his nickname.

Line happily spoke to Hachiman.

"It's been a while since someone dodged my sword. Let's have some fun!"

Line attacked Hachiman again. Hachiman focused on evading and observing his opponent. He could see the initial movement of the sword clearly. But there was an unnatural acceleration in the middle of the trajectory. He predicted the sword's path and dodged it with wide movements.

For downward slashes, he side-stepped, and for horizontal strikes, he back-stepped. He carefully observed his opponent's movements, especially the area around his swinging arm.

And he realized.

"He's momentarily concentrating stellate energy in his arm."

"! You saw through it. Not bad."

Line's movements stopped.

"While swinging the sword, he momentarily increases the stellate energy in his arm. The sword, which initially starts slowly to compensate for its delayed speed, suddenly accelerates. The opponent's reaction is delayed due to the disparity in speed. That's the feeling, right?"

"...You're right. It's the first time someone has seen through it on first sight."

It seemed that Hachiman's speculation was correct.

"But even if you know the trick, it doesn't matter. If you can't overcome it, you won't stand a chance. So, what will you do?"


Hachiman pondered upon Line's words. It wasn't that he had no options.

But right now, he had something else on his mind that he was more curious about, so he focused his attention there.

Then, a thunderous sound echoed around them.

It was the sound of Guen crashing into the abandoned building. It seemed impossible to continue the fight any longer.

"Hey, hey, did that girl defeat Guen already? Who is she?"

Hachiman shared the same opinion. The girl who had suddenly appeared possessed overwhelming strength. She didn't even bother with the former semifinalist of the Ouryusei Martial Festival. Moreover, she hadn't even shown her full power yet, it seemed.

Parrying attacks with just one hand, displaying agility when circling around the opponent, and the amount of stellate energy infused in her light kick...

Hachiman had been studying during his training with Seirou. The content included general knowledge as well as star celestial arts and combat-related matters. Among them was the checking of the combat data of the top twelve fighters in each academy.

The girl who was close to Hachiman's age seemed to be a student from some academy, considering her age. If he trusted his instincts, she was at least on the level of Yukinoshita Haruno, and possibly even more powerful. Her movements resembled those of a person in the combat data.

With all the conditions in place, it was easy to deduce.

"...Why are you here in a place like this?"

Hachiman murmured. He had figured out the girl's true identity.

Although her hair color was different, he recognized her voice, or rather, it was too familiar.

Her singing voice had been one of the few things that brought him comfort.

The girl in question approached them and spoke.

"We're done here. How about you?"

"...I'll be finished soon."

Hachiman replied. But his words sounded provocative to Line.

"Don't mind me, brother. Show me what you've got!"

Line attacked Hachiman. Before the girl who had defeated Guen could intervene, Hachiman needed to defeat Hachiman. He closed the distance between them in an instant, intending to finish him off quickly.

The man's sword accelerated and swung down toward Hachiman.



The sword stopped just 10 centimeters above Hachiman's head, and Line's movement froze for a moment.

In that opening, Hachiman closed the distance and his fist struck Line's solar plexus.

"Guu... You're not... just an ordinary guy..."

With those words, Line collapsed on the spot, losing consciousness.

"Well done. It was a good fight."

The girl clapped her hands in admiration.

"Thank you."

"Not only in close combat, but your ability to use your powers was also impressive."

"What do you mean?"

"Well... If you want to play dumb, I'll let it slide."

It seemed that the girl had seen through the last exchange.

When Line swung his sword, he momentarily used his power to stop the opponent's movement. He thought it wouldn't be noticed because it was just a momentary action, but it seemed his thinking was naive.


Guriel rushed over to them.

"Are you okay? Are you injured?"

"Yeah, I'm fine."

Hachiman reassured Guriel, who then showed a relieved smile.

"Now, you two. Can I talk to you for a moment?"

The girl called out to them mischievously and smiled, pointing her graceful finger upward.

"I have some things I want to ask, but it's not appropriate to do it here... Shall we change the location?"

The three of them later found themselves on the rooftop of an abandoned building nearby.

Above them were countless stars, while darkness spread on the ground due to the surrounding ruins.

"I'm sorry for taking your time, even though you seem to be in a hurry."

"If you're willing to help us, we'll gladly accept your cooperation."

"If you could tell us the details, we'll do our best to help."

Guriel began speaking.

She explained how she and her sister were being targeted by unknown individuals. She also mentioned how she got separated from her sister and was saved by Hachiman.

"I see. So that's what happened."

"Please, help me save my sister."

Guriel bowed her head, seeking assistance from the girl in front of her.

"Alright. But I have one request... Is that okay?"

"A request?"

The girl seemed to know what the request would be, and Hachiman had a feeling he knew as well.

"We'll pretend we never met here. Naturally, whatever happens from now on must remain a secret and not be discussed with anyone. Is that clear?"


"I'm surprised. That's exactly right."

"I'm willing to promise anything if it means helping my sister. So please, I'm begging you."


Hachiman also bowed his head, pleading with the girl.

"Hachiman-kun, can I ask you something?"

"What is it?"

The girl had a question on her mind.

"Hachiman-kun, do you know this girl?"

"No, I just met her earlier."

"Then why did you help her? What is the reason for going so far for someone you just met, a complete stranger?"

The girl asked Hachiman seriously, her purple eyes fixed on him.

Her words conveyed concern for Guriel, and Hachiman decided to answer sincerely.

"...I have a sister too. Well, in this case, I should say I had one. Oh, but don't get me wrong, she's not dead. It's just a family situation, you know?"

A certain image floated in his mind. His beloved sister, whom he had hurt because of his own actions.

"Protecting my sister is only natural. I'll do anything to help with that."

"I see... Hachiman-sama."

"I understand. Sorry for asking unnecessary questions."

"It's natural to worry if you know each other."

"We're talking for the first time, though. Well, these sisters... No, their circumstances are quite unique."

"I see."

He was curious, but he didn't ask. He could infer some of the circumstances from the name Reissfeldt, and there were probably other things going on as well.

"Now, we're looking for Guriel-chan's sister, Grunhilde-chan, right?"


"In that case, I think we'll be fine. I know enough about her. Let's start by preparing a map. The largest one we can find in the entertainment district."

Hachiman took out his mobile device, displaying a map. He operated the spatial window to maximize the screen.

"Alright, let's go..."

The girl took off her hat and let her hair down. Then, she touched the hair accessory shaped like headphones, and her hair slowly changed color.

From chestnut brown to the same vivid purple as her eyes...

"I thought so."

"Did you notice?"

"Well, somehow."

There was no way he wouldn't notice. He didn't even need to see her face. He had never forgotten her voice or her singing. He had even gone to buy her albums with his meager allowance.

It was embarrassing, and he could never tell her in person.

"...Sylvia Luneheim."

He murmured her name. Hearing her name, Sylvia smiled at Hachiman and Guriel, spreading her wings wide with her outstretched arms.

Resonating Songs -

Sylvia Lyyneheim

The Student Council President of Quinveil Girls' Academy, ranking first in the hierarchy.

She bears the title of "Witch of War Tactics" and was the runner-up in the previous "King Dragon Star Martial Festival."

She is known as the supreme songstress and is referred to as the world's greatest idol, surpassing the fame of the "Witch of Solitude."

Her ability is versatile.

By channeling her songs, she can change her own image in various ways. However, it seems that healing abilities are the only exception she cannot manipulate.

Even Hoshizora highly regarded her abilities.

"O dark messengers of thought and memory, descend before me and swiftly reveal—"

Sylvia finishes her song. Then, two black feathers start to rotate and hover above the map. The two feathers continue to spin in circles, gradually narrowing their orbit.

"This is... the worst!"

"Um, where is Hilde?"

"...If my memory serves me right, this entire area is under the control of the mafia. Moreover, they hold significant power even in this entertainment district."

"No way! Can't we do something about it!?"

Gruer El exclaims. In response, Sylvia answers with a pained expression.

"...It's difficult. Without solid evidence, the security forces cannot intervene, and my ability itself is not considered evidence."

"So what should we do then?"

"Hey, Lyyneheim. Can I say something?"

Hachiman interjects in their conversation.

"For instance, what if some disturbance were to occur where the mafia is located? If an obvious abnormal situation were to be observed from the outside. In that case, wouldn't the security forces be able to intervene?"

"Well... I think they could if such a situation were to arise."

"Then, there's a way."

Hachiman asserts.

"Oh, finally got through! Where have you been, Hachiman-kun? I've been calling you countless times, and I've been searching all over!"

"Haruno-san... I'm sorry."

Haruno raises her voice, but as soon as she sees Hachiman's face, she regains her composure. It's because she sensed the abnormal situation from his expression.

"What happened?"

"Haruno-san, can you lend me your strength?"

And so, the two decided to meet up. It's more convenient that way since they need to know the detailed situation.

Hachiman returns to the entrance of the entertainment district where they parted ways initially and meets up with Haruno. Then, they enter the back alley and start discussing.

"Now, please tell me the details."


Hachiman explains.

He helped a girl from Quinveil and got involved in a fight with the mafia pursuers. And now, he wants to find her sister and help her.

"...Are you somehow attracted to trouble, Hachiman-kun?"

"Please don't say that... I try not to think about it."

Hachiman can only smile wryly in response to Haruno's exasperation.

"Alright. I'll lend you my help... Although there are various points to question, like how you found out about the sister's location, I won't ask."

"...Thank you."

Haruno takes out her mobile device and initiates communication.

"However, there's someone you need to talk to. Let's start with that."

"I understand."

And they establish a connection with the person on the other end of the communication, and a spatial window appears.

"Oh, Haruno. I've been waiting."

"Is your work finished, Hoshizora?"

"Yes, it just finished a while ago. That damn Toramine... he has no reservations towards his master."

"Hahaha, it's your own fault... I'll be the one to replace the waiting person."

The spatial window moves over to their side.

"...Long time no see, Hachiman. Three days, right?"


"Well, I could ask about Asta... but that's not why I'm here... What happened?"

Seen through at a glance. As usual, this new sister of mine is too perceptive.

"...I want to save a girl. She was being chased by the mafia, but I managed to rescue her. However, her sister is captured by the mafia... I want you to lend me your strength."

"I see. Haruno!"

"I'm listening~"

"How many reinforcements do you have? If you need manpower, I can go. I've been itching for a fight."

"No, it's unnecessary. I can handle it alone."

"I understand. Leave it to me then. Feel free to go all out. Oh, just don't let there be any casualties. It's a hassle to cover up."


The conversation progresses smoothly, without a chance for anyone to interrupt.

"...Is it okay? That girl is affiliated with Quinveil. Won't helping students from other schools interfere with Kairyu?"

"It doesn't matter. It would be for the better if rotten organizations that capture young girls were destroyed. Besides..."

Hoshizora's words momentarily pause. Then, with a gentle smile, she speaks.

"...You've asked me for a favor for the first time. It's only natural for family to grant it."

"...Thank you, Hoshizora."

"Yes. Go, both of you! Show the power of Kairyu!!"

And the communication cuts off.

"Well, as expected, it unfolded as anticipated."

"I appreciate it."

Haruno's body emanates celestial power.

"Then, I'll charge in from the front and cause chaos, while Hachiman infiltrates the building in the meantime. Find the target girl and rescue her."


In contrast, Hachiman suppresses his celestial power. It's because it would hinder his infiltration. Although it won't be until the seal is fully released, he can still restrain it to some extent.


"What's wrong?"

Haruno notices the change in Hachiman's condition.

"Hachiman, your eyes..."

"My eyes? What about them?"

"Well, as your celestial power decreases, they're returning to their previous state."


And Hachiman's celestial power depletion comes to a halt.

"It seems like you've returned to the Hachiman of old."

"Well, my gloomy eyes are like my trademark."

"Maybe they'll fade away once you restore your celestial power?"

"Is that so? Either way, it doesn't matter."

Those eyes have been with him for a long time. It doesn't make much of a difference if they return now.

"Then let's go."


And the two of them sprint forward.

That night, a situation occurred in the entertainment district where multiple mafia organizations were annihilated.

Continuous explosions and bursts rocked the area. The organizations were thrown into chaos and suffered a surprise attack.

However, amidst the widespread confusion, no one could grasp the number of assailants.

Taking this abnormal situation seriously, the security forces led by Helga Lindval stormed the mafia organizations. The fleeing members of the mafia sought help from the security forces without hesitation.

As a result, it became a grand capture, unprecedented since the start of Asterisk, but strangely, there were no casualties reported.

Subsequent investigations revealed that the conflict had been resolved through a power struggle between the mafia factions. However, there were many suspicious aspects, and some believe that external forces exerted pressure.

And yet, very few were aware of the fact that a young girl had been rescued behind the scenes.

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