
The Asterisk War: Seeking the Real Thing

The novel story was about Hajiman Hikigaya as the main protagonist. Asterisk War fanfic. Hachiman Hikigaya, a second-year student at Sobu Junior High School. After the cultural festival and school trip, he became disliked by everyone in the school. Haruno Yukinoshita proposed something to the exhausted Hachiman, which became the beginning of everything. Will he be able to find what is genuine?

koijiro21 · Anime & Comics
Not enough ratings
20 Chs

A quiet story: A visit to Haruno Yukinoshita, Part 2

"Are you serious, Haruno?"

"Of course, I'm serious, Shizuka-chan."

Two women were having a conversation. One was Shizuka Hiratsuka, a teacher at Sobu Middle School. The other was Haruno Yukinoshita.

"Isn't it a bit exaggerated, though?"

"Oh, why do you say that?"

Shizuka denied Haruno's words.

"...I believe in them."

"Perhaps you want to believe, but isn't it a mistake?"


She couldn't completely deny it. Maybe because she had her own doubts.

"Well, I came here today to confirm that."

"Haruno, what happened?"

Shizuka noticed that Haruno was acting differently.

At first glance, Haruno's appearance seemed unchanged, as if nothing was different.

"There are various things, Shizuka... Truly, many things have happened."

"...I see. But even if you say you want to confirm, what are you planning to do?"

However, Shizuka, who had a long history with Haruno, understood. It was...

"It's easy. We can just meet those kids and ask."

She wore a smile on her face, but her eyes didn't smile at all.


"Hey there~!"

She opened the door and entered the room. There were two female students sitting in chairs.


One of them was Yukino Yukinoshita, Haruno's younger sister and the president of the Service Club.


And the other was Yui Yuigahama, a member of the Service Club.

"Phew. What's the matter, sister?"

Yukino asked Haruno with a cold tone, so cold that it would make anyone hesitate to approach her.

"Well, well. You seem in a bad mood, Yukino-chan. Hey, Yui-chan. Is there something going on?"

"Um, well, that's..."

Yui stammered, trying to cover up. Haruno glanced at her and turned to Yukino.

"Well, forget it... By the way, I don't see Hikigaya around. What happened to him?"



Their movements stopped at Haruno's words.

"Um, Hikki is absent... He hasn't been to school for about two weeks."

"Is that so?"

"Uh, yes."


Of course, Haruno knew. She herself had arranged it. She had Hachiman's parents report his absence.

"By the way, I heard it on the way here, but Hikigaya was involved in a bank robbery, or the underachieving Star Generation causing trouble in town, or the worst one was that he was caught by the police as one of the bank robbers."


"That... is..."

Yui was taken aback by Haruno's playful words. But Yukino, who had been silent, spoke up.

"What's that got to do with me? It has nothing to do with me."


"Well... Even though we're in the same club."

"...We're not club members."

Yukino started speaking sharply.

"What my sister is misunderstanding, I don't know, but that guy and I are not club members. He acted on his own, and he made himself disliked. As a result, he became a hated person throughout the school, and that Hikikomori-gaya who has been absent from school for two weeks without permission, I don't consider him a club member!"

Her tone grew harsh and emotional. Her words carried negative emotions of rejection, disappointment, and despair.

"So... does Yui-chan feel the same way?"

"Huh?! No, I... um..."

Yui was surprised, trying to say something. But as soon as she glanced at Yukino, she saw her angry expression and ended up looking down. The next words wouldn't come out.

"By the way, what do you two think about the rumors?"

"...Rumors? Um, well, even if it's Hikki, I don't think he would do such things..."

"Well, who knows? Yui-chan."

Yukino denied Yui's words.

"There's no smoke without fire. If it's a rumor that spreads throughout the school, it may not be completely baseless."

"Well, that might be true, but..."


Once complaints start, they don't stop.

"In the first place, that guy has always been like that. Always taking self-centered actions without considering others."


"Well... I see. Hachiman has always been like that... Yui-chan, could you tell me more about it?"

"Yes, sure. I'll tell you everything."

With that, Yukino began to speak. She talked about her encounter with Hachiman, the events in the Service Club, and Hachiman's various actions. It seemed as if she was releasing everything she had accumulated inside her.

To Yukino, boys were nothing but a nuisance. It was a result of her experiences from childhood to the present. However, a change occurred this spring.

Hachiman Hikigaya. Shizuka Hiratsuka forcibly made him join the Service Club and asked for a personality correction. At first, Yukino disliked him even more than other boys, or rather, she despised him.

However, that judgment gradually changed. With Yui Yuigahama joining the Service Club, the three of them worked together to solve various requests, and Hachiman's presence grew gradually in Yukino's mind.

It was an unnamed emotion for herself. She would never admit it, but perhaps there was some affection for him.

That's why her emotions were uncontrollable now. She felt nothing special towards other male students. But he was different. Though he wouldn't admit it, her opposition towards him intensified because she could relate to him. That's why she was passionately talking about Hachiman.

Yukino Yukinoshita was immature, especially emotionally. Due to her experiences from childhood, she showed no mercy to anyone who posed as an enemy, regardless of gender. If someone attacked her, she would counterattack two or three times, and if something didn't please her, she would refute it with words. Her actions could be considered going too far, but perhaps it was a defensive instinct to protect herself.

She didn't realize. No, she couldn't realize that there was a boy who was hurt by her excessive response. She couldn't know how he had reached his limit and what state he was in now.

Yukino kept talking emotionally, not noticing that her sister's demeanor was gradually changing. She didn't notice that her sister was desperately holding back from raising her fist and hitting her. She couldn't even notice that.


"So, that's it. Do you understand, sister?"

"...Yeah, I understand a lot now. Thanks for telling me, Yukino-chan."


Yukino finished her story. In the end, it was just complaints and grievances about Hachiman.

Yui had her own thoughts on this. Wasn't she going a bit too far?

To Yui Yuigahama, Hachiman Hikigaya was her benefactor. He had saved her dog during the entrance ceremony, and from then on, she became attracted to him. This year, she joined the Service Club where he was, and the three of them spent time together. Yukino and Hachiman were important friends to Yui. But recently, that had crumbled.

"...Well then, I should be heading home soon."

"Oh, are you leaving already? We still have so much to talk about."

"Yes, I'm quite busy today."

Haruno stood up from her chair and prepared to leave.

"Hey, Yukino."

"What is it?"

Haruno spoke to Yukino.

"Imagine, just imagine. What would you do if Hachiman didn't come to school?"

"I don't really care. I have no intention of doing anything. Oh, but maybe Hira... Mr. Hiratsuka would bring him back to the club eventually."

"I see."

Yui agreed with Yukino's opinion. If Hachiman were brought back by Hiratsuka, they would continue their days as before. Yukino seemed angry at him, but Yui believed that her anger would eventually subside if she made an effort. That's what Yui thought.

"Well then, see you, Yukino-chan, Yui-chan."


"Take care."

Haruno headed towards the door to leave the classroom. Yukino returned her gaze to the book in front of her. Yui drank the tea that Yukino had made for her, bringing the teacup to her lips and finishing it. She placed the cup on the desk and glanced at Haruno. Haruno still looked cool as ever while walking, and when she turned towards them, Yui noticed something.

And the moment Yui looked at Haruno's face, her movements froze.


With those words, Haruno left the classroom.

Silence returned to the classroom. After a while, Yukino shifted her gaze from her book and spoke to Yui.

"So, what was the purpose of her visit in the end? Hey, Yui Yuigahama."


No response came.

"Yui Yuigahama?"

"...Oh, sorry. What was it?"

"What's wrong? You look pale."

Yukino noticed that Yui's complexion had worsened.

"Hey, Yui-n. Did you notice if Haruno-san seemed different?"

"I don't know. I thought she looked the same as usual."

"I see. Maybe it's just my imagination."

Indeed, Haruno's expression and tone seemed the same as when they last met.


"...I felt like she was angry about something."



"Maybe it's just your imagination?"

Even Yukino, her own sister, felt that Haruno seemed as usual.

"...You're right. Maybe it was just my imagination."

"Yes, it must be... Yui Yuigahama, would you like another cup of tea?"

"Sure, I'll have one."

Yes, if Yukino, her sister, sensed it, then there couldn't be any mistake. That's what Yui convinced herself.

The gaze that Haruno cast when she turned back for the last time. It was colder than anything she had felt before, and there was a sense of something frightening.

It was fortunate that she didn't realize that it was the presence of killing intent.

The two of them didn't know. They didn't know that Hachiman Hikigaya would never return to school.

They didn't know what he thought of the two of them.

They didn't know that Hachiman Hikigaya had changed his name and found a new family.

And the next day, the two of them would learn that Hachiman Hikigaya had transferred.


"Here, hold my hand."


Haruno extended her right hand to Hiratsuka. Her hand was stained with bright red blood. Haruno had squeezed her hand with immense force to suppress her anger, and this was the result.

"You don't need any treatment."

"Don't say that... Just let me do this much."

In a weakened tone, Hiratsuka spoke. Haruno silently nodded, and Hiratsuka took her hand to start treating it. They were in the nurse's office, so there was no shortage of supplies for treatment.

"...I never expected it to come to this."


Hiratsuka murmured as she began to speak. She had overheard the conversation between Haruno and the two members of the club in the corridor.

"I knew that bad rumors about him were spreading throughout the school. But I thought those two wouldn't be swayed by such rumors... No, that's just an excuse."

"You're a hands-off type, Shizuka. It can't be helped if you didn't notice."

"...I guess you're right."

Haruno spoke with a gentle tone, but now it felt suffocatingly painful. It seemed that blaming her would have been better.

"But really, there's nothing we can do. The relationship between those three was always strange from the beginning."

"What do you mean?"

"They had a codependent relationship, those three."


Haruno nodded in response.

"Yes, that's right. Hachiman found solace in the club. He was allowed to exist there, even though he had no place at home. That's why the club was comfortable for him... And that's why a discrepancy arose between him and the other two."

"A discrepancy? What do you mean?"

Hiratsuka asked, and Haruno answered.

"Yui was attracted to him from the beginning because of her initial goodwill, and Yukino was drawn to him because he was a type of boy she had never encountered before. Gradually, the two of them developed feelings for him."


Hiratsuka listened in silence.

"Yukino-chan and Yui-chan must have enjoyed it, right? Having a guy who wouldn't get angry no matter what they said. A guy who accepted them. I don't know if those two realize it, but if Yukino kept insulting him like she usually does, any normal boy would get angry and quit the club."

"...That's true."

Yukino and Yui said various things, and Hachiman reluctantly accepted them. It was a familiar scene in the Service Club.

"...There might have been some embarrassment involved as well, especially for Yukino who isn't straightforward. She would never admit her feelings for Hachiman."

"Well, that's Yukinoshita for you."

"On the other hand, Yui is easy to read. Her aura of liking Hachiman was quite obvious."

"That was easy to notice. But, Hachiman must have had some positive feelings towards them, right?"

Haruno nodded.

"Yes, I think it's undeniable that Hachiman saw the two of them in a positive light... The difference lies in their priorities."


"Yes. For Yukino and Yui, the other members of the club were important, but for Hachiman, the club itself was more important than anything else."

"What's the difference? Isn't the place where the three of them are the Service Club?"

"It's different, Shizuka..."

Haruno shook her head with a sad expression.

"Hachiman would take any means necessary to solve a request. Even sacrificing himself."

"Ah, that's true."

That was something anyone deeply involved in the Service Club knew.

"It's because the club was his only place to belong. He feared losing that place. If he couldn't solve requests, he would have no place. It became an obsession, I think."

"... "

Hiratsuka was speechless.

"That's why he would recklessly do unreasonable things to protect his place. It was normal for him... However, the miscalculation on his part was that the other two didn't feel the same way."


"I think Hachiman also cared about the two of them. That's why he believed they would understand, even if he used a confession as a means during the school trip."

"...I see."

Hiratsuka finally understood Haruno's intention.

"For him, the club was the most important, and he naturally took any means to protect it. But the other two are different. Their priorities are different, and that's causing a discrepancy in their perceptions. Besides, for the dependent Hachiman, who sees the other two as his reliance, he couldn't accept them confessing to someone else. Coupled with jealousy, they strongly reject it. Foolish girls. It should be clear if they just thought a little."

"Well, it's not something normal to expect Hachiman to confess. I couldn't believe my ears when I heard it... Alright, we're done here."

Hiratsuka stopped her hand, indicating the end of Haruno's treatment. Haruno thanked her as she looked at her bandaged hand.

"Thanks, Shizuka... It's because you cared and had goodwill that you strongly rejected it. I can understand those feelings to some extent."

"...You've changed, Haruno. I never thought I'd see you genuinely concerned about others. Is life at Asterisk enjoyable?"

"It is. I think it's even better than I thought, considering how my life was before."

Haruno's smile made Hiratsuka smile as well.

"I see. That's good. But Asterisk, huh..."

"What's it like being a graduate of Seidoukan?"

"It brings back memories... There was no place as comfortable as there for the Strega generation. But you've risen to third in rank. I thought you had talent, but I never expected you to go that far."

"Hehe, it's amazing, right? But I still have a long way to go."

Haruno humbly replied. Hiratsuka couldn't help but be amazed.

"How strong do you plan to become?"

"I'm still far from being enough. I just lost recently, after all."

"You? Was your opponent Haganemaru Kimi or Amagiri Ayato?"

Hiratsuka mentioned the titles of second and first in the Asterisk rankings. The only people who stand above Haruno in Asterisk are those two.

"...The person I lost to is someone who hasn't enrolled in the academy. They're planning to join us next year, though."

"Oh, is that so? That person sounds terrifying. I never expected it would be one of them."

Haruno didn't mention the name. Hiratsuka would never have imagined that it was her own student.

"...Didn't you think about staying in Asterisk after graduation, Shizuka?"

"Why the sudden question?"

"As fellow teachers, didn't you consider becoming a teacher in Asterisk?"

"I couldn't even become one of the Twelve Apostles, let alone rank twenty. I'm well aware of my limits."

"Being a talented Strega doesn't necessarily make one a talented teacher. I think you could have been a good teacher even in Asterisk."

"Is that so? Thanks. But I'm satisfied with my current life... That city is comfortable, but the troubles it brings are too much for me to handle."

Hiratsuka chuckled.

"...I see. Well then, I should be going. Please take care of Hachiman's matter."

"Yeah, we'll handle it well here... Especially regarding his unknown transfer destination."

Hiratsuka received the transfer procedure documents for Hachiman Hikigaya from Haruno. It wasn't from his family, but from someone else. Hiratsuka had a vague sense of what that meant. However, she didn't delve too deeply into it. There were plenty of things in the world that were better left unknown.

"Haruno, can I say one last thing?"

"Yeah, what is it?"

"...Tell him that I'm sorry if you ever see Hachiman."

If she hadn't invited Hachiman Hikigaya to the Service Club, this situation wouldn't have happened. Hiratsuka felt sorry for him, as she had forced him into the club with the intention of reforming him.

Haruno held out her injured right hand to Hiratsuka, who shook it lightly with her right hand.

"Well then, Shizuka."

"You take care too, Haruno."

That was their parting greeting.

Hiratsuka bid farewell to Haruno and left the school building. It was already past 6 PM, and as it was winter, the sun had already set, leaving the surroundings in darkness. The school grounds were illuminated by numerous streetlights, making it easy to walk. Haruno headed towards the school gate when she noticed a pair of male students ahead, and one of them was familiar.

"Oh, come to think of it, I had one question."

Yukino Yukinoshita and Yui Yuigahama. Even after listening to their conversation, Haruno had one lingering question. The key to solving that mystery was the person in front of her. Haruno hurriedly approached the pair and called out to them.

"Hey, Hayato. It's quite a coincidence to meet here."

"Haruno-san! What are you doing here?"

Hayama was surprised to be suddenly addressed by someone he knew.

"I was on my way back after meeting Yukino-chan. I got caught up in a conversation with her."

"I see..."

While replying, Hayama took a slight step back. He had a bad premonition. Haruno was looking at him with a smile, but her eyes didn't reflect any laughter. It felt like a fierce beast had found its prey right in front of her.

"Hey, Hayato-kun! Who is this beautiful lady?"

"It's our first meeting, right? I'm Haruno Yukinoshita, Yukino Yukinoshita's sister. Nice to meet you."

"I'm Tobu Sho. Nice to meet you too! So you're Yukinoshita-san's sister! Hayato is so lucky to have someone like you!"

Hayama was envious of how casually Tobu was conversing. Haruno's mood, to put it mildly, was at its worst. Hayama, who had known Haruno since long ago, understood that well.

"By the way, miss, what kind of relationship do you have with Hayato-kun?"

"Oh, you don't know? Yukino-chan, Hayato, and I have known each other for a long time. We're childhood friends, so to speak."

"Is that so! Hayato-kun is so secretive~ Hiding something like that~"

"Ah, yeah. Sorry... I didn't think it was something worth mentioning."

The two of them were having a friendly conversation, but it had nothing to do with Hayama. He wanted to escape from here as soon as possible. That was what Hayama felt at the moment.

"Sorry for interrupting while you're going home together, but I have a little something to discuss with Hayato. I'd appreciate it if you could lend him to me."

"Eh! W-Well, I was actually planning to go out and have fun with Tobu."

"I don't mind! Well then, Hayato-kun. See you tomorrow!"

"Hey, Tobu!"

Tobu started running without waiting to be stopped. Hayama stood there dumbfounded, but he had no time to spare.

"You're a good boy, Hayato. Now, Hayato..."


As soon as Tobu was gone, an immense pressure overwhelmed Hayama.

"I have a favor to ask you, Hayato."

"A favor?"

"Yes. I'd appreciate it if you could listen to it."

Haruno's tone was polite, but Hayama felt it was more like a threat. He knew that if he refused, he would face unimaginable consequences. He nodded, conveying his agreement.

"Thank you... I want to meet Ebina Hina. Right away."

"W-Why? But why do you want to?"

"That's something you don't need to know."

"But... Even if you want to meet Ebina, it's not possible right away."

"I see. But that doesn't matter."

The pressure from Haruno increased even more. Emotions that couldn't be contained behind her mask leaked out along with her Starpulse, pressing down on Hayama as if to crush him. As a result, his movements froze and breathing became difficult.

"I'm telling you to bring her here. Understand?"

"Yes... I understand."

"Good boy."

As soon as Hayama submitted and gave his consent, the pressure from Haruno disappeared in an instant. Hayama regained his breath and unconsciously took several deep breaths. Haruno, coldly staring at him, extracted a piece of data from her terminal and sent it to him.

"An hour later, bring her here. If you're even a second late, you know what will happen... There's no need to ask, right?"


"Well then, I'll be waiting for you here in an hour."

Waving her hand lightly, Haruno started walking. Time seemed to have stopped as Hayama stood frozen, but as Haruno's figure disappeared from view, he was finally able to move.

"...What's going on?"

He muttered in bewilderment, unable to contain his question. Haruno was completely different from her usual self. He felt that if he refused her proposal, he might be killed. But he didn't have time to dwell on such things now.

"...I need to contact Ebina."

The meeting place was near the station. With an hour's time, he would easily make it. However, if Ebina had other matters to attend to, it wouldn't be so simple.

Praying that Ebina had no plans, Hayama took out his terminal to contact her.

"...This is the second time you've come here."

Haruno muttered to herself as she sat at a cafe table. It had only been half a day since she met with the Hikigaya couple in the morning. She chose this place because she knew the owner and it was convenient for private conversations. Besides, the place was reserved, so only Haruno and the owner were present.

"...They've arrived."

It seemed that the person she was waiting for had arrived. A taxi stopped in front of the cafe, and a couple got out. It had only been forty minutes since their last encounter. It seemed that her intimidation had quite an effect. The couple entered the cafe.

"This way."

Haruno waved her hand and indicated the seating area. The couple walked towards her.

"Sorry to keep you waiting, Haruno-san."

"...Good evening."

"Good evening, Miss Himegami. I'm Haruno Yukinoshita, Yukino Yukinoshita's sister. Nice to meet you."

"...Yes. Nice to meet you too. Um, you said you wanted to meet me?"

Himegami was cautious. When she received the message from Hayama, she sensed something unusual about his behavior. Besides, she wasn't particularly close with Yukino Yukinoshita. She couldn't imagine why her sister's sister would want to meet her.

"Yes. There's something I want to ask you... But before that, Hayato, you can go home now."


"I have something to ask this girl, but I have nothing to ask you. So you can go home."


Hayama left quickly, leaving Himegami behind.

"Well then, have a seat. As a thank you for coming, I'll treat you to anything you want."

"Yes, understood."

Himegami sat down as Haruno urged her. She opened the menu and ordered drinks and snacks.

After a while, their orders arrived.

"Now, let's start with the meal. We can talk later. Let's eat."

"...Yes, thank you for the meal."

Himegami realized that she was being swept along by the situation. However, refusing Haruno's offer of treating her would be rude. For now, she decided to eat the dish in front of her and think later.

Some time passed, and they finished their meal. When they had finished their coffee after the meal and calmed down, Himegami spoke up.

"So, what did you want to ask me, Yukinoshita-san?"

"There's one thing I want to ask. It's about Hikigaya-kun."


Himegami was taken aback by the unexpected name. She thought the matter was about her sister, Yukino Yukinoshita.

"I heard that Hikigaya confessed to you. I became curious about what kind of person he is. That's why I asked Hayato to bring you here."

"...Is that so?"

"So, how about it? I heard that he confessed to you, but are you dating? You two."

Her agitation grew. She felt something frightening from the person in front of her. Although Haruno was smiling, it made her even more scared. It felt like her eyes were telling her that lies would not be forgiven.

"...We're not dating."

"Oh, really? Why not? If it were me, I would gladly go out with him."

"Well, that's..."

Himegami finally understood why Hayama Hayato was acting strange. She never thought that such a smiling, yet terrifying person existed.

"Shall I tell you? You asked something of Hikigaya, and as a result, he made a fake confession to you, right?"

"Why... How do you know that?"

"It's simple. Tobu-kun asked the Service Club for support in his confession, and then you visited the Service Club. I heard about it from Yukino-chan."

"...Just from that?"

"Well, Hikigaya wouldn't confess to you. Even I can tell that. Yukino-chan and the others seem not to have noticed, though."

Terrifying... Terrifying... Terrifying. Himegami thought, wondering if a smile could be such a terrifying thing. She wasn't being scolded. She wasn't being interrogated. Yet, it was so frightening.

"...Yes. You're right. I asked something of Hikigaya-kun."

Himegami confessed and told her everything. She talked about asking Hayama about Tobu's feelings, consulting the Service Club, indirectly asking for a favor, and how Yawara noticed and took on the task. Everything.

"Well, that's interesting. Just as I expected."

"...Um, Yukinoshita-san?"

"What is it?"

"What should I do from now on?"

"What do you mean?"

Himegami's question was unclear, so Haruno asked for clarification.

"...It's been two weeks since Hikigaya-kun stopped coming to school... I never expected things to turn out like this."

"...I see."

Himegami was mentally cornered as well. She did request to stop the confession, but she never anticipated the current situation. He stopped coming to school, and malicious rumors spread even faster. Hearing those rumors continuously was pushing her closer to her limits.

"I know I have no right to say this... but I have no one else to talk to."


Ebina bowed deeply while crying. Haruno looked at her intently.

"Raise your head."


Ebina lifted her face. Her expression resembled that of a defendant awaiting execution.

"Well, I'll give you one piece of advice... You don't have to do anything."


Ebina stiffened, unable to comprehend what she was told.

"I'll tell you because you'll find out tomorrow anyway. Hikigaya is transferring schools."


"Yes. Don't you know, Shizuka-chan? Hira-tsuka-sensei mentioned it."


"Considering the current situation, it's impossible for him to continue attending school, right? Well, it can't be helped."

"...Then, at least let me contact Hikigaya."

"That's not possible. I heard they can't reach him directly. Well, he probably doesn't have anything to say to anyone. He wouldn't want to talk to anyone."

"I-Is that so... Yes, you're right."

Ebina felt downcast at Haruno's response.

"You should go home now. Your family will be worried if it gets late."


It must have been a huge shock. Ebina, stumbling, started walking towards the exit. Haruno called out to her.

"Hey, Ebina-chan. Can I say one thing?"

"What is it?"

In response to Ebina's question, Haruno exerted a slight intimidation. As a result, Ebina's body twitched and froze.

"It's rude to get someone's name wrong. Especially when you know how to address them. Remember that."

"...Yes. I'm sorry."

Ebina left the cafe, seemingly running away.

"Maybe I scared her too much? Well, it doesn't really matter."

Haruno thought she might have gone too far, but she didn't particularly mind.

What she told Ebina wasn't a lie. Hikigaya transferring was true, and not being able to reach him was also true.


"...It's too late to tell the truth now."

Rumors were truly troublesome. Even if the truth was revealed at the beginning, it would change in various ways as it passed through people. And as time went on and more people got involved, the story would become more exaggerated. It was a common occurrence, especially with malicious gossip.

"Even if I spread the true rumors, who knows what will happen. It might make things even worse."

For example, let's say Ebina Himegami revealed the truth about the school trip. Would the rumors about Hikigaya stop? There was a possibility. However, there was also a possibility that it would become even worse.

People prefer interesting stories and gossip over the truth. Even if the rumors about Hikigaya being false were spread, how many people would believe it? It was unlikely that those who didn't know him would believe it. It was almost impossible to stop the spread of rumors that had already spread so widely.

"It would be more peaceful if he's not around, Ebina-chan."

People easily get excited and easily get bored. As the proverb says, time is the only solution. If he's no longer there, the rumors would naturally calm down.

"...I wonder what she will do?"

Haruno was slightly curious about what choice Ebina Himegami would make. When she was asked earlier, Haruno told her she didn't have to do anything. If Haruno had said she should apologize, she would have likely followed that advice.

"It's her choice anyway."

Haruno didn't really care because it was the person's decision.

Haruno herself had made a mistake before. She intruded into the Cultural Festival Committee and disrupted its progress. In the end, Hikigaya had to bear the brunt of it. Looking back, it was a foolish thing to do, but at that time, she didn't have the composure.

And in that matter, Haruno apologized to Hikigaya and he forgave her.

"Apologizing wouldn't solve anything, and it would only trouble Hikigaya, right?"

If Ebina were to apologize to Hikigaya, what would he think? Would he be happy? Or would he be angry? No, he would probably be perplexed. He likely anticipated the current situation even before the false confession. He was good at calculating risks and returns, so it would be an easy task for him.

Rather than denying the rumors and subjecting Ebina to further malicious treatment, he probably wouldn't want that. That's the kind of bottomlessly kind person Haruno knew Hikigaya to be.

That's why Haruno thought...

"I must have fallen for him too."

When did she start liking him? She didn't know the exact timing. But she realized that she had developed feelings for him recently.

"Well, I should go soon."

Haruno stood up from her seat and settled the bill.

"Thank you for today, Master."

"No, thank you. No one ever reserves this place. I made some profit because of you."

"You should advertise a bit more, Master. The food and drinks here are delicious."

"I run this place for my own pleasure. I prefer it to be quiet."

Haruno chuckled at the stubborn Master. Despite the fact that the food and drinks were delicious enough to earn Haruno's approval, this place surprisingly had very little recognition. It was located in a back alley, not facing the main road, and there wasn't even a signboard. The interior of the shop was also small, and there was only one employee, the Master himself. Truly a hidden gem that only a few knew about. That was the atmosphere of the place.

"...I might not come here anymore."

"What's that? Are you going back to Asta-ri-sk?"

"Yes. And I might not come back."

"...I see. What about your boyfriend, Haruno-chan?"

For a moment, Haruno didn't know who he was referring to. But she quickly understood. The only man who had come here with her was Hikigaya.

"He's not my boyfriend... at least not yet. I don't think he'll come back either."

"I see. That's sad. Both you and Haruno-chan came to like this place."

"I'm sad too... Oh, right! If I can't come, Master should come to Asta-ri-sk."

"Heh, me at Asta-ri-sk?"

"...Just kidding. I wouldn't make such an unreasonable request."

"Well, if I get the chance, it wouldn't be a bad idea. I've never been to that town, so I'm curious."

Haruno intended it as a joke, but it seemed to have a good response.

"Well then, if you really come to Asta-ri-sk, let me know. I'll listen to any concerns you have."

Haruno gave the Master her contact information from her device, and he received it.

"Understood. If that time comes, I'll contact you."

"It's a promise, Master."

"Yeah, a promise."

With the Master's reply, Haruno happily left the shop. Today had been filled with hardships, but there were also plenty of joyful moments. It wasn't all bad.

But she needed to switch gears. She slapped her cheeks with both hands to pump herself up. The next destination would be the climax of the day. That was certain.

The destination was the Yukinoshita residence. The person she was going to meet was Yukinoshita Yukino.

Walking slowly along the familiar path, she remembered that she used to go exploring in the neighborhood with her sister when they were young. As she grew older, it became natural to travel by car, and she walked less frequently. Since this might be the last time she walks this path, she engraved the memories in her heart.

As the Yukinoshita residence came into view, she sensed a tremendous astral power. It seemed that her target had also noticed her presence. Astral power could reveal someone's mental state, so it wasn't difficult for someone who knew the person well to gauge their emotional state. The astral power she sensed from the other person indicated a great deal of anger. Well, that was as expected for Haruno.

She passed through the gate and headed towards the mansion. The astral power grew even stronger, and she could feel the surrounding temperature dropping. Ignoring it, she opened the entrance door and entered the house.

"I'm home~"

She called out to the person in front of her.

"...Welcome back, Haruno."

Haruno's mother, Yukinoshita Yukino, was waiting for her. Her tone lacked any warmth, and it didn't feel like she was speaking to a family member. Yukino's astral power pressed down on Haruno, as if exerting pressure to crush her.

"Haruno, I need to talk to you."

"Good timing. I have something to talk to you about too, Mom."

But Haruno wasn't about to back down. She also emitted her own astral power, pushing back against the pressure. Her astral power was in no way inferior to Yukino's.

An ordinary astral user would have their spirit broken just by witnessing such a scene. Perhaps only the top-ranking students of the Twelve Classes in each academy could compete. Even in their current state where neither was giving it their all, the situation was like that.

"I'll get straight to the point. Tell me Hikigaya Hachiman's whereabouts."

"Hikigaya-kun's? Why would Mom want to know that?"

"...There's no point pretending."

Yukino manipulated the window and played a video, then sent it to Haruno as if showing it to her.

"I've watched your battle with him. I don't know why you were in a place like that, but if you tell me his whereabouts, I won't ask any further."

"Well, well. So it was Mom after all. Well, I could tell because it was leaked from Seitoukan."

As Haruno watched the video, she responded to her mother. Then she increased the playback speed of the video, checking it.

"...Did you know?"

"I knew. I knew that our battle was recorded by the bank's surveillance cameras. It's unavoidable for the footage to leak."


"And it was too early for you to label Rumiko-chan. If it's just Seitoukan, it's reasonable to assume it was leaked by the Yukinoshita family. It should be assumed that Hikigaya-kun's situation was leaked too."

"I see."

While answering her mother's question, Haruno finished checking the video. The video had some parts that looked like they were damaged. There was no sound, and the footage was interrupted at some point. The video recorded everything from the moment she got serious until she defeated Hachiman. It seemed that the leakage had occurred through the hospital or the municipal office. But that was no problem. She closed the window and turned her gaze towards her mother.

"...So, what do you plan to do if you meet Hikigaya-kun, Mom?"

"I have a plan. It's to recruit him to Seitoukan."

"Recruit? I don't think Hikigaya-kun would accept that, and the chances of being turned down are high, right?"

"It doesn't matter. We'll offer the best possible conditions. And there's no need to worry about being turned down."

"...Are you planning to threaten him? Hikigaya-kun or maybe his parents?"


Silence expressed the correct answer. If he didn't agree to the conditions, it seemed they were prepared to coerce him to enroll. Haruno's prediction seemed to have been accurate.

"You're playing dirty, Mom. Just because Seitoukan's ranking this season is likely to be last, you're going that far?"

"...You were planning to recruit him too, Haruno. If you had enrolled at Seitoukan in the first place, we wouldn't need to do this."

Originally, Yukino had opposed Haruno's enrollment at Asta-ri-sk. But she compromised and gave permission as long as it was her alma mater, Seitoukan. However, Haruno rejected that proposal and transferred to Kairyou Academy.

"I don't think Rumiko-chan had the intention to threaten him like that, did she?"

"If necessary, I will."


More astral power erupted from Haruno. It was a response to her anger, bursting out. However, Yukino continued speaking without reacting to it.

"I've looked into him. He seems to have some gaps in his swordsmanship, but he has remarkable abilities. It's not impossible for him to defeat you in the future."

"...Well, I won't deny that."

Not only in the future, but even at the current moment, if he were in an out-of-control state, his abilities would surpass Haruno's.

"Well then, Haruno. I'll ask you again. Where is Hikigaya Hachiman?"

"Unfortunately, I don't know. Where he is."

"...That's a lie."

Yukino denied Haruno's words.

"You may truly not know. However, you should have some idea. Or is that not the case?"

"...So, it's been exposed, huh."

Haruno tried to bluff, but it was clear that it was futile. Her opponent was the supreme alternative of Yukinoshita Yukino. Haruno never thought she could deceive her completely.

"But I have no intention of telling you. Mom should understand that, right?"


"In that case, there's only one answer."

"What do you mean?"

"I'm an active Asta-ri-sk student. Mom is a former Asta-ri-sk student. So there's only one solution."

"...Are you serious?"

Yukino doubted her daughter's sanity.

"Well, let's have a match. If I win, I'll tell you Hachiman's whereabouts. I promise not to interfere with Rumiko-chan, and I'll withdraw from Kairyou Academy and return home. But if I win, the opposite will happen. I won't do anything to the Hikigaya or Tsurumi families, and I promise not to touch Seitoukan... And I'll leave this house."

"...Very well. Let's fight under those conditions."

Yukino pondered for a moment, but she accepted the proposal. She had confidence that she could win.

"Shall we go outside then?"


The two of them walked out the door and headed outside.


"...It's been a while since I fought with Mom."

"The last time we fought was before you enrolled at Asta-ri-sk, so it was about two and a half years ago."

Facing each other in the spacious garden, the distance between them was about twenty meters.

"But Haruno, you haven't forgotten, have you? Just to be clear, you've never beaten me, right?"

"Of course, I haven't forgotten. I don't remember how many times we've fought, but I remember that I've never won."

Indeed, Yukino Haruno had never defeated her mother. That was the main reason why Yukino immediately agreed to the fight.

"Admittedly, you have become stronger after transferring to Kairyou Academy. I'll acknowledge that. However, at the moment, I am still superior."

"Well, we'll see about that."

The record of her battle with Hachiman at the bank. Even after seeing that, Yukino was confident that she could surpass her daughter. Haruno agreed with that view.

"Oh, by the way, there was a message from Hoshimori for you, Mom. I'll let you know."

"From Manyu Tenra... Tell me."

Haruno relayed the message with a smirk on her face.

"Has the crybaby been cured?"


At that moment, an enormous astral power and a white substance burst out from Yukino's body. The white substance enveloped the surrounding area in a dome-like shape, covering a radius of several tens of meters. Of course, Haruno was also caught within it. She was well aware of what it was.

"What do you mean, Haruno?"

"What do you mean? I just relayed the message."

Haruno replied to her mother with a smirk on her face. Seeing that, Yukino felt a surge of anger but forcefully suppressed it. It was evident that her daughter was provoking her. However, her daughter's abilities were not so weak that she could be defeated by falling for the provocation.

"...Very well, I'll go all out."

"Well, you have to. It's what I desire."

Yukino held her hands forward and activated her power. As a result, white snow began to fall within the dome-shaped area. The white snow descended onto the ground and stuck to the grass. The surrounding area, within a radius of one meter, was encased in ice.

Of course, snow fell on Haruno as well, but her black flames rendered that ability ineffective. The snow was extinguished by the flames and had no effect. However, the surroundings continued to be sealed in ice one after another.

"Ice Snow Barrier. It's still an incredible power."

Haruno said in a somewhat exasperated tone. This barrier was the main reason why Haruno couldn't defeat her mother.

"Did you block it with your black flames? However, according to my estimation, those flames can only last for a few minutes. It's impossible to defeat me within that time."

"Well, you're right about that, Mom. Truly, the Ice Witch of the snow. Your power as the former third ranker at Seitoukan is no joke."

Yukino Yukinoshita.

A woman who claimed the third rank during the glory days of Seitoukan. She was also one of the most prominent ice users in the history of Asta-ri-sk. She bore the nickname of the Ice Witch, excelling in both academics and practical skills. She even served as the student council president at that time. She was truly a genius in every sense of the word.

Her Ice Snow Barrier deployed a barrier that caused snow to fall within it. Anyone who touched even a speck of that snow would instantly be encased in ice. Thanks to this ability, Yukino Yukinoshita boasted top-class skills within Asta-ri-sk.

She had also fought against the previous Manyu Tenra and had the experience of being made to cry. This was both a black mark and a trauma in her personal history.

"Hey, Mom. Can I ask you something?"

"...What is it?"

"Did you watch the entire video from the bank? Until the end?"

"Of course, I did. The video ended after you defeated Hachiman, right?"

"That's right. So why do you think I, who defeated him, wouldn't know his whereabouts?"

Yukino frowned at that question. She couldn't grasp the intention behind her daughter's question. It should be clear to her daughter that the more time passed, the more advantageous it would be for her. Her daughter should understand that.

However, it was true that it would be difficult to believe such a story so easily.

"Even if that were true... why did you tell me? If you have the ability to defeat me, I would definitely take you to Seitoukan. I would do whatever it takes."

"Well, you don't have to worry about that. There's no chance of that happening."

"What are you talking about?"

At the moment Yukino muttered those words, an intense astral power and black flames erupted from Haruno.

"The mistake you made, Mom, was not realizing that the surveillance camera didn't capture everything."

The astral power reached an extreme level, easily surpassing Yukino's knowledge of Haruno's astral power. It far exceeded Yukino Yukinoshita's astral power. At the same time, the black flames circled around Haruno, causing the ice around her to melt away.

"What!? And I, too, powered up and broke through that wall afterward."

Despite Yukino's surprise, the black flames continued to surge around her. Next, the flames spread throughout the entire barrier, interfering with it. Gradually, the barrier weakened and eventually disappeared.

"Haruno... you..."

"Worried about Hachiman? No need for that... because I will defeat my mother right here! Once that's done, this matter won't leak any further!"

Finally, Yukino understood Haruno's scheme. The purpose was to deceive her about her own abilities, leading to Hachiman and Tsurumi Rumi withdrawing. And she had no intention of breaking the promise they had made. It was all part of the plan.

The black flames enveloped Haruno's body. They were hotter and more radiant than the flames Yukino was familiar with, shining in pitch black. With the black flames swirling around both her arms, Haruno glared at Yukino.

Observing her opponent's appearance and her astral power, Yukino calmly made her judgment. She couldn't defeat her daughter.

However, Yukino Yukinoshita, even as she admitted defeat before the battle, had not fallen into despair!

Yukino unleashed her full astral power and confronted Haruno.

"Come, Haruno!"

"Let's go, Mom!"

The two clashed, and ice and flames clashed against each other.

The battle continued for about twenty minutes, and then it reached its conclusion.

Who the winner was—just as expected, it is recorded here.

"Phew, I'm exhausted."

Haruno, not hiding her fatigue, sat down on the spot and leaned her back towards the ground. Looking up at the stars in the night sky.

"The stars are beautiful."

The starry sky celebrated her victory. Her emotions were so high that she felt that way.

"...I won, for real."

She murmured softly. That's when she truly felt it. After all, she had won against her mother for the first time in her life.

Her astral power and abilities surpassed her mother's. In the first place, the outcome should have been decided then and there, but this was Yukino Yukinoshita we're talking about. With her superior technique and experience, she held on for quite a while. If not for breaking through the barrier and the extended time limit of the black flames, she would likely have been defeated.

"I've become stronger again."

She raised her right hand in the air and clenched it. The wound opened again, and the bandages wrapped around it were dyed crimson, but she didn't care about such trivial things.


A voice called out from the side.

Haruno, still lying down, turned her head towards the source of the voice and saw the butler, Tsuzuki.

"Ah, Tsuzuki. How's my mother?"

"She's only unconscious from depleting her astral power, so she should wake up tomorrow."

"What about her injuries?"

"Just minor scratches."

"I see. That's good, then."

She felt relieved at Tsuzuki's reply. After all, it hadn't been long since she surpassed her limits. She had thought she might have gone too far without being able to control her power, but it was fortunate that it was just a minor injury.

She got up from her lying position and stretched.

"Well then, I should be going soon."

"...I see. It'll be lonely."

Tsuzuki understood as well. Haruno Yukinoshita would not return.

"I'm grateful to you, Tsuzuki. When I fought with my mother and father, you mediated for us."

"It's only natural for me as a butler serving the Yukinoshita family."

"But still... thank you."

"Yes. However, Haruno-sama, perhaps it would be better to change those bandages on your hand?"

Tsuzuki suggested as he looked at Haruno's right hand. The bandages, stained crimson, indeed needed to be changed.

"I'll do it myself on the way back. I don't know when my mother will wake up if I stay here. It would be troublesome if she tried to stop me."

"I doubt that will happen."

"Oh, really?"

"Yes. She may be strict with others, but she is even stricter with herself. Even if it's just a verbal promise, she has never broken a promise once... Even if Haruno-sama tries to leave, she won't stop you anymore."

"I see... she's... that kind of person."

Indeed, Tsuzuki was right. She had always been strict and uncompromising with everyone, especially children, but she had never broken a promise.

"...The next head will be Yukino-chan, not me. I think it will be a struggle for her, but please support her together."

"Yes. All the retainers will support Yukino-sama with all our might."

"Yes. With you all, there won't be any problems... I'm sorry. I just can't bear it in this family."

"Indeed, with Haruno-sama present, the Yukinoshita family would be secure. That's how I feel as a butler. However..."


"...Personally, I will support Haruno-sama. Please proceed on the path you believe in, as you wish."

"Thank you. Tsuzuki, you truly are the best butler."

"Those words are the greatest honor I could receive as a butler."

Haruno Yukinoshita started walking. Leaving her birthplace behind and heading towards a new path.

"Take care, Haruno-sama."

"I'll be off, Tsuzuki!"

She was bid farewell by a single butler who was not her family. But her heart was as clear as it could be.

"Alright! Let's return to Kairyu!"

And Haruno Yukinoshita started running. Her physical and astral powers were nearing their limits. But now, she just wanted to run. While running, she shouted.

"Ahh~ I'm so excited!"

Haruno Yukinoshita's heart was completely liberated. From now on, she would live freely without being bound by chains.

She wanted to fight Hoshirou, settle the score with Akatsuki, or challenge Hoshirou again with Arema. She wanted to have more fun with Cecily and Fuyuka, or maybe make Tomomasa cross-dress again. She had overdone it with the Reikage siblings before, so she could be a little gentler with them.

But first, she wondered if she should manage the Kihara and Mizuhara factions, which must have become chaotic in her absence. If the relationship between the two worsened again, she could challenge all the disciples at once. With her current self, she was confident she could win against all of them. And even if she lost, she could challenge them again and again!

Come to think of it, it had been a while since she visited the casino. She should go see that girl who suddenly volunteered to be her disciple. If she didn't, her debts might have increased. There was no bad person among those who liked her sister, so she would go and see her.

But the most exciting thing was...

"Hachiman! Come to Kairyu soon! I'll give you a good match!"

A rematch with Hachiman Hikigaya. She had been told by Hoshirou that his astral power had been suppressed to a lower level again. It would take him some time to reach the level where he defeated her before. In that case, there was only one thing to do.

"Separately with Hoshirou, Akatsuki with me. It's okay to train individually or together with everyone else! The others are probably busy, so it won't work, right?"

After all, she had heard from Hoshirou that he had fought seriously against her. She had indeed lost in terms of power, but it was a realm she couldn't reach with her current self. If he trained, he could undoubtedly reach that level! And according to Hoshirou, it was possible that he could become even stronger than that.

There was no way she could hold back after hearing such a story!

"He's the boy I've come to love, so I believe he'll become stronger than me!"

She shouted with all her heart. It was hard to believe that the world she was seeing now was the same as before.

Was the world really this vast? Was the world really this bright?

If she calmed down, she might regret her current state. She couldn't help but feel how absurdly high her tension had risen.

But for now, she wanted to surrender herself to this state.


Because the world is shining so brightly!!

Your gift is the motivation for my creation. Give me more motivation!

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

koijiro21creators' thoughts