
The Asterisk War: Seeking the Real Thing

The novel story was about Hajiman Hikigaya as the main protagonist. Asterisk War fanfic. Hachiman Hikigaya, a second-year student at Sobu Junior High School. After the cultural festival and school trip, he became disliked by everyone in the school. Haruno Yukinoshita proposed something to the exhausted Hachiman, which became the beginning of everything. Will he be able to find what is genuine?

koijiro21 · Anime & Comics
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20 Chs

Tea Party with the Demon Empress

Hachiman Hikigaya is not good with Haruno Yukinoshita.

"I'll have tea. What would you like, Hikigaya-kun?"

"Then, one hot coffee."

It happened ten minutes ago when Hachiman Hikigaya was captured by the Demon King and became a helpless captive.

He was taken to a certain café as a prisoner.

"Oh? Aren't you adding condensed milk to your coffee today? We always order together."

"...It's just a coincidence. It's just my mood."

"I see. The coffee here is delicious even without milk. I'm glad you like it, Hikigaya-kun."

Even without expressing his true feelings, his emotions were accurately understood.

It seemed that he couldn't hide anything from the Demon King.

"By the way, Hikigaya-kun, you've been getting along well lately. My sister is impressed."

"Well, I've been forced to hang out with her every day. I've given up. And how do you know where I am? I don't want a stalker."

"I'm not stalking you. It just so happens that you're always where I go."

"...Even for five consecutive days?"

"Of course♪"


He couldn't help but sigh.

It all started four days ago on Monday this week.

While wandering around the town, he sensed someone approaching from behind.

When he turned around, he saw Haruno Yukinoshita with a surprised expression, frozen with her hand raised.

If he thought her expression was unusual, in the next moment, the Demon King, with a very pleasant smile, appeared.

Of course, he tried to escape, but it was futile.

He couldn't escape from the Demon King.


"Yeah? What is it?"

"You've been staring at me for a while now. Is there something on my face?"

"Nah, I'm just looking. Don't worry about it."

Suddenly, he noticed that Haruno was staring intently at him. And she was smiling.

Although he had been hanging out with her every day recently, he hadn't noticed her staring at him like this.

To reiterate, Hachiman Hikigaya is not good with Haruno Yukinoshita.

When they first met, he was horrified by her beautiful appearance, sociability, and above all, the perfect mask she wore.

He felt some sympathy and empathy in the way she treated her sister, Yukiho Yukinoshita.

During the cultural festival, he felt a sense of incongruity in the way she deliberately plunged the festival into chaos.

And now...

He was perplexed by her attitude of removing her mask and approaching him with a genuine smile.

One of Hachiman Hikigaya's skills is observing people.

He was taught to observe people well during his childhood lessons.

It involved observing various things like facial expressions, gaze, and movements to understand the other person's state.

As a result, observing people had become somewhat of a habit for him.

He suddenly glanced at Haruno.

Her gaze was gentle, and she had a soft smile, creating a cheerful atmosphere.

It was something he could never have imagined since their first meeting.

"What's wrong, Hikigaya-kun?"

It seemed that she had noticed that he had been staring at her.

"Oh, well... I was just wondering why you seem so happy."

"Because I'm talking to Hikigaya-kun, of course."

She replied as if it were obvious.

Her unexpected answer unsettled Hachiman.

He was disliked by everyone now. His sister avoided him at home, and he had no place at school.

For him, the moments spent with Yukino Yukinoshita were becoming invaluable.

That's why...

"Yukinoshita-san, I still find you difficult to deal with."

"What's the matter? I like you, Hikigaya-kun. You're interesting."

Hachiman Hikigaya finds Yukino Yukinoshita difficult to handle, but... he doesn't hate her.

The ordered items arrived and were placed on the table.

Haruno enjoyed the aroma of tea as she took a sip from her teacup.

Hachiman, on the other hand, started drinking his usual black coffee, which had become a habit recently.

In the somewhat relaxed atmosphere, Hachiman suddenly asked something that came to his mind.

"By the way, can I ask you something, Yukinoshita-san?"

"What is it? Are you interested in big sister? Sure, I'll answer! But I might be a bit embarrassed to talk about my three sizes."

"No...that's not it. Yukinoshita-san, if I remember correctly, you attended a high school outside the prefecture, right?"

"That's right. I went to the same Sobu Middle School as you, but I transferred at the end of the second year. It was just around the time you entered."

Indeed, when Hachiman enrolled, Haruno was no longer there.

If the Demon King had been there, there was no way he wouldn't have noticed her.

"Lately, you seem to be in our hometown every day. Is it okay with school?"

"Oh, that's what you're asking. Yeah, I have proper permission from the school, so it's okay."

"...Did something happen at your home?"

"Well...yeah, various things. I have some business to take care of, including the Yukinoshita family."

"...I see. Thank you."

"It's no big deal, really."

It seemed to be some trouble related to her family.

Hachiman was curious, but as an outsider, it wouldn't be appropriate for him to interfere.

"...Hikigaya-kun, do you know the high school I attend?"

"No, I don't. Yukinoshita didn't tell me much about it either."

"What? Yukino-chan is so cold. She didn't talk about her older sister?"

Haruno spoke as if she had somehow understood Hachiman's response.

Since Yukino, who is Hachiman's younger sister, dislikes or even detests her sister more than he does, it was natural that she wouldn't talk about her.

"Is it such a famous school?"

"Yes, it's Asterisk."

Haruno blurted out this shocking fact.

The gate to Asterisk, where entrance requests from all over the country, or even the world, pour in, is narrow.

Not everyone from the Stellar Generation can pass because they have the Star Pulse.

To be scouted based on excellent performance in competitions or to survive the astonishing competition rate among the large number of applicants during the biannual exams is the only path.

Of course, it's a different story for "witches" and "magicians"...

Anyway, the fact that she could enter Asterisk is a status symbol among the Stellar Generation in today's world.

It was a surprising fact to learn that someone who was so close to him attended that school.

("Come to think of it, it's a natural result for her.")

Yukino Yukinoshita.

A girl with such a beautiful appearance that most men would be captivated by her and an outstanding figure.

With just this fact, she would easily pass the entrance exam for Quinella Veil Women's Academy, one of the six flowers.

However, that's not what Hachiman is thinking about.

("...The amount of star power she has is abnormally high. And her flow is incredibly smooth.")

Of course, Haruno is not unleashing her full star power.

Hachiman doesn't know the exact amount of her star power, but from what he can sense, it's more than anyone he knows from the Stellar Generation.

(...Twice as much as Yukinoshita, or even more?)

Yukino Yukinoshita, his sister, is also an excellent member of the Stellar Generation, with a considerable amount of star power.

However, Haruno Yukinoshita's star power is literally off the charts.

Based on star power alone, there should be no problem for her to thrive in Asterisk.


"To be honest, it's surprising. I didn't expect Yukinoshita-san to choose Asterisk."

"Is that so? I'm also a member of the Stellar Generation. I have the desire to aspire to Asterisk too."

That's true. Most members of the Stellar Generation have aspirations for Asterisk and aim to attend the school.

After all, the advertisement says that if you win in the Gryps Festa, the integrated corporate conglomerate will fulfill any wish you have.

In the current world, where the country is in decline, there is almost no wish that the integrated corporate conglomerate cannot grant.

But there's a lingering question. Would Haruno Yukinoshita be swayed by such a thing?

"...Are you going to that kind of zoo-like place?"

"...Hmm, what does that mean?"

Haruno's gaze narrows slightly, shifting from her previous gentle look to a scrutinizing one as she tries to understand the other person's thoughts.

Hachiman recalls their first meeting, but he feels more at ease now, as he has become accustomed to her.

"Yukinoshita-san, you also understand the uniqueness of Asterisk, don't you? It lures students who are attracted to the bait of having their every wish granted and traps them in the cage called Asterisk. For those who are not part of the Stellar Generation, we are no different from wild animals. Like bees swarming around honey, the Stellar Generation gathers in abundance. The Gryps Festa is like a fierce animal show, where animals fight against each other. I don't understand why someone would willingly become a spectacle for others."

In response to his answer, Haruno's face turns puzzled.

Then, she suppresses something, and before long, she bursts into laughter.

"Hehehe! Calling it an animal show, you have quite an expressive way of putting it, Hikigaya-kun. You're interesting, just as I thought! ...But you're not wrong."

"...Knowing that, did you still choose to go to Asterisk? Why?"

Hachiman couldn't understand Haruno's thoughts.

To him, Asterisk is like a sideshow where students are made to fight against each other.

It might be entertaining as a form of entertainment, but he wouldn't choose to go there himself.

"...Because I wanted the real thing."


After a moment of silence, Haruno's words are uttered almost like a murmur, causing Hachiman to show a look of astonishment.

It's because what she desired and pursued was the same thing he has longed for.

"...In the past, the Yukinoshita family meant everything to me. I obeyed what my mother said and followed her instructions. I didn't question a life where I just rode on the rails set by my parents. I always ranked first in grades, and teachers remembered me well. I had many friends. But they only saw the eldest daughter of the Yukinoshita family. No one saw me as Haruno Yukinoshita as an individual... Not even my father... Not even my mother... Not even Yukino-chan... I wanted to break free from those days, to escape..."

Haruno starts to reveal her feelings as if appealing to Hachiman.

Her expression is full of seriousness, and she doesn't seem like she's telling lies.

"...That's when I saw the Gryps Festa. In that city teeming with desires. Before seeing it, I thought it was meaningless. Like you, Hikigaya-kun, I couldn't understand why anyone would be so invested in a sideshow. But seeing the Gryps Festa firsthand changed my perspective. Yes, the Gryps Festa may indeed be a sideshow. But there...in Asterisk...I felt there was something I desired. Something I could find as Haruno Yukinoshita, not just as the eldest daughter of the Yukinoshita family..."

After finishing her story, Haruno's expression turns into a radiant smile.

And as Hachiman looks at her, he finds himself captivated.

While Haruno already had a naturally beautiful appearance, the smile she wears now is the most beautiful he has seen today.

At the same time, he feels a deep sense of envy towards Haruno.

She was able to find something that he couldn't find himself.

"...I see."

That's the only response Hachiman can give to her radiant smile.


"Well, it's about time to go home. It's gotten quite late."

"Yes, you're right."

Looking out the window, the surroundings are already dark.

It seems they have been talking longer than expected.

"...Shall I call my secretary, Tsuzuki, to give you a ride?"

"It's alright. Besides, I have my bicycle."

Hachiman politely declines Haruno's suggestion.

If they were walking, he might have accepted, but since he came by bicycle, he'll just go home that way.

"I see... Thank you for today, Hikigaya-kun. I had fun."

"...Well, I wasn't bored either."

"Haha, Hikigaya-kun, you're not straightforward. But that's what makes you, you."

Haruno happily accepts Hachiman's response.

His twisted personality is nothing new to her.

And when she looks at his face, she notices that his cheeks have turned slightly red. It's a sign that he's embarrassed.

"Hey... Hikigaya-kun, can I ask you something?"

Haruno's expression tightens, and she speaks with a sense of nervousness.

Perceiving her serious tone, Hachiman quickly responds.

"What is it?"

"Can we meet again tomorrow? I apologize for asking on a day off... But I have something important to discuss."

Hachiman is a little bewildered by the sudden invitation. Normally, he would decline, but...

"It's fine. I don't have anything else to do."

Surprisingly, he gives an unusually straightforward acceptance.

"Thank you. What time works for you? I'll adjust to your schedule, Hikigaya-kun."

"...Well, how about in the afternoon? I have some cleaning to do at home in the morning."

"If you're busy, we can do it another day instead of tomorrow..."

"...No, it's because no one is home on weekends, so I have no choice but to do it."

"No one's home? Not even Komachi-chan?"

"Well, yeah. Anyway, where and what time should we meet?"

Hachiman forcefully changes the topic to avoid talking about his sister. He doesn't want to discuss that.

Haruno continues the conversation without commenting on his behavior.

"Sure, 12 o'clock here works. I'll treat you to lunch, so come hungry," Haruno suggests.


With the conversation settled, Hachiman prepares to leave.

Haruno, on the other hand, remains seated inside the cafe until her ride arrives.

It has been decided that Haruno will cover the bill.

Hachiman did try to pay, but he was turned down, as Haruno insisted that since she was the one who invited him, she should pay. Lately, he has been relying on her words and getting treated by her.

As he gets up from his seat, a thought suddenly crosses his mind.

He wonders whether he should ask, but he decides to inquire with Haruno, who is right in front of him.

"By the way, Yukinoshita-san," he says, turning back to face her.

"What is it?"

"In the end, which academy in Asterisk are you attending? There were six schools, right?"

"...Ah, I didn't tell you, did I?"

Haruno seems to ponder the question for a moment.

"I'll tell you tomorrow. It's related to our conversation then."

"I see. Alright, then I'll be on my way."

Although he is curious, it seems Haruno has no intention of giving him an answer.

Thinking that he'll find out tomorrow, Hachiman decides to leave the cafe.


As Hachiman's back faces her, Haruno's voice reaches him.

He turns around, wondering what she has to say.

"Find me tomorrow..."

"What do you mean by that?"

"Well then, see you later."

Without answering Hachiman's question, Haruno waves him off with a smile.

"Why didn't I refuse...?" Hachiman ponders as he continues to think after parting ways with Haruno at the cafe.

Under normal circumstances, he would have declined an invitation on a holiday. It's something he would never have done in the past.

While feeling perplexed by the change in his state of mind, he comes up with one reason.

"...The real thing, huh?"

She said it. That there is something genuine in Asterisk...

Hachiman has never had any interest in Asterisk before, but after hearing Haruno's story today, he feels a slight spark of curiosity.

"...I'll ask about it tomorrow."

When you don't know something, it's best to ask. It's the fastest and most reliable way.

Although it's different from what he is seeking, the fact that Haruno Yukinoshita referred to it as something genuine piques his interest.

Since his sister is also aiming for Asterisk, it wouldn't hurt to gather some information about the school as a reference.

With these thoughts in mind, Hachiman walks the path home.

Unaware of the faint smile that had appeared on his face...

Your gift is the motivation for my creation. Give me more motivation!

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

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