
The Asterisk War: Seeking the Real Thing

The novel story was about Hajiman Hikigaya as the main protagonist. Asterisk War fanfic. Hachiman Hikigaya, a second-year student at Sobu Junior High School. After the cultural festival and school trip, he became disliked by everyone in the school. Haruno Yukinoshita proposed something to the exhausted Hachiman, which became the beginning of everything. Will he be able to find what is genuine?

koijiro21 · Anime & Comics
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20 Chs

Dropout of the star vein generation


The young boy swings the wooden sword in his hand towards his opponent.

Covered in stellar energy, his strike is powerful enough to overwhelm an ordinary opponent.

However, the old man in front of the boy shifts his body half a step, narrowly dodging the attack.

It is clear that he has perfectly read the trajectory of the strike.

Undeterred, the boy swiftly changes his wooden sword from a downward strike to a thrust.

His target is the old man's torso. He lunges towards his opponent with his entire body, but even that fails to hit.

The boy's attack is effortlessly deflected by the wooden sword in the old man's hand, and the boy's body is redirected behind the old man.

With the distance between them widening, they face each other once again, and the old man speaks.

"Well, that was quite good."

"I'm not done yet!!!"

The boy's words are accompanied by an increase in his stellar energy.

As a result, his power and speed increase significantly, surpassing his previous strike.

If anyone unfamiliar were to witness this scene, they would be amazed.

The amount of stellar energy emanating from the boy far exceeds what is expected for his age—around four or five years old.

But even at such a young age, his stellar energy is unusually abundant.

Among the over a hundred students in their generation of stellar veins, the boy surpasses them all.

The abnormality becomes apparent when comparing him to the rest of the stellar vein generation, who are like wild animals.

The boy's opponent, the old man, is also extraordinary.

The old man shows no signs of stellar energy. Not because he is concealing it, but because he is not part of the stellar vein generation.

In normal circumstances, there should be no chance of victory for the old man. However, in the countless matches they've had, the boy has never emerged victorious.

"Now, come."

"Here I go!!"

In response to the old man's words, the boy leaps forward.

His attacks are faster and sharper than before, launching a relentless assault. But they are all parried, redirected, or evaded.

The boy continues his relentless barrage, but there is no indication of a successful hit.


The old man's wooden sword stops just in front of the boy's throat.


"Hohoho. That was close."

Pouting, the boy feels frustrated.

While the old man is commending his efforts, the boy's frustration lingers.

"...Sensei, are you really not a part of the stellar vein generation?"

"You can tell just by looking. I don't possess any stellar energy."

"...I can see that, but..."

It's something the boy already knows, yet he finds it hard to believe.

The boy has challenged the old man numerous times, and he has never won a single bout, let alone landed a strike.

However, he can't dwell on his frustration forever.

"...How can I defeat you, Sensei?"

"Well, that's up to you. You're still young. Right now, the key is to focus on training diligently."

"I understand."

It's a given. Yet, the boy has never neglected his daily training.

If it's not enough, he contemplates increasing his training time even further.

"That's right. If I were to give you some advice, it would be to observe your opponent."

"...Observe my opponent?"

"Yes, your stellar energy is incredibly abundant. By utilizing that stellar energy, you could defeat adults as well."

That is indeed true. Despite only a year since joining the dojo, the boy has been able to overpower adults with his abundant stellar energy.

However, it didn't work against the old man standing before him.

"Of course, technique is also crucial. With daily training, your skills will naturally improve."

"You're diligent in your practice, so I'm not worried about that. But right now, you seem to be focused solely on attacking without considering anything else, am I right?"

Hearing the old man's words, the boy suddenly realizes the truth.

The old man's words are correct.

"Indeed, I've been solely focused on increasing my stellar energy for attacking."

"That's why you can defeat opponents easily. However, that's also the problem. That's why I took you under my wing."

The old man reminds the boy that his true mentor isn't him but someone else.

Normally, when a stellar vein generation is admitted to the dojo, the instructor is also from the stellar vein generation.

But the boy's talent was an exception to the rule.

Although there are a few among the stellar vein generation who surpass the boy, it is a rarity.

The boy's rapid growth within just a year caught the old man's attention.

The old man is the one who established the dojo. Although he is not part of the stellar vein generation, his skills are unparalleled within the dojo.

Usually, his son oversees the dojo, so he rarely shows himself.

However, he took on the role of the boy's mentor to expand his potential.

"Alright, old man. It's time. Most of the others have already gone home."

"...Ah, it's already that time, huh?"

Realizing he had been lost in thought, the old man hastily exits the room.

Now, only the boy and the man remain in the room.

"Hey, kid. You've been working hard today too, huh?"

"Yes, Sensei."

"I see. Alright, let me give you this."

The man, in a good mood, ruffles the boy's hair.

Then he hands him a beverage.

"Is it this again, Sensei?"

"What's wrong, don't like it? Kid."

"It's not that I don't like it, but it's a bit too sweet. This MAX Coffee."

"Hahaha, you won't understand until you grow up. Life is tough and bitter. That's why a little sweetness in coffee is alright."

"...I don't really get it."

"You'll understand when you become an adult, kid."

Saying that, the man ruffles the boy's hair once again.

After a while, the old man returns to the room.

"That's enough... What's with you, drinking that again?"

"Well, it's delicious, you know. This one."

"It's too sweet for me, but well... Anyway, today's training is over. Be careful on your way home."

"Understood. Well then, Sensei, Sensei-in-charge, I'll take my leave."

The young boy bows respectfully.

"Sure, see you again, kid."

"Yeah, see you tomorrow, Hachiman-kun."

The boy turns his back on them and starts walking away.

The two men watch him with smiles on their faces, seeing him off.

This was an event that took place one year after Hikigaya Hachiman joined the dojo.

It was a memory from two years before he gave up the sword.

In front of him, he sees the familiar ceiling.

Checking the time, it has passed four in the morning, an hour earlier than his usual waking time.

Outside the window, darkness stretches before the break of dawn.

"...Another dream. Such nostalgic dreams."

It was a memory from his childhood.

The days when learning the sword at the dojo was enjoyable. The joy of being praised for his talent.

His little sister was adorable, and he was loved by his parents.

Every day was filled with happiness, and his eyes still shone brightly.

It was a memory he couldn't forget even if he wanted to.

But it was Hachiman himself who gave it up.

"...I shouldn't have any regrets."

He mutters to himself, as if trying to convince himself. However, he doesn't realize how feeble his tone sounds.

He stands up and picks up the item placed next to the desk. It's a wooden sword. A small one meant for children, suitable for him now.

Although he abandoned the path of the sword, he couldn't bring himself to throw away the wooden sword he used.

"...It's a lingering attachment, huh?"

The fact that he couldn't part with the last proof of his sword training symbolized his own lingering attachment.


Ultimately, he couldn't sleep anymore after that.

He decided to go for his daily run earlier than usual and returned home. Suddenly, drowsiness overwhelmed him.

But if he goes back to sleep now, he'll probably oversleep since he has a lunch appointment with Haruno.

So, he drinks black coffee to shake off the sleepiness.

"Now then, first I should do the laundry and clean up."

There are many things to do. He decides to start with the laundry.

While the washing machine is running, he vacuums each room.

At the moment, no one else is home except Hachiman, so he doesn't have to worry about waking anyone up with the noise.

"...Are my parents on their way to Komachi's place?"

While cleaning, he remembers his parents who went to cheer for his sister.

When Hachiman returned from his run, his parents were no longer at home.

It's likely that they headed to Tokyo, where his sister's training camp is taking place.

"Why do they have to barge in so early in the morning? I think they should avoid putting too much pressure on her."

His parents have always had a fixation on Asterisk.

Both Hachiman and Komachi were born to parents who are not part of the stellar vein generation but became stellar vein generation themselves.

Although the chances of a stellar vein generation child being born to stellar vein generation parents are relatively high, the opposite is extremely low.

The fact that both Hachiman and Komachi turned out to be stellar vein generation brought immense joy, or rather, ecstasy to their parents.

Seirei-kan Academy City, Asterisk.

In this city, the world's largest entertainment, the Asterisk, takes place. If one can excel there, they can attain status, honor, and enormous wealth.

Although stellar vein generation individuals are discriminated against by society, many parents still seek out stellar vein generation for the opportunities Asterisk provides.

Children of stellar vein generation aspire to Asterisk and parents, in turn, educate them or teach them martial arts to prepare them for it. Hachiman's sword training dojo was one of the recommended programs for stellar vein generation.

Hachiman's sister, Hikigaya Komachi, is also aiming for Asterisk. However...

Remembering his sister, whom he hasn't spoken to in a long time...

His parents' education for his sixth-grade sister had reached an excessive level.

She participated in various tournaments in Japan to attract the attention of Asterisk scouts. It wasn't uncommon for her to apply for training camps on her own.

Everything was for the sake of sending his sister to Asterisk.

The parents' excessive and high expectations imposed a heavy burden on his sister.

Her pure smile from her younger days began to fade, and she became quieter.

Inevitably, Hachiman became the one responsible for all the household chores that they used to do together.

And as his sister tried to live up to their parents' expectations, Hachiman, who hadn't done anything, gradually became the target of her animosity and stopped talking to him altogether.

But his sister never showed her true feelings to their parents or anyone else. Outwardly, they appeared to be a close brother and sister.

Hachiman didn't point out what his sister was thinking or feeling.

"...It's hopeless, isn't it?"

He doesn't want to believe that the choice he made on that day of his childhood was wrong.

But the decision he made for the sake of his sister has now become a burden for her.

It feels meaningless.

On that day, his young sister was crying. On that day, his young sister pleaded while in tears.

And the young brother sacrificed himself to resolve it.

Perhaps that choice was a mistake.

But it's too late to go back now.

He clenches his fist and concentrates his star energy.

However, only a faint star energy emanates from there.

The vast amount of star energy he possessed as a child is now completely gone.

Hikigaya Hachiman, a fallen star pulse generation, went against his parents' expectations.

Hikigaya Hachiman abandoned the sword, abandoned his star energy, and betrayed the expectations of his mentors.

"...Yes, this is fine."

There is no other choice but to persist on this path.

After finishing the household chores, he realizes that it's already past 11 AM.

Since the appointment time is approaching, he decides to leave a little early.

He rides his bicycle and enters the town, heading towards the café he's supposed to meet Haruno at.

On the way, he hears something.

Curious, he stops his bicycle and listens carefully. He hears a song.

He recognizes that song.

"Silvia Lyyneheym, huh?"

At Seidoukan Academy in Asterisk, as part of the school's strategy, students are engaged in idol activities.

As a result, students affiliated with the school are more widely known externally compared to other academies.

Among them, the name Silvia Lyyneheym holds special significance.

She is known as the world's diva, literally recognized by people all over the world, and has passionate fans.

"Oh, right. Her new song was released."

He recalls that a new song was released recently, but he had completely forgotten due to the recent troubles.

"I'll buy it later."

He resumes riding his bicycle and heads towards his destination.

He spots the café in front of him. Checking the time, it's already 11:30 AM.

Despite it being before lunchtime, there isn't a single car parked in the parking lot.

Finding it unusual, he parks his bicycle and stands in front of the café.

He briefly wonders if the café is closed, but it seems to be open. Feeling relieved, he opens the door.


He acknowledges the staff's greeting and looks inside to find Haruno.

Since the café is small, it doesn't take long to locate her. In fact, Haruno is the only customer.

"We have an appointment."

He informs the staff and approaches Haruno.

Just as he gets close, Haruno turns around and addresses him.

"Hey~ Hikigaya-kun~"

The moment he hears her voice, he stops in his tracks.

What is that...?

"What's wrong? I'm right here~"

The person in front of him is supposed to be Haruno, Yukinoshita Haruno.

Her way of speaking, her voice, her appearance—everything about her even including her star energy represents Yukinoshita Haruno.

But something is off.

"Hey! Ignoring your big sister will have consequences~"

With every word spoken by the entity in front of him, the discomfort intensifies.

It almost feels like a fabricated impostor is speaking.

He looks around the interior of the café once again.

But just like before, he doesn't see any other customers, but he notices another source of discomfort.

He walks toward it, guided by his instincts, and stands in front of an empty seat.

"I'm sorry for the wait, Yukinoshita-san."

As soon as he utters those words, the space in front of him begins to ripple.

The entity that was talking behind him disappears, and in its place, a familiar figure emerges.

And after a short period of time passes...

"I believed you would find me, Hikigaya-kun."

Once again, Yukinoshita Haruno, wearing a calm smile, welcomes Hachiman.

"I'm sensitive to people's gazes, you know. Even if you try to hide, I can tell if you're looking in this direction."

"I see. My star magic still has a long way to go~"

Haruno chuckles wryly.

"Now then, I'm sure there are a lot of things you want to say, but let's start with why I called you here. Take a look at this."

She places an envelope in front of him.

Prompted to examine its contents, Hachiman opens the envelope. Inside are several sheets of paper.

In the age of widespread mobile devices, documents are often digitized. So the fact that these are physical documents indicates their importance.

Hachiman takes out the contents of the envelope and reads out the items.

"A recommendation letter for special scholarship?"

"Yes... Hikigaya Hachiman-kun..."

Haruno informs a bewildered Hachiman. Her school emblem, featuring a dragon, is proudly displayed on her chest.

"We, Kairyuuin Seventh Institute, recommend you as a special scholarship student."

From this day, this moment, Hachiman's destiny begins to undergo a major shift.

Not only for himself but also for the people around him.

No one knows what the outcome will be.

Your gift is the motivation for my creation. Give me more motivation!

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

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