
Chapter 6

"Mate" was the last thing Emily heard before Alvin decided to kiss her causing her to be rooted to the ground shocked as she felt the tingles and sparks during the kiss. Her eyes widened and she didn't know how to react as no guy has ever kissed her before. After a second or so she was finally able to move, she shoved Alvin away and gave him one tight slap, then turning her back on Carly and her friends, she ran as fast as her legs could take her, running through the hallways she finally stopped after 5 minutes as she found the janitor's closet, she opened the door and hid herself in there while trying to recollect her thoughts.

"You and Emily are mates? How?" Carly gave Alvin the 'are you serious' look while everyone was just watching the scene play out as if it's a movie, "I mean, she's hot and I am good looking" when he said that, everyone at the table fake coughed earning them all a glare. "Um, guys? I don't think this is the right time to talk about who is hot, which by the way, Alvin you're not because I am, and shouldn't you be finding your mate right now since you know. . . Someone was being retarded and decided to kiss her the first time meeting her!" When Ryder said that, it's as if something hit Alvin on his head and he just realized what is going on. Before anyone could even say Yankee doodle, he took off to find Emily.

Ryder's P.O.V

"Oh woah he sure runs fast!" I joked, Ricky and Carly just laughed while Carly went over to sit beside Ricky before they started making out, "Eww guys, please get a room! Mateless here!" I covered my eyes with my hands not wanting to see the scene playing out right in front of me, "Aww ish wittle Wyder jeawous?" Carly teased earning her a glare from me "Ha Ha, very funny! I'm not jealous, I'm just trying to protect my innocence from you 2 mouth suckers!" Ricky snickered and Carly rolled her eyes but smiled, I thought they would stop but we are talking about Carly and Ricky so I am not surprised when they ignored me and continue making out. How I wish I can find a mate! Gosh, even Alvin got a mate and here I am mateless. . . Maybe she has already died, who knows. . . I went off daydreaming while the other 2 were making out if my mate is out there somewhere I really wish to find her soon.

Alvin's P.O.V

She sure can run for a human, I have been running for about 4 minutes now while following her scent but she is nowhere to be seen, I walked around the empty hallways and the scent of lavender mix with mint hit me. I followed the scent leading me to the janitor's closet, oh woah the clichè hiding spot, I turned the knob and opened the door. Just right in front of me stood a girl with brown wavy hair and beautiful brown eyes, she looks perfect. She looked at me eyes wide and slowly backed away as I advanced towards her like a predator moving towards its prey, closing the door behind me.

"Where do you think you are going beautiful." I smirked as she stopped backing away from me as her back was against the metal shelf, "Don't call me that?! What do you want from me!" She growled out, she looked sexy when she did that making it hard to resist not kissing her, "Then what should I call you? Babe?" My hands went up to her cheeks caressing it, she bit her lower lip and blushed. Seeing her reaction towards my touch was so satisfying, I could feel my wolf howling in excitement and was totally enjoying every single bit of it! "N-no don't call me that too" she started stuttering as the effect of the mate bond is very obvious.

"Then what should I call you, my little mate" I lowered my head down to the nape of her neck near her ears and whispered into it while blowing hot air against her neck. After a few seconds of doing what I was doing, she moaned softly but I could hear it due to my werewolf hearing, such a sweet and delicate voice she has. I was trying so hard not to take her there and then, my mind is telling me, no but my body, my body, it's telling me yes!

"E-Emily. . . Just call me Emily, please stop doing what you're doing. . ." Her words came out breathy and she started breathing heavily, "Aww Emy, why should I stop? You seem to be enjoying it!" I kissed her neck 1 last time before I decided to stop teasing her like people always say good things don't last. I took a step back so she is able to take in what is going on and think clearer, "what do you want from me?" While saying that she was biting her bottom lips causing it hard to concentrate, "I want you Emy." I smirked at her while I had my index finger under her chin making her look me in the eye. "No, I'm not going to be with a weirdo who randomly kissed me just right after seeing me for a second! I won't be yours! And never will be!" She got mad all of a sudden making me flinch at her sudden outburst. . . "I want you so I will get you, we are meant to be Emy, fate has brought you to me~" trying to sound poetic and all but it isn't easy, she got madder and oh damn does she have an anger issue! "I'm not an object, you can't have me, Mr. Brother of Carly!?" When I was about to say something about it, someone knocked on the door profusely, Emily looked at me with a face of confusion wondering who will be knocking on the janitor's closet's door. . . Opening the door I saw a man in blue long pants and shirt, he was looking at us wondering what was going on. . .