
Chapter 15

Ricky's P.O.V

As the girls went to get food Alvin immediately scooted over "Guys I need some help, how can I make a date an unforgettable one?" I raised an eyebrow and looked at him.

"Dude, are you seriously asking me for dating advice?" I shot him a look of unbelief. Ryder was still sulky so he rested his head on the table totally snubbing us. I rolled my eyes at his petty and childish behavior, I pity his future mate.

"Yeah do I look not serious enough?" Alvin questioned giving me the 'of course I am serious' look.

"Okay, okay, chill let me think of something for you." I raised my hands up in a surrendering posture and started thinking of ideas.

"Hmm how about a movie? Or maybe bowling?" I sounded unsure as normally Carly is the one giving the ideas for dates, I am terrible at planning such things.

"If I am bringing her to the movies or just bowling for a date, do you think I still got to ask you for ideas? Now you are starting to make me feel like I've asked the wrong person." He sighed, we did not get to continue on with the discussion as Carly and Emily were already walking towards us with their tray of food.

Lunch was over before we even noticed and we all had to report to our respective classes, "See you after school babe, don't get into too much trouble when I am not around." I teased Carly as I see Emily and she slowly disappears within sight before I rushed off to class with Ryder and Alvin.

Emily's P.O.V

Lunch went by quickly and currently Carly and I are slowly making our way to the girl's changing room to change into our sports attire as the next class we are going to report to is sports and wellness.

"So, are you excited for sports?" Carly beamed, she seemed to be even more energetic even though normally at this timing after food, people will get food coma and feel restless instead.

"I sort of am but I am terrible with ball games so I am hoping it will be something that is related to self-defense instead," I told her in all honesty. Since I was young, ball games have never been my forte, the first time I tried football I kicked the ball and it hit a guy's reproductive tree, then there was floorball which was about the same where I shot the ball and of all places it could fly, the ball directly aimed between the legs of a guy, lets not even get me started on dodge ball. The amount of incidents I had encountered when I am playing a ball game, the list goes on and I can most probably make a book as thick as the harry potter series by now.

After walking for 3 minutes straight, we finally reached the girl's changing room. I took my clothes to one of the cubicles to change, I had on a pink and black Puma sports bra, black Nike shirt and shorts with a blue Adidas sports shoe. This is the only lesson where we are able to wear something of our own, so I decided to just bring my training clothes to use. Even though my brain is telling me that I have to get the mission done but a small seed of desire was growing in my heart, the desire of wanting to be normal, craving for friends, romance, fun and simply being normal. I shook the feeling off as I know that will never happen and I have to get my head in the game. I got out of the cubicle seeing that Carly was already done and waiting for me.

"Is everything alright? You were taking quite a while in there." Carly asked with a look of concern.

"Yeah just a little nervous, no worries." After that we walked out of the changing room and went to report to the teacher at the indoor sports hall, once we have reported and the teacher made sure that everyone was present, she gave us a slight briefing for what was the activity we had to do for the day.

"Good afternoon everyone, for today we will be doing a short boxing training, at the end of the day there will be a short sparring session, it is just a friendly match so I do not want any injuries got it?" The whole class nodded and the teacher started the session with a short warm-up followed by having us all partner up to practice a straight punch and a jab.

"You've got your wish, no ball games." Carly chuckled and I grinned gleefully, we partnered up after the warm-up and started with a short practice of punches and jabs. I have been training for the past who knows how many years so naturally I got into the momentum quickly. I threw a quick punch and a jab consecutively 10 times straight without breaking a sweat while making sure I shielded my face as I switch between a straight punch and a jab.

"Woah, did you take lessons before?" She asked as we were practicing, I realized that I was getting a little too excited and I should not be raising suspicion toward myself so I toned down a little.

"N-no, I just used to e-enjoy watching boxing matches a lot last time. . . I know it is weird as I am a girl and all" I tried to cover it up by acting bashful and stuttered a little to make it seem more believable. She formed an O with her mouth and nodded towards me.

"Oh no wonder, and no it ain't weird at all, I enjoy boxing too, you are really talented in boxing then, you are a really quick learner. I was pretty impressed with your posture and your speed and technique, it looked as though trained pretty often." She looked amazed and shocked while she praised me but it seemed like she took my word as it is, that was a close call. Soon practice was over and the sparring session was about to take place, the rules were simple, no hitting the other person until there were bleeding or serious injuries and if one of the person surrender the other party has to stop immediately.

Soon everyone was picking who they want to spar with and even though I wanted to lay low and just watch others spar, that wish of mine was simply too hard to fulfill apparently. Even though I didn't go looking for trouble, it came looking for me instead, a group of guys approached me and one of them who was sporting an ear stud on his right ear spoke.

"Hey pretty, want to spar, I promise I'll go gentle on you." He had on a smirk as he spoke down to me, I despise such guys the most thinking they are so good but in actual fact, even the rubbish bin is better than them. Since they want to play it that way, I shall have some fun of my own too.

"B-but. . . I am s-scared. . . " I acted very ladylike and spoke in a very soft and submissive tone, as I was replying the guys that were surrounding me had on them a look as though I am a piece of fresh meat and they were about to devour me.

"I promise I will go gentle on you, but if I win you got to go on a date with me, let's spar the next round after them." He said after pointing towards Carly and some other guy getting beaten up by her. I nodded letting him think that he got the upper hand after Carly was done she approached me but once she saw the guy by my side her smile turned upside down.

"Mason, what are you up to." She practically growled that out towards him as he continued smirking.

"Nothing, just having a friendly spar with the new girl here." As he said that Carly's face turned as black as a coal and she looks as though she was about to kill him, I grabbed on to her hand and turned to look at her while my back is facing the guy name, Mason.

"No worries Carly, I will be fine he promised to be gentle on me." While I said that I gave her a subtle hint that everything will be fine, I squeezed her hand and winked, she got the message and heaved a sigh of defeat.

"Fine but if anything happens to you, I will tell Alvin and he will surely make sure Mason is buried alive." She mumbled to me and I nodded quickly but was wondering even if something happens to me, how will that even affect Alvin, why would he kill someone for me.

I did not ponder too much on it and made my way with Mason following behind me up to the sparring area.

"No worries I will be gentle, but you can just come at me with all you got." His tone was arrogant and mocking.

"I hope you don't regret what you just said." I dropped all pretense and got into my game mode as fighting is one of the ways where I feel is in my element.