
The Archon of Everlast

One day a tower sprung up from the ground catching the attention of the world. Its purpose is a mystery, but the promise of rewards attracted the brave and the bold from all directions. Rumor says that the tower has a master who oversees the challengers and awaits for the fated ones to reach the top.

Kiva_Chyrsfallen · Fantasy
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7 Chs

Details and Author's Notes

Hello, my name is Kiva, and I am a newbie when it comes to writing novels, so please excuse my amateur writing skills. I only have two reasons for writing: to make a story I like and to improve my writing skills.

I will start with concise chapters but will try to lengthen them as the story goes.

Cheers everyone!

This volume contains some of the world's "common sense." and also the details about our MC.

*Will be constantly updated*


Cyril Archon

Weapon: Nirvana

Equipment Set: Dark Shadow (Top, Bottom, Gloves, Shoes)

Miscellaneous: Origin Core, Designer Stone

Unique Skill: Inventory


Money (Coins)

Bronze, Silver, Gold, Platinum

100 to 1 Ratio

Ex. 100 Bronze Coins = 1 Silver Coin
