
The Archon of Everlast

One day a tower sprung up from the ground catching the attention of the world. Its purpose is a mystery, but the promise of rewards attracted the brave and the bold from all directions. Rumor says that the tower has a master who oversees the challengers and awaits for the fated ones to reach the top.

Kiva_Chyrsfallen · Fantasy
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7 Chs

"The Beginning Starts with The End"

I open my eyes and see a small orb of light floating in what seems to be an eternal night.

"Huh, where am I?"

"Are you awake?"

"I think?"

"I think you have a lot of questions on your mind now but do you mind listening to me first?"


"My name is Astrelia, a goddess of this world called Avalon. Do you still remember who you are?"

"My name is Cyril."

"Good, it seems your memories are still intact, which makes it easier to explain your situation. I transferred your soul from your world known as Earth into here, as for the reason why I'm sorry, but I cannot tell you, but I can tell you that the reason does not affect you in any way."

"I see."

"Now, do you have questions for me or maybe even for yourself?"

"Yes, will I still be me? or will this be like those stories that I read in my world where I can be a different person or be given irresponsibly with power?"

"You will still be you, for the most part; however, I have to make a new body for you so in a sense you will be a different person, as for being given irresponsibly with power that depends solely on you as I will grant them if you wish for them."

"Is this world dangerous?"

"Well, I would say yes, it is hazardous. First of all, magic exists in this world, and so do creatures not common in your world. There are also various intelligent races aside from humanity. Still, I think rather than explain them, seeing with your own eyes would be more beneficial."

"I understand, its kinda strange that I am very accepting of this circumstance."

"That is because of me; such an event would no doubt create confusion in a person's mind, so I am keeping you rational with my powers."

"Alright, that is all I wanted to ask."

"Excellent, now let's move on to creating your body. Do you have something in mind?"



"Yes, It was a character I designed for myself in a game we made back when I was still alive."

"Would you let me check your memories for it?"

"Of course."

As I said that, the tiny orb of light went inside my head for a few seconds and came out right away.

"I see, your world is interesting. so you wish for this to be the basis of your new body?"

"Yes, and if possible, can I also get everything associated with it, like my items and abilities in the game?"

"Very well."

Suddenly a huge spark of bright light engulfed my senses, and then Astrelia whispered some final words to me.

"I have created your body with all the items and abilities it had just as requested; good luck, and may you enjoy your new life in my world."

"Thank you, will I ever see you again?"

"Who knows, only time can tell."

The next thing I knew was that my vision went blank, and my consciousness fell.

"He's an odd one asking me if he can see me again. Now then, what kind of ripple effect will he cause on this world? Whatever it is, I sure hope it is an interesting one."

Hello, my name is Kiva and I am a newbie when it comes to writing novels so please excuse my amateur writing skills. I only have 2 reasons for writing and that is to make a story I like and to improve my writing skills.

I will start with very short chapters but will try to lengthen them as the story goes.

Cheers everyone!

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