
The Archon of Everlast

One day a tower sprung up from the ground catching the attention of the world. Its purpose is a mystery, but the promise of rewards attracted the brave and the bold from all directions. Rumor says that the tower has a master who oversees the challengers and awaits for the fated ones to reach the top.

Kiva_Chyrsfallen · Fantasy
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7 Chs

"A New World and My Goal in This Life"

I woke up on an open field surrounded by leafy forests with a beautiful view. Not a wrong place to be reincarnated into, and I seem to have recovered from my state of complete rationality.

"I wonder where on Avalon am I?"

I still remember everything that has happened to me, even my memories from Earth.

My name is Cyril, and I was 22 years old when I passed. I was a game designer and administrator for a particular gaming company's VRMMORPG titled Everlast. Unfortunately, I contracted cancer and got confined to a hospital bed until my death.

Now that I can remember who I am, the thought of never seeing my friends and family weighed on my mind. After all, I was never that far away from any of them, but being sulky and sad about it won't get me anywhere.

The first thing I did was check my body. It ultimately looks and feels like Archon. As promised, Astrelia also recreated the items Archon had on its [Inventory,] which I can still access. The most important one is the [Origin Core] because it is an item only game admins had the privilege to obtain. It provides your character the ability to create any item as long as it exists in the game. We mostly used it to test new content before it was released. I still had to try the article because I didn't know how it would work in the real world.

Since my body is Archon's body, I somehow know how to activate the [Origin Core,] I asked to create two essential items: food and water. First, the [Origin Core] glowed a little, then out of thin air came a bottle of water and a small sandwich.

"Yes, food and water secured!"

I was happy that the experiment went well because I knew that I had zero survival skills. So the next thing I created was various sets of casual clothes that I usually wear and a big sling bag. Even though I can use [Inventory,] having a load on my shoulders is still pretty convenient.

My abilities were the following issue; since my body is now Archon's, it should be pretty durable. So I created a staff called [Nirvana] it was my weapon of choice when I was still playing the game, and I also made the [Dark Shadow,] a set of equipment I always used in tandem with [Nirvana] with full enchantments. I held it in my hands and admired it for a while, and then I proceeded to test my abilities by firing a simple superior spell into a small patch of trees.

"Flame Spire!"

As I cast the spell, a tower of flames rose where my target was and torched the small patch of trees into ashes. I also tried a variety of defensive spells, and they all worked as I remember them. The final test used [Fly,] which makes you fly as long as you have mana.


My body slowly levitated, and it made me somewhat dizzy at first, but I soon got used to it and practiced controlling my body. These tests continued for about 3 hours before I finally sat down. I also noticed that my mana did not seem to drop at all. I then looked at the [Origin Core] and remembered its effect is a high-speed mana regeneration rate.

"What should I do now? I have a secure food source, I can also use my abilities to guarantee my safety, and I can create everything I need with the [Origin Core.]

"For the time being, I guess I would look for any form of civilization, I guess? My main goal is to live my life a little anyway since I couldn't do it as well as I liked back on Earth."

I was already tired, so I made a bed and closed it with walls made of Earth, laid down and closed my eyes, and slowly fell asleep.

I woke up the following day, got rid of my makeshift house, ate breakfast, and gathered my thoughts, and set a goal for myself. I thought about how my body is now of Archon and what are the things I can do. I decided to continue being a game designer and administrator, but I'm doing it, in reality, this time. I will find a trace of civilization and do a project I could not complete in my previous life. I Cyril Archon will construct and manage the Everlast tower.