
The Apostle of Ruin

Follow the Stories of Rei and Kisane as well as many others as they figure out themselves and their reason for fighting in this world, with the threat of another Millennium War brewing. which realm will come out on top Destruction or Creation? Cover by Cimonice

Wyv · Fantasy
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9 Chs

Chapter 9: Skadi’s Champion, Freya

Freya stirred awake with a newfound vigor pulsing through her veins, anticipation coursing through her as she realized that today marked the end of her mission, the culmination of her mission. With a determined spirit, she donned her armor, each piece fitting snugly as if it were an extension of her being. Her cape billowed behind her, a symbol of her resilience and unwavering resolve.

The Dawnfrost crossguard shimmered with an aura of pride, its delicate patterns intricately woven into the fabric of Freya's cape, each thread of silver tracing a story of courage and resilience, against the backdrop of her icy blue ensemble.

As Freya emerged from her suite, the familiar faces of her vanguard greeted her, their presence a comforting reassurance as she embarked on the final leg of her journey. With purposeful strides, she made her way towards her destination, her mind focused on the task at hand preparing Senator Ivark for their imminent departure.

Freya knocked on the door. "Senator, preparations for our departure are almost finished." When there was no response, her eye twitched. "Wake up, Ivark!" she shouted, kicking down the door...

Freya covered her mouth and nose with her blue handkerchief as a look of disgust was evident in her eyes. "Ivark…"

The senator and the other woman awoke to the sudden chill in the room, "Fre–FREYA! What are you doing here I thought I told you to knock!"

Ivark was about to uncover himself when the temperature dropped immediately, "Flash me and I castrate you." Freya said her tone was icy as usual before she took a breath still covering her face to avoid the stench of sweat and semen. "Get dressed, our departure for the capital is imminent, you have 20 minutes," Freya slammed the door leaving Ivark alone with the girls.

"Sorry, ladies, but I must be going now. If you want more, come to Shivalia, and we can pick up where we left off," Ivark said, dressing as quickly as possible, Meanwhile, Freya exited the hotel, striding purposefully towards a cluster of carriages. Each was equipped with wolves harnessed by magical reins, with Fenrir, the largest and most imposing of the pack, standing at the forefront, awaiting her command.

That's when Freya approached Roma who was leaning on one of the carriages smoking a cigarette, "Y'know smoking shortens your already short lifespan, Roma,"

"Nice of you to finally show up, Lady Freya," Roma exhaled, "And hey, I've got my reasons for this habit. Don't worry your pretty little head about it."


"Moving on, are we ready to get this mission over with?" Roma blows out a puff of smoke.

Freya looks at him, "Relax only one more day and you'll receive your payment. Sol and Skadi thank you for your cooperation,"

Roma put a hand up, "Look, I don't give a damn about the favor of your gods. It's the money I care about," he said with a dismissive wave, his voice rough with irritation.

Freya sighs before walking over to Fenrir, "Shame you would've made an excellent member to the vanguard,"

"Yeah, an elven military force made up of women. I'm sure I'll fit right in," Roma muttered sarcastically as he headed towards the carriage.

As he walked, a sense of unease crept over him. Despite the current calm, his instincts warned him otherwise. "Everything has been peaceful up until now," he thought to himself, "but my instincts know better. This is simply the calm before the storm."

Soon after Roma settled into the carriage, Ivark arrived and stepped inside. Freya mounted Fenrir, her voice resonating with authority as she declared, "We depart for Shivalia. May the Divine Will of Dawn and Frost watch over us." As she brandished her blade, frost began to crystallize along its edge, shimmering in the light.

"And guide the wolves forever north, forevermore!" her squadron echoed in unison, their voices strong and resolute, a testament to their unyielding devotion.

The escorting caravan began to move forward, heading towards the border before venturing into the harsh terrain of Southern Shivalia. Here, the lush dark green of Shrade's Northern Tundra gradually gave way to the stark whites and grays of towering mountains. As they ascended, the evergreens thinned out, replaced by rugged, snow-covered peaks looming ahead.

Meanwhile at the ambush point Kisane, Willow, and Zeke were camped out on one of the many obscuring ledges above the road.

Zeke was taking a power nap before his familiar gave him a signal, "H-Huh oh Oh O-" Zeke gets silenced by Willow who instantly put her hand over his mouth.

"Can you not shout, Fish Flanks? I really don't want to spend the next few hours digging us out of the snow," she grumbled.

Zeke pushed Willow's hand off of his face, "My familiar signaled me so that means the target has crossed the border meaning they'll reach this point in a few hours,"

"That's actually useful," Willow said.

"I'm not that useless," said Zeke as he crossed his arms and looked away.

"Debatable," she replied

"Silence, both of you. Steel yourselves; this needs to go off without a hitch," Kisane commanded, crouching down to survey the road below.

"The sun was beginning to rise meaning they'd arrive in the afternoon," Kisane mused to herself, then she turned to the other two, "Are preparations complete?"

Willow stretched with a groan, then opened her palm to reveal a white magic circle vaguely resembling a wolf. "Ugh, yep, I've placed the beacons around the canyon," she explained. As she spoke, multiple lights began to appear, illuminating the canyon in a strategic pattern.

Kisane turned towards the Seirian. "Zeke?"

"Right, I've weakened the snow so that an avalanche will happen at the slightest tremor," he responded.

"Good. All that remains now is to wait," Kisane said, clutching the handle of her blade. "My attack needs to be perfect."

She took a deep breath, calming herself before opening her eyes to a world devoid of sound and color. "Conquer your bloodlust…" she murmured to herself, as red spider lily petals materialized around her.

As Kisane meditated, the hours passed in silence, the only sound being the howling wind. Then, the stillness was broken by the distant noise of wolves running and the rumble of carriages echoing through the canyon.

Willow's ears twitched, then swiveled towards the distant noise. "They're here," she announced.

"Everyone, quiet…" Kisane ordered, silencing the group. Willow quickly threw a tarp over the fire, extinguishing it and trapping the smoke to avoid detection.

Not even minutes later wolves and carriages bearing the Dawnfrost crossguard round the bend into their canyon section, Willow waits until the perfect moment to spring her trap. She focused, steadying her nerves. Soon, her moment arrived. With a determined breath, she released the arcane seals in the canyon.

The sides of the canyon caved in on both sides of the escorting caravan blocking their progress and escape.

One of the knights of the vanguard was alarmed and halted the caravan.

Freya, annoyed by this hindrance, steered Fenrir forward tugging his reins before riding to the front of the caravan, "What is the meaning of this!"

"Apologies Lady Freya, there seems to have been a rockslide on both sides trapping us within the canyon." The knight at the front responded.

Freya, annoyed whistled for her mount, "Fenrir! Clear rocks," she commanded the wolf.

Fenrir approached their obstacle, his body beginning to transform. Frost billowed from his maw as his skeletal structure shifted. Rising to a more bipedal stance, his paws morphed into hands and his claws sharpened and elongated. His muscles bulged, taking on the form of a werewolf. He completed his transformation with a piercing howl.

Fenrir began digging at the rubble, the rocks crumbling under the force of his powerful claws. Freya walked back to the carriage. Inside, Ivark was panicking. "W-What's going on out there!?"

Roma peeked outside to investigate before returning to his seat. "Nothing, Senator, just a rockslide," he stated calmly. Despite this, Ivark continued to panic, prompting Roma to sigh in exasperation.

At that moment, Roma sensed a sudden spike in energy and turned towards it. He saw red spider lily petals swirling around an upsurge of crimson-colored magic. The energy coalesced before unleashing a mighty crimson slash, tearing through rock and ice, heading straight for the carriage.

Freya realized what was happening, but it was too late—the carriage was slashed in two. "Damnit!" she cried, collapsing to her knees.

"Relax, Frey. He's safe," Roma's voice echoed through the canyon, reassuring her. Roma emerged from the smoke and rubble, holding Ivark by the collar, providing Freya with a sense of relief.

"Unhand me this instant!" Ivark demanded, struggling against Roma's grip.

"Alright, alright whatever you say," Roma says as he drops Ivark without warning, he then scans the surrounding area and senses another threat.

There was an incoming rain of silver magic arrows, which forced Roma to lift his hand and activate his "Wall" technique, blocking the spell.

"I was waiting for something to happen... I was starting to fall asleep listening to that guy ramble about politics." Roma muttered under his breath.

"Well then, it looks like the action is finally here!" he shouted to the others around, alerting them to the danger.

"Why now, of all times!" Freya drew her sword, bracing for the next attack. Moments later, a trident descended upon her, which she deflected with an ice spire that shot up from the ground. Zeke immediately pulled his trident free before spikes erupted from the spire, aiming to pierce him.

Freya and Roma prepared for combat as Zeke stood, pointing his trident at them. "Careful, Freya. He isn't the one who produced that slash earlier," Roma warned.

"Obviously. His magical power is so low I thought he was someone's lost child," Freya scoffed.

Zeke's eye twitched. "Damn elves, I'll show—"

"Zeke, remember the plan," Willow whispered.

"Tch, but what about the geezer?" Zeke pointed at Roma.

Before Willow could respond, Kisane interjected. "Just improvise!" she shouted, dashing past them and clashing blades with Freya.

A fierce battle ensued, with crimson anti-magic clashing against silver frost magic. Their divine-grade artifacts sparked as they collided. Freya broke away, jumping back to create distance, but Kisane relentlessly pursued her up the cliff face.

Willow glanced at Zeke with a smug expression. "Yeah, Zeke, improvise," she said, her voice dripping with sarcasm before she left to engage in her own battle.

Zeke and Roma were left facing each other, their eyes locking in a tense stare-down. Roma cracked his knuckles. "So, kid, you got a name?"

Zeke twirled his trident and pointed it at Roma. "First name Mario, last name Mario. Mario Mario."

Roma sighed, shifting into a battle stance. "A smartass, huh? At least make this interesting."

Water began to swirl around Zeke's trident. "I'd insult you in limerick, but I don't want to make your dementia worse, old man," he retorted.

Roma sensed the impending attack and was proven right as the water around Zeke condensed into shapes resembling a school of piranhas, launching towards him with the force of a tidal wave.

Roma responded by using his "Wall" technique, blocking the wave of force. The piranha avatars splattered against the barrier, obscuring his view, but his keen senses detected Zeke charging forward to sweep his legs with the trident.

Reacting swiftly, Roma jumped to evade the sweep, but Zeke had anticipated this, feinting with a kick. Roma managed to block it, crossing his arms to absorb the blow, feeling the minor damage and the fabric of his coat tearing at the sleeves.

Roma gritted his teeth, somewhat annoyed. "Dude, do you know how much this was—"

"Don't care, didn't ask," Zeke cut him off, smirking.

Roma cracked his neck before blitzing Zeke, landing a powerful gut punch that knocked the wind out of him. Despite the blow, adrenaline kept Zeke conscious. He attempted to summon water from the surrounding snow, but before the tendrils could form, they dissipated into harmless wind.

Zeke's eyes widened in shock. "What just happened? The water... it's just gone. What is this geezer's power?" he muttered, a bead of sweat trickling down his temple as he realized he might have underestimated his opponent.

Landing a few feet away, Zeke pondered whether to use his art, while Roma, observing the flow of mana through Zeke's body, guessed his intentions.

"Wait, can he see my mana?" Zeke questioned himself, beginning to strategize.

Roma analyzed his opponent, noting the intensifying mana. "His mana is building up. An Arcane Art is coming."

Zeke crouched down, tightening his grip on his weapon. Suddenly, water surged around Roma, forming a dome-shaped prison that obscured his view and blocked his escape. "Interesting approach, but it's not enough—?" Roma attempted to alter the properties of his aquatic prison, only to realize, "Shit, Primordial Magic. This is water in its truest form. But the good thing is, it looks like he hasn't mastered it yet. I've got to counter his next attack."

Inside the watery dome, Roma readied himself, focusing on detecting any movement or shifts in Zeke's mana, prepared to strike back the moment his opponent made a move.

Then Zeke made his move. While Roma couldn't see him clearly, his mana sight painted a perfect picture. He watched Zeke's light blue silhouette leap into the air, preparing to throw his trident, with Primordial magic swirling around it. With a thunderous crack, Zeke launched the trident. Roma instinctively put up his Wall technique, bracing for impact.

"Another feint?" Roma's eyes widened as realization dawned on him.

What Zeke threw wasn't his trident; it was a bolt of blue lightning. Upon contact with the Wall, the bolt erupted in a brilliant flash, momentarily blinding Roma.

Taking advantage of the distraction, Zeke emerged from a puddle behind Roma. "Did you really think water magic was all I could do? Fool, I was blessed by Leviathan, but I was born with thunder," Zeke explained as Roma rubbed his eyes, trying to regain his sight.

While Roma recovered, Zeke imbued his trident with mana and began rapidly thrusting it at him. Despite his blindness, Roma dodged the attacks. "Ah ha, I knew it! So he can see my mana," Zeke mused to himself, impressed by Roma's abilities.

Zeke ceased the mana flow to his trident but continued his assault. Suddenly, Roma countered, using his cane to halt Zeke's attack and trap the trident. This left Zeke vulnerable to Roma's mana-enhanced punches, which struck his gut, lungs, and liver in rapid succession.

Zeke felt the impacts reverberate through his body. With a desperate tug, he pulled his trident free, skidding backward and dropping to one knee.

"Who the hell is this guy?" Zeke muttered, wiping a bit of blood from the corner of his mouth.

"You're right. I am a fool," Roma replied, shrugging off his coat. "I'll make sure not to underestimate you this time." He opened his eyes, revealing a more serious expression.

"Fuck me..." Zeke strained, realizing the battle was far from over.

Meanwhile, Kisane and Freya were locked in an intense battle, neither side giving an inch. Their forms were perfect, each move calculated, as they clashed with precision and skill. Kisane's venomous anti-magic clashed against Freya's Everfrost, creating a mesmerizing display of power. Both knew that the first to draw blood would gain a significant advantage. Despite their relentless efforts, they reached a stalemate, each warrior matching the other's prowess.

Freya halted her movement, and Kisane did the same. Relaxing her stance, Freya asked, "I have a question. Why would a talented person like you be in this type of business?"

"Why does that matter?" Kisane narrowed her eyes.

"Well for starters your eyes tell me that you're one of those serpents from the Orochi Clan," said Freya, meeting her gaze.

"My identity is not important," Kisane said with a direct tone.

"It may not be important, but it tells me everything I need to know," Freya declared, beginning to circle Kisane with a predatory grace. Kisane's hand instinctively moved to the handle of her blade, her eyes never leaving Freya.

Freya continued her explanation, a smirk playing on her lips. "You haven't tried to poison me, constrict me, petrify me, hypnotize me, or burn me. That means you never inherited anything from Orochi!" Her voice dripped with confidence, each word a calculated taunt as she assessed her opponent.

"Fenrir," Freya commanded, her voice cold and authoritative. Suddenly, the monstrous wolf appeared, larger than before, its maw wide open to bite down on Kisane.

Reacting quickly, Kisane thrust her blade into Fenrir's mouth, preventing it from closing. However, she was unaware of Freya's next move. "Frost Javelin!" Freya intoned, a large spear of ice forming beside her and hurtling towards Kisane.

The icy spear impaled Kisane, but instead of flesh, it met a clone that burst into a flurry of spider lily petals. Seizing the moment of Freya's surprise, Kisane descended from above, her blade crackling with anti-magic energy. But Freya, ever vigilant, managed to leap back, evading the attack and receiving only a shallow cut on her breastplate.

"Tch, too shallow," Kisane cursed under her breath, frustration evident in her voice.

Freya retaliated swiftly, attempting to freeze Kisane in place. Kisane deftly sidestepped the creeping frost, launching into a horizontal slash, only for it to be intercepted by Fenrir's claws.

Taking advantage of the brief opening, Freya slashed at Kisane. Kisane barely managed to break free, sustaining a graze that immediately began to spread Everfrost through her veins. She felt her movements grow sluggish as the icy curse took hold, realizing the true danger of Freya's power.

Before Kisane could counteract the Everfrost, Fenrir smashed its paw into the ground, sending out a mighty tremor as jagged ice spikes erupted toward her. Thanks to her quick reflexes, she conjured a field of anti-magic, stopping the ice from impaling her.

Freya observed the crimson energy sparking around Kisane's body. "Anti-magic, huh? She really is a rare one," she muttered to herself, a hint of admiration in her voice.

Seeing the frost spreading across her chest, Kisane grabbed the affected area, channeling anti-magic into her body to purge the Everfrost. She screamed in agony, the pain momentarily stunning Freya. "What is she planning?" Freya wondered, taken aback.

Kisane's screams subsided as the crimson energy crackled across the icy battlefield. Moments later, she stood, breathing heavily, but defiant.

Freya, standing beside Fenrir, analyzed her opponent with a mix of concern and curiosity. "Is she mad? Forcing anti-magic into your body is suicide, even if you were born with it. Wait... is her mana rising?"

Indeed, Kisane's mana surged, crimson sparks slithering across her body as her eyes glowed red, her pupils dilating into viper-like slits. In her altered state, the world turned colorless, save for the vibrant, fleeting red of Freya's life force. All she could hear was her heartbeat, the last sign of her mortality.

With her senses heightened and her power intensifying, Kisane focused solely on Freya as if she were prey. To Freya, her opponent now resembled a large albino serpent, coiled and ready to strike.

Meanwhile, Willow's keen senses picked up the drastic change in Kisane. "So, the beast has lost control again. Better wrap this up quickly," she muttered, striking down another swift strike to a guard's weak points dispatching them effortlessly.

Zeke, however, was too focused on trying to survive Roma's relentless assault. His earlier cockiness had been his downfall, and now he was paying for it severely, struggling to keep up with the onslaught. At that moment, both he and Roma froze, sensing an overwhelming aura of pure bloodlust.

Freya, feeling a deep unease, barely had time to process what was happening before the viper struck. Kisane, now fully consumed by her heightened state, moved with blinding speed and deadly precision, her blade aimed directly at Freya.

Freya snapped out of her daze just in time, conjuring icy wings that appeared to shield her from Kisane's blade, which screeched as it ground against the ice. Fenrir lunged to bite Kisane, but she swiftly kicked him in the jaw, her focus unwaveringly fixed on Freya.

With a powerful sweep of her wings, Freya sent Kisane flying backward. Not missing a beat, she unleashed a barrage of icy feathers. Kisane, her reflexes razor-sharp, deflected each one with her blade, crimson sparks lighting up the battlefield as she advanced once more.

Kisane dashed toward Freya again, their blades clashing with a resounding impact. Sparks of anti-magic flew wildly from Kisane's sword. Just as Kisane was about to break through Freya's defense, Fenrir recovered and lunged at her, sinking his teeth into her right leg.

To Freya's astonishment, Kisane didn't scream or react to the pain. Instead, her eyes glowed even more intensely, a feral intensity burning within them. The energy of death began to build up around her, the air crackling with malevolent power as she prepared for her next move.

Meanwhile, Willow was slowly getting overwhelmed by the relentless onslaught of the Vanguard. Her stamina waning, she fought fiercely, stabbing one guard five times in rapid succession before crushing another's skull into the snow. As fatigue began to set in, she noticed out of the corner of her eye a sword descending towards her.

In that split second, her senses picked up something else—a chain whistling through the air.