
The Apostle of Ruin

Follow the Stories of Rei and Kisane as well as many others as they figure out themselves and their reason for fighting in this world, with the threat of another Millennium War brewing. which realm will come out on top Destruction or Creation? Cover by Cimonice

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Chapter 8: Blade of Frost

Kisane, Zeke, and Willow stood on a roof a few buildings away from The Olympian Hotel, their expressions tense with anticipation. Willow's eyes shimmered with the faint glow of mana as she surveyed the hotel.Zeke's voice cut through the silence, breaking the tension. "What's the situation, Willow?"Willow's enhanced vision revealed the truth. "Just as we suspected, the hotel is swarming with members of the Dawnfrost Vanguard," she reported, her tone betraying a hint of concern. "This complicates things significantly."Kisane, ever the strategist, pondered their next move. "So, what's our plan now?" she inquired, her voice calm."Right now, all we can do is wait and keep watch of their next move. It's crucial we don't attract any unnecessary attention," Willow suggested, her voice laced with urgency."Agreed," Kisane affirmed, acknowledging the wisdom in Willow's words."That's actually a great idea," Zeke chimed in, recognizing the necessity of their stealthy approach."Let's reconvene in a few hours?" Zeke proposed, receiving a nod of agreement from the other two before he silently slipped away into the shadows.A moment of silence enveloped them before Kisane broke it with a wry observation. "He's probably off to indulge in another parfait, isn't he?""Yep," Willow confirmed with a hint of amusement in her voice.Kisane couldn't help but express her frustration. "Are we the only ones taking this even remotely seriously?""Apparently," Willow replied, her tone tinged with exasperation.As the tension eased slightly, Kisane ventured to a more personal question. "Do you still hate my guts, Willow?""Absolutely," Willow responded.Kisane sighed, a hint of a smile playing on her lips. "I wonder how Rei's training is going," she mused.____________________________________________________________________________Back in Yggdrasil, the serene grassland echoed with the cacophony of clashing steel and earth-shaking thuds as Rei relentlessly sparred against Kris's imposing dirt golem. Armed with Nightbane, Rei launched a flurry of strikes, each blow aimed at breaching the golem's formidable defenses. Yet, despite his best efforts, Nightbane's power seemed futile against the golem's resilient form."Kris, how am I supposed to get through this thing? My sword is barely leaving a scratch on it!" Rei's frustration echoed across the battlefield as he deftly evaded another powerful strike from the relentless golem."I taught you the basics; now it's up to you to figure it out!" Kris retorted her voice firm despite the casual munching of potato crisps. "Despite his difficulties, he's actually learning extremely quickly," she added, a hint of pride evident in her tone.With determination etched on his face, Rei braced himself for the golem's impending charge. Infusing mana into his body, he shifted into a defensive stance, readying himself for the inevitable clash. As the golem surged forward, its massive form hurling a thunderous punch toward him, Rei stood his ground, blocking the blow with all the strength he could muster.The golem's form shimmered with a verdant aura, pulsating with the raw power of green mana. Rei's eyes widened in astonishment as the earthbound behemoth expanded in size, its once formidable frame now augmented by the addition of two more formidable arms, catching him completely off guard.With lightning reflexes, Rei's instincts kicked in as one of the golem's new arms hurtled toward his face with alarming speed. In a swift and decisive motion, he reacted, his blade slicing through the air with precision as he severed the appendage before it could make contact.The golem recoiled from Rei's swift counterattack, its gaze fixating on the severed appendage lying on the ground. A green aura enveloped the limb as it began to regenerate, sending a shiver down Rei's spine at the sight of its resilience.In the distance, Kris's voice pierced through the chaos, echoing with wisdom. "Rei, you've got to find its weak point to destroy it completely," she urged."Why?!" Rei's exasperated cry cut through the air, his frustration evident as he struggled to comprehend the relentless challenge before him."Because it's your training." Kris's response was firm, devoid of any room for negotiation.Before Rei could fully process her words, the golem vanished from his sight, only to reappear with alarming speed directly in front of him."Oh Fu—" Rei's words were cut short as the golem's massive fist collided with his stomach with bone-jarring force. The impact knocked all the wind out of him, sending him hurtling through the air towards Kris. Kris sidestepped his airborne form, allowing him to crash into the grass with a resounding thud.Kris approached Rei who was lying flat on the ground after the impact, her steps measured as she gently nudged him with her foot, rolling him over. Squatting down beside him, she met his pained gaze with concern etched across her features."Hey, you okay?" she inquired softly, her voice laced with genuine worry.Rei's response was a series of coughs, accompanied by a disturbing spatter of blood. Kris winced in sympathy at the sight, a sting of guilt tugging at her heart."I think that's enough for today," she conceded, her tone heavy with regret. "Let's get you to Bianka..." Her words trailed off as she prepared to assist Rei, her thoughts already turningtowards seeking aid for her injured student.____________________________________________________________________________Kisane's surveillance had unfolded with surprising ease, offering a trove of insights into their elusive adversaries. Yet, despite her meticulous scrutiny, she hit a wall of frustration—no clear openings presented themselves. The hustle and bustle of the senator's escorts preparing for travel only heightened her sense of urgency.Grudgingly acknowledging the need for flexibility, Kisane muttered to herself, "I guess we're going to have to improvise." With determination fueling her resolve, she continued her watch, ever vigilant for the slightest hint of vulnerability that could tip the scales in their favor.Kisane began walking back to the inn they were staying in when she saw a familiar face."Roma?" Kisane said meeting his gaze,"....""Aren't you a little far from Seiran, Lady Orochi," Roma acclaimed."Yes, just doing a job for a higher-class client," She stated with a blank expression."Ah yes, don't we love those rich bastards." He says with a slight grin on his face."Yes I guess the same for you since we're a little far from Utopia specifically the border between Shivalia and Shrade," She stated"Nuh-uh," he interjected with the same grin on his face, casually shrugging his shoulders. "I'm unsure of what you mean, I'm just here for the scenery.""Sure anyway, I have some free time, mind if I sit with you for a bit,""Sure why not, it's not every day you get to start your morning with the Grim Reaper," Roma says letting out a small chuckle before turning serious.Her eyes darken a bit, "So you know?" She sits picking up a menu."Hmmm, maybe I know... Maybe I don't, I do have one question though." He replies with a neutral tone to his voice."Go on.""If you don't mind me asking what would someone like you be working a job for a client over on this side?" he says as he squints his eyes to look at his own menu."Just a favor Kris owes to someone," Her eyes scan the menu until stopping at the wide assortments of teas."Well alright then." Roma says as he lifts his hand to call over the waiter "Hey, yeah can I get a coffee black with..." He pauses for a moment before finishing his sentence "Hmmm 2 sugars?"The waiter writes down his order before turning to Kisane, "And what would you be having miss?""Black Tea, no sugars," Kisane responded.The waiter notes that down before heading off, Kisane puts down her menu before looking at her hands and then back at Roma, "I actually have a question for you since you have so much experience.""Hmm? Well, ask away." Roma replies as he looks over at Kisane."How do you control intense emotions in the field?" she asked, a look of guilt present on her face.Roma takes a deep breath in and out, "Well it isn't as easy as you would think... When you're on the battlefield you have to put aside your own feelings, your own wants and needs, and even your own pain to stay level-headed.""I see, put aside everything, sorry If I'm bugging but last question," She says this time with genuine interest."Alright, make it quick since my morning break is almost over." He says looking at his watch."What do you see in Rei he thinks very highly of you, hell when we got to the Inn he wouldn't stop talking about you. What did you do that impacted him like that?" Her crimson eyes narrow onto him."...Rei? Oh you mean the kid with the dragon in him? Yeah I mean he has talent, he just doesn't know how much yet but one day he'll find out, with the proper training of course." Roma replies with a slight pondering look on his face."I see..."Soon the waiter arrives, "Your tea and coffee madam and sir," he places their drinks in front of them before returning to his post.Roma takes the coffee and has a sip before checking his watch again to check the time, "Well won't you look at that, time to go back to work yet again.""Yes sadly it's my time as well," She sips her tea.The two went their separate ways after completing their respective tasks. Kisane made her way to the inn where they had agreed to meet, arriving at their shared room after a brief walk.As she entered, she was met with Willow's annoyed expression. "You're late," Willow stated flatly."We never specified a time, just a few hours," Kisane replied, shrugging off the accusation.Zeke, ever the mediator, interjected with a cough. "Ladies, you can argue later. Right now, we have a job to do."Kisane couldn't help but shiver slightly. "I hate agreeing with him, but he's right.""Hey, I'm not that bad!" Zeke protested, but his words fell on deaf ears as Kisane pressed on."So, what did you two find out?" she asked, eager to hear their findings.Willow took a seat on the bed before speaking. "I discovered that the entire vanguard isn't here—just one of The Frost Claw squads under Freya. But it's a relatively small squad, around ten members."Zeke pondered for a moment before offering his insights. "Either Ivark isn't that important of a senator, or they're just that confident.""It's not confidence; it's arrogance because of the recent ceasefire in the war," Kisane remarked, her voice tinged with disdain.Willow looked at Zeke expectantly. "Your turn, fish flanks.""I'm going to ignore that," Zeke grumbled, scratching the back of his head. "I found out that Freya possesses a divine-class artifact.""Do you know its name?" Kisane and Willow asked simultaneously."Yeah, it's called Drake Blade: Albion," Zeke revealed."Ironic," Kisane mused."It's the legendary bastard sword said to have the soul of The First White Dragon sealed within its blade by Skadi herself after their battle," Kisane explained, delving into her knowledge of history."History nerd much," Willow teased."It's vital information; I had to learn it," Kisane defended herself."Moving on, Kisane, you think you can take her because she puts me at a disadvantage?" Zeke queried, rubbing the back of his head."I've got her. You two just deal with the vanguard," Kisane declared, her gaze shifting to her blade. "My intel suggests they're leaving tomorrow.""Is that really all you got?" Zeke asked, disappointed."Yep," Kisane confirmed."In that case, this meeting is over, and I can finally sleep," Willow yawned, signaling the end of their discussion.Seeing no protests from her companions, Willow wasted no time in diving under the covers, seeking the comfort of her blankets and the promise of much-needed rest."I'm going to head to bed myself, you should too, a beauty like you needs her beauty rest," Zeke winked, earning an eye twitch from Kisane.Kisane finished cleaning her blade before heading to bed herself.As the night reached its peak, the trio stirred from their slumber, a sense of anticipation coursing through their veins. They exchanged determined glances, silently communicating their readiness to set their plan into motion. With swift efficiency, they shed their usual attire and donned sleek black clothing, each outfit complemented by lightweight armor for added protection. The only difference was the highlights of each of their colors, navy blue for Zeke, white for Willow, and red for Kisane."Do we really have to wear these?" asked Willow whilst she wrapped her arms with some of the black fabric from the outfit."Yes we do, it's the only way to fully conceal our identities," Kisane said, fastening her sword to her hip before calibrating a hidden blade on her right wrist.Zeke was not subtly checking out Kisane, "Well I think they are pretty nice,""Moving on, could we go through the plan again?" Willow asked."Of course," Kisane sat down, "First we need to get to the midway point of the Hel mountains in order to intercept them before they reach The Everfrost, the moment they are able to get past the capital's wall we lose them," she explained."How are we going to stop them from just running past us?" Willow questioned."You and Zeke will cause a bit of an avalanche to block off the road, once that happens I will attempt to assassinate Ivark and maybe fight Freya whilst you two deal with the vanguard," Kisane explained. "Any more questions?"Her teammates nodded a no before they departed, leaving a window and some runes on one of the beds for the inn.Jumping from roof to roof under the cloak of darkness they cross the border into Shivalia, immediately entering into the icy domain of subzero temperatures halting them for a bit but they kept heading north to the ambush location.____________________________________________________________________________Rei stirred awake in the infirmary, his body feeling fully restored as he sat up with a groan, still feeling the lingering ache in his stomach from the brutal encounter.Rubbing his abdomen, Rei allowed his thoughts to swirl for a moment before a sharp twinge of pain caused him to wince and grasp his head. "That damn golem..." he muttered under his breath, the memory of the relentless battle replaying in his mind.Rei rolled to see light coming from an area in the back end of the room, "Bianka must be in her room and since she couldn't hear me she must be busy with something," Rei thought as he rolled out of bed, "She is definitely going to murder me later."Rei quietly navigated the halls of Lost Eden, his footsteps echoing in the stillness of the night. His thoughts weighed heavy on his mind as he replayed the grueling encounter with the golem in the infirmary.Suddenly, he was interrupted by the unexpected presence of Izzy, who wasted no time in striking up a conversation. "Man, you look like shit. Kinda reminds me of my sister when she's had a bad night," Izzy remarked with his usual bluntness."Not now, Izzy," Rei responded, his irritation palpable.Izzy's grin widened mischievously. "I mean, I'm not the one sneaking out."Rei sighed, his patience wearing thin. "What do you want?"Izzy's grin took on a Cheshire-like quality. "Nothing in particular. But the real question is, what are you doing awake?""Like I said, not your concern," Rei retorted tersely.Izzy's nose twitched. "Yet, I smell anger and frustration on you.""It's my training," Rei admitted, his frustration spilling out. "I think I'm making progress, but then that damn golem gets harder to put down. Kris taught me the basics, but it's like I can't move forward by fighting that golem." His words held a mixture of defeat and determination.Izzy pondered for a moment before a spark of inspiration lit up his eyes. "Come with me," he instructed Rei, his tone playful as ever."Why?" Rei questioned, curiosity piqued by Izzy's sudden determination."I think I have a fix for your issue," Izzy declared cryptically, leading Rei to a nondescript training room tucked away in the depths of Yggdrasil."Why are we here, Izzy?" Rei inquired as they entered the room, uncertainty creeping into his voice.Izzy wasted no time in jumping into the center of the arena. "Let's see how much you've really grasped the basics of mana," he challenged, a hint of excitement dancing in his eyes.Rei's brow furrowed in confusion. "Wait, you want me to fight you?" he questioned, taken aback by Izzy's unexpected proposal."Yep, hand to hand. Come at me with everything you have, kid," Izzy replied, adopting a defensive stance, his confidence unwavering.With a mixture of skepticism and determination, Rei stepped into the arena, adopting a stance reminiscent of barroom brawls, ready to face whatever challenge Izzy had in store for him.Izzy smirked before blitzing Rei landing swift jabs at all of his pressure points, before spinning into a roundhouse kick. Despite his smaller frame and beastmen heritage, Izzy was fast and powerful.Rei was sent skidding back barely reeling from the kick but realized his mana activated defensively, "Huh, what did you do to me?""That is so you don't need a limiter for the short amount of time we'll be sparring," Izzy said."Don't underestimate me.." Rei's eyes turned blue for a second.Izzy smirks before blitzing Rei again, "Kid, you're a thousand years too early to give me a challenge," Izzy knees Rei in the stomach knocking the wind out of him, momentarily knocking him out but he wakes up with a familiar glow in his eyes."Got to get stronger.." Rei jumps away from Izzy with his eyes glowing a faint blue."So, he's that far along in the process..." Izzy mused, his mind whirling with possibilities. "Alright, Abaddon, reveal why he's your vessel."With determination etched into their expressions, Rei and Izzy charged toward each other, the air crackling with anticipation. Izzy launched a swift jab aimed at Rei's face, expecting a typical response. However, to his surprise, Rei sidestepped with remarkable agility, countering with a sudden elbow strike to the beastman's face."Though he's such an amateur, I can tell his soul is inheriting his memories," Izzy remarked, a glint of amusement dancing in his eyes. "This is getting kinda fun."As Izzy charged toward Rei, the latter braced himself, anticipating the incoming attack. Rei shifted his weight, pivoting his left leg in preparation for a defensive maneuver, clearly intending to execute a kick. However, Izzy swiftly maneuvered into Rei's blind spot, his agility outmatching Rei's anticipation. With a fluid motion, Izzy launched into a roundhouse kick, catching Rei off guard once again.Rei reacted quickly, instinctively grabbing hold of Izzy's leg in an attempt to gain the upper hand. But in his focus on Izzy's limbs, Rei overlooked the feline beast-man's most versatile weapon—his tail. With lightning speed, Izzy's tail coiled around Rei's neck, constricting with surprising strength. Seizing the opportunity, Izzy effortlessly repositioned himself to sit atop Rei's shoulders before forcefully driving him to the ground with a swift and decisive slam."Heh you're not bad kid but like I said you're a thousand years too early to challenge me," Izzy began to gloat but he felt a sudden icy chill and something else, Rei already recovered from the slam and was cocking back a punch that he could see frost develop on his fist but something was extremely off about this punch."A Critical Strike!?" Izzy said shocked he instinctively dodged out of the way of the attack allowing it to crash into the ground making a small fist-sized crater.The glow in Rei's eyes faded back to their normal black before he fell into unconsciousness.Izzy was analyzing the boy in front of him, "If he can land a Critical Strike like that at this then he must be just like Kris, a holder of a Spirit of Rebellion,""So this is where he went," said a feminine voice.Izzy turned to see an angry Bianka, "Bianka hey you should be asleep right?" Izzy began to sweat."I was but for some reason, my patient was gone,""Well let me explain he hit a plateau in his progress so I–" Bianka cut off Izzy, "I don't care what happened just help me get him to a bed." she advanced onto the smaller male sending shivers into him."Yes ma'am!" The Feline beastman supported Rei whilst Bianka headed back to the Infirmary.Izzy pondered, "Kris was right, you are special,"