
The Apex (A Marvel Fan-Fic)

Synopsis: Have you ever imagined what would happen if you appeared in the Marvel Universe? Also imagine that you have special abilities like those superheroes, gods and other amazing yet terrifying existence. This is a different world, a world full of possibilities. Follow Maverick and Venom's journey as they reach for the top, and of course, for the chocolates... and heads. [The world of this book is an AU that integrates classic events and plots from comics, animation, and movies. There are no fixed versions of all the characters. You can imagine their looks according to your favorite version. Readers who are very concerned or just like the movie universe should read it with caution. ] [Not very explosive in the opening, slow to warm up, but I'd say compact in structure, if you don't like slow pace, then this is not for you] [Single love interest, I'm tired of harem nowadays] === Hungry for more chaps? Then check out our pătreon! Link: Påtreon.com/BaphometFiction I post 10 advanced chapters of this fanfic there. === I literally don't own anything here, all rights goes to their respective owners.

Baph0met · Book&Literature
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70 Chs

Chapter 54: A Taste Of One's Own Medicine

After Maverick dodged the attack, a red-and-blue figure jumped down from the rooftop, landing in front of him.

Peter Parker was furious because he had just witnessed Maverick snap two people's necks. Prior to this, he had tracked down the Goblin. Although the Goblin had escaped, Peter learned that the other web-slinger was Venom, who was Maverick.

Maverick was already a dubious character in Peter's eyes, and seeing him kill people only solidified his conviction. Peter believed that Maverick was a new type of criminal, not only impersonating him to tarnish his reputation but also committing murders at night.

"Damn it! I'll make you pay for this. You'll spend the rest of your life in prison!" Peter, enraged, forwent his usual quips and sternly warned Maverick.

"What? Are you kidding me? What are you even talking about?" Maverick was bewildered by Peter's words.

Realizing that Peter might have misunderstood the situation, Maverick began to explain. However, Peter didn't wait for an explanation and attacked immediately.

Venom, equally annoyed, shouted in Maverick's mind, 'This moronic shithead must have left his brain at home!'

'Dammit. If he wants a fight, let's teach him a lesson.'

Maverick blocked Peter's punch with his left hand and delivered a right hook to Peter's abdomen. Peter staggered back but quickly fired two webs at Maverick from his wrists.

Maverick easily dodged the webs, but his Venom sense alerted him again. A large dumpster, pulled by Peter's webs, came hurtling towards him from behind.

Reacting swiftly, Maverick jumped, narrowly avoiding the dumpster. Peter, seeing his sneak attack fail, leaped onto the overturned dumpster.

Just as Peter regained his balance, Maverick swung towards him with a web, attempting to kick him. Peter's spider-sense warned him in time, allowing him to sidestep the attack.

Realizing that their senses made standard attacks ineffective, Maverick pondered a new strategy. When Peter attacked again, Maverick deployed numerous tendrils from his back, surrounding Peter from all directions and leaving him with no escape.

Peter found himself caught off guard, his hands and body entangled by Maverick's tendrils.

Initially, he tried to use his extraordinary strength to resist the tendrils, but Maverick followed up with a sweep kick, causing Peter to lose his balance and fall to the ground.

Finally ensnared, Peter found himself hanging upside down in front of Maverick.

'Oh, this feels really uncomfortable.' Peter complained inwardly. It was usually him who did the hanging.

Maverick then pulled out a cellphone and shoved the confession video of the two individuals they had just encountered in Peter's face, even flipping the phone around to ensure Peter had a clear view.

In the video, the two individuals were confessing their crimes, detailing when and where they committed them.

Initially, Maverick had intended to leave the phone with the criminals, allowing the police to find it when they discovered the bodies. However, given the circumstances, Maverick didn't mind showcasing it to Spider-Man.

Watching the criminals confessing their sins, Peter, beneath his mask, couldn't help but widen his eyes. Though he still didn't condone their actions, he no longer felt the same anger towards them being killed as innocents.

"Spider-Man, do you understand now?" After the video ended, Maverick addressed Peter. "I just rescued a woman from these two before you arrived. Even if you think they should be handed over to the police, you have no right to decide their fate."

"Does the law give you the right to swing around the streets with webs, beating people up, and leaving them at the police station?" Maverick retorted calmly. "We're both breaking the law here, but in my eyes, getting rid of scum like them sooner rather than later is the best contribution to society. Just like those two, they've harmed at least ten innocent people, even causing one death. It's better to deal with them sooner to prevent further harm to society."

"You have your way of dealing with things, and I have mine. Don't bother me, and I won't interfere with you," Maverick said before tossing the cellphone to the ground. "Since you seem to enjoy playing with the police so much, you can have these."

As he was about to leave, Peter, still suspended, shouted after him, "Wait! Why did you impersonate me to commit robbery? There were webs left behind on the museum's ceiling."

"I impersonated you to rob?" Maverick paused in his steps, recalling the morning news. "You mean the Spider-Man who robbed the museum?"

"Sorry, you've got the wrong person. I don't have that kind of peculiar penchant for imitation and theft. Although I do have webs, I have my own name. I'm Venom," Maverick clarified, using his webs to write "Venom" on the wall, this time in black. "You've also reminded me. I'll change my webs to black from now on."

"Then goodbye, Spider-Man," Maverick said as he shot his webs towards a distant building, preparing to leave.

"Wait! I apologize for the misunderstanding, but you have to help me untangle this." Peter called out loudly to Maverick.

Ignoring Peter's plea, Maverick continued to leave, leaving behind one final remark, "It will dissolve on its own in ten minutes."

Watching the disappearing figure, Peter couldn't help but mutter to himself, "Now I understand how those criminals felt watching me walk away."

"It seems I've got the wrong person. Venom said his webs dissolve on their own. So who was behind the museum robbery?" Beneath his mask, Peter furrowed his brow, deep in thought.

Though his body was bound and unable to move, his mind remained free. He was now frantically pondering the identity of the person who framed him for the museum robbery.

Maverick didn't care what Peter Parker was thinking. He had no obligation to provide detailed explanations to him. After leaving the alley, he turned a corner and leisurely made his way back home with Venom.

Venom was evidently thrilled to see Spider-Man humiliated. On the way back, it chattered incessantly, mocking Peter, and even indulged in a couple more pieces of chocolate to express its joy.


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Link: Påtreon.com/BaphometFiction

I post 10 advanced chapters of this fanfic there.