
The Anomaly Container

In the infinite worlds in the all encompassing omniverse, there is a world that is ordinary like the rest until one day…rifts appear in every dark corner of the that world and with those rifts came out monsters…beings with great amounts power, beings that holds power of the elements, and beings with incomprehensible control and power to warp and manipulate reality itself…one day a man reincarnates into this world with the blessing of the system granted by god of creation and destruction…. Watch as that man uses his god granted gifts to contain, research, and use the anomalies of the rifts and with it watch as that man gets caught into its mystery that leads to the mysteries of the omniverse and beyond

Phantom365 · Fantasy
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85 Chs

Chapter 65 Bandits

(Author: Hallo it's me, so quick question…..because chapter 2 to 10 is very short like about 220+ words each, the novel might not get much traction because they might get extremely bored and get a misunderstanding that all chapters in the novel are short chapters except for the first chapter...

So…..what if i combine Chapters 2 to 10 into one chapter (Chapter 2-10), i'll put in a disclaimer do that future readers can understand why i combined the 9 chapters)

(I'll probably gonna do that so...imma do it i guess)


Third Person POV

After deciding his next destination, Kurai travels to the Winter Highlands...

For a period of a week, Kurai traveled through grasslands, hiked through medium sized hills and set up camp multiple times

On the 8th day, Kurai finally runs out of rations in his spatial bag so he decides to hunt every animal he sees...

On the 9th day, after hunting for food and eating up, a few hours later Kurai reaches the top a mountain and sees the Winter Highland mountain range from a great distance, he looks on his map and sees that he's about halfway there

("9 days....it took me 9 days just to get halfway there.....what kind of a map is this? It's looks close but it's clearly not" said Kurai "ahhh f*ck it im already halfway there, i gotta commit to it or get nothing in return")

Days passed by as Kurai travels through the terrain, living off the land with no unnatural thing occuring.....but on the 13th day.....

Kurai's POV

Kurai walks on a ground path in the middle of a forest, in the forest one can never know what danger lurks in the darkest covers so Kurai always has his Vessian Gauntlets on for self defense

After a few minutes of walking he then notices something in the distance, people? and not just that, it was a whole caravan of people surrounded by people with swords and masked with tattered cloth

"Probably bandits" said Kurai "welp that ain't my problem"

As Kurai turns around and was about to go in another direction, he suddenly hears something fast coming towards him, he then turns around and catches the arrow with his hand

"First, that sh*t was badass" said Kurai "Second, NOW it's my problem"

Kurai leaves the ground path and goes through the thick trees to get near them, he looks for an area with the most vulnerable position for the bandits

As soon as he gets there, he dashes to two of the bandits and hits them with his fist, knocking them both out


The bandits where shocked from the ambush but they're expression were immediately replaced with confusion as they see that the ambushers are only one in number

Suddenly one of the bandits, presumably their captain points his sword towards Kurai and said "Kill him!!"

With his command, Kurai is immediately surrounded by half of the bandits, a total of 10 bandits

"Before we start, i would like to tell you people that i have a very particular sets of skills" said Kurai "and those skills of mine are very specialized in beating people's asses, so you guys have to choices"

"One by one, all against one" said Kurai

"Why the hell are you guys still surrounding him for? Kill him!!!" shouted the bandit captain

With the bandit captain's command, the surrounding bandits attacks Kurai

"All against one then" said Kurai before suddenly appearing in front of two bandits, grabbed their heads, and put their heads to the ground

The bandits tries to attack Kurai with their swords but Kurai swiftly dodges and parries their attacks with his Vessian Gauntlets

Just a few seconds later, the bandits have been easily dealt with by Kurai

The bandit captain is shocked due to Kurai's prowess and shouts "All bandits attack!!!!!"

The remaining bandits attacks Kurai with the captain in the front

Though they have the advantage of numbers, it appears to be useless as Kurai toys with them like little dolls

After a few seconds of playing around, Kurai knocks out all of the bandits except for the bandit captain, which he punched in the gut and steps on his chest to prevent him from moving

"I feel like a main character now" said Kurai "you and your men have the audacity to rob people when your as weak as a twig, very bold i must say...and very stupid".....

End of Chapter