
The Anomaly Container

In the infinite worlds in the all encompassing omniverse, there is a world that is ordinary like the rest until one day…rifts appear in every dark corner of the that world and with those rifts came out monsters…beings with great amounts power, beings that holds power of the elements, and beings with incomprehensible control and power to warp and manipulate reality itself…one day a man reincarnates into this world with the blessing of the system granted by god of creation and destruction…. Watch as that man uses his god granted gifts to contain, research, and use the anomalies of the rifts and with it watch as that man gets caught into its mystery that leads to the mysteries of the omniverse and beyond

Phantom365 · Fantasy
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85 Chs

Chapter 64 New Destination

Second Arc: New Destination


Location: Outside of Northern Forest

Third Person POV

After Kurai had just gotten his freedom back, he was immediately led by two palace guards to a teleportation array and sent outside the Northern Forest

Kurai was given no reward other than his freedom, in which he didn't really care as for him, freedom is much more important than all kinds of rewards

This world is not a world where an imprisoned main character gains his freedom back, gets op rewards from the highest noble and travel around the area making friends in low and high places

That's anime.....this is the real world, there are no such things as immediate friendship with all people, there are only long period friendship, camaraderie, alliances, and usage of one another (either s*xually, financially, or power)

Kurai sits on the grassy ground, thinking his next actions...

Kurai's POV

"I only just realized...isn't the elven kingdom bigger than the northern forest?" said Kurai

Kurai turns his head towards the forest

"Is it like the TARDIS in Doctor Who?" said Kurai "smaller on the outside, bigger on the inside"

"This one's big on the outside, bigger on the inside....well the TARDIS could probably do that as well"

Kurai turns his head back and looks towards the grasslands

"They didn't even bother to give me a reward" said Kurai before taking out the communication crystal in his pocket "Well at least i still have General Vyron's communication crystal"

"You never know with this communication crystal made out of crystallized nature energy maybe an original handwork by the elves, meaning this type of communication crystal is specifically for elves" said Kurai "I could probably use this as a "backer" to intimidate my enemies"

"Oooh they messed up big time" said Kurai

Kurai stands up and checks the remaining rations on his spatial bag

"Hmmmm i have at least a week's worth of rations left" said Kurai "i'll take it"

Kurai takes out the Northeast map that he bought from the Xylon Empire

"Where do i go now?"

Kurai looks around the map for interesting places to go

"Xylon Empire…..been there...Northern Forest...just got out of there... Empire of Isolation?...sounds boring....Association of Sound Cultivators ?...how does that even work i don't know and it sounds very complicated"

("For such a big continent, there's really few empires here" said Kurai)

He then notices a name across a long snowy mountain range that covers about half of the map at the very top of the northwest region

"Hmmmm.....Winter Highlands? not bad of a name…..kinda interesting" said Kurai

"Where does one go? It's either the Association of Sound Cultivators or The Winter Highlands?"

"...Im not much of a music guy and I don't really mind the cold…..so i guess i'll go to the Winter Highlands" said Kurai

Before Kurai starts his new journey, he opens up his status to see whether he's prepared enough for the journey


Kurai Himitsuno

Race: Human

Class: System Administrator/Owner

Combat Level:

Strength: Peak Stage 2

Agility: Peak Human Stage 1

Physiue: Limiter Peak Stage

Intelligence: Peak Stage 1

Energy: Peak Stage 1

Skills: [Super Hearing] [Earth Weaponry Proficiency]

Masteries: All Weapons (Planetary Peak)

Equipment Skills: [Avada Kedavra] [Imperio] [Crucio] [Wingardium Leviosa] [Sectumsempura] [Expecto Patronum] [Lumos] [Expelliarmus] [Petrificus Totalus] [Protego]

Items: [SCP-127] [Plasma Pistol] [Anomaly Containment Orbs]x2 [Vessian Chestplate] [Vessian Gauntlets] [Ring of Punching] [System Basic Wand] [17180 Gold]

Item Effects: [+5% Punching Strength]

External Items: [Spatial Bag (7 days worth of rations)]


"It seems like i ain't doing that bad" said Kurai "now....it's time for adventure"...…

End of Chapter