
Next life

""were am I"" a 21 year youngmen 6f.t tall and well muscular body. he always stayed away from the people, or he was ignored by them all no friends to talk and no family to love him.he was an orphan who was in his final year of his graduation, he used work has a part-time in an call center his lost interest in his life the only think he was interested in was anime,manga,novels...., you can say he was an otaku.but on this unfortunate day when he was excited to go home and watch his favourite anime show fairy tail, he was on his way back to his home, when came out of his office and was about to cross the street when all of a sudden, A car came and hit the oil tank which was parked near the street, it was at midnight so there was no one when this took place except the youngmen, when he saw this accident he ran to help the ppl in the car when he reached there he saw an drunken teenager in who was 17-18 years old and he wasn't badly injuried only minor injuries,he decided to call an ambulance, then he took a look at the oil tank were oil was licking out and a sparks near the car by seeing this his instinct screamed to get out from there,, he shouted "holy shit" he dragged the drunken teen and ran from there but it was already too late all of a sudden*boooooom* there was an explosion.

Even though they were out of the reach of explosion an after shockwave hit him and he was thrown 3meters farway landing getting hit on his head he started to loose his concisionous everything turning black ""what's happening why does it feel so dizzy I'm feeling so sleepy "" .

And now in an blackspace there was an white sphere floating there it didn't know how long has it been. "were am I" questioned himself"I can't feel my body am I dead? well it seems so ah I wasn't able to watch 'fairy tail season 3, black clover or complete my novels I miss them "".

???:- oh ! you seem so calm

youngmen:- who are you? looks around "were are you"

???:- well I'm what you humans call god

youngmen:- God??

god:- yes ! for a while I have been watching

your life and it seems you have suffered a lot.

so I wanna give you a chance you will be

reincarnated in your choosen world any world

even anime,manga,or novel any world.

youngmen:- "really" ! by hearing what the

unknown voice said our MC got excited that

he never got in his life time. he read many

novels and he knew this was cliché so he was

excited. "any world of my choice".

God:- yes" ! suddenly an old man appears

Infront of the youngman, he had white hair and

long beard, white has milk and Glamour's face

with black eyes that has an all the stars in the

galaxy in them. "youngman I will give you what

you humans call in that novel, yes system has

a guide in your journey"" and also you have

five wishes you can make. but no wishes like

ultimate wishes like that okay"" said the god

with a smile on his face.

youngmen:- by hearing this he screamed

inside his head *yes yes this is what I

dreamed of ahhhhhh* I can't believe it I'm not

dreaming right thought.

God:- no your not!

youngmen:- you read my mind??

God:- yes and I'm god

youngmen:- I'm sorry okay! thank you so much

god but can I ask why me.

God:- because I'm bored and I wanted some

entertainment and you will entertain me I

wanna watch your adventures I hope you will

not disappoint me. Okay now make your

wish and choose your world. Oh you can also

choose whether you wanna born or wanna

create your character like in those games you


youngmen:- thank you so much god! I need a

time to think please.

God:- okay ! smiles "but don't take long.