
The Anger

Dumbledore, who has always watched over Harry, now finds himself facing an unexpected challenge. Harry has a temper that can erupt at any moment, he defends himself, and worst of all, he is engaged. --------------------------------- Subscribe to me Patreon for more advanced content... patreon.com/Nesto_

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Chapter 5

Frowning in thought for a moment, Harry asked, "Charms, sir? The lady at the bookshop, Flourish and Blotts, suggested I get one that also had a - Featherweight Charm on it. Are there any other charms or spells I can have?"

"Certainly, young sir," replied the shopkeeper, "But those sorts of things can cost quite a bit more."

"That's okay," said Harry. "I can afford it. What can I have?"

Looking Harry over a bit the shopkeeper replied, "Forgive me, young sir; but, from your current attire, you don't appear to be able to afford much more than that."

Looking down at the state of his clothing Harry frowned and said, "I guess you're correct in that assumption, sir. First appearances can be deceiving." Looking back up he said, "I guess I better purchase clothing more suited then, first. You wouldn't happen to know where I can - acquire - clothing more suited to my newly discovered station, would you? Then, I'll come back."

Wondering just who this well-spoken young man was, the shopkeeper replied, "Just back up the Alley and next door to Flourish & Blotts. There, you'll find Madam Malkin's. She'll set you to rights."

"Thank you," said Harry, before simply turning around and walking back out the store.

As directed, he easily found Madam Malkin's and entered the store. Once inside, he found a small family with a child about his own age standing on a small circular platform being fitted for what looked like a school uniform.

Waiting for a few minutes he was soon approached by what he thought of as another sales woman, who asked, "Are you here to be fitted for your Hogwarts robes, dear?"

"Yes, Ma'am," he replied. "Plus, some other clothes."

"We can do that," she said. "Come over to the fitting area and we'll get you sorted in a jiffy."

Harry followed the lady across the store and mounted another of the platforms. He turned to see a floor length mirror reflecting his image back to him.

"Now, I'll just take your measurements, dear, and we can get started," the sales woman said, taking out a tape measure that seemed to spring to life and start taking his measurements on it's own. "Feet slightly apart and arms out like the letter 'T' for a few moments, dear," she said, watching carefully.

Harry followed her instructions and watched as a quill rapidly wrote on a floating piece of parchment as she watched the measuring.

"Now, arms down and legs together," she said after a few moments.

Harry complied.

When the tape stopped measuring and the quill stopped writing she plucked both out of the air. The tape she dropped into a pocket of her robes, and the parchment and quill she clipped onto a stand just in front of him and off to the side a bit.

"First Year, dear?" she asked.

"Yes Ma'am."

Taking note of what was written on the parchment she asked, "Are you just looking for the standard robes, dear?"

"No, Ma'am," replied Harry. "I also need a whole new wardrobe for when I'm not wearing school uniform. Such as, for now."

"Ah!" she said, perking up a little. "Well, let's get the Hogwarts robes sorted first. Then we'll move onto the rest of the wardrobe." She ducked out through a door leading to the back of the store.

While Harry was quickly fitted with his Hogwarts uniform and robes, the other student and his family left. This left him as the only customer in the store.

When the sales clerk returned from the back with what he assumed as the rest of his uniform, he said, "As I said, I'm going to need all new other clothing, too, Ma'am."

Glancing up from where she was bundling up his uniform she said, "Yes, dear. And now that we have your uniform set aside, what other clothing do you want?"

Pushing down on his frustration at the woman he said, "As I believe I said, I need a whole new wardrobe." Thinking for a minute he said, "You see, everything item of clothing I currently own, I'm wearing right now!"

The sales clerk reared back as if physically slapped. "What? Do you mean to tell me you have nothing else to wear?"

Though even more frustrated Harry replied, "That's exactly what I'm saying, Ma'am. I just found out my parents left me quite a bit of money in that Gringotts bank, so I'm now able to finally buy some clothes of my own."

Worried that the woman was going to call the police, or something - and he couldn't have that happen - he thought harder and said, "I recently had a growth spurt and these things I'm wearing are the only things that fit me now."

That appeared to mollify the woman somewhat. She said, "Outfitting you with a complete wardrobe is going to cost quite a bit of money, young man. Do you think you can afford it?"

"Definitely, Ma'am," he said quite emphatically. He untied his money pouch from his belt and said, "I withdrew quite a large sum from the bank to take care of this."

The woman stood looking at him for a while, frowning. Obviously coming to a conclusion she asked, "Do you have more than, say, a hundred galleons to spend?"

"Yes, Ma'am," replied Harry. "More than that."

Sighing, the woman said, "Very well. I take it you need underwear and shoes, too?"

"Everything, Ma'am."

Straightening herself up she gave a curt nod and asked, "Any preferences?"

"No, Ma'am. Except I need clothes for all sorts of weather. And I have no idea what I want or need," replied Harry. "So, I'm hoping you can help me pick out my wardrobe for me."

Giving a wry smile in return she said, "Well, I've not met many boys who have much of a clue about fashion; so, I'm glad to see you have the sense to ask for help in that area."

Smiling back, Harry said, "I'm glad you understand, Ma'am. And, thank you."

"Then let's get to it, shall we?" she asked with a grin. "I think I'm going to have quite a bit of fun doing this."

That began over two hours of constantly dressing and undressing for Harry. He tried on formal, casual and semi casual robes; decided between boxers and briefs, and what colours; he was shown into the 'muggle' clothing area and tried on shirts, trousers, jeans, jackets, coats, scarves, hats, caps, footwear, belts, and other paraphernalia; and even purchased a whole new range of toiletries.

While they were working, Harry told her he was raised in the muggle world, so she explained a lot about the wizarding world to which he'd just entered. Though she occasionally pushed for information about his home life, Harry remained reticent for much of it, and only told her information that didn't identify him or how he was raised. Again, he didn't want her calling the police on him.

However, he did ask where he could find temporary accommodation and used the excuse he had much more shopping to do, and he knew needed to stay over night before heading home. She suggested that the Leaky Cauldron was the best option for short term accommodation. Harry took her suggestion on board.

When they were finished, the woman was shocked to discover the total came to a figure well in excess of the original one hundred galleons; but, Harry paid it without a problem.

After the woman packed and shrunk all his purchases down - with the exception of a muggle baseball style cap, which he immediately donned - Harry gave her a bit of a jaunty wave and headed back up to the Leaky Cauldron. He had noticed the story book about him - or, rather, the fictional Harry Potter - had a pretty good description of him right down to the scar on his forehead. He wanted it covered up and something to cover his face a little. He knew that if he was recognised he would probably be taken by the police back to his Aunt and Uncle's house. And that was the last thing he wanted to happen.

At The Leaky Cauldron the old bartender, Tom, rented him a room under the name of Harrison Smith. Harry was surprised how easy it was for him to get the room, and how few questions were asked about how - or why - a ten year old boy was staying on his own.

Tom ran through a clearly rehearsed spiel about the facilities available to his temporary tenants; such as when meals would be served, room service, shower and bathroom facilities, and behaviour required to remain; and Harry politely accepted his key and headed upstairs.

He dropped his packages off and returned downstairs.

"Is the room to your satisfaction, young sir?" enquired Tom.

"Yes, thank you," replied Harry. "I'm just going to duck out to make a telephone call and I'll be back shortly." And left via the door onto Charing Cross Road.

A few hundred feet back up from where he'd come from the Underground, Harry found the red wooden phone box he'd remembered on the way to the wizarding pub. He ducked in, fished a few pence out his pocket, and made his call to his Aunt.

After telling her he would not be returning as he had decided to 'run away', and had found somewhere else to live; she screeched at him about how ungrateful he was and demanded he never return. He hung up on her before she could go into a full rant.

Heaving a sigh of relief he returned to The Leaky Cauldron and climbed the stairs back to his room.