
the angels of death

Always trouble‑prone, the life of teenager Clarissa Stencil gets a lot more complicated when she learns that the guy she's sitting next to her is a fallen angel of death. And now to break him from his curse She is destined to help the angel recover his formal glory. But not every task comes out so easily they must face the hardships and challanges ahead of them.

KenSterni · Fantasy
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5 Chs

:- Alec got a headache

"and there, all taken care of" said a sweet melodious voice.

she was dressed in white and had a medic symbole on her dress smooth curvey body with a charming personality

"thank you miss grace" Alec said

Nurses office wasn't a place to stay long due to scent of alcohol and medicine roaming freely it gived creepy vibes, though it was regularly mainted still better stay away from it unless you want your head throbbing.

"Clarissa, was it?" asked alec while they were going across the main hall

"yes" said Clarissa who was busy admiring her crab bandage.

"you said you wanted to meet Charles" said Alec

"ya" said Clarissa in a excited voice " also call me clary. Clarissa is too long"

"ok" replied Alec

The school had 5 floors, roof was unavailable to students, each floor had an incharge for ground floor was a lameass sports teacher who constantly make students run for their lives, Charles.

He never got in Alec's way for unknown reasons, maybe because he saw an athelete in Alec.

They went into Charles's room

"Coach?" shouted alec

"hey, keep it low, can't you see am sleeping" said Charles who was drooling on beanch of staff room.

"hey coach, wake up, you have visitors today" said Alec

slowly coach opened his eyes and saw alec then his eyes fixed on clary.

"you are the new transfer student, arent you?" asked charles

"yes mr.charles" said clary

Charles was being sleepy again.

"okay nevermind, Alec, take her to dorms, her room number is 302, and she's your classmate from now on, I'll fill paperwork later" said charles, yawned and crashed on desk.

"wait, why me? " scouled Alec but coach was already asleep

Clary had no idea what was going on

"gughhh, you'll pay for this" cursed Alec and not knowing he holded the shoulder of Clary and walked outside.

Clary's face flushed. Even if it was for a second, it was first time someone had treated her as an equal, earlier everyone treated her as an accidental prone fragile thing that can break in extreme pressure, they never got close to clary or tried to know her except one best friend she had, Isabelle, and she was due on her call, they had been seperated due to clary's dad's work but promised to keep in touch.

School's dorms were way beyond anything ordinary, they were like a prison castel,round stairs that lead up they continued till 6 floors and were situated at the north corner of campus.

Alec found the room at 3rd floor, it wasn't much of a space but quite larger and well furnished then rest. Or maybe not because it looked the same the organization or room was different.