
The Angelic reincarnation system

Binding angelic system...... [Carrier: Collins Mufasa > [ AGE ] - 2200 years [ BODY STATURE ] - Muscular [ HEIGHT ] - Tall [ SKIN COLOR ] - Black [ WEIGHT ] - 200pounds [ STRENGTH ] - Strong > [ ACCURACY ] - 5% [ SPEED ] - 5% [ WISDOM ] - 5% [ FLYING ACCURACY] - 5% [ TELEPORTATION ] - 5% [ SENSITIVITY ] - 5% [ INDESTRUCTIBILITY ] - 5% [ SHAPE SHIFTING ] - 5% [ COMBAT SKILLS ] - 5% [ WING SIZE ] - 15 INCHES - Maximum: 50 inches As Collins Mufasa binds his system, a new world of challenges is unraveled, a world where he would have to work hard to survive, a world where his system is needed in order to reduce the domination of demonic activities. After Collins had been killed by enslavers for no just reasons, he was given a system which helped him gather more strength, which he thought he could use to avenge his death but unfortunately for him, the power of the angelic system was to be used for good and not for evil. But the good thing was that, the days of slavery had already passed before Collins could go back to earth. He died at 2007 and returned back to earth with his reincarnation in 4207. By then there was a new world order. Collins then faced alot of ups and downs after he crossed path with his arch rival Davis which led to losing his system but he got them back, but how?

Godswill_Patrick · Fantasy
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8 Chs

Meeting Lucy

" Clothes have been provided for you Mr. Collins, just a few kilometers away from you, in the oldest building by your right. It's a deserted neighborhood, a really good place to hide you as well." Ea replied.

He walked down to his right, searching for the building he was appointed to.

Walking deeper and deeper, a voice is heard, a female's voice, deep in the woods. His hearing skills must have increased recently, due to all the walking exercise he had been doing, because the voice he heard came from the thick woods, which was really far from him, it came from his direction as well.

The voice yelled loudly with a hoarse tone, it seemed like she had been yelling for a while. "help!!!!" was what she kept yelling, even when Collins tried to ignore it.

He had no other option but to go after the voice, it came from a long distance, he knew that walking won't cover the pace, instead he began to pick his feet off the ground, as he raced into the forest.

His feet kept the pace, until he arrived closer and closer to the voice, and it seemed like the female yelling was alone. He picked up the pace even more, knowing that he was almost there.

He finally got to where the voice was coming from, but it was a dead end.

A really wide and long opening appeared right in front of him, but he saw no one there.

" I recall this place." he said with his eyebrows squeezed down, then recalled when the slaves built a bridge that could connect them to the next coast, so that some of them could escape easily to seek help. Well he wasn't alive to see the finishing of the bridge.

The bridge was made with ropes and woods, which was extended to the other side, helping them move on the bridge to the other side.

But now, the ropes and the woods had become really old for anyone to move on, in fact the whole place was deserted, and it became the city's waste dump.

" Help!!!" The female yelled and immediately, he woke up from his thoughts. I bet she must have wanted to give up calling for help, due to the fact that no one answered. It was written in her voice.

Collins then walked towards the direction of the voice and saw a lady who looked like she was in her mid twenties, dangling with the ropes which was already getting ready to separate itself from her.

" Asante strange lady. " he said in an odd manner, " What are you doing down there.... hanging around?" he said sarcastically, not knowing that he was making the situation worst.

" Can you please help me, and stop looking like a toothless baboon, I'm about to fall into a fucking 200 metered pit." the lady said rudely, not finding any of Collins's sarcasm funny.

" Ooo yeah!!!, that's what I ran kilometers to do, but you know what, since you have chosen to be rude, I'll just run back to where I was...bye!!!" he said, after being slightly offended by the way she spoke to him.

He then pretended as though he was going away, hopping loudly on a spot, to make it sound like he was running away, so that he could hear her beg.

"Ok I'm sorry, I'm sorry, please please please please please, help me, I promise to give you whatever you want." she cried out woefully, I could bet tears were rolling down her chin.

He didn't reply to her, instead he walked around, looking for a better thing to draw her out of the hole with, and luckily, since this was a trash center, there were a lot of things to improvise with.

Few moments later, he came back to her " Asante strange lady, did you miss me." he said jokingly, while tossing the improvised rope into the hole.

" Grab the rope tightly, don't look down and don't let go, I'll pull you out ." he said while holding his end of the rope tightly and getting ready to pull.

The lady then held her side of the rope, " I'm with the rope!!!." she yelled, signifying him to pull. He pulled the rope with all the strength in him, his eyes bulged out and veins surrounded his neck, as he pulled with force.

Finally, Collins was able to pull her out of the hole. He lay down on the ground, exhausted and weak, after using all the strength in him to pull her out of the hole.

" Well done Mr. Collins, your skills have been increased by five percent for completing your first task, congratulations... Your second task will come shortly, get some rest." E.A said, only him could hear her voice.

" What the heck....E.A, you never told me that was my task from the beginning." he said with eyes open wide, and his mouth agape, raising his back from its resting point, as the whole situation became astonishing to him.

" Who are you talking to?" said the beautiful lady Collins just rescued. I must say that for the first time, Collins was impressed by the beauty of a lady. She was an angel, dark skinned, perfect body, slim waist, with dark eyes that told the story of the night. She was the most beautiful creature he had ever set his eyes on.

" Ermm!!! I was just talking to myself, you know, it's something I do to hype myself up, anytime I rescue a beautiful lady." he lied, while itching his head, which wasn't actually itching.

" Well thanks for saving my life, I've gotta go now." she said while softly getting up from her seated position.

"Ah!!!" she exclaimed, as her left ankle twisted and brought her down to the ground again.

"Are you ok?" He asked, as he instinctively stood up from the ground, trying to help her.

" I think I must have twisted my ankle, it hurts!!!" she replied with her face squeezed with a frown, rubbing the twisted ankle with her thumb, while sitting on the ground.

Collins then placed his thumb on the ankle, caressing it softly to check for broken spots, and accurately, his suspicions were true. He then took a stick from the ground, gripped and tore a part of his cloth to tie the broken ankle. She must have smashed it hard on a rock after falling off the hill.

" So what's your name ma'am." He asked, trying to distract her from the pain she was about to feel.

" I'm Lucy.... Why do you as.... Ahhhhh." Before she could utter another word, the force he used in tying the broken ankle, brought pain into her words.

" Shhhhh calm down, it's over now (pause) do you stay around here?" he asked after wrapping up the wound spot.

" Yes I do, it's just a walk away from here, the oldest house in the street." she said while still squeezing her face in pain. He then remembered Ea telling him about his hideout in the oldest house on the street.

" So I'll have to stay with such a pretty lady." he soliloquizes with an unseen smirk on his face.

" Ok then, I'll help you home...." he said

" Thank you very much, I really appreciate all your help, I promise I'll repay you for your time." she replied with a wan look on her face.

" Nah!!! Don't worry about it ma'am, I'm just being a good samaritan." he said, as he lifted her up by her hands, helping her walk.

" By the way, what brought you here?" he asked in concern.

" I came to trash a few things from my house, then boom, I fell off. Due to erosion,the ground became soft, and I couldn't see where I placed my right foot on." she replied, as she leaped through the bush part with Collins's help.

"Oh! I'm sorry about that." he replied instinctively, feeling pity for her.