
The Ancient Glory

A boy who is a slave in the Zeldris Empire discovers a book. The book, titled "Ancient Glory," is written by the prince of the fallen Racan Empire, who sought revenge on the great empires that destroyed his kingdom. However, the book is cursed, and only those with pure intentions can open it. The boy, curious about the book's contents, struggles to unlock its secrets and learns about the history of the Racan Empire. As he delves deeper into the book, he uncovers a plot by the Zeldris Empire to suppress the knowledge contained within and must fight to protect the book and keep its secrets from being erased.

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Ancient Empire

One thousand years ago, there were many empires, and of these, the seven great empires were the most powerful and wealthy. One of these great empires was the Racan Empire, which was a powerful and wealthy empire. However, because of its strength, many other empires showed their fangs towards the Racan Empire.

One day, the Gildris Empire, one of the great empires, launched a sudden and heavy attack on the Racan Empire. The other great empires also joined the attack, and the Racan Empire could only hold out for three days. Despite their best efforts, they were unable to launch a counterattack.

However, the king of the Racan Empire, Jayaz Racan, made sure that his son, Fyulsia Racan, was safe. As per his deceased wife's wishes, he sent the nine-year-old prince to the beggar group, who were the most loyal group belonging to the empire.

A few hours after the prince was sent to the beggar group, the empire collapsed and all of its connections were cut off. As the prince grew day by day, he turned 15 and began carrying the dream of revenge. He trained and trained until he achieved the final path that no Racan Descendants had achieved before.

He fought the great empires, but only defeated three out of seven. The Marian Empire, Scrion Empire, and Zeldris Empire were defeated and replaced the Racan Empire as the fifth great empire. However, the prince was imprisoned in a dark cave, and he gave up on his revenge.

He made a goal that would be passed through generations, and wrote a book titled "Ancient Glory" about everything he knew about swordsmanship, magic, and science. The goal of the book was to revive the Racan Kingdom. Seventeen generations have passed (500 years), and the Ancient Glory, with its infinite pages, went into the hands of the holy empire.

However, they were unable to change or open the book, as the first successor of the book put a curse on it. Only those with pure good intentions could open the book, as well as those who had no intention at all. The holy empire hid the book and forgot about it, and many generations have passed. Five hundred years later (current timeline), the war that broke out 1000 years ago is now considered a myth. Everything is a myth, but there are some people who believe that an empire will emerge bringing justice to the world.