
The American Maid

When a Korean businessman divorces his wife and moves to New York City with his young son he is in need of help. He didn't think a life without his wife would be so hard. He seeks to hire a maid. He never expected Jonathan (Jay) to show up at his door. He never expected to hire a man! However, this young man would change his perspective and give him the family life he always wanted. -M/M/Yaoi

CF_Yamako · Realistic
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10 Chs

Chapter Six

Ki Sub walked down the long hall towards his apartment door. His dad had once again forgotten to pick him up from school but Ki Sub had the spare key to the apartment. He pulled out the white and blue key card inserting it into the door. The green light flashed signifying he could enter freely. He turned the knob opening the door to his home. He took off his shoes in the foyer. It was then he realized he could smell a delicious odor. He could smell food being cooked, food that was not burnt. He also heard the audible hum of a vacuum roaming over the carpet, was his mom here? His face lit up as he picked up his speed running towards the sounds.

He stopped realizing his mother wasn't in America. It was impossible. The sound of the vacuum stopped. He sighed in defeat as he walked into the kitchen.

There stood a man mixing something in a blue bowl. He wore a red plaid half apron. The man was tall and slender and his skin was brown, a sort of golden color. The man's face made Ki Sub feel at ease his hazel eyes met Ki Sub's brown ones.

"Um," Ki Sub said peering up at Jonathan through his lashes.

Johnathan smiled seeing Ki Sub for the first time. The kid was cute, too cute. His fat cheeks gave him a pouty-looking face that you just wanted to kiss.

"Hi Ki, I'm Jonathan. I'm the maid." He smiled bending down to Ki Sub's level. "I'll be taking care of you and your dad okay?"

"Ki Sub smiled. "Hi, Jonathan."

"Where is your dad? Did he go back to work?" Johnathan asked curiously.

"No, he forgot to pick me up… again," Ki Sub said while holding his head down in disappointment. Sometimes Ki Sub felt like he was not important because no one had time for him. His dad was too busy and his mom just didn't love him anymore. If she loved him why would she give him to his dad and make them live far away? If she loved him they would be a family. His dad couldn't cook, wash, or do any of the stuff she could. If he was important then they would both be here to take care of him.

Jonathan frowned in anger. What type of father forgets his own child? He could not understand it but the man did seem extremely busy. So Jonathan could not judge him completely. He just knew that if he had a child he would never forget him.

"Hey," Jonathan said his voice full of emotion. "Listen, I'm sure your dad is just busy with work you know," he paused thinking. "But listen, I'll always be there to pick you up from school. I won't be late okay," He smiled reassuringly.

"You promise?" Ki Sub wondered. "Yea, I promise," Johnathan smiled patting Ki Sub on the head. "Hey go do your homework while, I finish dinner, okay?"

"Okay Johnathan," Ki Sub cheered. He liked Johnathan he hoped he would be around for a while, not like the previous maid.

"Call me Jay, it's what my friends call me."

"Okay, Jay."

Jonathan went back to his pie filling. This was turning out to be one of the most interesting days of his life. He was so happy that the stars aligned and he was able to secure a job and work for this family. He was beginning to think he had made the right decision. Maybe something even better would come of this new adventure he was embarking upon.