
The American Maid

When a Korean businessman divorces his wife and moves to New York City with his young son he is in need of help. He didn't think a life without his wife would be so hard. He seeks to hire a maid. He never expected Jonathan (Jay) to show up at his door. He never expected to hire a man! However, this young man would change his perspective and give him the family life he always wanted. -M/M/Yaoi

CF_Yamako · Realistic
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10 Chs

Chapter Eight

Ki Sub was glued to the TV screen like a horse to oats. His dad would never let him watch it for more than two hours a day. Jay told him he could watch TV as long as he wanted to, that is until his father came home. Then he was to immediately turn the TV off and pretend to read. Ki Sub didn't understand why his father only allowed him to watch two hours of TV a day. It seemed unfair. Other kids could watch TV all day long.

As Ki Sub watched TV he paid attention to the commercial that was being aired. It was one of those Feed The Children's infomercials, showing pictures of emaciated, starving, & dirty children in Africa and Cambodia. Ki Sub looked at the screen in horror. Those kids were starving and he was eating pie and ice cream. He felt sad for the children. Who would feed them? His big almond eyes started to tear up.

"If you would like to feed a child please send 10 dollars to the Feed the Children Foundation." The commercial told Ki Sub. "Just ten dollars will feed a child for one month."

Jay could hear Ki Sub sniffle. What's wrong?" Jay asked seeing Ki cry.

"Jay," Ki Sub yelled while crying. This commercial reminded him of the homeless man he saw every day on the way to school.

"We have to feed the children," he cried. "They're hungry."

Jay ran over to Ki Sub and hugged him. He wiped his eyes.

"Hey, it's okay." Jay tried to comfort the boy.

"They are hungry. Just like the homeless people that sleep on the street."

"Well," Jay said mentally cursing himself for letting the boy watch TV. Maybe Junsu was right about limiting him to two hours only. "We can send money," Jay smiled. "We'll send ten dollars okay?" He said hoping the boy would stop crying. "You mean it?" Ki Sub asked drying his eyes. "Yes, I promise," Jay said sincerely. "You need to get an envelope and stamp okay?"

"Okay," he sniffed. Jay wrapped his arms around the boy holding him tight.

"Now stop crying everything's okay." Jay cooed him. The kid was precious.

Eventually, Ki Sub drifted to sleep and Jay tucked him into his bed. This was a very interesting first day of work.

Jay wondered if this would work out. He was emotionally drained. The kid, Ki Sub, seems to really need a stable figure in his life. But Jay did not feel he was the right person to do it. He did not have children so how could he have any input over this child? He could barely take care of himself. Frankly, he was just a housekeeper. There was nothing remotely special about him. He was just like every other college graduate in America, having a dream but no way to make it real.

Jonathan thought about this family. They were complex indeed. His boss, Junsu, was a busy man that seemed to love work and apparently made a lot of money doing it, but his life was obviously lacking. Could his dedication to his work be the reason for his divorce? The man had no time for his child and needed to set some boundaries.

Jay placed the leftovers in Tupperware containers. It was around nine o'clock at night; he sat on the leather couch watching TV. He wondered when Junsu would be back. He was tired. He yawned once more as he continued to mindlessly watch the local news. He was supposed to be off the clock by 6:30 pm. He had a long train ride back home.

Junsu came home around 11:00 p.m. he was tired from working, but he loved his job. His job was his life. It's what made him breathe. The apartment was dark and quiet.

Jonathan lay on the couch fast asleep. He bypassed him going to check on his son slowly opening the door he could see Ki Sub sleeping peacefully like a perfect angel.

Junsu placed his briefcase in his office. He grabbed a zebra print plush blanket from the closet. He walked to the living room to the sleeping beauty who lie on the couch.

Jay lay on his back his right arm supporting his head making his shirt raise up slightly showing a peek of his toned abs. He was so relaxed and peaceful; Junsu didn't know why this boy was so enchanting to him. He tried to deny what he felt when he saw him but he couldn't, maybe it was because he was so different from anything Junsu had ever experienced before. Junsu didn't know what it was but one thing was for sure. He was taking a liking to this young man.

Junsu unfolded the blanket placing it over him. He stood over Jay studying his face for a second. Jay could feel someone over him. He slowly opened his eyes seeing a figure. He gasped as if he was about to be murdered. He sat up pushing Junsu away from him. "Oh my god," he said realizing it was Junsu. "Don't scare me like that!" Junsu had apparently scared the shit out of him as Jay was breathing erratically.

"Just sleep here tonight." Junsu recommended, "It too late to take a train back to your apartment." He insisted.

"I don't know," he said rubbing the sleep from his eyes.

"Go to bed," Junsu said turning the lights off. "Good night." He went to his bedroom leaving Jay alone in his living room.

Jay didn't really want to go to sleep at a client's home. It wasn't cautious. He didn't know them and today was his first day but he felt safe. He hadn't felt safe in a long time. Jay yawned as he couldn't fight the sleep that was taking over him.