
The Alpha’s Descendant

Plagued with the choice of a forbidden love or saving his kingdom, Alpha Sargon is bewitched by the most beautiful and powerful witch who struggles to accept her destiny. Chaos and destruction erupt within both worlds as they collide.

DMMarz · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
62 Chs


Vianna ran into the forest to hide from Alaric. Her long, red and gold braids had unraveled as her hair blew in the wind. Her grey-blue eyes gleamed with joy as she felt the energy of nature flowing through her.

It was almost sunset, but she paid no attention to the fading sunlight. She was having way too much fun. She was finally getting a break from all of her training. She hated being groomed to be someone's wife.

It was so demeaning having to cater to some stranger for the rest of her life. Why do that when she could see the world and do amazing things? She would never understand her mother. This was not her destiny.

"Ha! You can't catch me. You're too slow!" Vianna teased Alaric as she looked for the perfect hiding spot. "Wait till I catch you. I am going to tie you up and leave you there until supper." He snapped back.

He was annoyed that Vianna could always outrun him. She was very athletic and agile and had no trouble showing off her skills to her best friend. Alaric was easily annoyed and Vianna simply loved it.

Searching around the forest, she noticed something she had never seen before. After years of running through this forest, she knew every spot better than she knew the back of her hand, but this time things looked different.

A curtain of green moss and vines covered an opening in a natural stone wall. Vianna slowly walked towards the wall and touched the vines, slightly moving them to see beyond what they camouflaged. There was a cave beyond the vines.

Vianna peeled back the vines further to see how far the cave went. There was a faint light emitting from what appeared to be candles. She stepped one foot into the cave and moved past the vines to enter the cave. She completely forgot about Alaric and playing hide and seek.

Carefully, she made her way deeper into the depths of the cave, following the dim light. In the crevices of the walls were skulls placed as though they were ornaments. Glass bottles of creepy, crawling bugs and larger glasses trapping snakes decorated the pathway.

Vianna was disturbed at the sight. Something kept her walking into the cave though. She couldn't turn back now.

Suddenly, she heard children laughing. She kept walking and moved towards the side of the cave so she could hide. She peaked beyond the edge of the cave wall and saw three children playing together. They all looked close to her age, around ten years old.

There was a little mischievous looking boy with two long brown braids, a little girl with auburn hair and freckles and another little boy with black hair and blue eyes with dimples and a bright smile.

All three children seemed happy as they danced around a fire laughing. Vianna wanted to meet them. They looked so happy and free, unlike what she was experiencing in her life with her training. Oh, what she would give to live a free life of her own. She did not get to play with many children, only Alaric.

Vianna moved closer and reached for a rock on the wall to steady her. As she grabbed the rock, it became loose and tumbled on the floor as she tumbled along with it. The children stopped playing a ran off to hide. Vianna scrambled to her feet, frightened.

"Hello little one." A lady spoke. Vianna looked at the lady with shiny long grey and white hair falling all the way down her back. Her hair did not match her face. She looked young and pretty.

Her green eyes were so bright and beautiful, almost catlike. Her lips were full and tinted with pink that shaped an inviting full smile. She wore a cream-colored cloak and gold rings with different colored stones on many of her fingers.

"Hello maam." Vianna said, shyly. "What are you doing here dear?" The lady asked her. Vianna was mesmerized by the woman's beauty. It took her a moment to respond. "Don't be shy." The woman teased.

"Uhm, I was just playing outside, and I saw this cave. I am sorry for coming in here uninvited. I saw the children and wanted to play." She said, nervously. "Oh, it is alright. You must have frightened them good because they have not returned." The woman said with a little smile.

"Oh, I am sorry." Vianna replied as she nervously intertwined her fingers.

"Do not worry. If you would like to play with the other children, you can come by tomorrow a little bit earlier. I am sure they would love to meet you." The woman said.

"Really?" Vianna asked in pure delight.

"Of course, my dear. I will see you tomorrow. Now run along and do not tell anyone you have met me or seen the children. I like to keep my place hidden. Freedom is scarce these days." She said with a smirk.

"Yeah, tell me about it." Vianna said rolling her eyes. "Maybe I will one day. Now go before your parents worry, child." The woman said.

"Goodbye." Vianna said as she skipped out of the cave, exiting the same way she entered. She pushed through the vines and looked back to make sure the cave was covered and ran off.

"Hey! Where were you!" Alaric shouted. "Huh?" Vianna replied. "I have been looking everywhere for you. It's late and we are missing dinner. We will be in so much trouble." Alaric said with worry on his face.

Strands of his golden-brown hair fell over his brow tickling his long lashes, as he combed his hair back and rubbed his bright blue eyes.

"I am sorry. I got lost. I was trying to find my way." Vianna lied. "Well, you should have yelled! I could find you. Did you forget I am like a walking compass? I can find anything Ana." He said, with one brow cocked and his arms folded as he stared at her.

"I am blaming you if we get in trouble. Let's get out of here." He said, pulling her by her arm and running off towards her home. "Ahhh!" She said, losing balance and nearly falling.

"Slow down Al!" She screamed.

"Nope, we are out of here! I am not dealing with my dad tonight. I can hear him already. You are supposed to be responsible Alaric. Blah blah blah." He said, imitating his father as they went full throttle back home.