
The Alpha’s Descendant

Plagued with the choice of a forbidden love or saving his kingdom, Alpha Sargon is bewitched by the most beautiful and powerful witch who struggles to accept her destiny. Chaos and destruction erupt within both worlds as they collide.

DMMarz · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
62 Chs


"Vianna! Where have you been?" Her mother scolded. We have been calling you and Alaric all evening! Dinner is cold and you were supposed to be at home already. It is not safe out there. How many times do I have to tell you this?" She said. Vianna lowered her eyes to the ground without a reply.

"Well, what do you have to say for yourself?" Her mother asked.

"We lost track of time, Mrs. Owen. It is my fault." Alaric said, before Vianna could say anything else. Vianna looked at Alaric in her peripheral vision and gave him a crooked smile.

"Children, please be more careful. Sometimes you are entirely too trusting with the world outside. You are not regular children. People will use you against us if you enter into the wrong hands." Vianna's mother said worriedly.

"Yes maam." Both children said in unison. "Come now. It is time to eat. Your father will be here shortly Alaric, and I am not sending you home hungry. Vianna's mother said as she guided both children to dinner.

They all made their way to the large dining area and took their seats at the long, antique dinner table. Vianna and Alaric always sat near each other.

"Thanks for that." Vianna whispered to Alaric. "Thanks for what?" He asked, grabbing a dinner roll and a butter knife. "Whatever." Vianna replied, rolling her eyes as she picked up a chunk of meat and stuffed it into her mouth.

"Vianna!" Her mother reprimanded as Vianna stopped chewing abruptly, allowing the contents of her mouth fall to her plate. She picked up her knife and fork, cutting the meat into pieces, placed a piece into her mouth and began chewing.

"Eww, that's gross, Ana!" Alaric teased, laughing hysterically. Vianna glared at him as her mother covered her forehead with her palm, giving up on refining her daughter for the evening.

Vianna looked at her mother and stared. She had blonde hair, unlike Vianna's bright red hair and her features were very soft and beautiful. She was much like the lady Vianna had seen in the cave, inviting and trusting, except when Vianna was being scolded by her. Then, she just looked mean.

Vianna's mind drifted to the lady she met in the forest. She was eager to see her again tomorrow. She wanted to play with the other children. She wished she could skip her training every day and just play instead.

Alaric's father interrupted Vianna's thoughts with his heavy voice as he entered the dining hall. "Hello everyone!" He said, as Alaric jumped up and ran towards his father, giving him a bear hug. Vianna had never seen a happier pair than those two.

Alaric's father was strong and tall. His dark brown hair was cut perfectly, combed back in place, complementing his hazel eyes. He was the Alpha of our pack, the strongest alpha in the land. Everyone feared him and loved him at the same time.

When he was in his wolf form he was not like the other wolves. He was scarier, a real-life monster. Even Alaric feared him at times. Vianna was hardly ever afraid though. That is what got her in trouble sometimes. Being fearless had its drawbacks.

"Hello Alpha." Vianna's mother said from across the table. "Hello Mrs. Owen. Your husband should be here shortly. He had a bit of a delay." He said, as her smile faded. Vianna looked at her mother pensively.

"Thank you, Alpha. Are you hungry?" She asked. "Oh no, but thank you. We must be on our way." He said, ruffling Alaric's hair. "Thank you for taking care of my boy. I hope he wasn't too much trouble." He said.

"Oh, not at all Alpha. It is never a problem to take care of him." She smiled.

"Well, we shall be on our way then. Goodbye Vianna!" Alaric flashed an enormous smile as he left the dining hall. Vianna stuck out her tongue at him, teasingly right before he turned his head and exited the doors.

Vianna and her mother began cleaning up the table in silence. Her mother seemed preoccupied with her thoughts. "Are you ok, mom?" Vianna asked.

"Yes dear, I will be fine. You are too young to worry so much." Her mother said while stacking plates one on top the other.

"Ok, mom." She replied as she continued to assist her mother with clearing the table.

After Vianna had taken a bath and went to her bed, her mother came to tuck her in. "Where is dad?" Vianna asked. "Well, you know the Beta, he is always busy." She said.

"I guess." Vianna replied. "He will be at home soon. Stop worrying!" Her mother said, tickling Vianna's side. "Go to sleep Ana!" She said.

"Ok, fine! I'm going to sleep!" She said through her laughs.

Vianna's mother finished tucking her in, gave her a kiss on the forehead and walked out of the bedroom, closing the door behind her. Vianna began drifting in and out of sleep, waiting on her father to arrive.

"Why don't you just leave then!"

Vianna jumped out of her sleep with a racing heart, at the sound of glass breaking. She could hear her mother shouting at her father.

"Why do you always have to have an issue?" You know who I am and what I do. Do you think it is easy to give you and Ana this lifestyle? I have to work! You know where I am all the time!" Her father said with his voice elevated.

"So why do I smell her on you!" Vianna's mother growled.

Vianna got out of bed and made her way down the hall to her parents' room. She moved close to their door and peeked through the crack. Her mother stood with her hands at her sides with claws extended, glaring at her father. Her eyes were red and illuminated.

Broken glass was shattered on the floor near the fireplace. She wondered why her parents encouraged her to get married in the future if this is what she had to look forward to, arguments and unhappiness.

Vianna closed the door and walked back to her room. She was tired of the arguments. They were getting worse. She wondered if her father would eventually leave, but it wouldn't look right for a Beta to leave his wife and child. They were supposed to set an example for the town.

Vianna crawled back into bed and curled up under her blanket. The argument would end soon, and she would go back to sleep. She closed her eyes and thought about the following day as she fell into a deep sleep.