
The Alfheim Archives

Levi Anders was an average White elf. But when his life gets turned upside down by the Dark elves at the early age of 17, when they kill his mother and imprison his father, he makes a decision that will alter his life. As he walks the streets of his homeland, he decides to go by an alias, Nicholas Rune. As Levi continues his journey as Nicholas, he will befriend other elves and a very special horse. With his heart of gold, Firm beliefs in piece and fierce determination... Will he be able to turn the tides in favor of the White elves and bring the century old war to an end?

Holly_Vidal · Fantasy
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23 Chs

Chapter 14: A Military recruit who can cook?

I entered the kitchen as he was setting down on one of the counter stools. I grabbed an apron from the drawer, tied it on and set to cooking. Halfway through, the major spoke up, getting my attention. "You sure can cook kid. You said your mom taught you how to cook them fajitas?" I nodded as I put the chicken into a tortilla that I had melted cheese into. I then filled it with some salsa, sour cream, hot sauce , steak and bell peppers, and a variety of onions. I set the plate in front of the major and watched as he observed every square inch of my fajita. Handing him a fork, he started to eat it, chewing slowly. His first bite told me I hadn't lost my touch in my time of sleeping in the wilderness. He closed his eyes and let loose a sound of pleasure, smiling as he enjoyed the bite of the fajita. I turned around and made my plate, making mine with a little more sour cream than I had put in the Major's. Turning around, I caught a glimpse of the Major's plate and couldn't help myself and grinned. "Good, wasn't it?" He had cleared the plate and was staring down the food that was currently sizzling and popping on the stove behind me. "Might I bother you to make me another one, Levi? That was one mighty fine fajita, kid." I set my plate down and made Alistair another fajita, making it slightly larger than the last one, and handed him his plate, once again. He was apparently going to take his time with this one, so I grabbed mine and sat next to him, enjoying mine as we sat in companionable silence. He finished his plate and stood. I looked up and watched him as he walked around the island, placed his plate in the sink and rinsed it off. Alistair looked up at me and smiled. "Thank you kindly, Levi. Those were pretty good fajitas. Haven't had a decent fajita like that since I was yay high to a jackrabbit and still living with my mother." He chuckled quietly to himself. Glancing at me, he spoke again. "Don't worry about the dishes. Carlisle comes in and rinses them before he puts it in my dishwasher. I believe I am going to retire to my room now. Carlisle will come see to you after he has made sure I'm settled. Levi, I wish you a good night and at least a decent night's sleep. I will see you in the morning." With that, he walked out of the kitchen and strolled down the hallway in the direction of his room. I glanced down at my plate of food and realized that I was suddenly full. Since I was decidedly done and didn't want any more, I walked to the sink, washed my plate off and stacked it neatly on Alistair's. I walked around turning off lights as I went. Before I started off to my room, I stopped and took a long glance at the house's interior. It was spotless and shone with the gleam of a brand new house. As I considered how high of a possibility there was that I would ever have a place as nice as this, I simply shook my head at the thought and walked down the hall to the room Alistair had let me borrow. I walked to the nightstand that was set right next to the bed and set the alarm up for five. That way I could get up, get showered, shaved, dressed, and have had a full meal on my stomach before I went and brushed Moonshine down and prepared her for the walk to the military base. I simply laid on the bed and pulled the covers over me. Just as I started to doze off, I heard a sharp rap on my door and a slight clearing of the throat. I opened my eyes and sat up. There in my doorway was who I would guess, was the butler Carlisle. As he stood in the doorway, he seemed to notice my dumbfoundedness and began to introduce himself. "Sorry if I woke you up Nicholas, sir. I am the butler, Carlisle. I am sure Master Drofyn has already forewarned you of my appearance before you went to bed?" He stood patiently, until I realized he was waiting for an answer from me. I shook my head and responded with a simple "Yes. Yes he did." He nodded and began to speak again. " Alright. In that case, then you should know I am here to see if you need anything before you go to bed." He seemed regretful and sorry that he had possibly awoken me and it made me smile. "By the way Carlisle, you did not awaken me. In fact I was only just closing my eyes when you knocked. I did know that you were to appear before we go to bed and also, there is absolutely no need to call me sir. I am simply a stranger staying in the house for the night. However, I am thankful for the initiative to see if I need anything. As of now, there is nothing I need though so there is nothing for you to worry about. Now if you will excuse me, I need to sleep for I have a long day ahead of me. If it would be alright, I would like to see you again before I head off tomorrow morning. Have a good night, Carlisle." With that he bowed his head in a classic butler bow and stepped away from my door, leaving me in peace. After that I dozed off into a night of dreamless slumber.

So, I have just a small favor to ask of those who are actually keeping up with this at all. I would greatly appreciate it if you would comment and/ or rate the chapters. I can use any tidbit of info and commentary you throw out there for future reference. Thanks for reading this and I hope that you are doing okay in this difficult time.

Holly_Vidalcreators' thoughts