
The Alfheim Archives

Levi Anders was an average White elf. But when his life gets turned upside down by the Dark elves at the early age of 17, when they kill his mother and imprison his father, he makes a decision that will alter his life. As he walks the streets of his homeland, he decides to go by an alias, Nicholas Rune. As Levi continues his journey as Nicholas, he will befriend other elves and a very special horse. With his heart of gold, Firm beliefs in piece and fierce determination... Will he be able to turn the tides in favor of the White elves and bring the century old war to an end?

Holly_Vidal · Fantasy
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23 Chs

Chapter 13: A Distant Memory

I could hear the sound of momma crying as dad soothed her. I had been asleep in bed when mother's sobbing awoke me. I crept down the steps silently, coming to a stop at the bottom of the steps that stopped outside momma and papa's room. I peeked in, watching tears roll down Momma's face and Dad whispering to her that everything was going to be alright.

"They took her baby girl from her today. She was nursing it, and making dinner for her husband at the same time. Then they stormed through the house, ripped the baby from her hands and shoved her to the ground. Oh, how horrible."

Tears steadily streamed down mommas face. Dad kissed her face and whispered.

"It'll all be alright, Ashara. They will never get us or Levi. I 'll make sure of it. Don't worry, my dear."

Mom sniffled and leaned against dad's chest. "Levi, has a bright future ahead of him. I don't want that taken from him. He has such a brave and caring heart. One day he will make someone happy."

Dad smiled in agreement.

" He will definitely go places. We have one hell of a son. He's going to grow up big and strong and make his mom and dad proud. He's gonna be one hell of a man. That's for sure." Momma laughed and kissed dad.

"I love you Tauran. Forever and Always."

Dad kissed momma back and smiled.

"I love you to Ashara. Forever, Always, and Eternal."

With that I shrunk back from the door and crept back up the steps, having completely forgotten the baby who was taken from her mother, and thinking about all the ways I could make mom and dad proud. 

I awoke the next morning, remembering what Mom and dad had said the night before. I realized I had forgotten the baby that was taken and became curious. I walked down the steps, still fresh from sleep and found mom in the kitchen making breakfast. I pointed my nose to the sky and smelled the air. What all was I smelling? There was bacon, eggs, maple? Probably maple syrup. Fresh waffles sat on a plate at the table with a small dish of butter. Mom was at the sink washing a strainer full of fruit. I beamed with pride as I watched my mom bustle around the kitchen like a bee in a hive. She poured the fruit into a dish and set it on the table. She then rushed to the oven and pulled out a tray of muffins. She had made my two favorite kinds. Banana-Nut and Blueberry. It was this instant that I could no longer wait to eat. I walked into the kitchen and gave mom a big hug. "Morning, momma."

She looked down at me grinned.

"Morning Leviathan. Ready for a warm and hearty breakfast? I made your favorite muffins too. Banana-Nut and Blueberry. Then again, you probably knew that huh? You and that nose of yours know everything. The nose always knows."

I laughed and walked with mom to the table. Dad strutted into the room at that time with a grin bright enough to light a dark tunnel.

"Hey there, Levi, my boy. How we doing this morning? Ready for a sunny day of play?"

He bent over and scooped me up in his arms. Dad always did this with me. He would lift me up and pretend that I was flying and that my destination was Momma's aisle. He carry me around the house a few times and then land me right in front of mom with a funny imitation of a pilot.

"We have made it to our destination. Pilot Levi is now leaving the plane."

I would laugh and then he would flex his arms. His arms were really hard and big and dad always said it was because he ate his green beans. They made his arms long and strong. As we sat to eat breakfast, mom and dad kept throwing glances at each other and I remembered what they had said the previous night. I figured that i should ask about it. "Mom, Dad, did you hear about the little baby that was taken yesterday?"

They're talking about it in town yesterday and I forgot to tell you."

They cast a glance at each other and mom spoke up.

"Yes, we knew. We knew the momma who lost her. The darks came and took the poor thing from her yesterday. It's alright though.They aren't going to take you away."

I relaxed and went back to eating my breakfast. 

I snapped out of the dream when I heard a knock at the door of the bathroom. I answered the major quickly, curious about how long I had been in the shower.

"Yes sir? I will be out in a minute."

The major's voice came back to me.

"I just wanted to know if you were alright. You've been in there a while."

Surprised by the concern in his voice, I responded as quickly as I could.

"Sorry I'm taking so long. I was just enjoying the hot water. It feels amazing."

There was a barely audible chuckle before he answered.

"Well, when your done, just come and get me. I'll be on the back patio. Take your time."

I turned the water on full blast and sprayed the last of my soap off of my body. Turning off the water, I stepped out of the shower and toweled off. As I pulled a pair of boxers and sweats on, I studied my face. I was growing stubble that needed to be gone by morning. I opened the drawer nearest me and found just what was needed. There was a clean razor and a toothbrush still in its package. I grabbed them both and the tube of toothpaste. I brushed my teeth and shaved my face. I then took a pair of scissors from the drawer that was underneath the first. I gave myself one good look in the mirror and grabbed the trash can. I trimmed my hair so that it was once again short and out of my face. I looked in the mirror and I thought about my life. I was without my parents, signed up for the army, to be recruited tomorrow and staying the night with the major in his house. I finished dressing and left the bathroom. I placed my laundry in a bag and left the room. I walked into the kitchen, before making a double-take. The major had already set out all the ingredients that I needed and had prepared the chicken in the skillet. I wandered the house, looking for the back patio. As I found it the major seemed to be walking back up to the patio from the yard. He sat down and looked up as I opened the door. I smiled and thanked him for setting the stuff out for me. He smirked and replied with a quick quip. "Your welcome. You about ready to make them fajitas? I'm hungry enough eat a banquet meal all to myself. Them clothes fit I'm taking it?"

I nodded and gave a quick response.

"Yes sir they fit. And I am also about to work on them fajitas."

He patted his gut and stood. I stepped back and held the door open for him. He stepped through, heading straight to the kitchen. I closed the door and headed right behind him.