
The Alfheim Archives

Levi Anders was an average White elf. But when his life gets turned upside down by the Dark elves at the early age of 17, when they kill his mother and imprison his father, he makes a decision that will alter his life. As he walks the streets of his homeland, he decides to go by an alias, Nicholas Rune. As Levi continues his journey as Nicholas, he will befriend other elves and a very special horse. With his heart of gold, Firm beliefs in piece and fierce determination... Will he be able to turn the tides in favor of the White elves and bring the century old war to an end?

Holly_Vidal · Fantasy
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23 Chs

Chapter 11: A Friendly Invitation

I heard a whinny and looked in the direction of Moonshine. The major, Major Drofyn, was standing in front of her, sharing an apple with moonshine as he stroked her mane. I crept up soundlessly, listening to what he was saying.

"You sure are a pretty horse. A Moonwalker and Black Beauty mix, huh. I can tell just by looking at you that your special. That boy of yours sure is special too. He has talent. He's going accomplish great things in the future."

I stood up and strode quietly to stand next to him.

" Sir, it is not good to talk to horses in public, sir. It tends to make others think your crazy."

The major jumped, however well hidden, before he turned around with a smirk.

"You really are quite something son. I didn't even hear you sneak up on me just now. What you got there?"

I snagged a fry from the bag and offered it to Major Drofyn.

"It's from the store down the street. I felt that I could get myself something to eat other than rabbit. That is all I have had to eat the past couple of days. That and I figured hey, I got a couple of bucks that I won't exactly need in the military and why not celebrate that I made the goal my parent's and I created for me. So I walked in bought whatever I thought sounded good and walked out. You are welcome to have whatever you want sir."

Major Drofyn smiled then, but pushed the bag back at me.

"Keep it kid. I can go get myself something to eat. Thank you though. By the way kid, what's your name? You never told me and I forgot to ask." 

"The name is Nicholas Rune, Sir. I just recently left Adasqueil for Farandar. Other than a quick detour to help a couple of kids back to Sescheron, I walked straight here."

"Where have you been sleeping son?"

I shrugged.

"In the outdoors with a sleeping bag and a fire. A very humble camp, in other words, sir." Major Drofyn raised an eyebrow. I could tell by the look in his eye he was contemplating something.

"Hey kid, how about you join me at my place for the night. There are beds, food and water, and there is even a hot shower. There is no reason a kid your age and with your skill should be sleeping on the hard ground outside the day before you go to the military. You can bring your horse too."

With that, I gave him a grin.

"Yes please sir. It would be nice to have a bit of all of that before I head off. Thank you kindly sir."

The major bellowed another hearty laugh and slapped me on the back. Shaking his head, he headed back towards the military base building before he looked back.

"Kid, when you get your makeshift camp cleaned up, come back to the base and ask the lady at the desk to point you in my direction. You can ride that horse right, son?"

I laughed out loud and turned to put out my fire. Once that was done, I rolled up my sleeping bag and stuffed it in my bag. I threw that over my shoulder and patted Moonshine's side, letting her know that it was time to move again. We strolled down the street and came to a stop in front of the base. I left my bag with Moonshine and strode through the front door. 

As I approached the lady at the desk, she glanced up.

"Your back? What is it you want now?"

I looked at her and looked around.

"Major Drofyn told me to ask you to point me in his direction."

She pointed to her left.

"He is over there. He ties his horse up over there."

I walked out the door that she pointed to and caught sight of the Major Drofyn untying his horse. I walked up just as he was getting ready to mount.

"I am ready to go sir. If we can go around to the front, I can get my bag and mount Moonshine."

I walked beside his horse as we headed around the side of the building and came to a stop by Moonshine. I walked up next to her, snatched my bag and mounted Moonshine with one slick move. I nudged her towards the major and cantered up to his side. 

"Don't you want a saddle and bridle, kid? That reminds me. Can I call you Nick?"

I answered him immediately. "No, I don't want a bridle or saddle. I grew up riding horses without either. My parents and I both thought it was unfair that horses had to wear such things just for the riders comfort. And you can call me whichever is easier for you sir."

He hesitated in thought for a moment before looking at me.

"I am glad to hear you don't need equipment to ride. I think I will call you Nick. It is just a whole lot easier and quicker. And please, quit calling me sir. I appreciate the formalities and all but I have a name. For now you can just call me, Alistair. And Nick, I know that Nick is not your real name. I can tell an Alias when I hear one. But don't fear. No one shall hear this from me. Soldier's honor. But if you are willing to tell me your real name that would be nice since I trusted you with mine."

He smiled at me then, as if he understood my whole life just by knowing that I had an alias. I didn't know why, but I felt deep down in my gut that I could trust all my secrets to this man and know that they would be safe with him. I hesitated and took a deep breath.

"You were correct Alistair. Levi Rune is merely an alias. My birth name is Leviathan Nickolas Anders. I was born in the village of Adasqueil of my mother Ashara Dreth and my father Tauran Dreth. I am sure you have heard of the Dark Elf massacre in my hometown? That was my fault. A group of them came in, took my father hostage and killed my mother right in front of me. My mother's last words to me were go far, follow my dreams and that she and dad would always love me. We had plans for me to go into the military once I was eighteen but that was nothing more than hurried by the appearance of those Darks. I killed every last one of them, Alistair. Every damn one of them. Well, except for the leader. I told him to tell his superiors to beware of me and knocked him out. I then cremated my mother and when I got back, he was gone. But every one of the soldiers got slaughtered. By me alone. I just went crazy. My vision went all red and hazy and I sliced through them all. That is why I go by Levi Rune. I don't want my mother and father remembered as the parents of an emotionless, brutal child. So there you go."

As I realized I had just told him my whole past week and all the events that happened in that time, I noticed my chest and shoulders felt lighter. As if a large burden had been lifted. I threw a glance at Alistair and seen something flicker in his eyes. Was it recognition? Understanding? Disbelief? Disgust? I could see all of it in his eyes as he refused to make eye contact with me. After minutes had passed, he seemed to get out of his thoughts and he seemed embarrassed when he noticed I was staring at him. He looked at the road we were on and seemed to mentally prepare himself for something.