
The Alfheim Archives

Levi Anders was an average White elf. But when his life gets turned upside down by the Dark elves at the early age of 17, when they kill his mother and imprison his father, he makes a decision that will alter his life. As he walks the streets of his homeland, he decides to go by an alias, Nicholas Rune. As Levi continues his journey as Nicholas, he will befriend other elves and a very special horse. With his heart of gold, Firm beliefs in piece and fierce determination... Will he be able to turn the tides in favor of the White elves and bring the century old war to an end?

Holly_Vidal · Fantasy
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23 Chs

Chapter 10: A Bit of Praise and a Last Minute Meal...

The major quite literally laughed. A full, from the gut laugh, that echoed throughout the arena. "That, son, was beautiful. Just where did you learn to fight like that?" He looked as though he had just found a new toy. Then again, I guess that's an apt description of new recruits though. "It's just instinct I guess. I have been able to fight like that since I was little. Although, it may have something to do with my battle mage magic." That was the best guess I could come up with. "Yes, that would make sense. One thing's for sure, you have some raw talent. You will make an excellent soldier. How soon are you willing to get on the field?" I hesitated, hoping I didn't sound too eager. "I would like to be out there as soon as possible, sir." The major gave me a look. "You sure about that, son?", was all he asked. "I am positive sir. When can you get me out there?" He pulled a device out of his pocket and spoke into it. After a few short moments, he got a response. "They will be in town tomorrow for recruits. Can you hang out around until tomorrow?" That had me thinking. I could probably last one more night in the woods. "Yes sir I will. What time should I be back here?" Best to be here early the late, I had thought to myself. "How about eight o'clock sharp?" I added it to my schedule in my head. "'That will do, sir. I might be here a little earlier though. If that is alright, that is." The major just belted out another laugh. "Eager for battle huh, kid? Well, don't get too excited. War is hell. That's for sure.

But yes, soldier. That's alright." I nodded my head. "Alright sir, see you early in the morning." I turned and walked out of the arena, with pride in every step. I remember thinking to myself that I had beyond passed that test. I strode out front to see Moonshine standing right where I had left her. That earned my surprise. "How are you girl? Sorry I was gone so long. They tested my battle skills in a physical test. How about an apple? I think I still have one left in my bag. I just have to grab it." I moved to the knapsack that was draped across her back, and rummaged around in it in hopes of finding the last apple. Once I was sure I had dug to Niflheim and back, I pulled out the apple and held it up to Moonshine. "Here you go. How about we go make camp. " We started walking down the path at the side of the building that led along a beautiful spread of trees at the end of the dirt road. Sitting down, I pulled out my supplies to make camp once again. I laid out my sleeping bag and wandered into the trees collecting branches and twigs here and there. I moseyed my way back to my camp, building my branches and twigs into a fire. I poked and prodded until I was sure that I would have it going for a while. Then, I debated whether I should use the couple of dollars I had in my bag to get myself something to eat from the store, or whether I should go into the forest and hunt in hopes that I would find something other than a rabbit. In a split second, I decided to go to the store, for I wouldn't have much of a use for the money when on the battlefield. A good meal to celebrate my reaching the goal that Mother, Father and I had set for myself. It was my final day as an untrained, inexperienced boy from some small village. Tomorrow I would be a soldier of the white army. I walked back down the path, back into town. As I strolled along the street, coming upon a small store. Walking into the store, I took my time walking up and down the isles, considering all the food that. just begged to be bought. When I seen a package of marshmallows and a box of graham crackers, I grabbed both and went to the chocolate isle, grabbing multiple chocolate bars.With my arms full of the items, I walked to the cash register and laid my items on the counter. The cashier looked at me, as she scanned my food. Handing me the bag, she accepted my money. "You want your change?" she droned. I had been staring off in space when I realized that she had been speaking to me and so I replied quickly. " No. Thank you though. Keep the change." I turned and walked out the door, aware of her eyes burning holes in my back. I turned to look to my left and seen a restaurant that advertised a large burger. It was stacked high with bacon and had two patties with cheese. I began to imagine eating it and I realized I had started to drool. Hoping I hadn't been seen, I made my way across the street to the building and walked inside. As I approached the counter, a male walked out to stand at the register. I stood and read the menu. "How can I help you today, sir?" he asked kindly. Finding what I wanted I looked at him and gave him my answer. " I would like your double bacon patty burger with a side of two large fries. A soda as well. He typed my order out and added up the total. " That would be $14.57 sir." I handed over my last $20 bill. Keeping the 20, he gave me my change and asked if I would kindly sit in one of the chairs to the side and wait for my order. I stepped to the side and made my way to a table for two, sitting by a window. As I waited to hear my name called, I thought over my circumstances. Mom was gone, Dad was hostage, and I was now recruited in the army, and to leave for battle tomorrow. My name was called and I went to grab my order. I looked at it with an intense glare, wondering to myself whether this was going to be my last taste of premade, delicious food. I thanked the male for my food and walked out. I wandered back towards camp, my focus solely on my food as I bit into the burger, enjoying the taste, texture, the spices. Those that I likely would never see again until the end of the countrywide conflict.