
The Alexius Chronicles

In a world full of Might and Magic, Empires rose, and Kingdoms fell. The Strong shall grow weak and the Weak shall grow strong. One Man will Triumph... (Hiatus)

Alleviate · Fantasy
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12 Chs

The Battle In Krakenwrath Tavern

In the walls of Xuanhai, the Hellswords have finished their preparations to attack the town. They focused all of their cannon fire on a single spot on the wall. The cannons were loud and mighty, but the wall proved to be durable as the cannons did so very little damage against it.

A man with a well-groomed long white beard and white ponytail was standing on top of the walls. He was wearing an elegant white and gray leather armor with a sigil of the stone dragon in its chest.

"Commander Sun, the walls are proving to be effective against the cannons, it has yet to be cracked by their cannons."

"Don't lose you guard, it's the Hellswords we're talking about, we need to be wary of them especially their Captain, William Dult."

Apparently, Captain William Dult, is an infamous Pirate who singlehandedly took down other pirates and united them. With his leadership, a lot of other pirates from different seas have come to join him and formed the pirate fleet, Hellswords.

"They would be no match for us if they were ordinary pirates but the Captain himself and five other members called the Five Swords are users of the Elements."

"I'll tell the soldiers to double the guards on the wall sir."

"Very well, we must endure this siege for a week until the reinforcements from the capital arrive."


In the docks of Xuanhai, the Hellswords did not expect that the walls would still be durable after centuries standing. They know that time is not on their side and that they cannot continue the siege for more than a week as their supplies were running low and reinforcements would have already come by then.

"Would you look at that, who knew that those damn antique walls were this tough" Captain William said. "Listen men, focus fire on one part of the wall."

"We should infiltrate them Captain, send in a spy to disrupt them and to open the gates for us?"

"And how do you suggest we do that Alejandro?"

"Don't worry my dear Captain, you just need to put on a massive show for them while I, Alejandro of the Five Swords, the fleet foot, shall sneak inside."

Alejandro's a short man with a well-built body, he wears pure black clothing from head to toe with the only exception of his sword necklace which is silver.

"Very well, let's do your plan tonight. I expect that by the morning, the Hellswords are inside."

"I shall not fail you captain."

And with that, Captain William made the preparations to instigate a full-frontal attack as soon as the dark comes. While Alejandro invited his fellow sword to join him in his plan. He invited Kang, the blazer.

Kang wears a long red coat that exposes a part of his lean torso and shows of his sword necklace. His hair was a mix of black and silver and his left eye is of crimson color.

"Would you look at that, Alejandro the loner has asked me for help. The world must be ending" Kang said jokingly.

"It's just a precaution. Someone just beat the hell out of Veltro like he was nothing. It's better to come prepared than be caught off guard later."

"If you say so, I'll burn anyone who comes in our way."


In the Krakenwrath Tavern, the bulky man was just lying on his back wondering what the hell happened to him. All he remembers is that he saw Alexius and a second later he was falling down on his back.

It took him a minute to process what was happening and stood up to fight again. The crowd cheered when he stood up. They were in relief that they have not yet lost the bronze and silver coins that they have bet.

"I apologize kid, I underestimated you but now that I know you're a great fighter, I won't be holding back anymore."

The bulky man took up a boxing stance this time. He closed in on Alexius and moves quickly for a man of his size. His punches were fast and sharp this time and his footwork was amazing. It was as if his body was light as a feather and his hands as heavy as an iron ball.

"It's over now, he's using his boxing against this kid."

"Hey Guozhi, why don't you give us our winnings, this fight is already over HA-HA-HA."

"Just shut up and watch" Guozhi shouted.

Alexius was surprised of the man's moves. His body was big and bulky, but he was fast and light. He was different from before; it was if he was fighting a new person. This just excites Alexius more as he learns something new today.

"Thank you mister, I am learning a lot on this fight."

"Talking while fighting, you must be confident with your skills."

The bulky man increased the speed of his punches making it hard for Alexius to dodge. Eventually, Alexius had to tank some of the punches with his guard. Alexius punches the man in the stomach again but was surprised of how hard it became.

He didn't expect this and let his guard down. The bulky man took this opportunity to land a clean hit on Alexius' face. Alexius was down on his back this time for a few seconds and stood up quickly as if nothing happened.

"You are one hell of a kid; I landed a clean hit on your face, and you stood up like nothing happened.

"I've been through worse, but your punch is definitely amazing."

A rumbling sound was heard coming from Alexius' stomach, he was now insanely hungry and wanted to eat.

"Let's finish this shall we" Alexius said seriously.

Alexius' aura changed and everyone in the tavern were dead silent. Alexius did the same move again when he knocked down the bulky man. The bulky man expected this and hardened his abs muscles to defend from his punches.

But it was a mistake, one punch and he felt a gut-wrenching pain, two punches and he fell down on his knees, three punches and he was down for the count and with that the fight has concluded. The crowd was still silent and the expression on their faces show that they too felt how vicious those punches were.

The mysterious person stood up and went to the bar to collect the winnings.

"I shall be taking my winnings from the bet."

"Ughh sure, but wait, there is a 20% deduction from your winnings. Tavern rules"

"Very well, deduct it from my winnings."

Guozhi had deducted the 20% from the winnings and gives it to the mysterious person who then quickly leaves. Alexius saw a glimpse of an intricate white sword on the waist of the mysterious person and was stunned momentarily by its beauty.

"Can I have your special today? And please make it quick, I am so hungry right now" Alexius said in a dejected voice.

"Coming right up, I'll make it extra special for you since you won the battle."

"How much would that be?"

"Don't worry about that kid, I'll pay for your meal" The bulky man said as he sat on a chair beside Alexius.

"Really? Thanks so much mister ughh…"

"Call me Edwards, kid"

"Then you can call me Alexius."

"From now on we are friends' kid, if you ever have a problem here feel free to call me and me and my friends will have your back."

"Likewise, nothing beats a friendship born in a fight HA-HA-HA" Alexius said jollily.

"You are right about that! HA-HA-HA" Edwards too said jollily.

The crowd in the tavern were surprised in the sudden turn of events. One moment they were fighting and the second they became best of friends.

Alexius asked Edwards about the rumors of the people who can use magic. He told Edwards his encounter with someone who formed a blade out of water. Hearing the story, Edwards was surprised.

"Wait, let me get this straight. You beat up that guy, broke his legs, and told him to tell his boss that you're coming for him."

"Yep, that sums it up."

Edwards told Alexius everything he knows, the guy that Alexius beat up is Veltro, one of the Five swords. And their boss is not someone you can take lightly. He's leagues above the Five Swords, and he was also the one who gave Edwards his massive scar the chest.

Captain William Dult, they fought once years ago in the sea when he was just a rising name and was beaten very badly. Right now, he should be stronger than before and now commands a massive fleet of ships that pillage every trading spot they set their eyes upon.

Edwards also told Alexius that the Hellswords may have already arrived on the docks of Xuanhai laying siege on the walls.

Edwards was then again surprised as he looks towards Alexius. He had the expression of someone who had just found a valuable treasure and is itching to claim it.

"Are you not even fazed by the Hellswords?"

"Why would I be? I'm always on the look for a worthy adversary" Alexius replied with a smile.

"HA-HA-HA, you sure are one crazy kid. If you're so set on taking the Hellswords down, I might as well join you. You're not the only one who's itching to fight them."

"Really, that would be a great help! I wouldn't want to fight a ton of small fry before fighting that, Captain William."

"Alright, I'll call my men and we'll move along with you when you're ready to fight."

The two continued their conversation and eventually celebrated their alliance and friendship over a drink and a feast. It was the most unexpected end one could have over a violent start.