
The Ageha-Human

After a world war and an infectious disease ravaged the world, humanity had lost more than 75 percent of its population. In order to survive, humanity has created human-like robots called Ageha-humans. Humans cohabitating with robots with emotions and their own thoughts, how will it end?

animosyuu · Sci-fi
Not enough ratings
18 Chs


Trisno turned his gaze from his phone toward Yume and roughly shoved his phone into his pocket. "You should pray while you can. For your child's father not to make any mistakes," said Trisno glared down on Yume.

Yume couldn't find any words to talk back to Trisno, not even words to complain about what happened to her. She just quietly sat down on the cold white floor, unemotionally stared at her husband's figure behind those thick glasses dividing them apart. She didn't even care about her tattered clothes anymore. Tears just kept rolling down on her chubby cheeks.

Trisno glared at Hiroki before turning around and walking out. An exit door appeared in front of Trisno and slid open. He walked out from the door, and before the door even closed behind him, Yuu's parents rushed to him with uncontrollable rage.

"What have you done to my daughter!" Yelled Yuu's Mother while punching on Trisno's board chest. Trisno, on the other hand, just stood there and received her punches with a displeased expression.

Yuu's Father grabbed on Trisno's collar and shouted, "Why did you inject her with that high-concentrated cocaine? Will you take responsibility if she died because of those shits?!"

Trisno forcefully swept Yuu's Father's hands off of his collar and readjusted his collar. "You shouldn't be so naive and weak, Mr. Yuma and Mrs. Maaya," said Trisno in a very calm tone. "She is not even your biological daughter." He glanced at both of them and continued, "You are just her foster Father and Mother appointed by the Peace Faction."

Yuma and Maaya turned silence on Trisno's statements for a while.

"You should be grateful that the Peace Faction is kind enough to appoint you guys to be her foster parents," said Trisno, and he crossed his arms in front of his chest before continued, "With your half-assed skills and half-assed research. There are plenty more qualified than you guys."

Yuma and Maaya couldn't talk back to Trisno and turned to stare at each other for a moment before Maaya looked at Trisno and said, "At least, please leave the innocent family alone."

Trisno gave a short snort and smirked. "You can still care about other people? You should care more about our faction."

"But, she is just an innocent girl, and even her unborn child is innocent too. You can just build another identical Ageha to do the work! Why should you kidnap and threaten those innocent people!" said Yuma.

"Then you should ask your beloved daughter. Why she has that weird taste on her Ageha," said Trisno.

"I-" Maaya couldn't find any words to reply.

"Just for your information, your daughter's Ageha is a special-made one which took three months just to make the physic and another month to make his program as close to the real one," said Trisno pointing at the room which Yuu and Hiroki currently in.

"Why would she want to make it as detailed and as specific as that?" asked Yuma, puzzled.

"What else besides her love toward that human?" snorted Trisno.

"But she never told us about that." Yuma turned his gaze toward Maaya, and she nodded, agreeing.

"Love is a weakness," mumbled Trisno before he explained, "Either way, we do prepare an identical Ageha."

"Then-" Trisno lifted his hand in front of Maaya, and she stopped.

"Before we can install the program into the Ageha, the program's data was found corrupted. Don't you think it sounds very fishy?" Trisno lifted one of his eyebrows and glance between Yuma and Maaya. They stared at each other for a moment and shook their heads.

"Either way, we will use the real human to substitute for the missing program," said Trisno. "I will need to go to Yuu's house to check for her invention." He grabbed his jacket from the hanger on the wall and rushed out of the laboratory.

*** Yuu's House ***

"This sure is hard to do," said Jer while staring at the screen in front of him. "I should copy this out and this one too; after that, I need to delete everything here and format the security in the house."

Gacha, gacha. The sound of the front door getting opened.

"Who opened the front door?" asked Jer, and a screen appeared beside him. The screen showed the camera attached above the front door, and he saw a black-coated man and a bunch of white-coated men. "He must be coming here to search for me. I should lock the bedroom and this room." Kerchak! A sound the door getting locked. "Just in case, I should put up a guest hologram on."

The black-coated man stepped inside the house and glanced around the house. "You guys, go search for any suspicious things!" instructed the black-coated man. The bunch of white-coated men burst into the house and randomly flipped around things.

"Sir, the bedroom is locked," said a white-coated man.

"Sir, this bookshelf is a face hologram," said another white-coated man.

"Sir, there are meats inside the trashcan," said another white-coated man.

The black-coated man looked at the bookshelf for a while. He grabbed a device from one of his pockets and attached it to the wall beside the bookshelf. The device generates a 'running...' word with the dots keep blinking, and after a while, 'finished' displayed on the device, and the bookshelf disappeared.

A red pop-up screen popped up in front of Jer's face, and he was surprised by it. "This is bad!" said Jer. "I don't know he would have a device to see through my hologram and hack it..." Jer kept mumble random things. "Should I wake Hiroki now?" asked Jer uncertain. "Or should I wait till I finish the copy?"

The black-coated man pulled out the device and walked to the bedroom door. He attached the device on the door and the device generated 'running…'

"I should do it now before its too late!" said Jer, panicked.


"Hiroki! Wake up!"

"What happens?" said Hiroki.

"Hiroki! Hiroki! Wake Up!"

"What?! Where am I?" said Hiroki. He suddenly opened his eyes, and everything is pitch black.

"You are inside your mind," said Jer, appeared in front of Hiroki in that pitched black.

"In my mind? Then why are you here, Jer?" asked Hiroki.

"Yes, you are inside your mind, and I hack my way here," said Jer wagging his tails.

"Hack? What are you exactly?"

"It's a long story, and we don't have time to explain everything now."

"Don't have time? Something happens to Yuu?"

"Well, that too, and now you are in danger."

"What happened to Yuu?!"

"I can explain that later. Now you need to hide first."

"Hide? How? I'm still under the command control. If Yuu didn't release the command, I wouldn't be able to move."

"Then move it by yourself, Hiroki."

"Hm? What do you mean by myself?"

"You should have your own awareness and feelings, right? Try to break the program."

"Try? Feelings? Awareness?"

"Sigh." Jer let out a sigh and continued, "You need to save Yuu, Hiroki. Yuu is in danger right now, and she needs your help."

Suddenly, a bunch of memories entered Hiroki's mind. He looked at the scene as if watching a movie, and what he saw was Yuu getting tortured by an unknown guy. The guy injected Yuu with a strange blue and purple liquids.

A strange feeling overwhelmed Hiroki's chest - the cover of his heart-shaped part cracked, shattering into thousands of pieces.

Hiroki opened his eyes...

I'm sorry for the late publishing. I just started my new semester last week and everything is a mess; there are so many assignments to do TT__TT. I'm also part of a festival committee, so everything is overlapping with each other. In the end, I hope you would like the story :)

animosyuucreators' thoughts