
The Truth

Screams of joy, laughter and hate filled the crowd as two students stood opposite of each other in a large battle arena that was surrounded by an unknown number of seats filled to the brim with elite weavers and intermediate weavers, willing to watch and see how both threads worked in battle.

The two students that opposed each other was Tayak the weaver of lightning and Kami the weaver of divine sound. Tayak is a semi-intermediate weaver and quite a formidable opponent due to his speed in battle. Most thought Tayak was going to win and began placing bets against Kami. One student by the name of Yaya had been the only one to place a bet on Kami winning the spout, causing many to call her crazy and laugh in her face but she took the insults and shrugged them off, sat back and told them to just watch, having a feeling it was something special about Kami and his divine sound thread.


The announcer spoke as Tayak initiated the battle by shooting out and weaving his thread in a straight linear direction which turned into electrical energy, zooming at intense speed towards Kami who still eas staring off into the distance. Many shook their head as they thought the battle was over at the moment but were shocked when Kami held out his hand and the lightning dispersed upon contact with his palm. Kami finally snapped out of his trance as he stared at Tayak.

Kami slid into his relaxed fighting stance and ran forward at minimum speed though to others he nearly blurred out of physical view and stopped in front of Tayak, slamming a vertical fist in his stomach and followed it up with three more and placed his palm on his chest in a gentle gesture and a quick pulse flashed, invisible to the naked eye as it slammed against Tayak and blew him back, producing a resonating beat that was audible for everyone. Tayak was confused by the gesture until he was hit with an invisible attack that disoriented him and threw him back. Tayak gritted his teeth and ran forward, closing in on Kami as he engaged in hand to hand combat.

Both fighters exchanged blow for blow until Tayak parried Kami wrist and weaved a bolt of lightning into existence, attempting to slam it into his chest but Kami was already in motion with his free hand and grasped onto Tayak wrist, stopping the lightning bolt a few inches away from his chest. With a push, Kami redirected the trajectory of the attack and brung his hand back, landing a clean back fist onto Tayak cheek. Tayak was shocked that Kami had quick reflexes and steeled his nerves, going back in to show Kami that he could dominate the teen in hand to hand combat. As the lightning bolt dispersed, Tayak followed the momentum and spun, attempting to slam a side kick to Kami stomach.

Sliding back from the kick to his stomach, Kami gritted his teeth as he felt a slight electrical discharge spread across his body, externally. Nodding to himself, Kami plucked his thread and watched as it resonated with the vibration of the small electrical discharge. Kami then began weaving the thread as he danced around Tayak who grew angry by the second, unable to land a solid strike. The Crowd watched in anticipation as the flow of the battle quickly changed, as most were biting their nails. The last thread was weaved from Kami as he slipped underneath a hook and tugged on the thread constructing a binding rope of solidified sound. This kept Tayak at bay for another attack that Kami was weaving into existence.

"Divine Sound: Infrasonic pulse"

Kami spoke much to the shock of everyone. His voice was elegant and calm, soothing to the ears yet dreadful as the rhytmatic tone echoed through the skies….Tayak fell to one knee as the rope of binding was dispersed. Droplets of blood, leaked from Tayak nose as he was disoriented, looking around in a fearsome and confused fashion. His internal organs had been slightly ruptured and damaged by the infrasonic wave.

Tayak stumbled and fell to the ground with one knee, his hand resting on the ground to keep him from completely falling on the floor. Kami watched in slight amusement as the fight was called by the announcer.

"Winner! Kami!"

The announcer said, his voice ringing out in the open field. Everyone was taken aback, some were even highly confused. How could he use sound threads?. What even was sound threads capable of?. These were the questions that ran through the head of most students that witnessed the battle. Kami on the other hand was unamused and slid his hands in his pocket, simply stepping over his opponent.

As the day went on, Kami was the talk of the school. Many knew little to no information related to his Aetherweaving and that peaked the curiosity of the student council. This information of course wasn't just shared amongst students of his highschool but others that gained curiosity, orchestrating a crafty plan to force Kami to reveal the true potential of his Aetherweaving prowess.

2 Months later…

"Students of A.W High, we are proud to announce that we were nominated to the Grand Weaver Tournament, and the student that comes out on top is given the opportunity to get one thing of their desire…"

The announcer spoke through the speaker systems installed. This was bait and just like a fish, Kami caught right onto the bait and was reeled in. The thought of anything in the world becoming his was amazing to him and so he hurriedly went to the front office.

"Excuse me, can I have a sign up sheet for the Grand Weaver tournament?"

Kami asked and he received a nod and a paper that had a list of various other students, some even from different academies. Kami knew this meant he would have to use more of his Weaving prowess and reveal more about his Divine Sound thread.

A week later…

Kami sat on a large spacious bus that was filled with various materialistic items for luxury purposes and students who dwelled in these riches and that to come. Kami ignored most of all the kids and found himself in his own little world of energy, frequencies, and vibrations.

"Hey kid!, we're here quit dozing off and get off my bus"

The old cranky bus driver said as Kami snapped out of his stupor and swiftly stood up, exiting the bus as he followed behind his classmates and various other students who were following the instructors. They then arrived at a room that was split into sections for fighters to enter, change and go fight. Kami entered with his hands still in his pockets, unbothered to change out of his attire which consisted of a black button up uniform and a smiling marionette mask that had squinted eyes but allowed his eyes to glint in certain angles to give him a more mysterious and intimidating appearance.

"First up. Naomi vs Sakkash. A gravity thread user and a blood thread user. Let this be an interesting match…."