
The Defier Of Fate

January 1st, 4026. The world has grown in size and became more advanced as it was also split up into clans of varying power. This day marked the New years and also the day that the 'Convict of Destiny' was born which shifted the entire power scale. This great shift was felt by even by the likes of the guardians who grew wary though kept careful watch, considering the fact if they have to eliminate the child to keep the balance from completely crumbling. Confusion roared across the world as the weaver of time explained the birth of the child dubbed 'Kami'.

"Listen to me my fellow Yaka clan and various other clan memebers. In my hands is the child that defied Fate and possibly one of the greatest weavers to be born…This is Kami. His thread vibrates with intensity and emits sounds of various frequencies which indicates he can control sound to his whim…though the extents to which is beyond me. I fear that if he turns to the dark side, it will be another disaster. Please, welcome this child and do not fear him of his power but accept him and make him feel welcomed into this world."

Spoke the weaver of time as a young boy adorned with red hair sat on his lap. His eyes glowed with joy and shined an amythest purple. His smile calmed and soothed the heart of many along with his bubbly chuckles that danced with rhythm. Kami although young was quite 'aware' of the world around him to an extent but not in terms of society but how the world worked. He could see the world as Energy, frequency and vibrations and with his thread he could weave it to generate energy, Pluck it to create vibrations and channel it through his body to produce frequencies but that was just the start. Kami had the potential to influence matter via Cymatic energy and much more.

Kami was taught to keep his tone and emotions in check to control his thread and not allow it to go haywire or it could spell disaster for him and everyone around him. The various clan members cheered loudly as Kami closed his ears and whispered 'hush' as the loud noise became quieter temporarily which shocked many until they felt their voice come back to its normal pitch. This action made a few clan heads gape and want Kami to tip the power in their balance but The weaver of time was already aware.

"Kami will belong to no clan unless he creates on himself. Anyone attempting to utilize Kami for their own selfish needs will be met with a swift and harsh punishment if found so I advise you all to befriend him wisely. He will be attending the Academy of Weavers to understand the history of AetherWeaving. That is all…dismissed."

The weaver of time spoke as Kami jumped off his lap and stared off in the distance. The weaver of time wondered what Kami could see that they can't and sighed lightly as he knew the child was going to have a hard time as his destiny was unknown meaning it was not only connected with earth but various other places. Leaning back in his throne, the weaver of time waved over Kami and told him to come here to which he did.

"Listen Kami. You are a special child that could potentially destroy the very fabric of existence. I know it's a lot of responsibility but make friends and do not isolate yourself, that's how many succumb to the darkness and stray from the path of light. Promise me you will not do the same and bring this universe into a new light"

The Weaver of time said as Kami Promised, locking his pinky with the weaver of time and a bright smile that made the weaver smile back, glad that he decided not to erase the child from the sands of time but was still wary of the child himself. Kami then glanced at the clock and noticed it was time for his school to start and so he hurried off, making his way towards the academy for weavers. Kami was quite advanced in his AetherWeaving and was quite the combatant unbeknownst to many though his size made him less threatening, standing at a height of 5'3.

Upon entering the school, Kami was met with stares and whispers which made him nervous, causing him to stare at the ground as he walked past to avoid eye contact with those who stared and whispered. None of the comments were bad but they made him self-conscious like he wasn't supposed to be as powerful as he was or had the potential to be and he felt…alone. He stood on a scale greater than most kids his age and he couldn't get along with none as they did not fancy what he fancied and found him to be 'crazy' as he talked about the world in terms of energy, frequency and vibration, telling them that every single action they took was meaningless in the vast universe and could not see why they focused on trivial things.

The kid's mocked him for his mysterious speaking behavior and taunted him. They felt that he was trying to one up them with his intellect and that flared most of their inferiority complex's, leading to his first time experiencing 'bullying'. Kami sat alone at his desk in the back of the classroom, gazing out the window as his vision blessed him with the visual capability to see 'sound' of every kind, bringing him into a trance as he listened and followed the rhythm of various sounds that interacted with the very essence of matter. To Kami, everything was music and rhythm which subconsciously made him start humming a soft tune and lightly tap his desk, gaining the attention of the classroom though he was unaware as he was lost deep within his own mind, wishing everyone could see the world as he saw it….beautiful.

The light humming and tapping produced an echo that raced through the ears of those who heard it, creating a calming effect that eased them and allowed worry to be lifted from their shoulders, causing most to sob uncontrollably as the angelic humming and tapping continued, creating a harmonic resonance that made many look at Kami in a new light but after a few minutes the young boy noticed that he was being watched as his mind made him consciously aware of the stares, causing him to abruptly stop as many who were in the angelic trance, snapped out of it.

"Kami. Might I ask what that was you just did there?"

The young women of a teacher asked as Kami sheepishly chuckled. He was wondering what she was talking about until he realized he had been humming and tapping on his desk while in a trance.

"Forgive me…that was not meant to happen. Sometimes when I get lost in the sound, my body just starts creating melodic symphonies."

Kami said as the teacher nodded in understanding and forgiving him for the disruption with a small warning before going back to teach. Kami was not impressed by what the teacher was teaching and began to zone out again as he let himself be taken away by the hypnotic melody until he was broken out of his stupor to the ringing of a bell. This made Kami quickly close his ears in response to the loud ringing noise that wracked his head until it was over. He finally stood up and began stretching, walking towards the door to go to his next class and do the same thing he did in this one…until he was stopped by the teacher.

"Kami. Your grades are slipping and your only doing good in the AetherWeaving class and chemistry. If this keeps up you might have to fight for your place or transferred to a new one"

The teacher said as she sighed lightly at the kid. She loved him and knew he was a genuinely nice kid but was severely misunderstood by his obsession with energy, frequencies and vibrations. She saw how most of the kids treated him and was saddened, trying her best to be there for him the best way she could but was also strict like a mother, wanting to see him do better as she knew he could accomplish great things that even Yamo could not achieve.

"I understand but Mrs.Yuha, I don't need this class. I can't see the physical world like you all do. I see it in terms of changing energy, Differentiating Frequncies and various vibrations…most of my classes won't even help me make it out in the real world if I don't understand what I'm seeing first and my AetherWeaving class helps with that."

Kami replied back to the teacher with a calm tone for a 10 year old. Kami was tolerant of this teacher and appreciated her kindness in the midst of the unkindness that followed him and hunted him like a predator. The teacher nodded, trying to understand where Kami is coming from but it was so much she could understand as she did not see the world as how Kami saw it which was stated by said student himself. She was shocked by his self-awareness that wasn't meant for a 10 year old and could only silently pray for him, knowing that he was going through a lot for a child.

Without another word being said, Kami took it as a sign that Yuha was star-struck by what he said and left out, closing the door behind him to leave the teacher to wallow in her thoughts.

Taking his time as he walked, Kami took in the scenery around him as he brain processed the rapidly changing information with ease as he watched electrons spin and create electromagnetic fields, heat being transferred from hot to cold, entropy increasing, mechanical energy being transferred into electrical energy and more. Kami was amazed by everything around him and wanted to learn more which made him only pay attention in the classes that were related to his thread.

"Will Kami please come to the Arena station. I repeat, will Kami please come to the Arena station"

A man over the intercoms said with a bland voice as many students who overheard this, grew curious as many other elite students knew what it was and hurriedly dashed towards the Arena station, taking their seats to watch what was going to unfold, hoping the new kid lose his place at the academy.