
The Adventures of William Wander

Hello dear potential Readers this is my first try on a Fanfic/Story, so I appreciate any constructive criticism you may bestow upon me. However, please be aware that English is not my native language. This story is about William a man who is Reincarnated into Harry Potter but to a time were Hogwarts wasn't even build yet.

Nycs · Book&Literature
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18 Chs

The beginning

Stuck in his routine William didn't even notice when someone had knocked on his door. Line everyday he was studying the notes of his parents and tried to open the last letter they had left behind. Years had passed since he had found it. And yet he couldn't open it he had tried everything even tried to brute his way through the wards but all for naught. His parents had reinforced their spell with the help of the leyline. How was he supposed to breach that. Sitting on his chair next to his desk staring down at the letter he thought of ways to open it.

That was until a voice interrupted him. The voice asked him why he didn't just open the letter. Lost in thought William answered absentmindedly that it was charmed. Then he thought about what had happened. A voice had asked him. A voice ? How could a voice be in his study. He turned around and saw 4 young adults in his study. They seemed to be in their late teens or their early twenties. The man who had spoken out was a redheaded green-eyed bulky man.

William did not recognize him. Who he did recognize was the dark haired gray eyed slim man who looked like he wanted to be somewhere else. Salazar, William had shouted and started to fling spells barehanded at the group before him. The red haired man was unsuspecting and so the first spell downed him instantly. The rest however seemed to have awaited the incoming spell barrage. And fought until they got downed one by one. The last man standing of the group that had broken into his house was the man who he had recognized. The last thing the man had heard was that his teacher would talk to his father before the world had blacked out for him.

William looked at the group that was sleeping in his study. He had suspected that the day would come that he had to interact with them but why so early. He charmed the group, so they flew upside down before him, and he left his house with them. He had waited for Salazar his only Wizard friend. Grief had struck him when his student had left to go on great adventure. He couldn't follow Salazar, a bird would not learn how to fly if it would always stay inside its nest. So William didn't follow him back then even if he got lonely again he wouldn't rob him from his potential.

Outside his house stood many villagers they were laughing at the expense of the group and some gold coins had changed the owner. It looked like they had betted on what would happen. Even more displeased with what he saw he started to walk towards the castle to get the group punished.

During his walk the young man he had hit first woke up. He introduced himself as Godric Gryffindor but William wasn't having any of it. Telling the redhead to be silent, he continued walking down the path towards the castle. The redhead continued talking until a brown haired woman had punched him in the back and told him to be quiet she introduced herself as Helga and the blond woman that had watched now for nearly as long as the redhead had been talking as Rowena. Not slowing down in his pace he introduced himself and cast concealment charms on the group before he had stepped into the site of the castle. He asked for an audience with the liege and got promptly sent in as the man got notice of him waiting outside.

Lord Slytherin had sent the group to discuss the idea they had. As he said that the faces of the floating group turned into 3 smiles and one smirk. Salazar groaned the moment after the stinging hex had hit him. William knew the little shit had pretended to be knocked out in order to avoid being questioned. William was really angry with him, he had heard before that Salazar had come back. It had been two weeks since then, and yet he didn't visit William.

Lord Slytherin started to introduce the idea they had. They wanted to turn this castle into a magic school. They went to the king and bought the land, so they could be autonomous they had everything prepared they just needed a principal. William got the wink and refused outright.

Furious at the idea he left shouting that he hated teaching and that they should be prepared for the worst the next time they would try to breach his wards. Like that William stormed out of the castle he flew straight up to the village and entered his house. He strengthened his wards while it wouldn't be impossible for them to get in it should be a lot harder now. While he did not use any charms that would deal any lasting damage, some would cause a huge discomfort. He had introduced his student on how he would ward places and now it came back at him, Salazar should have told them everything he knew about William. Like that he went back to his study and pondered about the last letter they had sent to him.

Thinking about it, he looked outside the window and saw the group approach again. He saw with delight how the redhead tripped because of his jinxes or how Salazar took another stinging hex to the butt. The woman didn't do any better they got hit by water and freezing charms. He kept looking at them for a couple of minutes before he went back to work. He continued to study until it was nighttime. He looked at the group that was still struggling outside and went back to sleep. In the morning when he stood up and got himself ready for the daily lesson he looked outside his window only to see the group now exhausted but still struggling.

With Quick steps he went outside to the marketplace where he would hold his daily lectures. The group had followed him and listened in, like many others did that day. When he was about to finish the redhead stood up and stepped into the circle that William used to lecture. He started to talk about the school idea they had, but he missed dagger like gazes from all the villagers around. Before he had finished his second sentence Salazar was already standing next to him and apologized while dragging him out of the circle. William however stood there and his face darkened. He left for his house and shut himself in.

In the inside however William was delighted now he could use this moment to get the villagers on his side. He could now refuse to teach until the redhead would leave. It was common knowledge after all. He had strict rules and they had to be obeyed. Missteps where just allowed if you were a child. That misstep was all he had needed. These thoughts were running through his head while Salazar had probably the very same thoughts. He should know how cunning his teacher was and now blaming himself for not telling his friends about the customs they had here. The lazy old coot would use that slight misstep to his advantage.

Now they had to breach the house again and convince him otherwise they could just leave the village. So their quest started new they tried to breach it all of them worked together, but they could not beat the wards that were placed. William now happy that he had a handle against this damned youngsters, went back to his study. This time he heard the knock on his door. He went down the stairs and opened the front door to see these teens celebrating that they surpassed his wards.

They hadn't realized that he had opened the door and were celebrating. Rowena was the first to notice the deadpanned look of their host. She nudged the others until the last of them had noticed it. William brought them to his kitchen and treated them some tea with cookies. While he prepared everything the group was completely silent but it seemed they talked with their gazes. Typhon walked to Rowena and laid down on her lap. Seeing that William grunted something about a traitorous cat. While the young woman continued to pet the cat. Ask your questions William had said to them, and they did Godric asked about the cat, Helga about the tea, Rowena about the wards and Salazar the question they had come here for, all of them at the same time. Smiling at their impatience he answered all his answers as accurate as he could afford.

With the last answer remaining he told them that he would encourage them to open the school. He would also help them if they needed it, but he won't be a principal or a professor to that school. He also told them to not breach his wards again only to get smirked at. He shooed them out of his house and started to work on a warding scheme that would keep them out of his house, this time for real. The next day he did not teach at his usual times so the villagers remembered the incident and blamed the group for their misconduct. All while William stood behind his curtains and smirked at their misery. That was the crowd they wanted to please, so they should know how to handle it. William returned to his study and continued working, unaware of the happenings outside.

Like that he spent days in research. Sometimes he looked outside only to see Rowena sitting next to the wards he had set up. The rest of the group had given up, but she continued with her calculations and tries to break the wards. He was sure she wouldn't breach it. He had infused it with a considerable amount of his magic power. The young woman wouldn't be able to breach that with her little power. Like that days had passed both of them sat down and studied there topics separated by the house wall. Sometimes they looked at each other lost in thoughts. He was thinking about the cryptic message his parents had sent him, and she about the mind that seemed to be even greater than hers.

While one side was not getting any closer to a solution the other side was making rapid progress. The young woman was sure that she had found the weak point of this warding scheme. She tried to break it with all her might, but she didn't succeed. Did her calculations fail ? No it should be to the difference in magic power, but she was one of the strongest witches in this kingdom how could she be outclassed like that. So she gave her all until blood started to come of her pores. William noticed the fluctuation in magic power and looked outside. He saw Rowena bleeding and collapsed on the ground. He rushed outside. He picked up the small woman and carried her in bridal carry into his house.

He laid her down on a bed and prepared a sleeping drought for her to drink. He tended the poor Rowena shared some of his magic power with her. But she remained unconscious, he went on and told her friends what happened. They said it wasn't his mistake, well two did the last one had said that he had nearly killed their friend and that he should feel bad about it. He knew that Salazar ever the opportunistic wanted to guilt-trip him but it worked anyway, well not really it was just that he was amazed at the bright mind that had managed to pinpoint a weakness in his warding scheme. While she could not breach them, that was just to the vast difference in magic power, otherwise she would have succeeded. They were researchers like him, the like-minded people he had not met before. So he used this "guilt" as a pretext to interact with them more. He was excited that he could now work with the brightest wizard minds that this era had. Salazar must have thought that they now had the leverage they needed, now William had to help the friends to build their school. Despite all that William had stood his ground on the principal topic he agreed to help at the school, while caring for The Sleeping Beauty.

After a month the beauty woke up and was nearly as driven as William in the likes of research and learning. She asked William many things learned from him even more. The two would sit next to each other and talk the whole day about various topics. The group had accepted William as one of them. He would teach them something new each day, and they listened and used the information like William hoped they would. Even if he had talked about muggle topics, they weren't narrow-minded like other. They adapted, after he had talked to them about sewers and what benefits they could have Salazar himself implemented one into the very same castle they would use as a school.

Like good friends are they would joke about him if he got too overblown in his lectures. He had many other activities he would do with them like playing chess and other wizard games all in all it was great fun with all of them. His studying however never came short he would often sit in the library on a new topic to which he would look for answers and the other would often join him in that.

Sitting next to Rowena and talking to her relaxed him more than anything else. Like that years had passed, and they had now changed the castle to a presentable magic school. Designing the spells was fun he and Rowena had designed every single one of them. Godric, Salazar and Helga had gathered magical animals, creatures and plants.

The first year was about to start they had already decided that there were 4 houses for the kids to be sorted in. They had argued for 5 houses but William denied he argued that he didn't even like small children and wouldn't want to be associated with them either. So the original four named the houses after their surnames. They also had different expectation from the students, so they picked the ones they thought would fit them the best. So they went on to teach different children while William had appointed himself to the library. The kids from the village knew who he was the children from further away however just thought of him as the librarian. His friends got annoyed at him if they wanted free time of their teachings the told them to go to the librarian who would usually write on some books. But said librarian always refused with the words that he was no teacher and that they could either self study or ask one of their professors.

That was until one day, Helga had hit the end of her wits with the old coot and shouted at him that he should work for his money and shouldn't do what pleased him all day. He didn't even get paid, but he was afraid to argue with an enraged Helga otherwise her nagging would never stop, that was the thing he had learned about Helga this woman had an insane amount of tenacity, she would not shy from work and if she thought something was needed she would work very hard to achieve it, so he had to pick up a class.

He set the class requirements ridiculously high so that at most 2 students were able to meet them, he also didn't tell them that they had met the requirements, he didn't want to teach after all, but some students would still come and ask questions. Helga had a smug look on her face for weeks after that. Even if he did not teach a single student in her book this counted as a win. He was sure that Helga wanted the best for him, all of his 4 friends did. That still didn't stop him from being annoyed when looking at their faces when he announced to the school that he would open a class.

He still loved to spent his time with magical subjects and discussed them with his friends when they had time for him. While all of them were brilliant they didn't have the same time on their hands as him, so he split between the topics. Dark Magic with Salazar, creatures with Godric, Charms and Magical enchantments with Helga and the rest with Rowena. Rowena was a mind like no other, her intelligence led her to compete with him on nearly equal footing in the different subjects. He had grown close to her like he did to no other before. He loved to spent his time with her. This could go forever if it was up to him.

Thank you for reading this chappter please let me know your thoughts about it.

Special thanks to Vaax for donating PowerStones despite me not updating in Weeks.

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