

"Jin'er, you're back!" Xu Rou, who had been waiting for her son for so long, ran towards the youth who just came back from his adventures. He immediately hugged the young man with extremely handsome features and said, "It took you so long."

"I'm sorry, Mother." Jin'er hugged back his mother, "But I missed you. It's been a long time since I have seen you, Mother."

One could see how intimate and close Jin Rou was to his mother. It was so close that anyone could admire the mother and son duo at this moment.

"I missed you too, Jin'er. You've worried me a lot but what's important is that you are safe." Xu Rou stroke her child's white and soft hair and spoke in a very gentle manner.

"It's good that you're back." Finally, Fan Rou who had been silent all the time spoke with his normal tone, "Sneaky brat, did you enjoy traveling all around the worlds?"

Jin Rou scratched his head in shame and answered, "Yes, Father. I greatly enjoyed traversing the worlds."