
The adventures of a savage

Abandoned since he was a baby in the cold Siberian forest, condemned to survive as best he can and adapt to all kinds of hardships. A man who lived among animals and managed to create his own territory. A man who despite everything he overcame, died foolishly in a way he did not understand, but when it seemed that it was going to be the end of his story, he managed to surprise the right entity. Come and enjoy the life of a wild man through the multiverse. [Warning: The main character doesn't know how to speak or anything about human behavior, it will take a few chapters to adapt him until he can have a proper conversation. Discord: https://discord.gg/VtHg4GqXtq Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/Eroos #Gore #Multiverse #Anime

Eroos · Anime & Comics
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69 Chs

Pirate ship

"It's okay, I understand you" Laughing softly as she found his way of speaking amusing, Rika nodded and continued "Fenrir didn't do anything wrong."

"Good and evil... Saya and Rei told me about that... but I didn't understand... what is it?"

"It's complicated and everything is relative... every being has a different vision of good and evil, for some people killing every living thing is wrong, while for others certain living things have no importance, like chickens for example... in some places cows are sacred, but in most of the world cows are a feast to eat, without considering anything sacred in them"

"It all depends on your vision and being honest with you my pretty Fenrir..." Lowering her gaze to the little wolf, Rika continued "I like you better as you are right now...I am so sick of human hypocrisy and I am so sick of lies...of right and wrong... I would rather you just follow your heart... you just have to be yourself and judge based on what you think is right."

"My heart?"

"Exactly... I know it sounds hard to understand, but it's something I think you've always done... follow your instinct, follow your heart.... be true to yourself."

"Be who I am..."

"That's all you need and I'm sure you'll be much happier than any human..." Turning her gaze towards the forest, Rika sighed and commented "Will you help me gather the corpses? We'll have to burn them to avoid disease. As for the blood... it looks like it's going to rain for the next few days, it'll all go away easily."

"Burn them?"

"Yes, let them turn to ashes."

With confused eyes, Fenrir looked up at Rika and muttered "But winter is coming... food doesn't burn..."

Smiling bitterly, Rika replied "We already have food for winter... so let's try not to eat humans."

"You don't like it?"

"Uh... y-yes?" looking into the little wolf's pure eyes, Rika thought for a few seconds and nodded awkwardly "B-but we already have food... we'd better burn this one so other wolves don't take it"

"Oh... okay" Nodding still not quite understanding, Fenrir jumped off Rika's lap and gave a little jump in the air, instinctively transforming back to his humanoid form.

"Wow..." With surprise on her face, Rika looked at the naked body and giggled, then opened her eyes a little wider and commented "You're completely clean... a good replacement for the showers."

Lowering his gaze to her body, Fenrir looked doubtfully and sniffed repeatedly, then shrugged and looked at Rika "Burning food..."

"Fine, let's go" Picking up her gun, Rika looked at the ship for a few seconds and sighed "I'd kill for a damn cigarette."


"Why does it smell like roast beef?" Eating her toast with a tired face and a look pale from the drunken hangover, Kiriko asked in a daze.

"You wouldn't want to know" Wearing nothing but a T-shirt and panties, Rika yawned and continued "After lunch we'll have to go to the coast."

"Did something happen?" Quickly noticing something strange in the atmosphere, Saya frowned and asked.

"Last night some pirates attacked the island, Fenrir took care of them."

"Pirates!?" Opening her eyes a little wider, Yuuki exclaimed.

"How many were there?" frowning, Saeko asked seriously.

"87 in total."

"He took care of 87 pirates all by himself?" Raising her eyebrows, Kiriko looked at Fenrir with interest and asked "Was it entertaining?"

"They tasted bad..."

"Oh..." Knowing full well what he meant, Kiriko nodded dumbly and went on about her business.

"What happened to the boat?" Knowing full well from her old job how dangerous the situation could have been, Yuriko asked seriously.

"It's still close to shore, I was watching it with my sniper but there was no sign of life."

"We have to get that ship out of here"

"I know, I plan to go to the ship after lunch."

"I'll go with you"

"I'll go too" Interrupting the conversation, Saeko watched Fenrir for a few seconds and bit her lips in frustration.

How could she not feel frustrated?

She promised to be Fenrir's sword and shield, the man she swore to serve. But when the time came to fulfill her promise, she did not even realize that her master was risking his life while she was sleeping soundly thanks to her drunkenness.

Not only was her pride as a warrior wounded, but even her honor was struck inside her mind.

"So the smell of burning..." Looking at her toast hesitantly, Rei muttered.

"We burn the corpses to avoid diseases and bad smells."

"I thought we'd eat some meat..." Pursing her lips sadly, Shizuka murmured, consciously ignoring the tension in the atmosphere.



"You know Fenrir can transform into a small wolf?" smiling mischievously, Rika continued "He's so cute, soft and small~"

"Really!?" Opening her mouth in surprise, Shizuka quickly turned to the silent Fenrir and watched him silently, but with obvious excitement and anticipation on her face.

"..." Stopping eating his toast, Fenrir looked up at Shizuka and they looked at each other for a few seconds, then looked down again at his toast and set it down on the table.

Rising from his seat, Fenrir looked at the girls for a few seconds, and then he jumped towards the table and transformed quickly.

Feeling all eyes on him, Fenrir walked to his plate and took the toast with his mouth, then walked calmly to Shizuka and jumped on her arms.

Noticing the girls' stunned faces, Rika giggled softly and commented "It's cute, isn't it?"

"How cute~!" Waking up from her stupor, Shizuka quickly affirmed Fenrir and pressed him to her chest, while her face flushed with excitement.

"Wow" Muttering in a daze, Yuuki continued "He looks so soft..."

"Now you really are zoophilic" Holding in laughter while patting Yuuki's shoulder, Kiriko commented teasingly.

"..." Still eating silently, Saeko glanced sideways at Fenrir repeatedly, doing her best to avoid jumping up and snatching it from Shizuka.

As each girl reacted with surprise, Fenrir quickly found himself being wrapped by several hands and being petted all over, causing his toast to fall to the ground and be stepped on more than once.

"Grrr..." But feeling a hand caressing his belly, Fenrir thought no more about the food and enjoyed the nice show of affection from his pack, while his tail wagged happily.


Feeling the sea breeze hitting her face, Rika held her gun tighter while Fenrir paddled quickly.

Accompanied by Saeko, Yuriko and Rika, Fenrir looked curiously at the sea around him, feeling a great impulse to jump into the water when he saw several fish swimming in the depth.

During these months of living on the island, there is not a day that Fenrir has not gone to the sea.

Although the first time he was wary of the noise and the waves hitting his legs, with time he learned that this would not cause him any harm, something that only caressed his curiosity constantly.

Having already had experience in catching fish in the rivers, Fenrir did not take him long to adapt to the waves and every day he dives into the sea to hunt.

He wholeheartedly enjoys the sensation of chasing the elusive aquatic animals.

But unlike the medium-sized fish near the shore, the fish he gets to see now are at least twice as big, causing saliva to almost drip from his lips.

Watching the tail wagging anxiously, Yuriko chuckled softly and holstered her pistols, then raised her hand and gently stroked the young wolf's head "Later I will accompany you to play in the sea, it's dangerous to swim with this depth."

"Dangerous?" Without stopping paddling at any point, Fenrir pricked up his ears and asked cautiously.

"The sea has many undercurrents that can sweep you away, they also have giant fish with very sharp teeth" Spreading her arms wide to show how big those 'fish' are, Yuriko continued "And unlike the island, this place is the territory of those fish, they have a lot of advantage and you could get hurt."

"..." Squinting towards the sea, Fenrir muttered "Another territory..."

"I think you made it worse" Chuckling, Rika commented "I see the competitiveness in their eyes, I wouldn't be surprised if he jumped into the sea to take their territory."

"I guess as long as he doesn't take on a puffer fish... everything should be fine" Knowing that there shouldn't be sharks around this area, Yuriko replied "He's strong and agile, he can swim too... he shouldn't have any problems with the currents as long as he doesn't get tired"

"Are you seriously thinking about that when we're going into a pirate ship?" Raising her eyebrows with interest, Rika continued "I thought you'd be scared or at least nervous."

"I had some experience thanks to my time as a special agent" Smiling slightly, Yuriko continued "But I'm surprised that Saeko looks so calm, I guess this apocalypse gave her quite a bit of experience."

Picking up her katana while resting it on her legs, Saeko commented "As a Busujima, we're taught from childhood to keep a cool head in any situation, though yes, it helped quite a bit the apocalypse."

"We're coming" Losing her smile, Rika took the safety off her weapon and spoke, already having the big ship in front of them.

"Fenrir, we're heading towards that place" Pointing towards the metal stairs, Yuriko unholstered her pistols and removed the safety catch.

Reaching the side of the stairs, Fenrir left the oars on the boat, while Rika quickly took a rope and tied the boat to the ladder.

When everyone was ready, Fenrir looked up and adjusted his kimono, and then he grabbed the ladder and climbed up quickly.

"He got stronger, didn't he?" Raising her eyebrows, Yuriko asked.

"Trying to understand that man is foolish." Laughing, Rika clung to the ladder and began to climb, while Saeko and Yuriko followed in her footsteps.

Wrinkling her face in disgust, Saeko put her free hand to her nose and muttered, "This smells like shit."

"A common thing for pirates" Looking around to secure the area, Rika turned to Fenrir and asked "Do you sense anyone?"

With a slight twitch in his furry ears, Fenrir nodded and pointed towards the bow.

"Let's go" Leading the way with her gun pointed towards the dangerous areas, Rika continued "As quietly as possible from here forward."

Nodding silently, Saeko drew her katana and positioned her shoulders, while Yuriko followed at her side and Fenrir walked behind the girls.

During the few seconds that they walked through the ship, no person showed their presence, but under Fenrir's indications, the group arrived quickly towards a hatch that led to the lower area of the ship.

Without a second thought or debate, Fenrir jumped up and reached down, then sniffed repeatedly and started walking to the right.

"*Sigh*" Shaking her head, Rika sighed bitterly and whispered "Let's follow him."


The instant they stepped down, a strong dampness and a strange smell somewhere between rotten and fishy filled everyone's nostrils, causing even Rika to wrinkle her face in disgust.

"How can these people live like this?" holding her nose with her free hand, Saeko whispered.

"Don't even talk to me, because I can really taste the flavor of this smellt" With a disgusted face, Rika replied "Let's follow Fenrir and get out of this damn place fast."


Edited By:

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