
The adventures of a savage

Abandoned since he was a baby in the cold Siberian forest, condemned to survive as best he can and adapt to all kinds of hardships. A man who lived among animals and managed to create his own territory. A man who despite everything he overcame, died foolishly in a way he did not understand, but when it seemed that it was going to be the end of his story, he managed to surprise the right entity. Come and enjoy the life of a wild man through the multiverse. [Warning: The main character doesn't know how to speak or anything about human behavior, it will take a few chapters to adapt him until he can have a proper conversation. Discord: https://discord.gg/VtHg4GqXtq Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/Eroos #Gore #Multiverse #Anime

Eroos · Anime & Comics
Not enough ratings
69 Chs

Massacre (2)

Blood completely covered his half-naked body. Several chunks of flesh and brain mass clung to the crimson goo. Its eyes glittered with coldness while its serene countenance seemed to disdain its prey even if the latter did not see it.

Raising his hands, Fenrir licked it gently and his face colored in disgust as he muttered "Disgusting... human... tastes bad."

Throughout his life in Siberia, Fenrir tasted a myriad of flavors. Poisonous mushrooms, rotten animals, and even bones he found lying around.

Being in that hellish place, just eating was already a blessing and it was something Fenrir learned perfectly.

But for him, of all he has eaten in his life, this blood is among the worst tastes.

But not the human taste in general, but the taste of these people, because even the piece of meat he ate from Shidou didn't taste that bad.

Watching the trembling man walking deeper into the forest under the duress of his 'friends', Fenrir thought for a few seconds and looked up, specifically at a dry branch on a tree even higher than his own.

Leaping nimbly between the trees, Fenrir holds on to the main trunk and leans towards a small branch, then silently cuts it with his claws and looks towards the man who is walking away with a face full of sweat.

Squinting for a few seconds, Fenrir looks at the group of men and growls softly, then picks up the branch and throws it towards the lone man.


A thud was heard the instant the branch hit the ground, causing the chief to tremble slightly and shout in panic "SHOOT!!!"

*Bang* *Bang* *Bang* *Bang* *Bang* *Bang* *Bang*

Instantly bullets rained down on the wretched man, while Fenrir without wasting any time, swung his claws on a branch of about two meters and cut it, then threw it on the men in the front row and jumped at the same time.

Landing softly on the group's back, Fenrir swooped down and slashed two throats, then swooped down again on the third one closest to him.


As the branch fell on the first men, the firing ceased, the bodies dropped like flies and from one moment to the next, only the chief was left staring in disbelief at all his dead or dying men choking on their own blood.

"H-how..." Dropping his weapon, the chief knelt down with empty eyes and raised his gaze to the person who appeared in front of him, seeing nothing but a blood-soaked demon watching him coldly, causing the man to quickly lower his gaze and stutter "W-why are you doing this to us... we didn't do n-nothing to you."

"..." Watching him silently for a few seconds, Fenrir turned his gaze towards the forest and muttered "This is my territory..."

"B-but we didn't know that!" Looking up with a reddened face at the stupid reason, the man shouted "You killed over 80 people for no reason!"

"Grrrr!" Growling aggressively while showing his sharp canines, Fenrir wrinkled his nose and replied "Your smell was aggressive... you keep smelling like that... you invade my territory with bad intentions... pay consequences"

"WHAT THE FUCK IS THAT SHIT-!!!" Opening his eyes wide as he cut off his words, the man looked down and stared at the hand that pierced his chest in disbelief, as the blood rushed up his throat and his complexion turned deathly pale "*Cough* *Cough* W-why...?"


Pulling his heart out of the man's chest, Fenrir looked at the chief coldly and muttered "You defied me..."


"N-no..." Muttering weakly, the man could no longer support his own weight and fell heavily to the ground, while the life in his eyes was instantly extinguished.

"Show your fangs...pay consequences."

Staring at the warm heart in his hand, Fenrir frowned slightly as his stomach felt extremely hungry, while his throat dried up at an alarmingly fast rate.

And Fenrir being Fenrir, he never managed to control his impulses, but always followed his instincts, causing him to throw his heart into the air and close his eyes for a moment, then take a deep breath and leap into the air with his mouth open.

The instant his feet left the ground, his body shimmered for a second and his humanoid form disappeared, while a small wolf no more than 40 centimeters long appeared in its place.

Its extravagant fur of an extremely dark and catching color, its already bright eyes seemed to glow even brighter as it looked at the heart that in slow motion fell into its mouth, while all its teeth became even sharper like those of a genuine wolf.

Catching the heart, Fenrir fell to the ground with it in his mouth and chewed on it quickly, causing blood to splatter everywhere and the wolf growled with satisfaction.

"Grrrr~" With blood dripping from his muzzle, Fenrir turned his gaze to the other corpses and his eyes glistened, then lunged forward and ate one by one every heart he found in his path.

After half an hour, Fenrir sat quietly in front of the sea and licked his paws calmly as if nothing had happened, but after such a feast, there was a small change in him.

If he was about 40 centimeters tall before, his stature quickly grew to 45 centimeters, while his dark fur seemed to shine with overflowing vitality.

While Fenrir enjoyed a full stomach and a relaxed atmosphere after the hunt, Rika walked with a solemn face through the forest, carrying her weapon in a state of caution while looking at the multiple bodies scattered around her.

Unlike the rest of the girls who are still sleeping under a great drunkenness, Rika was trained to prepare herself for the slightest threat, something that worked correctly today as she heard the many gunshots in the distance even while drunk.

Not seeing Fenrir by her side and hearing the obvious confrontation, she didn't think twice and went out with her gun to help. But when she expected to find a difficult moment, a horrible scene took her by surprise.

It wasn't just that they were scattered bodies, but that their conditions were extremely disgusting for most of them.

Some had no arms, most had their throats cut open and some even had holes in their heads.

But if all the bodies shared one thing in common, it was the large hole in their chests and the obvious lack of their hearts.

"What the fuck happened here..." Moving deeper and deeper, Rika murmured earnestly.

Stopping in front of a corpse, Rika crouches down and looks at the scene in silence, then looks at the branch next to the bullet-riddled corpse and mutters "Looks like they were played with..."

Looking up, Rika sighed and walked towards the beach, easily catching sight of the wolf cub who was still licking its paws calmly "So it was you..."

With a complicated face, Rika turned her gaze towards the forest and bit her lips, then turned her gaze towards the fishing boat in the distance and sighed again "I was told I was cruel, but I never expected it to come to this point..."

"Although..." Turning her gaze back to the forest, Rika muttered "If they had come with evil intentions and he wasn't around... it would have been a horrible ending."

"..." As if trying to convince herself, Rika repeatedly glanced back and forth between the forest and the fishing boat, then sighed and slung her weapon over her shoulder.

Walking over to the wolf pup, Rika sits down next to it and watches it curiously, then reaches out her hand a little cautiously and gently strokes the fur on its back.

"Grrr~" Growling with obvious satisfaction, Fenrir rubbed his head on Rika's hand and attached himself to it, smearing it with blood the very instant he touched her clothes.

Laughing softly, Rika not caring about the blood and losing all caution, grabbed Fenrir and pulled him to her legs, then started stroking him and looking at the ship in the distance "It looks like a pirate ship, I had some missions eliminating some."

"Aggressive..." Lying quietly on Rika's lap, Fenrir murmured, causing Rika to raise her eyebrows at the quaint image of a small wolf talking.

"We'll have to check the ship, there may still be survivors left and it wouldn't be good to have another surprise invasion..." Thinking for a few seconds, Rika continued "We'll also have to send the ship out to sea, if we keep it on our shore, it will draw a lot of unwanted attention."

"Unwanted attention?"

"Bad intentions."




"What are you?"

"What am I?"

"Yes... what are you? You're obviously not human, you're not a full wolf either... what are you? A god? A Yokai or something similar?"

"I am..." Thinking for a few seconds, Fenrir continued "I am Fenrir..."

"The wolf of the Nordic legends?"

"Nordic legends?"

"*Sigh* You still have a lot to learn" Sighing with resignation, Rika gently stroked Fenrir's ears and continued "Fenrir..."


"You could have prevented this apocalypse from happening?" Lifting her gaze skyward, Rika continued "I know no one asked you this... but after the girls have seen you like this, I have no doubt that at some point they thought or will think the same thing... thoughts like this: If he was a god, why didn't he stop all this hell?"

"You have to understand that all of them had families.... well, not Yuuki... what I'm getting at, is that they might resent you through no fault of your own.... they all lost loved ones in this hell and they have no one to blame for it... you're the closest target in sight to an ordinary person."

"We humans are... stupid by nature, we get carried away by emotions and spend most of our lives blinded by that... but if I talk to you about this, it's not because I want to blame you, even if you have something to do with this hell... I just want you to know that they wouldn't hate you, and neither do I..." Scratching her head as she tries to explain her point, Rika sighed and muttered "Damn, it's so hard to talk about feelings and all that shit."

Lifting his gaze to Rika, Fenrir watched her in silence for a few long minutes.

Although Fenrir didn't fully understand what Rika said, he did manage to grasp the gist of her words.

Fenrir may be slow in everything that has to do with civilization, something normal if you consider his origins, but he was never stupid.

A stupid person could never have survived as he did, so with these few months he spent learning under the teaching of his girls, he adapted enough to understand many conversations, even if only understanding a fragment of it.

"I don't know what happened here... in a moment I simply appeared in front of you... I was attacked.... I defended myself... I found my pack... I protected my pack... I have my territory... I protected my territory... I protected my territory... Fenrir... did nothing more than that."

"It's okay, I understand you" Laughing softly as she found his way of speaking amusing, Rika nodded and continued "Fenrir didn't do anything wrong."

"Good and evil... Saya and Rei told me about that... but I didn't understand... what is it?"

[A/N: I am editing and translating these chapters. My English editor has been very busy lately with studies so these chapters will be unedited for a few days. I am trying to translate as best as possible by double checking everything, but I still have my language limits. I apologize in advance for any possible mistakes.]


Edited By:

Discord: https://discord.gg/VtHg4GqXtq

Pa treon: https://www. pa treon.com /Eroos

[A/N: Some time ago I read comments from people who thought that Fenrir was a werewolf, I made it clear that this is not his race and we will talk about it in 3 or 4 more chapters, although this chapter leaves a big clue.

Any doubt with the story, don't hesitate to leave it in comments, I'll be attentive to everything.

We already have 6 chapters in Pa treon for those who are interested, for only 3 dollars having access to 5 of those 6 chapters. I will be uploading more throughout the week as I have 14 written and I just need to translate, something that takes me hours to get something decent.]

Another chapter for you guys.

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

Erooscreators' thoughts