
The Adventure Of Zed: Into Another World

A young boy, Zedicus Kilzeck got pulled into another world by a dimensional rift accidentally, caused by two powerful beings fighting each other for an unknown reason. When he woke up, he find himself in the middle of the forest, in a strange world where monster and dragons exists, all that fantasy stuff he reads in books and games he played. A world where magic exists. As the story goes on, he will find himself knowing the secrets that this world holds and encounter many people that he will journey with. What kind of Adventures will awaits Zedicus in this New World he got transferred.

Ez_Jcnt · Fantasy
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4 Chs

Chapter I

Part I

In a hot summer season, on a certain world.

After a hard working day, Zedicus Kilzeck is preparing to go home as he carefully tidy he's things at the table. He shuts down the computer and is ready to go out.

Moments later the alarm suddenly sounds throughout the whole building. He heard screams outside his office room as the people out there seems to be panicking while running aimlessly.

'What's happening now' He thought as he walks toward his office door.

He's about to open the door when suddenly an explosion happened right above his room. It causes the ceiling to crack. Debris of the ceiling comes down at his room moments after the crack appeared. Now the rooms above was visible because the ceiling above was on his room now.

Thankfully, no debris fall above where he's standing at.

"Holy s-. That was so damn close. I should have been dead if I didn't move from there." He was so shocked of the reality that if he's second slower to move to the door then he should be under that debris now and be dead, probably.

"What happened, why is there an explosion above? Is it a failed experiment? But how can it explode like this? " he said while still in shocked on what happened moments ago, then after looking up, he suddenly saw some crack in the air above his room where the explosion happened.

"What is that? " as he was looking at it with a surprised look in his face.

"Is that possible? A crack in the air?" looking in disbelief of what is happening right now.

That is because he knows that it is impossible to have a crack on an intangible thing like the air itself.

But what he's seeing now in front of him is an impossible thing, a crack on thin air that shouldn't be possible to happen.

But little did he know, that thing is a crack in the world itself. It's a crack in the world's barrier that serves as a wall that separate this world to the other dimension.

In short, it is a Dimensional rift.

An Unnatural Phenomenon which occurs when there is a sudden fluctuation of an enormous energy which is beyond the limits of the world space can hold. It can be caused by either one of the dimensions that is being connected by the said rift.

As Zedicus stares at the crack in the air or what know as Dimensional Rift. It expanded already in the size of six feet and a meter wide and can now be seen as a hole because of its size which can fit a person.

As the Dimensional Rift expands, it produces a force that pulls anything like a vacuum towards the rift in the air as if it's eating everything.

As it eats away everything, Zedicus was not an exception. He felt the force that's coming from the Dimensional Rift pulling him towards it.

"What's this, why am I being pulled? No, no--!" that was his last words as he got pulled and eaten away by the rift.

After seems to be an hour. The rift explodes as if the energy it pulled have subside its hunger and then moments later the hole in the air got smaller and smaller, then it became a crack again and then vanished in to thin air as if nothing was there from the start.


Part II

Somewhere in this World

A Dimensional Rift appeared out of thin air in the southern part of the Great Forest of Amihan.

Gust of wind was being blown from inside the Dimensional Rift and some debris where being pushed out of it. In those pile of debris a person was also been included. That person was Zedicus, as he lay down on the debris that he fall through. He began to regain consciousness and open his eyes and to his surprise, he saw trees everywhere he looked.

He stand up and walked around to check his surroundings.

"Where am I?" he said while looking around.

"How did I get here?" Zedicus said while being confused of what happened.

He tries to recall what happened earlier in his office.

'I was on my office and about to get out. But then, there's a sudden explosion above and the ceiling falls down. Then- then a crack appears on the air. But how was that possible? It even became bigger then it pulls me in. Huh, Did I get sucked by a wormhole and ended up here? Wow is wormhole possible? Einstein is right! Am I been transported to another place?'

He thought as if he was amazed to the extent of briefly forgetting his situation right now. Well, it is kind of similar so let's leave it at that.

Zedicus decided to look around to know where he's at currently.

"Is this a park?" he has a questioning look in his face as he roam around in the vicinity of where he landed.

"No, I can't seem to see the end of this trees." He gave a second look around him

"There's also no one around here walking" he said as he checks the surroundings.

As he thinks and reach a conclusion that there's no one around here walking and playing while it's in the middle of the day, and there's no sound of cars or other city noises to be heard even If it's currently day time gave him the conclusion of the situation.

"Am I in the middle of a forest?" he shouted as realize of where he's at right now.

Some time passes now and he regain his calmness as he listens to the bird chirping around him. It helped him relax his nervous self because of his earlier situation and now begin to calmly think of a way out of his current state.

"Where is this forest located? Am I still in Philippines? What forest is this?" he thought about where he is now.

"I don't even have an experience on how to survive on forest. What should I do?" he said and regrettably thought about the times where his co-worker Dylan watching Bear Grylls shows on the internet during break hours. He says it's good to watch that since it will help when you get stranded on the wilds, but at that time he is surely thinks that he will never be on that situation, but here he is. 'How's that huh?' He thought what his friend will say now to him with a smug look in his face.

As he thought about that time, he checked his pocket and search for his hand phone to try if he can call anyone. He pulled it out and open just to see that it is off and out of battery charge.

"Now what a luck, I can't even call now for some help" he said to himself as he sat down hopelessly in some of the piled debris.

A moment later he stand up after sitting there contemplating of his current state.

"Well enough of that, Right now I need to go somewhere safe where I can gain access of food, water and make shelter" he said because the night will soon come and he need to be somewhere safe in this unknown forest.

He checks his wrist watch to see the time and it's currently 2 o'clock in the afternoon so he had no time to stand around and need to search for a place to stay for tonight.

That would be a river. Where he can get there food and water much easy. And the trees there tend to be less so he can get a wide clear view in his surroundings. Well he have some camping experience too, so he ought to know the 'know how's'.


Part III

While Zedicus walks around the forest to find a river he heard a rustling sound nearby. He became nervous as he doesn't know what it is.

"Who's there?" he shouts while he looks were the sound of rustling is coming from.

"Is it a wild rabbit?" he said to himself while thinking if it's just a little rabbit and not a wild boar or something even more dangerous.

A moment later he heard the rustling sounds as if it's getting nearer to where he is. He gets more nervous as he heard the sound getting louder by the seconds pass.

"Who's there?" he shouts nervously while beginning to sweat and starting to panic.

Well that's because now that the rustling got louder, he now hears a growling sound while it's getting nearer.

"Is it a wolf?" he thought.

"But there is no wolf here in my country" he's sure that there is no wolf in his country.

"Am I in another country?" he thought as he thinks the possibility of being sent to another place in the world by that hole-crack thing he get pulled in.

"Africa? Or Amazon? Or maybe, Madagascar?" he said as he think of what forest he's in now. Any of those three places is dangerous because of the wild animals there. Well, even in any forest is dangerous to venture without proper knowledge.

He gets back at his current situation by a sudden roar of a beast in front of him. Running towards him, he now can clearly saw what it was as it gets near him.

A few hundred meters away from him, he saw a silhouette of a beast with a size as a grown wolf running towards him. A few moments later, the said beast running is now can clearly be seen.

Zedicus looked at it and saw that the beast is definitely a wolf, but it has a horn growing in its head like that of a unicorn in fictional books.

"Is it a Unicorn? A Unicorn Wolf?" he shout in shock as the beast who looked like a wolf with a jet black horn and a shadowy like fur is readying itself to pounce Zedicus and attack him.

"No!" Zedicus shouts while he close his eyes and instantly make a gesture of someone who will be hit in the face. Hands in front of his face, Zedicus shielded himself with his hand even if he knows that it won't be of help because it is just a mere flesh in front of a claws and fangs of a beast. He desperately prayed that someone save him right now.

As he heard a loud roar from the pouncing beast, he felt a trembling feeling in his whole body and a warm feeling rushing through his veins going up to his hands. Then a voice speaks inside his head saying [[Notice: Because of an increase mana concentration within your hand, you have obtain the skill [Mana Shot] as your new spell]] was heard.

'What the hell? What was that just now? I heard a voice inside my head?'

Because of his action by putting his concentration in his hands, he unconsciously concentrated the mana essence in it and was interpreted by the voice in his head as an Attack Skill that he want to use.

Something suddenly appears in front of him, a sky blue light forming in a circular shape with complicated inscriptions being written in it then forming a hexagon star on the center.

Then an arrow of blue light suddenly appears in the circle and shoot directly to the pouncing beast.

Zedicus was surprise on what happened as he opened his eyes. He saw the wolf beast a few meters away from where he previously stand. It got hit directly to his head piercing from its chin throughout the top of its head.

He was confused on what was the blue light and the circle but that was answered when he look at his hand, the vein in his hand were slightly glowing or transparent enough to see his vein under nit his skin.

Little did he know, that was the remnant of the mana that was activated from the recent explosion? It run through his vein like a blood, flowing to his whole body.

Zedicus felt it, the mana in him. Well, his not that ignorant in magic, not because he saw it before or experienced it, but because he reads books with magic in the story, like fantasy, supernatural and other story with that genre, and also played games of that genre too. So he knows what it is, or the basics of it.

That's why with a hint of excitement in his voice, he said "Well, so this is magic."


A/N: The Voice in the notice is the [Voice of the World] and not a levelling system. There is no levelling system here in the story.

The [Voice of the World] exist even in Earth but not known due to the lack of magic user there and is a Science Advanced World.

The [Voice of the World] can only be heard within the person mind only through magic.

End of A/N.

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