
The Adventure Of Zed: Into Another World

A young boy, Zedicus Kilzeck got pulled into another world by a dimensional rift accidentally, caused by two powerful beings fighting each other for an unknown reason. When he woke up, he find himself in the middle of the forest, in a strange world where monster and dragons exists, all that fantasy stuff he reads in books and games he played. A world where magic exists. As the story goes on, he will find himself knowing the secrets that this world holds and encounter many people that he will journey with. What kind of Adventures will awaits Zedicus in this New World he got transferred.

Ez_Jcnt · Fantasy
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4 Chs


In the top of a mountain.

A man wearing a black robe with a staff in his hand stood at the peak and observing his enemy, A Dragon of an obsidian colour beaming with a dark and destructive aura around its body. The man flew with a magic spell as he follows the dragon who flew to the sky. He cast a spell of destructive force towards his enemy but the dragon evaded it.

"[Tempest Wind Strike]" Then the dragon flapped its wings that created a destructive windstorm forcing towards the black robe man.

"[Greater Magic Barrier]" the man raised his staff and a blue crystal on the top of the staff glowed as he cast a defensive spell to shield himself on the attack of his enemy.

There were lightning sparks at the collision of the destructive wind and the defensive shield.

Moments before the spells disappear, the man cast another spell towards the dragon.

"[Greater Mana Disruption]"he casted the spell that disrupts the mana flow on the atmosphere towards his enemy to prevent it from regaining mana on its surrounding.

"[Greater Dispel Magic]"the black robe man then cast another spell.

Then the Dragon's Magic Barrier disappear as the spell casted on it.

He didn't waste a second and he cast another spell against the dragon as it has its magic barrier down.

"[Flame of Icarus]" he casted from his staff a phoenix shaped flame with a destructive fire power and directed it to the dragon.

"[Lightning Breath]" a lightning wave comes out of the dragon's mouth as he try to counter the magic attack of the black robe man.

The two destructive spells collided and creates a big explosion mid-air. Waves of destructive energy spreads on the surroundings resulting an impact damaging both the black robed man and the dragon.

In the end, the dragon took damage from the impact of both spells because its defensive barrier was gone.

"You! Why are you attacking me?" The dragon said while it slowly flew down because of the heavy damage it took earlier.

"You don't have to know the reason. Just die!" The man in black robe answered while looking down on the descending dragon. He was not affected by the impact earlier because he still have his barrier up.

"You will regret this you puny human!" the dragon shouts angrily. The dragon's mana was already depleted greatly and can only last for a few more encounter.

"You are already beaten to that state. You should just sit still and just accept your death" the black robe man calmly stated. He then cast another spell surrounding the dragon.

"[Wall of Force]"an invisible force shaped like a dome surrounds the dragon preventing an escape pinning it down on its current place.

"You think this can hold me down?! You dare attack a Dragon Emperor when you're just a mere Human! I will kill you surely!" the dragon shouts and smashed aggressively the barrier that surrounds it.

The barrier is already slowly cracking with just a few strikes from the dragon. Only a matter of time till it's totally destroyed.

The black robe man already knows it. It was just a mere distraction to buy him some time to cast his massive spell.

"Your life ends here Dragon Emperor!" he shouted.

Then he shot it towards the dragon who's just got out from the barrier.

"[Blazing Sphere]!"

"You human!" the dragon shouts when he saw the large ball of flame shooting down towards his direction.

The blast hit the dragon's left body damaging its arms and left back.

'What a powerful spell! Is that an Ultimate Spell of Sixth Tier? How can a mere human achieve that? He's already has an equal power to mine. No, he seems to have more tricks up to his sleeves, I better retreat for now. As how I am now I cannot beat him, he can even use mana disruption spells. It's dangerous, this man is dangerous. Got to bail out here'

The Dragon thought as he prepare his escape.

"You were stronger that an average Magic caster, Human. You were able to damage a Dragons body" he said while buying some time to prepare for a retreat.

"You are already reduced to that state. You might as well surrender and accept your death, Dragon" the black robe man said as he descend to the ground.

He was already running out of mana because of that massive spell, so he cancelled his flight spell to conserve some for an emergency situation.

"Your already out of mana and cannot regain some because I already cast a spell on you. Its effect is a long duration so you cannot regenerate for the time being"

"I admit your strength human. But unfortunately you will not be able to kill me! [Control Wind: Gust]! "The dragon replied then casted the spell directly to where the black robe man is standing.

"You're trying to escape, huh! I won't let you!" the black robe man shouts then he prepares to cast a spell that prevents a [Teleportation] spell.

But what he thought was wrong. Instead, he received a direct attack from his right side sending him flying few distance away. It was a direct hit and his right arm was gone as it was a direct hit from a Dragon. He's defensive Spell was shattered because he's already low in mana.

'I didn't see that. So even a direct punch from a dragon can be powerful as a Fourth Tier spell huh' he thought while looking at his right arm that's now gone.

He then look up as he saw the dragon fly up in the air.

"This is not the end of our battle Human! I'll come back for my revenge on you! "The dragon said and then it flew towards the south through the forest.

"You're escaping! I won't let you!" he shouted.

Then the black robe man gathered his last mana to cast a Sixth Tier Spell towards the escaping dragon.

"[Void Flame]!"

An emerald flame with a hint of darkness shots upwards to the dragons escaping back.

"He still got that mana left? I can't dodge it at this rate!" the dragon said while he flies at full speed.

Then the flame hits the dragons back causing a big explosion. It causes an impact propelling him forward towards the south where the dragon was facing.

The flames causes burning to his whole back and also his wings causing him to fall in to the forest grounds.

The spell was effective because it causes damage directly to the soul core that causes the body to be vulnerable of burning damages. It damages the body and soul of the target. This flames cannot be extinguish by normal means, only by dispelling magic and light magic can extinguish the flames, it will continue to burn till the target is burned to death.

As the dragon still burning, he felt a crack inside his soul core as it takes damage from the [Void Flame]. he didn't know how to dispel it thus it only burns him continuously till his body disintegrates.

Now the soul core of the dragon was floating in the air after its body was disintegrated, and, because it was already cracked before, mana essence leaks out of it causing an abnormality in the atmosphere. It continue to crack till suddenly it breaks apart and massive mana essence burst out. The highly concentrated mana from the air caused the space to be ripped apart, creating a massive crack on it and it only grew larger after it absorbs the massive mana essence concentrated in the atmosphere.

Thus this results a Dimension Rift that will cause the start of a big change in this world.


Hi dear readers,

I'm Ez, a newbie writer.

I hope you guys can give this web novel a try and hopes that it will make your time worth while.

As i am a newbie writer, i will have the tendencies for making grammatical errors as I write this novel. Thus, i ask for your forgiveness in advance.

I will surely give my best in improving my writing skills so that i can write better along the way.

Thank you.

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