
Feelings begin to develop

 As they were at the canteen, Carl`s heart was palpitating as he reminisced on the recent occurrences. Although nothing romantic happened while he was at her place, he was able to stay close to her without her acting uncomfortable.

 While he was not sure of his chances if he asks for a romantic relationship, he was at least sure he had a relatively high position in her heart- probably patience was needed.

 He at least felt he was getting closer to her as he was with her most of the times and she was beginning to finally feel comfortable around him as she even called him even for the most basic things, she even calls him to eat with her, play with her and she sometimes calls him just to accompany her. 

 He didn`t get a date, but he has gotten many opportunities to eat one with her alone, in public and sometimes even in her house. She was slowly but surely opening up to him, it was no longer him that needed to put in a mammoth`s effort just to get an audience with her. 

 He even later realized that his previous efforts to use petty things to entice her didn`t work at all. He couldn`t call her an immaterial person per se but she definitely wasn`t enticed by little things and only honesty could buy her heart. 

 As they were eating and talking at the canteen, Carl witnessed a scene he would never forget as Lith walked in with a shy little girl, him seeing the usual serious Lith so caring was really a scene he would never forget, he wished he could get a camera to capture the moment. 

 Lith was really running on fumes as the sun has burnt every last bit of calories he had left, he wanted to pause many times along the road but he didn`t want to look weak while he was with Annabel. 

 Lith was stunned seeing the long-lost Carl at the canteen with Luna, "seems like things are going on well for the lover-birds, I hope it works out though, I have missed that boys smile" he prayed in his mind. 

 He greeted Carl and Luna while he quickly got a seat. Usually, Lith loved to sit beside the window so he could watch the scenery as he is eating but this time around, with the way his stomach was behaving, he really wished nothing more than to get food in his front.

 He ordered a very quick meal. Normally, Lith was quite a cheesy picker as he tries out new recipes everytime. This time around, he just chose something to fill his belly. 

 The current Lith would eat anything edible, as soon as the food was delivered, he began to devour the meal in his front with passion, he even had the thought to go to the counters himself as it would be faster that way.

 Even though Lith was not a slow eater, he didn`t eat as fast as he was eating currently, he looked like an hungry man who had been starving for years suddenly seeing an opened un-occupied restaurant. 

 "You look like you have been starving for a month, even thieves eat gently than you." Annabel joked.

 Lith blushed in embarrassment. "It really has been a long day, I definitely need something inside me before I faint" he replied in between mouthfuls. 

 "Don`t talk while eating, it would be bad if you choked" she said.

 Lith moved his hands slightly to grab a cup of water only to grab thin air, it was at that moment he thought back to his previous actions and realized he had forgotten to request for water. He could only smile wryly as he began to choke. 

 Annabel was also heavily invested in the meal. However, she was more calm than Lith as she ordered for a bottle of water.

 "Please, can I get a bottle of water" she said in a shy little voice. She really wasn`t used to public places so just the crowd was putting some king of invisible pressure on her. 

 Not to talk of the fact that she wasn`t used to the eyes people gave her when she entered with a guy. She was feeling the ground should just open but it proved stubborn.

 However, when she saw Lith pale face, she got scared and 

 Bang!! Bang!!

 She didn`t even know when she banged the table. 

 "I said can someone get me a bottle of water" she repeated in a loud and stern voice. Even Lith was scared when he saw her like that but he wasn`t in the best mode to crack a joke lest his life become a joke.

 Very soon, she got water, it took about two minutes for Lith to recover and another five minutes before he started coughing. 

 "Thank you very much, you are a masterpiece of God`s creation indeed". Lith said when he got back to himself.

 Normally, he would never forget something like water but he was really hungry as at the time he entered so he forgot for a moment, and it almost cost him his life if not for the beautiful angel with him. 

 Lith originally wanted to shake her off when he was coming but decided otherwise. He didn`t even want to imagine how it would have been if she didn`t follow him - It wouldn`t have been a pleasant experience at all.

 As soon as they finished eating, after making necessary preparations, they greeted Carl and then began to leave, Lith didn`t want to spend a minute more than necessary.

 After escorting her a little, they parted ways. She was pained to have to part ways with Lith but she could only comfort herself that they would be coming to her house later in the evening. 

 At the restaurant, Carl was not in a hurry to go because after they part ways, it would take ten`s of hours to see her again. "That kid is so lucky, within two days, he has found a girl while I toiled for weeks just to be able to walk with her" he thought when he remembered the scene of Lith walking in with a girl. 

 Ding! Ding! 

 Annabel was still preparing when she heard the bell, she looked at the clock and miraculously, it was evening. It can be quite shocking how time seems to fly sometimes. 

 She opened the door and they began to chat.