
The Adventure Of Felix Grindelwald In The Harry Potter Universe.

A 20 year old orphan died while saving an little girl from an incoming truck, Good news the girl survived bad news he died or good news i think. Anyways the [@#£&] seems to be amused by the guy's bravery so he reincarnated him, With an gift. -End Of Synopsis ... ... ... ... ... (A/N: This is writen by an 15 year old loner that has no social life be warned force plot and weird [REDACTED] that won't add up ahead.) (A/N: Im gonna post 1 chapter a day.) (A/N: Don't read this is wish fulfillment in a way.) (A/N: This is slow paced.) (A/N: Don't get mad because im boutta school life this [REDACTED] For 100 chapters.) (A/N: F*ck you're stones go trow them at someone else just give me memes that i can copy.)

DaoOfCopying · Movies
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16 Chs

⚡Chapter 3: Diagon Alley & Gringotts Wizarding Bank⚡

Fun Fact: Sweets are mentioned more than restaurants in the books and movies.

Another Fun Fact: There's an store called Gambol And Japes Wizarding Joke Shop, This is the predecessor of the Weasley Twins Joke Shop.

Another Another Fun Fact: There are more places to buy robes in Diagon Alley.

Another Another Another Fun Fact: There's an Ice Cream shop in Diagon Alley to be precise Florean Fortescue's Ice Cream Shop, In the books Harry visited it.

Another Another Another Another Fun Fact: Flourish And Blotts has an invisibility book of invisibility an hour after it was brought it dissappeard

A/N: I can't, I just can't the more i research about the wizarding world the more hillarious it sounds XD.


[1989 July 24, Charing Cross Road, 1 Diagon Alley, Leaky Cauldron, London, HP Universe]

[Felix Rosier Grindelwald Pov]


After Felix shaked many Wizards and Witches hands, Proffesor McGonagall lead him behind The Leaky Cauldron.

Felix: "Didn't know my family was famous, Why doe"

Proffesor McGonagall: "Well you see Felix... Its complicated."

Proffesor McGonagall tried to come up with an explanation for his family's popularity but wasn't able to so she just kept silent.

Felix: "Oh, Alright... Anyways why are we infront of an Brick wall."

Felix knew Proffesor McGonagall is trying to dodge his question, So he changed the topic.

<Felix: I'm a Grindelwald, I wonder why they kept shaking my hands like a hero, Damn don't tell me the wizard and witches that shaked my hands are evil wizards.>


Proffesor McGonagall: "This right here will lead you to Diagon Alley, Pay close attention to what im about to do."

Proffesor McGonagall then pulled out her wand, And tapped the wall with her wand.

Proffesor McGonagall: "Remember this Felix, Three up Two cross, Alright stand back."

Proffesor McGonagall ordered Felix to stand back, So he did.

The brick Proffesor McGonagall touched quivered, It wriggled, In thd middle a small hole appeared and grow wider and wider, Until a second later both Felix and Proffesor McGonagall were facing an archway, An archway that lead to the cobbled street of Diagon Alley.

<Felix: Holy He double hockey sticks, The movie didn't do this any justice, Damn.>

While Felix was internally cursing the Harry Potter movies for not doing any justice to the brick wall, To the people outside he looked like an amazed kid with his mouth agape, Even though Proffesor McGonagall has practissd Occlumensy she still can't help but to giggle to Felix's behaviour.


Felix was brought out of his internal monologue by hearing Proffesor McGonagall's giggle, Felix realised that he was standing there like an idiot, So Felix fixed himself up and stand straight.

Felix: "Wow."

Proffesor McGonagall: "Wow indeed, Now follow me."

Proffesor McGonagall lead Felix to the Gringotts Wizarding Bank, So that Felix can take his heirship, On the way Felix kept looking left to right, Amazed by wizards culture.

<Felix: Wow! I wonder how the wizards can kept hiding for centuries."

Felix looked left and right not recognising any of the famous shops like Ollivander's and Daily Prophet office.

But he did recognise a few shops thats only mentioned once in the books, To be precise Potage's Cauldron Shop, Mulligrubs Materia Medica the twin building sister of S. Starling, Apothecary, Flourish and Blotts, Madam Malkin's Robes for All Occasions, And many more.

<Felix: Huh. That's weird, Diagon Alley is really huge.>

After walking for 5 minutes or more, Felix and Proffesor McGonagall finally reach Gringotts

Gringotts is an imposing snow-white multistoried marble building located partway down Diagon Alley, near its intersection with Knockturn Alley, that towered over the neighbouring shops.

Felix and Proffesor McGonagall came closer to the until they reach the Banks entrance, A poem was writen in the silver door entrance, Both is for warning and showing that Goblin's are pretty good poets.

Felix came closer and read the poem carve in the silver doors.

[Enter, stranger, but take heed

Of what awaits the sin of greed

For those who take, but do not earn,

Must pay most dearly in their turn.

So if you seek beneath our floors

A treasure that was never yours,

Thief, you have been warned, beware

Of finding more than treasure there.]

After Felix read the poem he can't help but exclaim out aloud enought for Proffesor McGonagall to hear.

Felix: "To whoever carve this, Is an pretty great poet."

Proffesor McGonagall: "The Goblin's isn't only great bankers and poet, They're also warriors."

Proffesor McGonagall revealed to Felix about Gringotts being runned by Goblins, But Felix didn't show any reaction because he already know that Gringotts is being run by Goblins, From reading the books from his past life.

Proffesor McGonagall: "You don't seem shock? Or scared? "

Proffesor McGonagall asked seeing Felix not showing an surprice face.

Felix: "If Magic exist surely Goblins, Exist aswell i dont think, I should be shock, Or scared either, Because if Goblins are free to roam freely that means they're kind."

Proffesor McGonagall can agree to what Felix said, But she can't help but tell something to Felix.

Proffesor McGonagall: "Goblin's are kind creatures, Yes but they're always grumpy, And tricky, I suggest to keep you're guard whenever you talked to one."

Proffesor McGonagall then moved forward to one of the counter, Felix then followed her.

Proffesor McGonagall then slammed her hands in the counter.

The Goblin then instantly recognised who it was, The Goblin then respond by gritting his teeth.

Goblin: "Minerva."

Proffesor McGonagall: "Oswald."

The 2 had an staring contest for 10 seconds, It seems like the 2 of them doesn't seem to be friendly to each other.

Instantly the Goblin then abandoned his post and went to the side of Proffesor McGonagall both of them not leaving each other's eyesight.

Until finally Proffesor McGonagall and The Goblin Oswald was face to face.

Well you see not face to face because Oswald is shorter than Proffesor McGonagall Oswald being 4'3 and Proffesor McGonagall bring 5'9 but you get the point.

Until suddenly Proffesor McGonagall and Oswald did something Felix didn't expect

[⚡To Be Continued⚡]

A/N: *Gasp in tagalog* The author just left you guys on a cliff hanger *Shock in tagalog*.

A/N: Go check an compass, Never mind i got you, Felix went to South to North, Because Gringotts is located in North,

A/N: Hey did you know? Diagon Alley has North and South,Yeah i was shock to i didn't know about this until i researched it now.

A/N: (From Wiki: Walking along Diagon Alley North led to the tall white main offices of Gringotts Wizarding Bank, and turning to the left led to Diagon Alley South.) This line made me rewrite some thing's that's why i posted this late sorry.

A/N: This whole chapter is an info drop.

A/N: The author haven't watched the whole movie fully, Only clips, And haven't read the book.

A/N: In the next few months it would be only school life and info drop, The multiverse travel is 100chapters later. I'm juicing the whole HP World Baby!


Words: 1681 Words

Writen: February 4 2022

Posted: February 4 2022

[⚡What Is?⚡]

[What is The Gringotts Wizarding Bank?

* Gringotts Wizarding Bank was the only wizarding bank in Great Britain, and was owned and operated by goblins. It was founded by a goblin named Gringott in 1474. Its main offices were located around the North Side of Diagon Alley in London, England.

The more you know.]

[What is The Mulligrubs Materia Medica

* Mulligrubs Materia Medica was a herbalists shop in Diagon Alley in London, England, sharing a building with S. Starling.

The more you know.]

[What is The S. Starling

* S. Starling was a pet shop in Diagon Alley in London, England, specialising in birds. It shared a building with Mulligrubs Materia Medica.

The more you know.]

[What is The Potage's Cauldron Shop

* Potage's Cauldron Shop was a shop on the North Side, Diagon Alley that sold all types of cauldrons, displaying them in a stack outside the shop, under a sign displaying what cauldrons they had available. It was the first shop encountered when entering Diagon Alley from the Leaky Cauldron. It was owned and run by Madam Potage, A branch shop is also located in Knockturn Alley.

The more you know.]

[What is The Apothecary

* The Apothecary was a shop located at North Side, Diagon Alley, which supplied merchants with ingredients for potion-making. This seemed to be Harry Potter and the Weasleys' apothecary of choice.

The more you know.]

[What is The Flourish And Blotts

* Flourish and Blotts Bookseller was a bookshop in North Side, Diagon Alley, about halfway down the street on the left hand side. Established in 1654, it was where most Hogwarts students purchased their schoolbooks. The shop was filled with bookshelves stacked to the ceiling.

The more you know.]

[What is Madam Malkin's Robes for All Occasions

* Madam Malkin's Robes for All Occasions, also known as Madam Malkin's Robes or simply Madam Malkin's, was a shop in North Side, Diagon Alley. Students got their Hogwarts school uniforms there, and wizards and witches could also purchase dress robes, travelling cloaks, and also, on very rare occasions, invisibility cloaks.

The more you know.]

[What is Goblin's

* Goblins were a highly intelligent race of small magical humanoid beings with long fingers and feet that coexisted with the wizarding world. Their diet consisted of meat, roots, and fungi. Goblins conversed in a language known as Gobbledegook, and were adept metalsmiths notable for their silverwork; they even minted coins for wizarding currency. Due to their skills with money and finances, they controlled the wizarding economy to a large extent and ran Gringotts Wizarding Bank.

The more you know.]

[⚡Who Is?⚡]

[Who is Oswald Zaz

* Oswald Zaz, Is the manager of the Grindelwald Family, Oswald is a close friend of Felix's Father, Lucas Rosier Grindelwald.

* Oswald year of birth is unknown, But he is born in December 5.

* Oswald favorite color is Yellow Gold.

* Oswald's hair color is White.

* Oswald's eye color is Brown.

* Oswald is Male.

* Oswald is 4'3.

The more you know.]