
the adventure of Azathoth

Welcome to the story of Azathoth the great being the creator and destroyer of everything this is the story of his life as a father husband teacher friend and brother this is his true story

outergodazathoth · Book&Literature
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8 Chs

chapter 5 Rizevim the maggot

Azathoth Tina and a passed-out Irina appear in front of a building in the underworld Azathoth bends down and makes Irina appear in his mind with Xenovia and Valerie

"Why are we here Daddy," Tina asks

"to kill a whole lot of people but I wanna have fun so I'm just gonna use my weapons and my body Eis put up a ward over the building so no one escapes while I'm thinking of it" Azathoth explains and asks Eis 'yes sir' Eis says

A ward appears over the area trapping everyone inside it

Azathoth flicks his wrists and his sword that's made from teeth bone metal flesh and eyes appears in his left hand

(If you already forgot what the sword looks like here's an image)

his other sword that is just made from metal and tentacles appears in his right hand

(Here's the other sword)

"I should name these two how about the one with the tentacles will be named the vanquisher and the one with eyes and teeth will be named the absorber," Azathoth says

Tina summons her sword the sword of souls and the Owl that Azathoth gifted her lands on Tina's shoulder "Ready daughter" Azathoth asks "Yep" Tina says "Then let's have some fun" Azathoth says

Azathoth runs towards the front door and shoulder bashes the door sending it Flying off its hinges and hitting a wall on the other side of the entrance hall which makes a loud bang once it hits the wall

He sees the hall is filled with fallen angels devils humans and a few chained male and female angels who are about to get raped by some devils and humans

The whole hall turns to him but is only greeted by darkness when Azathoth uses his speed and the absorber to absorb the devil humans and fallen angels into the blade

Azathoth walks over to the angels bends down and cuts them loose but they're too weak to get up so Azathoth teleports them into his mind 'Take a rest my children' Azathoth thinks

Azathoth stands up slowly with his body being surrounded in pitch-black shadows that become a black robe with a hood and his whole body becomes a skeleton

His swords become tattoos again and a scythe appears in his left hand with an eye in the blade

"I am death destroyer of omniverses and no one messes with my family" Azathoth roars

(Death form and scythe images here)

"Tina you take the first floor I'll take the second and third make sure to kill every devil fallen angel and human that aren't in chains then meet me back here," Azathoth says and he disappears

Only to reappear in a room full of devils the devils charge towards Azathoth but Azathoth slams the scythe into the ground making multiple blades come out of the ground and impaling the devils

but he doesn't stop there he uses the scythe to cut them into small pieces even though they're dead already

"One room done a 99 so let's kill," Azathoth says and he disappears

Only to reappear in a room to slaughter the people inside He does it again and again and again until he reaches the final room on the third floor he Transforms back to normal and flicks his right hand making his sword the absorber appear

he kicks down the doors to see there's only one person in the room

"Hello there Rizevim you maggot you touched what's mine I was gonna torture you but no I'm just going to kill you," Azathoth says and runs at Rizevim at his full speed once he's in front of him he stabs Rizevim through the heart

"Die maggot," Azathoth says and Rizevim disintegrates turning to dust and getting absorbed into the sword Azathoth flicks his wrist to turn it back into a tattoo

Azathoth sees a book on a nearby table he picks it up and puts it in his pocket

He then disappears and reappears in the entrance hall to see Tina covered in blood and laughing "Tina time to go Eis once we gone detonate the ward so the whole building and 5 miles around it be destroyed" Azathoth says he snaps his fingers making the blood on Tina vanish and picks her up and disappears

Only to reappear five miles away once the explosion happens making Tina laugh once the explosion reaches them it dissipates once it's fully gone Massive crater is in its place

Azathoth with Tina in his arms disappears into the shadows to wait once two minutes pass a little girl appears

"you idiot I told you not to touch her but you didn't listen now you're dead because father finally returned and killed you because you touched what's his I hope he's not mad at me though," the little girl says

Azathoth steps out of the shadows with Tina still in his arms "Why would I be mad at you Ophis i knew this was going to happen" Azathoth says Ophis turns to him

(Ophis image here)

"Hello Dad and of course you did hi Tina," Ophis says Tina waves at her "Hi big sis," Tina says

"Now you're gonna take your snakes back and take Tina with you while I go make sure the seals are holding Trihexa then meet me at heaven's throne room now go I'll be fine" Azathoth explains and puts Tina down who runs over to ophis

"Be good Tina and listen to Ophis" Azathoth says and disappears Only to appear in front of a big giant wall with hundreds of seals on them half of them having cracks

"That's not good but I'm here to not redo the seals," Azathoth says and walks through the wall on the other side is a massive beast who's asleep azathoth walks over to Trihexa and places his hand on one of its heads

"Goodbye my creation I didn't want to do this but you gave me no choice so goodbye absorption," Azathoth says and Trihexa's body turns into an orb which goes into Azathoth's body