
The Adventure of a Monster in Young Justice

As the teen’s eyes adjusted to the shocking sight before him, he realized with disbelief that he had transformed into a peculiar black blob with a white face. Gone was his familiar human form, replaced by this bizarre and unfamiliar entity. Now known as Black Sperm, our protagonist embarked on a journey to navigate this bewildering transformation and the challenging world that awaited him. With his altered appearance and circumstances, he is faced with the task of adapting to his new body and the unconventional environment that surrounded him. Uncertainty loomed over Black Sperm's future path. Would he embrace his newfound abilities and use them to become a heroic figure, fighting for justice and protecting the innocent? Or would he succumb to the allure of darkness and venture down a path of villainy, using his powers for personal gain and causing chaos? Alternatively, perhaps Black Sperm would chart his own unique course—like a solitary figure waging a one-man war against the rat population in Gotham City, driven by a determination to remove these pests once and for all. Only time would reveal the choices Black Sperm would make and the destiny that awaited him in this strange and unpredictable world. ***** *WARNING* The purpose of this Fanfiction is to offer a light-hearted and entertaining twist on the superhero genre. Remember, dear readers, to enjoy this whimsical tale with a sense of humor and a pinch of salt. It's all in good fun, and Black Sperm's adventures are simply a delightful diversion from reality, aiming to bring smiles and laughter to those who join in his unconventional escapades. ***** Disclaimer: I want to clarify that I do not possess any ownership of the franchise or its associated characters, with the exception of my main character. The FanFiction I am creating is solely a hobby that allows me to dedicate some of my free time to an enjoyable pursuit.

UI_Shaggy · TV
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12 Chs

The Original And The Clone

"Wow." Andrew muttered, his eyes fixed upon his own Doppelgänger. The initial shock of his whole ordeal, the new body, being in a no-more fictional city, had gradually faded, leaving him with a sense of bewilderment. However, rather than succumbing to confusion, Andrew decided to test his abilities that he knew black sperm possessed.

Recalling his knowledge about Black Sperm and his abilities, Andrew started his attempts at replicating the ability of duplication. However, his initial attempts proved to be challenging.

Andrew concentrated, focusing his mind and body, attempting to replicate the process of multiplying. He clenched his muscles, straining with all his might to trigger the desired effect, but his efforts yielded no visible results. The power of replication eluded him, at least for the time being.

Exhaling a sigh, Andrew recognized thhe futility of straining his body and decided to adopt a different approach. "Straining myself like an idiot won't get me anywhere," he muttered to himself.

exclaiming a gasp as he was Inspired by a realization, Andrew shifted his focus towards the power of imagination. Instead of relying solely on physical exertion, he decided to tap into the power of visualization and mental imagery.

Closing his eyes, Andrew allowed his mind to wander, painting vivid pictures of himself successfully replicating. he visualize himself splitting in half, with the new copy assuming an identical form to his own. With his mind focused and imagination running wild, he immersed himself in the concept, embracing the sense of familiarity that accompanied the thought.

wait, familiarity?

As he visualized the split, Andrew felt a peculiar sensation, a strange mix of connection and recognition. It was as if he had encountered a long-lost twin, an extension of himself that shared not only his physical appearance but also an intimate understanding of his thoughts and emotions.

As Andrew opened his eyes, he was pleasantly surprised by the sight before him—a perfect copy of himself, a doppelganger that mirrored his appearance down to the smallest detail. The success of the experiment brought a mix of pride and satisfaction into Andrew's chest.

Studying the doppelganger before him, Andrew couldn't help but feel a sense of wonder. It was as if he was looking into a mirror that had come to life, a reflection that had gained autonomy. The similarities were uncanny, yet welcomed.

Andrew's doppelganger responded with a smile, echoing his sentiments. "I know, right? It's fascinating to encounter a perfect replica of oneself." The doppelganger's voice carried a hint of excitement and curiosity, mirroring Andrew's own emotions.

The shared amazement and amusement between them created an immediate connection, dispelling any initial unease. Instead of being overwhelmed by the situation, they embraced the extraordinary nature of their encounter with a sense of wonder and openness.

"anyhow, how about we try experimenting with our powers. We need to figure out how they work in case we run into trouble" the clone said while looking at they sky, the bat symbol shining brightly over the horizon.

Andrew's doppelganger's suggestion resonated with him. The sight of the Bat symbol served as a poignant reminder of the potential dangers they might encounter in their extraordinary journey. With a shared sense of purpose, Andrew nodded in agreement.

"Your right, this is Gotham city after all".

"We should experiment to know the amount of "cell stock" we have, so we can understand how many times our lives can be at risk." the clone suggested with Andrew in agreement.

The clone's suggestion struck a chord with Andrew, who nodded in agreement. Understanding the extent of their power, was vital in assessing their strength and capabilities.

Within Black Sperm's formidable arsenal, the power of merging stands as a trump card. This extraordinary ability allows him to merge his individual cells, forging versions of himself that surpass his already formidable strength. Inspired by this incredible capability, Andrew was filled with unwavering determination to achieve a similar level of power.

And the first step to obtaining that trump card was figuring out how many cell stock they have.

going back inside the abandoned metro station to stay away from any prying eyes. Andrew and the clone undergo an extensive period of experimentation, trial and error, and in-depth discussions, Andrew successfully determined the quantity of their cell stock. The findings revealed an astonishing count of approximately 10 million cells, evenly distributed between Andrew and his clone, with each possessing 5 million cells.

the method Andrew and his clone adopted was unique, as he and the clone decided to rely on their innate ability to "feel" the presence of these cells, akin to the way one might focus on and count each of their fingers.

However, they quickly discovered that this task was more challenging than they had initially anticipated. Trying to discern and quantify something as ethereal as their cell stock required a heightened level of concentration and a deep connection with their own bodies.

Gradually, through their unwavering focus and commitment, Andrew and his clone began to perceive the distinct presence of their cell stock. They developed a heightened sensitivity, allowing them to discern the magnitude of their reserves.

Throughout their meticulous testing process, Andrew and his clone meticulously measured and analyzed the extent of their cell stock. By leveraging their combined efforts and sharing their observations, they were able to gain a comprehensive understanding of their extraordinary reserves.

As Andrew and his clone processed the revelation of their cell stock quantity, a frown creased their brows. The number they had discovered, 5 million cells each and a combined total of 10 million, paled in comparison to the magnitude of the original's cell stock, which numbered in the trillions.

The stark difference between their own cell stock and that of the original Black Sperm weighed heavily on their minds. It presented a challenge they had not anticipated, as their initial expectations were aligned with the immense power associated with the original.

Their frowns deepened as they grappled with the implications of their limited cell stock. They realized that they would need to find means to compensate for the numerical disparity with the Original black sperm.

"We're going to need to eat. A lot," Andrew said to his clone, acknowledging the increased demand.

His clone responded with a smirk, fully aware of the monumental task ahead. "I think 'a lot' is an understatement," the clone remarked, his voice laced with amusement. "But hey, at least we get to enjoy the process of getting stronger while eating."

Andrew returned the smirk "you always look at the positives in every situation, just like me."

The clone nodded, acknowledging the similarities between them.

With a clear sense of purpose, the clones fixed their minds on their first priority, or rather, their second priority, to be precise.



I apologize for the delay in uploading a new chapter two days ago. I have a bad habit of busying myself with projects, especially when I'm caught up with finals.

I want to express my heartfelt gratitude to all of you for the overwhelming support that this Fanfiction has received. It's truly incredible to see such positive reception, and I'm truly humbled. I never could have imagined receiving a single power stone in less than a week, let alone 16! Your enthusiasm and encouragement mean the world to me, and it inspires me to keep creating and sharing more stories. Thank you all from the bottom of my heart!


Hope you enjoyed this chapter.

UI_Shaggycreators' thoughts