

After defeating the son of death and life, freeing him from the lights control. finn and jake determined to be together again reincarnate together only to find themselves in a dungeon in their younger bodies.

Nox_kun · Anime & Comics
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16 Chs



After entering the exit of the cave the atmosphere suddenly shifts from a dark calm silence inside the cave to a gloomy graveyard, a full moon, a brick like path way, graves covered in vines that look like they haven't been cleaned in centuries, with dark face forming trees, weird looking prying eyes in random places, skulls and bones every where and to top it off with an owl doing the typical head turn the kind you see in cliche horror movies back in Ooo.

The only thing keeping me on guard was the openings in the ground near the graves and the absence of the battle cries and the sound of steel hitting steel signifying the sounds of battle, huh obvious very weird considering there was sounds of fighting here not less than a second ago, that kind of stuff is weird even for a place like Ooo.

I walk down the pathway while still on guard and ready for an ambush , when I see a backpack stained with blood… fresh blood, after confirming if the coast is clear , I inspect the back pack to find any useful information about the owner and maybe anything about where I currently am, I search the bang and find nothing about the owner but I find a few glass bottle… beaker…. bottle looking things, it seems to have something written on it but I don't understand it, I also found a jagged old dagger that's on its last legs and a lamp.

Ok i need to find this person cause its obvious they didn't leave their stuff on purpose I need clues.

" gotta find me some clues~ gotta find me some clues~"

I then see foot prints near some bushes with some broken sticks , too big for humans and obviously not Jake's, monster tracks , I need to hurry before this person gets even more seriously hurt .

I follow the tracks while running and frantically searching for any sign of the person , when I come to a stop cause of a sound I heard, the sound of crooked laughter and rattling of bones and begging.

I run to the source of the sound and slow my pace to take whatever monster is there by surprise to know what I'm up against.

I hid in a bush when I got to my destination I saw six skeletons and one skinny and nutrition lacking human who had lost a leg due to probably trying to fight those skeletons.

And the reason why I think this is cause the said leg is being used as a barbecue by one skeleton how is roasting it and turning it on a campfire.

The skeletons seemed to be warriors before they died, each possessing different weapons, one was holding an axe, another a spear, the skeleton roasting the leg seems to be holding a rapier, the other two that were arm wrestling the one to the left had a sword strapped to his side and the one on the right had a mace next to him.

Wait…. wheres the sixth one?? all of a sudden I felt a chill on my back as I instinctively rolled out of the bush to avoid the skeleton for smashing my brain to mush with his sledge hammer , this action causes everyone to look at me with different reactions , the second human apart from me looked at me with hope In his previously heartbroken eyes, the skeletons looked at me and all readied their weapons to lunge at me while I got up right and pulled out the dagger I found to prepare for the upcoming attack.

The skeleton wielding the spear thrusts it forward at my face in an attempt to blind me and distract me from the attack of the axe user as he was attempting to cleave my head from my body.

I ducked under the attack of the axe user and the spear man and stabbed the axe user on his thigh to stop his movement. But that plan was easily stopped by the swordsman as he parried the dagger away and follows up with a vertical slash that I dodge by tilting my body and rolling to my left just in time to avoid a downward stab from the rapier user from above.

From the corner of my eye I see a mace being swung my way , in which I use the dagger to block the attack but the power behind causes my hand to feel numb.

Then I rush to the mace user as he prepares to follow up his previous attack, i duck as he goes for a horizontal slash and I sweep his leg. I follow up with a stab to his chest only for the dagger to break upon coming in contact with the armor. widen my eyes in shock ,and that bit of distraction was all that was needed for the mace user to push me off him and for the swordsman and rapier user to slice my back making and "X" shaped mark on it.


I kick the right leg of the swordsman to force him to take a knee, and I kick him in his chin and he smashes into a tree , while the rapier user follows up with a stab, to which I dodge into his arm and land and give him a mean uppercut which lifts him off the ground as I was about to finish him off the spear user from before does an overhead vertical slash from behind me , the sledge hammer user is pulling a horizontal swing on my left while the mace user is doing the same as the mace user on my right .

I dodge to my left to avoid the spear user while giving a back kick to him in the process then I duck to avoid the double horizontal slash attacks, and I grab the skulls of the mace user and the sledge hammer user and smash them together which causes them to have huge cracks on their heads before they turn to dust and drop some gems.

"I'll figure out what that gem is later.. for now I need to send these skeletons back into retirement. "

Oh my glob that was a really bad pun.

It seems that the only way to damage them is to either use their weapons against them or to smash their skulls together.

Okay two down four to go .

I rush to the nearest one which is the spear man as he's just getting up , I rush him as he prepares to go for a stab which I dodge then goes for a horizontal swipe which I block with my right arm while the rapier user comes from my right to stab my neck and the swordsman comes from my left with a horizontal slash with the intent to cleave my left arm off .

I slap the spear mans arm holding the spear into the face of the rapier user causing his skull to turn to dust upon impact causing him to turn to dust as well and I grab the rapier and parry the swords man while using his face as a launch pad to stab the rapier into the face of the spear user which turns him into dust and the only thing to remember his existence is the black gem born from his defeat .

"Four down two to go"

I said to myself as I looked at the remaining skeletons then I looked at the human I was meant to be protecting as he seems to be slowly dying from blood loss. Damn it I need to speed this up.

Without a second thought I rush towards and thrust with the rapier at the swordsman only for him to dodge and kick me in the face with a spinning heel kick which disorients me .

" oh my glob that hurt like hell, I cant allow myself to take any more hits like that plus I feel like I have internal bleeding."

The swordsman seeing this as his chance to catch me by surprise lunges at me with the axe user closely behind him to back him up, the swords man goes for a downward vertical slash followed by a horizontal slash and a vertical slash from the axe user in order split me in two completely. I stop the attack with an over head block but the skeleton duo seems to be forging ahead as the don't proceed to stop and do a different attack but continue to press on by applying more power in order to crush me, and its working I get pushed back even with putting all my power into the block I cant hold on much longer .

" Damnit how can I die after just being reborn , I can't die like this , I wont die like this I won't leave Jake alone in this world, that's the worst thing I can do to him I I REFUSE TO DIE!!! I. WILL.NOT.DIE!!!!!!

And suddenly everywhere I suddenly feel power from the deepest parts of me , latent potential hidden within me was suddenly unlocked . using that power I over power the skeletons and parry their combined attack and launch into the air to finish them up with a downward overhead strike.

As soon as the rapier made contact with the ground the trees behind the skeleton duo burnt away , for a very long distance all that was left was charred ground . the skeleton duo was no more all that was left was two black gems shining in the moonlight as a dark aura left them .

Then the rapier also turned to dust.

"from dust you came , to dust you shall return"

I turned around and ran to the injured guy. But I heard something that was carried by the wind.


I smiled.

and I continued to the injured guy I just hope I'm not too late.

I sure hope Jake is having a better day than I'm having.