
The Advent of Spirits

"Where am I"? "Hey, you're finally awake. Come, let's play" "Who am I"? "Ehhh, Shido, you had forgotten everything already?" "What is happening to me?" "I don't know. I just woke up as well." A young boy could be seen wandering around the streets, not knowing anything about himself. Except the fact that he wields powers, quirks, as society called them and how to wield them. He had no recollection of his family, friends, names. The only thing he has was a puppet on his left hand that seemed to have a life on its, no his own. Follow his journey on discovering who he was. ***************** Volume 1: Hero or Villain (MHA/BNHA/My hero Academia) Volume 2: E***** and C********* () Volume 3: W**-**** e** () Volume 4: M**** and K****** () Volume 5: S************ () Volume 6: S****** and D**** () Volume 7: A******** in the S** () Volume 8: M******* and L****-** () Volume 9: F***** () ***************** Disclaimer: The pictures were found on internet and I took the liberty to edit them a little. The original pictures does not belong to me, and so are the contents of the original manga, anime, and light novels. They all belong to their respective creators and owners, and only the main character is my creation.

Spirits_everywhere · Anime & Comics
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133 Chs

Chapter 6: Intense Fight (I)

"Ahaha, you think you can defeat me? With a quirk that doesn't belong to you? You must be joking!" All for One replied

"We'll see after we fight! I won't allow you to endanger the innocents anymore!" After saying that, All Might dashed towards him at supersonic speed, causing a strong gust of wind, pushing everyone back within the radius of fifty meters.

"California Smash!" Jumping to the air and spinning, he charged up his punch and released it all at once in All for One. A huge blast blew everyone away. Even the cars and trees were upturned.

Boom! A loud resounding noise could be heard as All for One was blown to the ground, creating a small crater. "Nice smash All might! But if this is all you can do, then I'm afraid you'll lose today." All for One grinned evilly,"Quirk enhancement, strength enhancement, speed enhancement."

All for One's muscles were quickly expanding until his body was as big as All Might's.

"Ew thats gross..." Yoshinon looked at All for One's expanding body and muttered. Shido agreed with him, but didn't say anything else. "It seems that All Might's quirk is strength enhancement? And a pretty big enhancement at that." Shido shared his thoughts with his puppet.

"Hmmm, indeed so. But the villain, All for One? I think All Might calls him by his quirk, seeing that All for One has many different quirks."

"I think his quirk is to steal others' quirk and use them for himself."

"Detroit Smash!" All Might yelled as he punched his fist forward, competing with All for One head on. The oversized fist reached All Might's fist, and resulted in an equal exchange. Shido could feel the blast from three kilometre in the air.

"What a fierce fight." Yoshinon casually commented as he munched on his third apple.

"Should we help All Might? He seemed to be on the losing end." Shido asked him.

"Nah, let's see what the symbol of peace has to offer." Yoshinon rejected him,"After all, if we intervene too early, we would not be able to experience the power of the symbol of peace."

Not having anything else to say, Shido turned back to the fight as he continued observing them.

"Texas Smash!" Charging up his power on his right arm, he instantly dashed forward to meet All for One, and attacked his stomach. Due to the impact of Texas Smash, All for One's body bent forward and flew backwards, breaking through a few buildings before coming to a stop.

"Hmmm, not bad All Might. It seems that you do have strength after all." All for One stood back up, though his clothes were slightly messed up. "It's my turn now. Metal body, cannon ball fist, kinetic manipulation, force concentration."

His body turned to a metallic colour, while his right arm began to expand and his fist turned into a sphere filled with spikes. Concentrating some energy onto his sole of his feet, he dashed forward with speed similar to All Might. He then reduced the kinetic energy on his arm to maximum, allowing his fist to have the most destructive force he could muster to hit All Might's chest.

All Might foresaw that, and crossed his chest. "Argh!" All Might groaned as he felt the metallic spike hit his arms. His defence may be strong, but the spike's penetration force, especially without any air resistance could not be laughed at. But his title of the symbol of peace was not for nothing. He managed to take that attack head on, and only skidded fifty meters backwards before stopping.

"All for One! You will definitely be defeated today!"

"With your current strength? Please, don't make me laugh." All for One smirked. "Let me tell you something. Nana Shimura was a much better successor of One for All. You couldn't even reach her level in our exchange just now."

"One for All?" Shido thought to himself,"Successor? Does that mean that quirks can be passed down?"

"It seems that All Might is the current successor of One for All. So that's his quirk. Passing down the quirk from one generation to another, being the symbol of peace, or at least a strong hero." Yoshinon quickly gave his analysis.

"One for All. All for One. Is there a relationship between them?" Shido asked his puppet who was still eating an apple.

"Why are you asking me and not your book?" Yoshinon didn't look at him and continued observing the fight.

"Well, I'll ask All Might later if he will tell me. If not I'll use my book." Shido replied cheerfully as he looked at All Might's face. It wasn't his usual trademark smile on his face. It had a serious expression planted on it.

The duo on the broom in the air was enjoying this day a lot. They had come across a major fight, and could observe how the number 1 hero and number 1 villain duked it out, and no one was there to interrupt their fight.

"I don't feel like interrupting their fight anymore after seeing them fight so wholeheartedly. If All Might gets injured then I'll rewind time on him, otherwise I'll just spectate." Shido decided.

The puppet wasn't even listening to him, he was busy eating his apple and watching the fight.

"I'll tell you All Might, it was fun fighting Nana Shimura. Even if she was about to lose her life, she didn't falter and back down. Instead she stood up straight in front of me and continued trying her best. Man, it was the best. Seeing the shocked expression as I plunged my hand into her heart." All for One started taunting All Might. All Might clearly did not know how his master had died, and hearing it from his nemesis made his heart grow cold.

All Might knew he could not lose his cool. He was, after all, the symbol of peace. And a symbol of peace doesn't fight with killing intent. However in this case, All Might was pissed. He didn't have his signature smile on his face. He didn't look positive. All he wanted to do was to kill the man in front of him for revenge. Revenge for his late master. Revenge for the person who helped him out in his most difficult times. Revenge for the person he idolised, the person he aspired to be.

And for the first time in his life, All Might directed his killing intent at a person. "All for One..."


A/N: I know that the chapters are quite short now, but it will be longer as we progress, so don't worry. The future chapters will extend to 1.5-2k words from chapter 20+

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