
The Advent of Spirits

"Where am I"? "Hey, you're finally awake. Come, let's play" "Who am I"? "Ehhh, Shido, you had forgotten everything already?" "What is happening to me?" "I don't know. I just woke up as well." A young boy could be seen wandering around the streets, not knowing anything about himself. Except the fact that he wields powers, quirks, as society called them and how to wield them. He had no recollection of his family, friends, names. The only thing he has was a puppet on his left hand that seemed to have a life on its, no his own. Follow his journey on discovering who he was. ***************** Volume 1: Hero or Villain (MHA/BNHA/My hero Academia) Volume 2: E***** and C********* () Volume 3: W**-**** e** () Volume 4: M**** and K****** () Volume 5: S************ () Volume 6: S****** and D**** () Volume 7: A******** in the S** () Volume 8: M******* and L****-** () Volume 9: F***** () ***************** Disclaimer: The pictures were found on internet and I took the liberty to edit them a little. The original pictures does not belong to me, and so are the contents of the original manga, anime, and light novels. They all belong to their respective creators and owners, and only the main character is my creation.

Spirits_everywhere · Anime & Comics
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133 Chs

Chapter 5: Collecting information

"Let's go collect information!" Shido exclaimed.

Hearing Shido's words, Yoshinon groaned. "Why would you need to do so when you can just summon your book and literally ask anything and get all the information you need?"

"Cause it's fun! And it's boring if you just keep asking questions to a book." Shido pouted.


"No buts, I'm going to have fun and watch some heroes fight."


An ancient clock appeared behind Shido, with gears spinning in the middle and lined with roman numbers.

"Het!" Pointing the flintlock pistol at the number VIII, a black wisp came out and entered the pistol. Aiming it at his temple, he shot five times.

Instead of dying, five Shidos could be seen standing beside him. "All of you should know what to do." Shido told them, smiling happily as his ability worked perfectly. It was the first time that he shot at his own head, and even if he knew he wouldn't die, he would still feel fear. It was any organism's natural instinct after all

Clone 1: "Yep, we are all a part of you after all."

Clone 2: "You can count on us."

Clone 3: "Can we kill?"

Clone 1,2, 4 and 5: "..."

"Sigh, yes you can. Just don't kill any innocent people. And most importantly, make sure no one ever finds out your identity. And don't use mosaic either as it would give me away."

All the clones replied together,"Alright!" After they finished receiving their instructions, they turned into different looks, and sunk back into the shadows.

"Why do you waste your time for this?" Yoshinon looked annoyed.

"I'm sorry for worrying you Yoshinon. You knew that I devoured some villains when they tried snooping around me, so I have extra time. So you don't have to worry so much." Shido looked apologetically. Shido knew it was his fault that Yoshinon got annoyed after all. He could have used his precious time to ensure that he wouldn't die, or to save it for the future, but he chose to use it on something useless, something he could gain by summoning his book instead.

"Bah, whatever. It's your time after all, it's up to you to decide on how you would use it." Yoshinon forgave him, and continued rubbing his cheek with the apple while muttering,"Nice apple, smooth apple, sweet apple..."

Smiling slightly, Shido looked outside at his window.

The sky was clear blue, devoid of any clouds. The summer sun shone brightly upon his face, allowing his face to have a radiant glow. Everything was so bright and happy. The day was quiet and peaceful, yet for some reason, it seemed as if it was the calm before the storm.


Since the day Shido sent his clones to collect information about this world, 3 months had passed. The summer had passed, and autumn was here. Leaves had begun to brown and fall, and the temperature was dropping gradually.

Shido had gained a lot of information about this world, or Japan to be more specific. There exists something known as 'quirks', which 80% of the population has. The other 20% of the population were quirkless, and were the lowest rank in society. Nobody has more than 1 quirk, and only 3 in history has two quirks. From all the investigations, Shido found out that although 80% of the population has a quirk, about 40% of them were useless, 30% had quirks that were useful in their daily lives, 20% had quirks that were suitable for fighting and the other 10% had quirks that were very powerful. In this society where quirks exist, there tend to be people who abuse them. Thus there was a law in Japan that stated that you were not allowed to use your quirk in public unless you had something known as a 'hero license'. Anyone who does evil things with their quirk such as rob, steal, rape or murder are known as villains. Even people who use their quirk in public without care for the heroes are classified under villains. No wonder heroes kept chasing after him whenever he was performing publicly. It seems that it was illegal.

What made Shido intrigued was that even quirks have types. Not the emitter, transmitter etc type. It was whether a quirk was villainous or heroic. When someone has any quirk related to darkness, killing or drinking and eating blood and flesh, they are automatically ostracised as they were considered to be a 'potential villain'. Shido thought about his shadow manipulation, and his public performances. He smirked to himself, it seems that he was classified as a villain now.

He was very curious about society. Why was people ostracised like that? Wouldn't that make more villains since the bullied would eventually hate society and become a villain instead? Why were adults ignoring these facts? Did they know but ignore it, or did they actually not know?

Shido highly doubted that it was the latter, since one of his clones managed to sneak into many orphanages and saw the degree of bullying that was happening all over Japan. No wonder there were so many villains that existed.

And over the three months, he also became the most famous person in Japan. He was known on the internet as the best singer in Japan, and some even argued Asia. He was dubbed the 'Voice of Heaven' from his incredibly angelic and soothing voice which can calm even the most hot-headed villain. On the other hand, he was also known as 'Phantom'. No one knew his age, gender, and looks. All they knew about him was that he was either a kid or a female from his voice. Everybody tried investigating him but could find nothing. No family, no background, nothing. He was a clean slate of paper. Some even tried to stalk and follow him. He 'swallowed' up all the villains while tying up the heroes. Thanks to that, he gained a lot of time and his title of 'Phantom' was even more backed up from the ways he dealt with them.

"Hey Shido, where are we flying to now? It's so cold up here." Yoshinon complained. He was currently on the shoulder of Shido who was flying on his broom, while eating his apple.

"I don't know. I'm just flying in a random direction so don't ask me. And don't complain about the cold. You literally control ice, there is no way the cold would ever affect you." Shido told him lazily.

"Sigh, people nowadays don't know how to take a joke." Yoshinon mocked as he shook his head.

"You-" Shido wanted to retort back but he was interrupted by a large shockwave that almost made him lose his balance on his broom.

"All for One, I'll defeat you this time! I swear on my name as the number 1 hero!"


A/N: I was re-watching and reading the entire Date a Live series, including the game, movie, light novel, anime and manga and realised I have missed a f*ck ton of things. So yeah, this story is gonna be huge. If you think I'm just including the mainstream angels, then you're gonna be wrong.

I'll put in an auxiliary chapter after everything comes out.