
The Administrators of a Certain Chat Group

This is a fanfic A cross over world on top of an original one The world's I'm going to use is Fate Lord of the Mysteries Mushouko Tensei To aru Majutsu And Lastly I don't own anything of the said franchise above they belong to their own respective owner's

Thebored_Writer · Anime & Comics
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After 5 days of constant learning and trying magical spells in the books Alexandra can be seen in one of the chairs in the library

Alexandra achieved Beginner rank in fire magic, wind magic, water magic, healing magic, and intermediate rank in earth magic

Alexandra also achieves some kind of combination magic when she combined a spell-like with water and earth magic she can turn the ground into a muddy swarm achieving the effect that immobilizes the enemy for a short period she named this combined spell of her <Quagmire>

With pride, she stands up and went toward Sofiya who is currently practicing some kind of spell to check on her progress

Sofiya who is currently holding a Candle in his hand noticed that Alexandra is approaching her.

"How is your progress towards <Reinforcement> and <Structural Grasping> Sofiya?" Alexandra said

"Well I can now use reinforcement 10/10 in a candle without fail and with structural grasping, I am confident that I mastered it." Sofiya said with a bit of pride in her tone as he saw two floating screens in front of her

Reinforcement: Level 11/50

A spell with the purpose of pushing a basis to its utmost limit. It is the foundation of any kind of magic that enhances the existence of the target by pouring magical energy.

Structural Grasping: Level 10/100

By running magical energy into something you can receive information about the said object

With mastered <Structural Grasping> Sofiya <Observe> receive a tremendous boost as now even with her low level she can now peer into the Status Screen of Alexandra

Alexandra Caelum

Level: 13

Age: 18

Mana: EX

Str: 25 Dex: 19 Vit: 38

Lck: 77

Int: 38 Wis: 43

Though not as detailed as her status screen it is still some kind of improvement.

'Well as I thought she level up again' Sofiya thought to himself

'What? That quickly? Is this because of his Gamer System thingy?' Alexandra thought to himself and then she said" Hmmm. That's good for you. Do you think that you will first learn how to reinforce your body or you will move on to learn some basic spells?

"I think I'll just focus first on reinforcing my body, you got the magic spells part almost covered right? So I think that ill focus on melee fight so our team can be more flexible" Sofiya said with glee if Alexandra agree she did not have to read those thick books about magic again and she will be content with reinforcement and structural grasping

"Well, you and your antics about games. But you still have to learn some useful spells just in case of emergency" Alexandra said as she eyed Sofiya

"Only after I mastered reinforcing my body perfectly," Sofiya said

"Tch Fine," Alexandra said with a bit of reluctance

"Well is this a miracle? You two really come into terms without fighting" Grey said with a teasing smile as he is in now at the Library Room without a top and a towel that he is rubbing in his hair indicating that he just got out of the shower

Without his top, his now much more refined body is exposed to his girlfriends

The girls then began to eye each other back and forth towards exposed body of Grey and with understanding, they then began to pull Grey into their room to do some cardio exercises

Time-skip: Tomorrow morning, Friday


[Caelum's Residence]

As the trio eat their breakfast at Alexandra's home dining table Grey suddenly speak

"How are your progress in your training about magic?" Grey said while taking a mouthful of food in his mouth

"Well my progress in learning magic spells is good as I am now can cast intermediate earth spells called <Rock Cannon> and beginner spells in water, wind, and fire magic," Alexandra said to Grey with extra information about Magic Categories and Magic rankings so he can understand what she is saying

"Hm. That's good though I am surprised that the inheritance you received has all that book related to magic" Grey said

"You're right about that Grey. I had a hard time placing all those books in my house's library though with a bit help of magic I manage to do it in one night" Alexandra said as she also put food in her mouth

"How about you Sofiya how are your progress?" Grey said while looking at Sofiya

"Well I already read all those magical foundations, theories, and laws as for my progress in magical spells I only learned of two spells the <Reinforcement> and <Structural Grasping>," Sofiya said

"As for my level right now I only level up 3 times in these past few days with a mini-quest towards reading, cleaning etcetera, when are we going to hunt some magical monsters to slay so I can level up a bit faster?" Sofiya said

Sofiya Selentes

Level: 4

Status points: 20

"Well with my spells I can defend myself from some monsters. We do not have to talk about Grey with his cheat-like abilities he can pretty well hold his grounds towards herds of monsters. And with your reinforcement, you can probably brawl with some monsters but I think that is an unwise move. So I suggest that you learn to wield a weapon first before we began to hunt some monsters" Alexandra said to Sofiya

"Well, can't I just ride a bus? Sofiya said

"It is possible too, Does your Gamer system have a Party thingy like those online games that we play?" Alexandra said

"Errr," Sofiya said while looking at the party functions on his system, unfortunately, he did not find anything it was just that Status Interface and Perks nothing more, nothing less.

Reading Sofiya's face, Alexandra concludes the worst and" Well that's it, you will learn first some kind of weapon techniques before we go on hunting monsters"

"Fine" Sofiya said

"Don't worry Sofiya we are here to support you, You can also join me in training my body by doing some kind of exercise when you are bored studying magic I assure you that my training regimen is quite effective" Grey said as he tried his newly gained muscles

"But sadly I don't have any experience in wielding any kind of weapon so I can't teach you in that regard," Grey said

"So am I, Maybe we can find something related to the uses of weapons or some kind of martial art, And If we are unlucky and don't find anything I think you will just have to learn the basics on the internet." Alexandra said

After a few minutes of conversation and checking up on each other The Witch, The Gamer, and Mysteries Are back again at their training phase

In the backyard of Caelum's residence

Two figures can be seen doing some kind of exercise

After a few hours of intense exercise both of them then stop to have some rest

" Honestly I am impressed that you think this kind of training I already starting to see my progress!" Sofiya said happily while looking at her status screen, she also level up this morning making her available status points 25

Sofiya Selentes

Level: 5

Str: 10 -> 13 Dex: 11 -> 12 Vit: 8 -> 14

Lck: 99

Int: 41 Wis: 30

Authors Note: The increase in her mental stats is due to her reading those books about magic

Available Status Points: 25

Albeit that improvement only amount to additional 10 points in her stats if she can spam training like this every day won't that make him overpowered?

Even if training at 2x the gravity of the earth started to become easy and the gain of progress in her physical stats wane

Grey can adjust the gravity around us again let's say 3x then the progress of gaining more physical stats through training will reset because her body again will adjust to that specific Gravity

With that, Sofiya looked at Grey with shining eyes as if she just won the lottery

'Well I guess that 99 Luck stat has its uses I guess' Sofiya thought to herself

"Hehe you don't have to flatter me like that you know, who knows maybe my head will grow bigger because of it" Grey said to Sofiya as he hand some water to Sofiya to hydrate herself

"Tch. As if compliments like that will get your head bigger. Anyways my Grey, can you give me some suggestions on how to distribute my available status points?" Sofiya said as she try to use her now upgraded <Observe skill> to Grey

Grey Ashford

Level: 15

Mana: Unlocked

Str: 30 Dex: 27 Vit: 43

Lck: EX

Int: EX Wis: EX

'EX in Lck, Int, and Wis? Wait Alexandra has EX in her mana status too. What does EX mean? Or maybe the level of my <Observation> skill isn't just high enough?' Sofiya thought to herself but she quickly digress as Grey spoke

Authors Note: Well EX means in the status interface is represents something that falls outside the numerical ranking of Gamer System. Sofiya did not know this so she can only guess

"Well, you said that your Gamer System has those perks thingy right?" Grey said as he remember when Sofiya told them what are the functions of her system sadly It doesn't have a party system.

"Hmm. Yes? Though I don't have a perk at the moment and I have no idea how to get those perks" Sofiya said a bit frustrated about her system because she has to find out. Can't it just give me some tutorials no?

"I think you can get those perks by having reached a certain amount of stats in a specific stat. For example, if you have accumulated 100 stats in your Dexterity maybe it can give you some perks about the said stats for example Bullet time or some perks that are related to Dexterity stat" Grey said as he said his theory about the perk function of Sofiya's Gamer System

"I think it is doable even if it did not work I still have nothing to lose because it will still improve my stats," Sofiya said with to Grey

"Well does your accumulated available status points can now reach one of your stats to a hundred?" Grey said, a bit curious to know if his hypothesis can work

"Well sadly my highest stat is Int which has 41 and I currently only have 25 available stat points" Sofiya said to Grey

Alexandra is then seen walking towards the two and with a cheerful smile and tone, she said" Sofiya you're in luck I just found a book related to what you need."

"Truly?" Sofiya said and then she thought 'Truly a blessing to have high luck'

"Yes. Truly so you better wash those sweat of yours first and follow me now les the book run away on its own" Alexandra said teasing Sofiya.

"Can I join too? Honestly, I am interested in what kind of martial arts or techniques are contained in the book that you mention" Grey said with curiosity

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

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