
The Administrators of a Certain Chat Group

This is a fanfic A cross over world on top of an original one The world's I'm going to use is Fate Lord of the Mysteries Mushouko Tensei To aru Majutsu And Lastly I don't own anything of the said franchise above they belong to their own respective owner's

Thebored_Writer · Anime & Comics
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5 Chs

Monsters, Training and Learning

After an hour Sofiya is almost recovered from the awakening of her mana circuits and then Alexandra and Grey told her about her everything they talked about earlier about the Collective unconsciousness of Humanity, her Magic Circuits Awakening, and the most likely upcoming Cataclysm led by the Monsters

Grey and Alexandra too told her that they awakened a supernatural ability too Grey told her ability that he can forcefully distort the surroundings to make an Error and exploit that Error

Alexandra tho awakened his magical circuits too just like Sofiya

Note: Sofiya did not have a Gamer Body Gamer Mind and Hp gauge

"Did anyone of you receive a Game System just like me?" Sofiya asked

"hmmm no?" Alexandra said

"Don't tell me that your addiction to games causes you to treat your life like a game and The Collective unconsciousness of Humanity gave you this system?" Alexandra said bewildered about her situation

"Well, I think it is really what happened?" Sofiya said with a wry smile

"HAHAHA" Alexandra can't help but laugh at her situation

"Alexandra stop the teasing we have many problems at hand," Grey said with a serious tone" And maybe we can just stop calling the godlike entity Collective Unconsciousness of Humanity rather I think we just have to call him Alaya"

"Fine fine, Well Alaya certainly is a good name for a Godlike being that is Collective Unconsciousness of Humanity," Alexandra said with a surprised look at Grey

"As for our first problem at hand is there" Grey pointed at the screen of his car

What Grey is pointing to is an oversize Rat looking creature that is currently traversing the Parking lot

"Shit! A monster. Grey, we need to leave here now!" Alexandra said with a bit of trepidation while she already awakened her Mana and can use magic he did not have a combat-oriented spell to fight off the Monster Rat she knows that Sofiya too just awakened his Mana too, As for Grey she did not think that by making an Error to a monster their victory is assured so the best thing to do here now is to run

But Alas Fate isn't really in their favor now because the Monster Rat already notice them and began to walk slowly to Grey Car with other Monster Rats Joining its advance




Sofiya and Alexandra widened their eyes due to the numbers of Monster Rats that are currently heading their way

"I think it is already late for that Alexandra" Grey then get out of the car as he said that

As the Monster Rats saw the human that gets out of the car they become crazy and started running toward Grey to eat him

While Getting out of the car Grey is already using his Vision of the Flaws to create an Error into the fundamentals of the world to give him control over Electromagnetism and then he reaches something in his pocket

A coin

After positioning himself in front of the car so that the car won't get damaged accidentally for what he is about to do is destructive

Grey grabbed the coin, clasped it in his fist, and pressed it with his thumb

With a thunderous sound, the coin that Grey clasped in his hand flew


and then the rest is history

Authors Note: Yes Railgun, Mikasa Mikoto, and no he did not say the move when attacking

"We need to leave now," Grey said as he enter his car and then drove it away from the mall


The trio traversing the road of London

"Contact your families now check if any of them is in danger," Alexandra said with a bit of worry in her tone

Alexandra and Grey then nodded and began contacting their parents

"Well thankfully my parents are safe in the US, thanks to the quick action of the US they are currently in Military enforced settlements so they are safe for now"

"And our Theory is correct that there are other people too who awakened some started gaining a boost in physical strength there as if they are now can be considered a superhuman, this information is from my parents regarding their situation there," Grey said while driving

"My parents are safe too as they have been evacuated to a Military enforced settlement in our City," Sofiya said

"That's good, that's good," Alexandra said "Right Grey did you said that your supernatural ability involves placing an Error towards something? What we saw earlier isn't look like your ability do you mind explaining yourself if not then err?"

"Well, it is one of the creative ways of how to use my ability, my ability is related to Flaws/Errors, right? By forcefully creating an Error into the Electromagnetism of the four interactive forces of the world, I can dominate it and I can use it however I want" Grey said enthusiastically

What? Isn't that cheating?-----Alexandra said stopping because she is interrupted by Grey

Well I know, the world isn't fair right so don't be a crybaby and accept it Alexandra" Grey said with a smile indicating that he is teasing her

"Tch, Anyways where do you think we should go?" Alexandra said

"Where to? Of course to those Monster-infested areas so I can level up!" Sofiya said cheeringly

Bonking Sofiya head Grey said" Silly, Earlier with the Monster rats your legs started to wobble when you see them"

With a pout, Sofiya started to rebutt but was unable to say anything so with a humph she looked away from him and close her eyes

Grey then ruffles Sofiya's red hair and said" Any suggestions Alexandra?"

"Well, the truth is that all the spells I have learned can't be used for combat so I suggest that we should go to my house first I learn some spells from the books there and Sofiya can learn magic there too," Alexandra said

"Well If I become knowledgeable enough I can also conduct a ritual to awaken your magic circuits to Grey," Alexandra said with great fervor

"Uh, I'll pass for now I think I need more time to Master my current ability," Grey said with a bit of fear coming into him while Alexandra said that

"Well then to Alexandra's Home it is!" Sofiya said enthusiastically

Fortunately, their journey towards Alexandra's home went unhindered


Caelum's Residence

Alexandra and Sofiya are currently in the library room reading basic knowledge about magic before they move to some complicated magic knowledge

Grey is currently sitting in one of the chairs at Sala's at Alexandra's house thinking about how he can improve his ways to use his ability Vision of the Flaws creatively

Grey also pondered about what level his Esper Ability was. Unfortunately, he did not how to do it, the only thing he knows about is that Level 0 Esper Ability is the weakest as the Esper Level rise in rank the more Esper Ability became more powerful and at Level 6 you will reach the "SYSTEM"

Based on what his powers can do affecting the world it can be considered a level 5 Esper Ability, But Grey digress as he began to start practicing the various ways how his ability can help him to strengthen his Physical Body

"Well, I can do that." Grey while thinking about a certain training room in his past life memories

Walking outside Alexandra's house and going to its garden

Distorting the world and placing an Error to its one of the Fundamental Force "Gravity"

Doubling the Gravity in his surroundings he started to do some exercises that can strengthen the body


After an hour of intense workout under 2x Gravity Grey is now exhausted his whole-body aching as such he is forced to stop and rest to recover.

After 30 minutes Grey then start to stand up and began to start phase 2 of his training to strengthen his body

Removing the Error to the world "Gravity Force" he places it to "Electromagnetism"

Phase 2 of his training to strengthen his body is consist of running Electricity throughout his body to temper it and build up resistance to Electricity.

Thankfully he has Absolute Control over the said fundamental forces when he uses them via his Esper Ability coupled with his knowledge about Physiology he don't have to worry about blowing himself up in this endeavor

Due to Absolute control of Electromagnetism, that's why he can use <Railgun> even on his first try coupled with the fact that he knew how the <Railgun> works

With the sound of something sparkling

Electricity runs throughout his body and a slight tingling passes throughout his whole body

With that being said Grey starts strengthening his body and building up resistance to Electricity


Alexandra and Sofiya TPV

Grhhh! What's wrong with this Gamer System? In Games, I just have to automatically learn it by clicking and tada! I have a new spell right on the bat, is my System broken?" Sofiya groaned in unfairness of the world

"And Alexandra, what's wrong with his books of yours? They don't even have a magical spell in them!" Sofiya said to

"Tch, of course, those books are just for you to learn more about magic it is dangerous to cast a spell without sufficient knowledge about magic les you injure yourself," Alexandra said with a serious tone

"Fine" Sofiya said as she return reading the book that she is holding

Alexandra then began to continue to read the books she is holding about many types of Magic and ranking of it

What is written in the book is that magic has two categories the "Main Category" and "Special Category"

Then under the Main Categories is Attack Magic which is divided into four schools:

Fire, Water, Wind, Earth

Healing Magic is also divided into four schools

Healing, Detoxification, Divine Strike, Protection

And lastly under the Main Category is Summoning Magic

For Special Category, only Hypnosis is written in the book

As for the ranks, there are only four ranks of magic written in the book

Beginner, Intermediate, Advanced, and Saint Rank Magic

Authors Note: Search for Magic in Mushoku Tensei for more information

Alexandra did not believe that there are only 4 ranks in magic as she knows that the book entitled [Denial} that he got that night surpassed the description of what Saint magic rank was

As Alexandra digress she began to learn some beginner spells to start accumulating magical spells for his magical repertoire

So the start of Alexandra's long and arduous learning of magical spells commences now.

Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

Thebored_Writercreators' thoughts